jeaf.generator.jeaf-generator-test-deprecation-report.1.24.2.source-code.com.anaptecs.jeaf.junit.pojo.md Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Package `com.anaptecs.jeaf.junit.pojo`
**Types / Enumerations:**
[TOC levels=2]
# Types
## AbstractPOJO
| Type Details | Details |
| Abstract | `true` |
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `abtractAttr` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
## AdvancedPOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `readonlyDefault` | `int` | `1..1` | | |
| `intWithDefault` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | | |
## BChildPOJO
| Type Details | Details |
| Parent Class | [`BParentPOJO`](#bparentpojo) |
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `weirdAttribute` | `byte` | `1..1` | | |
| `childAttribute` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | | |
## BParentPOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `parentAttribute` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
## BidirectionalA
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `transientB` | [`BidirectionalB`](#bidirectionalb) | `0..1` | `transient`
| |
| `transientParent` | [`BidirectionalA`](#bidirectionala) | `0..1` | `transient`
| |
| `child` | [`BidirectionalA`](#bidirectionala) | `0..1` | | |
| `transientBs` | [`BidirectionalB`](#bidirectionalb) | `0..*` | `transient`
| |
## BidirectionalB
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `as` | [`BidirectionalA`](#bidirectionala) | `0..*` | | |
| `theAs` | [`BidirectionalA`](#bidirectionala) | `0..*` | | |
## ChildPOJO
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| Type Details | Details |
| Parent Class | [`ParentPOJO`](#parentpojo) |
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `childAttribute` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | `@NotNull`
| |
## ComplextTypeArrayPOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `plainPOJOs` | [`PlainPOJO`](#plainpojo) | `0..*` | | |
## CustomPrimitiveArraysObjectWithRestrictions
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `aBooleanArray` | `boolean` | `0..*` | | |
| `bBooleanArray` | `java.lang.Boolean` | `0..*` | | |
| `cBooleanArray` | `boolean` | `0..*` | | |
| `aByteArray` | `byte` | `0..*` | `@Size(min=0, max=32768)`
| |
| `bByteArray` | `java.lang.Byte` | `0..*` | | |
| `aShortArray` | `short` | `0..*` | | |
| `bShortArray` | `java.lang.Short` | `0..*` | | |
| `aIntegerArray` | `int` | `0..*` | | |
| `bIntegerArray` | `java.lang.Integer` | `0..*` | | |
| `cIntegerArray` | `Integer` | `0..*` | | |
| `aLongArray` | `long` | `0..*` | `@NotEmpty`
| |
| `bLongArray` | `java.lang.Long` | `0..*` | | |
| `aBigIntegerArray` | `java.math.BigInteger` | `0..*` | | |
| `aCharacterArray` | `char` | `0..*` | | |
| `bCharacterArray` | `java.lang.Character` | `0..*` | | |
| `aFloatArray` | `float` | `0..*` | | |
| `bFloatArray` | `java.lang.Float` | `0..*` | | |
| `aDoubleArray` | `double` | `0..*` | `@Size(min=4, max=12)`
| |
| `bDoubleArray` | `java.lang.Double` | `0..*` | | |
| `aBigDecimalArray` | `java.math.BigDecimal` | `0..*` | | |
| `aStringArray` | `String` | `0..*` | | |
| `bStringArray` | `String` | `0..*` | | |
## ImmutableAssociationPOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `yetAnotherAttribute` | `boolean` | `1..1` | | |
| `readonlyAssociation` | [`ImmutablePOJO`](#immutablepojo) | `0..*` | | |
| `immutableChildPOJO` | [`ImmutableChildPOJO`](#immutablechildpojo) | `0..1` | | |
| `deprecatedRefs` | [`ImmutableChildPOJO`](#immutablechildpojo) | `0..*` | | |
| `deprecatedRef` | [`ChildPOJO`](#childpojo) | `0..1` | | |
## ImmutableChildPOJO
| Type Details | Details |
| Parent Class | [`ImmutablePOJOParent`](#immutablepojoparent) |
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `childAttribute` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
| `anotherChildAttribute` | `java.lang.Double` | `1..1` | | |
## ImmutablePOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `name` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
| `something` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | | |
## ImmutablePOJOParent
| Type Details | Details |
| Parent Class | [`AbstractPOJO`](#abstractpojo) |
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `parentAttribute` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
| `anotherParentAttribute` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | | |
## MutableChildPOJO
| Type Details | Details |
| Parent Class | [`ImmutablePOJOParent`](#immutablepojoparent) |
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `writeable` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | | |
| `booleanDefault` | `java.lang.Boolean` | `1..1` | | |
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `attr` | `java.lang.Double` | `1..1` | | |
| `name` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
| `integerWithDefault` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | | |
## POJOWithIDnMethod
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `attr` | `java.lang.Double` | `1..1` | | |
## ParentPOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `parentAttribute` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
| `weirdAttribute` | `byte` | `1..1` | | |
| `hello` | `String` | `1..1` | | |
## PlainPOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `hello` | `java.lang.String` | `1..1` | | |
| `world` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | `@PositiveOrZero`
| |
## PrimitiveArraysObjectWithRestrictions
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `aBooleanArray` | `boolean` | `0..*` | | |
| `bBooleanArray` | `java.lang.Boolean` | `0..*` | | |
| `cBooleanArray` | `boolean` | `0..*` | | |
| `aByteArray` | `byte` | `0..*` | `@Size(min=0, max=32768)`
| |
| `bByteArray` | `java.lang.Byte` | `0..*` | | |
| `aShortArray` | `short` | `0..*` | | |
| `bShortArray` | `java.lang.Short` | `0..*` | | |
| `aIntegerArray` | `int` | `0..*` | | |
| `bIntegerArray` | `java.lang.Integer` | `0..*` | | |
| `cIntegerArray` | `Integer` | `0..*` | | |
| `aLongArray` | `long` | `0..*` | `@NotEmpty`
| |
| `bLongArray` | `java.lang.Long` | `0..*` | | |
| `aBigIntegerArray` | `java.math.BigInteger` | `0..*` | | |
| `aCharacterArray` | `char` | `0..*` | | |
| `bCharacterArray` | `java.lang.Character` | `0..*` | | |
| `aFloatArray` | `float` | `0..*` | | |
| `bFloatArray` | `java.lang.Float` | `0..*` | | |
| `aDoubleArray` | `double` | `0..*` | `@Size(min=4, max=12)`
| |
| `bDoubleArray` | `java.lang.Double` | `0..*` | | |
| `aBigDecimalArray` | `java.math.BigDecimal` | `0..*` | | |
| `aStringArray` | `String` | `0..*` | | |
| `bStringArray` | `String` | `0..*` | | |
## PrimitiveObjectWithRestrictions
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `aBoolean` | `boolean` | `1..1` | | |
| `bBoolean` | `java.lang.Boolean` | `1..1` | | |
| `cBoolean` | `boolean` | `1..1` | | |
| `aByte` | `byte` | `1..1` | `@Negative`
| |
| `bByte` | `java.lang.Byte` | `1..1` | `@NegativeOrZero`
| |
| `aShort` | `short` | `1..1` | `@Min(minValue=-237)`
| |
| `bShort` | `java.lang.Short` | `1..1` | `@Positive`
| |
| `aInteger` | `int` | `1..1` | `@PositiveOrZero`
| |
| `bInteger` | `java.lang.Integer` | `1..1` | `@Min(minValue=4711)`
| |
| `cInteger` | `Integer` | `1..1` | `@Min(minValue=100)`
| |
| `aLong` | `long` | `1..1` | | |
| `bLong` | `java.lang.Long` | `1..1` | `@DecimalMax(maxValue=299792458, inclusive=false)`
| |
| `aBigInteger` | `java.math.BigInteger` | `1..1` | `@DecimalMax(maxValue=3.14159265359, inclusive=true)`
`@DecimalMin(minValue=-3.14159265359, inclusive=true)`
| |
| `aCharacter` | `char` | `1..1` | | |
| `bCharacter` | `java.lang.Character` | `1..1` | | |
| `aFloat` | `float` | `1..1` | | |
| `bFloat` | `java.lang.Float` | `1..1` | | |
| `aDouble` | `double` | `1..1` | | |
| `bDouble` | `java.lang.Double` | `1..1` | | |
| `aBigDecimal` | `java.math.BigDecimal` | `1..1` | `@DecimalMin(minValue=4711.0815, inclusive=true)`
| |
| `aString` | `String` | `1..1` | `@Size(min=8, max=32)`
| |
| `bString` | `String` | `1..1` | `@NotEmpty`
`@Size(min=0, max=128)`
| |
## ReadonlyDefaultPOJO
**Properties / Associations**
| Name | Type | Multiplicity | Constraints | Description |
| `readonlyDefault` | `int` | `1..1` | | |
| `booleanDefault` | `java.lang.Boolean` | `1..1` | | |
# Enumerations
## EnumWithProperties
### Literals
| Name | Description |
## ExtensibleEnumWithProperties
### Literals
| Name | Description |
| `UNKNOWN` | Please be aware that this enum is an extensible enum. This means that new literals can be introduced without prior notice. |
## MyType
### Literals
| Name | Description |
| `ALPHA` | |
| `BETA` | |
| `GAMMA` | |
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