static.extjs-ux.extjs-override.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* @class Its.tab.plugin.Tool
* @extends Ext.AbstractPlugin
* @ptype itstabtool
* @version 1.0
* @author Nguyen Truong Sinh (vietits@yahoo.com)
* Add a toolbar before or after the tab bar.
* @example
* Ext.create('Ext.tab.Panel', {
* ...
* plugins: [{
* ptype : 'itstabtool',
* position: 'before',
* items : [{
* xtype: 'button',
* iconCls: 'icon-timer'
* },{
* xtype: 'button',
* iconCls: 'icon-reload'
* }]
* }],
* ...
* });
* @update 2012-01-28 09:48:12
* Release version 1.0
* @update 2012-02-15 10:48:04
* Release version 1.1 with the following fixes
* - Fix the bug of appearing border around tabbar when resizing plain tabpanel
Ext.define('Its.tab.plugin.Tool', {
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
alias : 'plugin.itstabtool',
* @cfg {String} position The position of toolbar in relation to the tabbar.
* It can be 'before' or 'after'.
* Default to: 'after'
* @cfg {Object/Object[]} items
* A single item, or an array of child Components to be added to this toolbar
init: function(tab) {
var me = this;
var lst = me.items;
if(lst) {
var bar = tab.getTabBar();
bar.flex = 1;
resize: function(){
bar.setUI(me.ui + '-plain');
lst = Ext.isArray(lst) ? lst : [lst];
tab.removeDocked(bar, false);
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock : bar.dock || 'top',
items: me.position == 'before' ? lst.concat(bar) : [bar].concat(lst)
Ext.define('Indigo.data.Store', {
override: 'Ext.data.Store',
getSum: function(records, field) {
var total = 0,
i = 0,
len = records.length;
for (; i < len; ++i) {
fieldValue = records[i].get(field) ;
if(!fieldValue || fieldValue == '-') {
fieldValue = 0 ;
//fieldValue = parseFloat(fieldValue.replace(new RegExp(",","gm"),""));
total += fieldValue;
if(total == NaN || total == undefined){
total = 0 ;
return total;
Ext.define('Indigo.view.Table', {
override: 'Ext.view.Table',
hasActiveGrouping: function () {
return this.isGrouping && this.store.isGrouped();
getRecord: function (node) {
var me = this,
// If store.destroyStore has been called before some delayed event fires on a node, we must ignore the event.
if (me.store.isDestroyed) {
node = me.getNode(node);
if (node) {
// If we're grouping, the indexes may be off
// because of collapsed groups, so just grab it by id
if (!me.hasActiveGrouping()) {
recordIndex = node.getAttribute('data-recordIndex');
if (recordIndex) {
recordIndex = parseInt(recordIndex, 10);
if (recordIndex > -1) {
// The index is the index in the original Store, not in a GroupStore
// The Grouping Feature increments the index to skip over unrendered records in collapsed groups
return me.store.data.getAt(recordIndex);
record = me.store.getByInternalId(node.getAttribute('data-recordId'));
if (!record) {
record = this.dataSource.data.get(node.getAttribute('data-recordId'));
return record;
indexInStore: function (node) {
node = node.isCollapsedPlaceholder ? this.getNode(node) : this.getNode(node, false);
if (!node && node !== 0) {
return -1;
var recordIndex = node.getAttribute('data-recordIndex');
if (recordIndex) {
return parseInt(recordIndex, 10);
return this.dataSource.indexOf(this.getRecord(node));
Ext.define('Indigo.grid.feature.GroupStore', {
override: 'Ext.grid.feature.GroupStore',
processStore: function(store) {
var me = this,
Model = store.model,
groups = store.getGroups(),
groupCount = groups.length,
groupers = store.groupers,
data = me.data,
oldGroupCache = this.groupingFeature.groupCache,
groupCache = this.groupingFeature.groupCache = {},
collapseAll = me.groupingFeature.startCollapsed ;
if (data) {
} else {
data = me.data = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, Ext.data.Store.recordIdFn);
for (i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
group = groups[i];
groupCache[group.name] = group;
if(!oldGroupCache[group.name] ){
group.isCollapsed = collapseAll ;
}else {
group.isCollapsed = oldGroupCache[group.name].isCollapsed ;
//here we may add the extract cache
if(groupers && groupers.length > 1){
me.processCache(store,group.children,groupCache,oldGroupCache,1,group.name,data,!group.isCollapsed) ;
if (group.isCollapsed && groupers.length > 0) {
group.placeholder = groupPlaceholder = new Model(null, 'group-' + group.name + '-placeholder');
groupPlaceholder.set(groupers.first().property, group.name);
groupPlaceholder.rows = groupPlaceholder.children = group.children;
}else {
if(!groupers || groupers.length <= 1){
data.insert(me.data.length, group.children);
processCache : function(store,records,cache,oldGroupCache,depth,path,data,parentExpanded){
var me = this,
groupers = store.groupers,
collapseAll = me.groupingFeature.startCollapsed,
Model = store.model,
count = groupers.getCount() ;
if(depth < count){
groups = store.getGroupsForGrouperIndex(records,depth) ;
for(i=0; i date) {
fields.after.setChecked(false, true);
me.fireEvent('update', me);
// The timepicker's getBubbleTarget() returns the boundlist's implementation,
// so it doesn't look up ownerCt chain (it looks up this.pickerField).
// This is a problem :)
// This can be fixed by just walking up the ownerCt chain
// (same thing, but confusing without comment).
getSerialArgs: function () {
var me = this,
fields = me.fields,
args = [],
date = Ext.apply(me.dateDefaults, me.date || {}),
time = Ext.apply(me.timeDefaults, me.time || {});
for (key in fields) {
if (fields[key].checked) {
type: 'date', // datetime
comparison: me.compareMap[key],
value: Ext.Date.format(me.getFieldValue(key), 'c') // date.format + ' ' + time.format
return args;
Ext.define('Indigo.form.field.Date', {
override: 'Ext.form.field.Date',
initComponent: function() {
this.format = this.timeFormat ? this.format + ' ' + this.timeFormat : this.format;
getErrors: function(q) {
var j = this, p = Ext.String.format, k = Ext.Date.clearTime, o = j.callSuper(arguments), n = j.disabledDays, d = j.disabledDatesRE, m = j.minValue, h = j.maxValue, g = n ? n.length : 0, e = 0, a, b, l, c;
q = j.formatDate(q || j.processRawValue(j.getRawValue()));
if (q === null || q.length < 1) {
return o;
a = q;
q = j.parseDate(q);
if (!q) {
o.push(p(j.invalidText, a, Ext.Date.unescapeFormat(j.format)));
return o;
c = q.getTime();
if (this.timeFormat) {
if (m && c < m) {
o.push(p(j.minText, j.formatDate(m)));
if (h && c > h) {
o.push(p(j.maxText, j.formatDate(h)));
} else {
if (m && c < k(m).getTime()) {
o.push(p(j.minText, j.formatDate(m)));
if (h && c > k(h).getTime()) {
o.push(p(j.maxText, j.formatDate(h)));
if (n) {
l = q.getDay();
for (; e < g; e++) {
if (l === n[e]) {
b = j.formatDate(q);
if (d && d.test(b)) {
o.push(p(j.disabledDatesText, b));
return o;