static.extjs.ux.dd.CellFieldDropZone.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// A DropZone which cooperates with DragZones whose dragData contains
// a "field" property representing a form Field. Fields may be dropped onto
// grid data cells containing a matching data type.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.dd.CellFieldDropZone', {
extend: 'Ext.dd.DropZone',
constructor: function(cfg){
cfg = cfg || {};
if (cfg.onCellDrop) {
this.onCellDrop = cfg.onCellDrop;
if (cfg.ddGroup) {
this.ddGroup = cfg.ddGroup;
// Call the DropZone constructor using the View's scrolling element
// only after the grid has been rendered.
init: function(grid) {
var me = this;
if (grid.rendered) {
me.grid = grid;
render: function(v) {
me.view = v;
Ext.ux.dd.CellFieldDropZone.superclass.constructor.call(me, me.view.el);
single: true
} else {
grid.on('render', me.init, me, {single: true});
// Scroll the main configured Element when we drag close to the edge
containerScroll: true,
getTargetFromEvent: function(e) {
var me = this,
v = me.view;
// Ascertain whether the mousemove is within a grid cell
var cell = e.getTarget(v.getCellSelector());
if (cell) {
// We *are* within a grid cell, so ask the View exactly which one,
// Extract data from the Model to create a target object for
// processing in subsequent onNodeXXXX methods. Note that the target does
// not have to be a DOM element. It can be whatever the noNodeXXX methods are
// programmed to expect.
var row = v.findItemByChild(cell),
columnIndex = cell.cellIndex;
if (row && Ext.isDefined(columnIndex)) {
return {
node: cell,
record: v.getRecord(row),
fieldName: me.grid.columns[columnIndex].dataIndex
// On Node enter, see if it is valid for us to drop the field on that type of column.
onNodeEnter: function(target, dd, e, dragData) {
delete this.dropOK;
if (!target) {
// Check that a field is being dragged.
var f = dragData.field;
if (!f) {
// Check whether the data type of the column being dropped on accepts the
// dragged field type. If so, set dropOK flag, and highlight the target node.
var type = target.record.fields.get(target.fieldName).type,
types = Ext.data.Types;
case types.FLOAT:
case types.INT:
if (!f.isXType('numberfield')) {
case types.DATE:
if (!f.isXType('datefield')) {
case types.BOOL:
if (!f.isXType('checkbox')) {
this.dropOK = true;
// Return the class name to add to the drag proxy. This provides a visual indication
// of drop allowed or not allowed.
onNodeOver: function(target, dd, e, dragData) {
return this.dropOK ? this.dropAllowed : this.dropNotAllowed;
// highlight the target node.
onNodeOut: function(target, dd, e, dragData) {
// Process the drop event if we have previously ascertained that a drop is OK.
onNodeDrop: function(target, dd, e, dragData) {
if (this.dropOK) {
var value = dragData.field.getValue();
target.record.set(target.fieldName, value);
this.onCellDrop(target.fieldName, value);
return true;
onCellDrop: Ext.emptyFn