maven.plugins.launch4j.launch4j-maven-plugin.2.5.2.source-code.TODO Maven / Gradle / Ivy
+ Instead of distributing all the binary files together,
distrubte them separately and pull down the right one as needed, based on a system property.
Look at maven-dependency-plugin for code on grabbing dependencies--and unpacking them.
+ give version ranges for our dependencies so we play nice in people's projects.
+ By default, generate the element automatically from the dependencies.
- What is up with downloading xstream every time?
+ Add a license file of my own.
+ Add license comment blocks to all files.
+ Use mvn site to generate a site for this plugin.
- javadoc should include private fields.
- put something like the README in the index.html file.
+ Use maven to generate a source distro for this plugin.
- Use maven release to release new versions.
- Add to :
+ Use ftp in to make updating my online repository easy.
But don't put this in the POM with username & password, because that gets posted publicly!
+ getting NPE from ftp-wagon. (this was because I was missing a matching in ~/.m2/settings.xml)
- add a snapshot repository, too.
- Don't run launch4j unless the inputs are newer than the output?
+ Improve logic on whether to unjar:
+ After unjarring, write the marker file.
+ If the marker is there and newer than the jar, don't unjar.
+ But if the jar is newer, unjar anyway.
+ After unjarring, either write the marker file or touch it.
- dontWrapJar doesn't work?
from an email:
However (sorry!) I can't get to work. I have tried every combination of "target/" or "./", including using backslashes (in case of a platform specific-issue) but each results in:
"Specify runtime path of the jar relative to executable"
I would expect the following config should have worked. I have confirmed that it works from the root of the project using the commandline launch4j.
- support bundling the JRE (or figure out what parameters already allow this)