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app.js.bear.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2013 Andrey Chaschev.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @author Andrey Chaschev [email protected]

var app = angular.module('bear', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ui.ace', 'fx.file.editor', 'pretty.time', 'ansiToHtml']);

function isDigestRunning(scope) {
    return scope.$$phase || scope.$root.$$phase;
function safeApply(scope, fn) {
    (isDigestRunning(scope)) ? fn() : scope.$apply(fn);

app.service('fileManager', [function () {
    this.openFileDialog = function (curDir) {
        return'fileManager', 'openFileDialog', curDir);
    this.listDir = function (curDir) {
        return window.bear.jsonCall('fileManager', 'listDir', JSON.stringify({dir: curDir, extensions: ['groovy', 'java', 'bear'], recursive: false}));
    this.readFile = function (dir, name) {
        return'fileManager', 'readFile', dir, name);
    this.readFileByPath = function (path) {
        return'fileManager', 'readFileByPath', path);
    this.writeFile = function (dir, name, content) {
        return'fileManager', 'writeFile', dir, name, content);
    this.writeFileByPath = function (path, content) {
        return'fileManager', 'writeFileByPath', path, content);
    this.getBaseName = function(path){
        var i = path.lastIndexOf('\\');
        if(i == -1) i = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        return path.substr(i + 1);

app.service('historyManager', ['fileManager', function(fileManager){
    this.entries = [];

    this.loadEntries = function () {
        try {
            this.historyFilePath = JSON.parse(window.bear.jsonCall('conf', 'getPropertyAsFile', 'bear-fx.history')).path;
            this.fileManager = fileManager;

            if (!fileManager) {
                console.warn("ERROR: fileManager not wired!!");

            Java.log("!this.historyFilePath: ", this.historyFilePath);

            var json = fileManager.readFileByPath(this.historyFilePath);

            if (!json || json.length === 0) {
                Java.log("found no history entries (case #1)");

            var jsonEntries = JSON.parse(json);

            if (jsonEntries.length == 0) {
                Java.log("found no history entries (case #2)");

            for (var i = 0; i < jsonEntries.length; i++) {
                var e = jsonEntries[i];
                var r = null;

//            Java.log('loading entry: ', e);

                switch (e.type) {
                    case 'file':
                        r = new FileReferenceHistoryEntry(e.file);
                    case 'script':
                        r = new ScriptHistoryEntry(e.text);
                        throw "Unknown type: " + e.type;

                r.time = e.time;

        } catch (e) {
            Java.log("loadEntries, exception:", e);

    this.saveEntries = function(){
        Java.log("saving entries...");

        if(this.entries.length >= 100){
            this.entries.slice(this.entries.length - 100, this.entries.length);

        var arrayToSave = [];

        for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) {
            var e = this.entries[i];

        fileManager.writeFileByPath(this.historyFilePath, JSON.stringify(arrayToSave));

    this.clear = function () {
        Java.log("clearing entries");
        this.entries = [];

    this.addNewEntry = function (entry) {
        try {
            var text = entry.getText(this.fileManager);

            var index = -1;

            if(window.logMessages) Java.log('this.addNewEntry', this.fileManager);

            for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) {
                var e = this.entries[i];
                if (e.getText(this.fileManager) === text) {
                    index = i;

            if (index != -1) {
                entry = this.entries[index];
                entry.time = new Date().getTime();
                this.entries.splice(index, 1);

            if(window.logMessages) Java.log('before unshift', this.entries);
            if(window.logMessages) Java.log('after unshift', this.entries);
        } catch (e) {
            Java.log('[ERROR] addNewEntry, exception!!!', e);

    this.remove = function(e){
        var index = this.entries.indexOf(e);
        if(index != -1){
            this.entries.splice(index, 1);

    this.addFileRef = function(file){
        Java.log("adding file:" + file);
        var entry = new FileReferenceHistoryEntry(file);


    this.addScript = function(script){
        this.addNewEntry(new ScriptHistoryEntry(script));

app.controller('HistoryController', ['historyManager', '$scope', function(historyManager, $scope){
    $scope.historyManager = historyManager;

    $scope.init = function(){
        try {
            Java.log('HistoryController - init()');
        } catch (e) {
            Java.log("exception while loading", e);

    $scope.clear = function(){

    $scope.updateRunScript = function(entry){
//        Java.log('updateRunScript', entry);
        var text = entry.getText(historyManager.fileManager);
        Java.log('updateRunScript', text, entry);
        $scope.$parent.$broadcast("setActiveEditorValue", text);

app.directive('chosen',function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            var $element = $(element[0]);

            scope.$watch(attrs['chosen'], function ()

//            $element.find('option')[0].attr('selected', true);
//            $element.trigger("chosen:updated");
//            $element.trigger('liszt:updated');

            $element.chosen({width: "100%"});

app.directive('switch',function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        transclude: true,
        link: function (scope, element, attrs)
            var template =
' + '' + '
'; element.append(template); var $element = $(element[0]).find('.make-switch'); $element.bootstrapSwitch(); var modelAttr = attrs['switch']; scope.$watch(modelAttr, function (newVal) { $element.bootstrapSwitch('setState', newVal === true || newVal === 'true'); }); $element.on('switch-change', function (e, data) { Java.log('switch-change to ' + data.value); if(!scope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(function(){ scope[modelAttr] = data.value; }); } }); } } }); var Session = function(index){ this.index = index; }; /*
:set stage='two'
:set groovyShell.sendToHosts=true
*/ function sortByTS($el){ $el.sort(function(a, b){ return parseInt($(a).attr('timestamp')) < parseInt($(b).attr('timestamp')); }); } app.directive("consoleMessages", ['$timeout', '$compile', '$ekathuwa', 'ansi2html', function ($timeout, $compile, $ekathuwa, ansi2html) { return { template: '
', restrict: 'E', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { }, link: function ($scope, $el, attrs) { var unprocessedTexts= []; var unprocessedCommands = []; var unprocessedTasks = []; function updateLastParent(lastParent, event) { // Java.log("updateLastParent", lastParent, event); var x = lastParent; if (event && (!lastParent || lastParent.timestamp < event.timestamp)) { x = event; } return x; } function getLast(arr) { return arr.length == 0 ? null : arr[arr.length - 1]; } var updateLastParent$ = function (selector, lastParent) { var $lastCommand = $el.find(selector); var x = lastParent; if ($lastCommand.length > 0) { // Java.log('updateLastParent$', $lastCommand); x = updateLastParent(lastParent, {id: $lastCommand.attr('id'), timestamp: parseInt($lastCommand.attr('timestamp'))}); } else{ // Java.log('no matches for', selector); } return x; }; function scrollToBottom() { if(!$scope.autoScrollEnabled) return; var scroller = $el.parent(); scroller.animate({ scrollTop: (scroller.prop("scrollHeight")) }, 30); } try { Java.log("my el:", $el, "my terminal is: ", $scope.terminal, " and scope is: ", $scope); $scope = $scope.$parent; // $scope.terminal = $scope.$parent.terminal; Java.log('terminal: ', $, 'messages element: ', $el); var $messages = $el; function quicklyInsertText(e) { var $parent = $('#' + e.parentId); if ($parent.length === 0) { if(window.logMessages) Java.log('no parent'); if (e.level != null) { if(window.logMessages) Java.log('trying to find the parent...'); var lastParent = null; lastParent = updateLastParent(lastParent, getLast(unprocessedCommands)); lastParent = updateLastParent(lastParent, getLast(unprocessedTasks)); lastParent = updateLastParent$('.command:last', lastParent); lastParent = updateLastParent$('.task:last', lastParent); lastParent = updateLastParent$('.session:last', lastParent); if (!lastParent || == null) { Java.log('[WARNING] unable to find parent for ', e); } else { e.parentId =; if(window.logMessages) Java.log('parent: ' +, $('#' +; } } return false; } var text; if (e.textAdded) { text = e.textAdded; text = ansi2html.toHtml(angular.element('
').text(text).html()); } else { text = e.htmlAdded; } var $span = angular.element('' + text + ''); $compile($span.contents())($scope); $parent.append($span); sortByTS($parent); scrollToBottom(); return true; } function quicklyInsertCommand(e) { var $parent = $('#' + e.parentId); if ($parent.length === 0) return false; $parent.append($( '
' + '
$ ' + e.command + '
' + '
' )); sortByTS($parent); scrollToBottom(); return true; } function quicklyInsertTask(e) { var $parent = $('#' + e.parentId); if ($parent.length === 0) return false; var date = new Date(); var $el = $('
' + '
' + e.task + '{{' + date.getTime() + '| date:"MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"}}
' + '
' ); $compile($el.contents())($scope); $parent.append($el); sortByTS($parent); scrollToBottom(); return true; } function quicklyInsertSession(e) { $messages.append($('
')); scrollToBottom(); return true; } $scope.$on("message", function (event, e) { if (e.console !== $ { return; } if(window.logMessages){ Java.log($, 'received broadcasted message: ', e); } if (!e.parentId && !e.level && e.subType != 'session') { Java.log('[WARNING] parentId is null for ', e); } switch (e.subType) { case 'textAdded': // $scope.addMessage(e.textAdded); if (!quicklyInsertText(e)) { unprocessedTexts.push(e); } break; case 'command': if (!quicklyInsertCommand(e)) { unprocessedCommands.push(e); } $scope.addCommand(e.command); break; case 'task': if (!quicklyInsertTask(e)) { unprocessedTasks.push(e); } $scope.addTask(e.task); break; case 'newPhase': quicklyInsertSession(e); break; case 'cellFinished': $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.terminal.cellCompleted(e); }); break; case 'partyFinished': $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.terminal.partyCompleted(e); }); break; default: throw "not yet supported subType:" + e.subType; } unprocessedTasks = unprocessedTasks.filter(function (obj) { return !quicklyInsertTask(obj); }); unprocessedCommands = unprocessedCommands.filter(function (obj) { return !quicklyInsertCommand(obj); }); unprocessedTexts = unprocessedTexts.filter(function (obj) { return !quicklyInsertText(obj); }); }); $scope.addTask = function (task) { $timeout(function () { $scope.terminal.currentTask = task; }); this.messageCount++; }; $scope.addCommand = function (command) { $timeout(function () { $scope.terminal.currentCommand = command; $scope.terminal.currentCommandStartedAt = new Date(); }); this.messageCount++; }; var dmp = new diff_match_patch(); $scope.compareSessions = function (id1, id2) { //from function convertToText(id) { var c = document.getElementById(id); return c.textContent || c.innerText; } var text1 = convertToText(id1); var text2 = convertToText(id2); Java.log('text1: ', text1.indexOf('\n') != -1, text1); dmp.Diff_Timeout = 100; dmp.Diff_EditCost = 4; var d = dmp.diff_main(text1, text2); dmp.diff_cleanupSemantic(d); var ds = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(d); $ekathuwa.modal({ id: "compareSessionsDialogId", scope: $scope, contentPreSize: "lg", templateHTML: '' + '' }); }; $scope.$on("phaseFinished", function (event, e) { var terminal = $scope.terminal; var groups = e.groups; Java.log('phaseFinished, groups', e,; if ( !== 'shell') return; var addLink; var comparisonLink; var diffLinkCaption; if (groups.length === 1) { var hasEntries = groups[0].entriesIds.length > 0; //hosts > 0 comparisonLink = hasEntries ? "compareSessions(" + "'" + groups[0].id + "', '" + groups[0].entriesIds[0] + "')" : ""; diffLinkCaption = '[no diff]'; addLink = hasEntries; } else if (groups.length > 1) { comparisonLink = "compareSessions(" + "'" + groups[0].id + "', '" + groups[1].id + "')"; diffLinkCaption = '[' + groups[1].distance + '% diff]'; addLink = true; } if (groups.length > 0) { e.htmlAdded = "took " + durationToString(e.duration, true) + "s " + (addLink ? '' + diffLinkCaption + '' : diffLinkCaption) + '(' + e.phaseName + ')' + '\n'; quicklyInsertText(e); } }); } catch (e) { Java.log(e); } } }; }]); // // @host.address // @currentTask // @currentTaskResult // @currentCommand // @currentCommandStartedAt var Terminal = function(host){ = host; =; this.messageCount = 0; this.state = 'not.running'; // not.running -> pending -> [complete, cancelling -> not-running] }; Terminal.prototype.getCssStatus = function(){ var result; if(this.isPending()){ result = ""; }else{ if(!this.currentTaskResult) { result = 'danger'; }else{ result = (this.currentTaskResult.result === 'OK') ? "success" : "danger"; } } return result; }; Terminal.prototype.isPending = function () { return this.state == 'pending'; }; Terminal.prototype.cancel = function () { this.state = 'cancelling'; this.currentTaskResult = 'CANCELLED';'conf', 'cancelThread',; }; Terminal.prototype.cellCompleted = function (event) { // this.currentTaskResult = event.result; this.lastTaskDuration = event.duration; }; Terminal.prototype.partyCompleted = function (event) { Java.log('partyCompleted, event: ', event); this.state = 'complete'; this.currentTaskResult = event.result; this.lastTaskDuration = event.duration; }; Terminal.prototype.phaseCompleted = function (event) { // this.lastTaskDuration = event.duration; this.currentTaskResult = event.result; }; Terminal.prototype.getStringStatus = function(){ switch (this.state){ case 'not.running': return "Not Running"; case 'pending': return "Pending... " + this.currentTaskTime(); case 'cancelling': return "Cancelling... " + this.currentTaskTime(); case 'complete': return "Complete in " + this.currentTaskTime(); } return "illegal state " + this.state; }; Terminal.prototype.currentTaskTime = function(){ if(!this.currentCommandStartedAt){ return "0.0"; } var duration = this.lastTaskDuration ? this.lastTaskDuration : new Date() - this.currentCommandStartedAt; return durationToString(duration, false); }; Terminal.prototype.onScriptStart = function(){ Java.log('resetting',; this.currentCommandStartedAt = null; this.currentCommand = null; this.currentTaskResult = null; this.lastTaskDuration = null; this.state = 'pending'; }; // @stats: see Stats class in Java var Terminals = function(){ this.terminals = []; this.state = 'not.running'; // not.running -> pending -> [complete, cancelling -> not-running] this.stats = { partiesArrived: 0, partiesOk: 0, partiesPending: 0, partiesFailed: 0, partiesCount: 0, rootTask: "not run" }; }; Terminals.prototype.isPending = function (){ return this.state === 'pending'; }; Terminals.prototype.cancelAll = function () { this.eachRemoteShell(function(term){ if(term.state == 'pending'){ term.cancel(); } }); }; Terminals.prototype.eachRemoteShell = function (fn) { for (var i = 0; i < this.terminals.length; i++) { var term = this.terminals[i]; if ( == 'shell' || == 'status') continue; fn(term); } }; Terminals.prototype.remoteTerminals = function(){ var r = []; this.eachRemoteShell(function(term){r.push(term);}); return r; }; Terminals.prototype.onScriptStart = function(hosts){ this.updateHosts(hosts); this.state = 'pending'; for (var i = 0; i < this.terminals.length; i++) { var term = this.terminals[i]; term.onScriptStart(); } }; Terminals.prototype.updateHosts = function(hosts){ Java.log('updating hosts with: ', hosts); for (var i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { var host = hosts[i]; var idx = this.indexByName(; if(idx == -1){ this.terminals.push(new Terminal(host)); } } Java.log('updated hosts: ', this.terminals); }; Terminals.prototype.updateStats = function(stats){ Java.log('updating stats with: ', stats); this.stats = stats; if(stats.partiesArrived === stats.partiesCount){ this.state = 'not.running'; } }; Terminals.prototype.findByName = function(name){ var i = this.indexByName(name); if( i === -1) return null; return this.terminals[i]; }; Terminals.prototype.indexByName = function(name){ for (var i = 0; i < this.terminals.length; i++) { var term = this.terminals[i]; if( == name){ return i; } } return -1; }; var ProjectInfos = function(){ this.infos = []; this.selectedProject = 'not set'; this.selectedMethod = 'not set'; }; ProjectInfos.prototype.getSelectedProject = function(){ for (var i = 0; i < this.infos.length; i++) { var project = this.infos[i]; if( === this.selectedProject){ return project; } } return null; }; var ProjectInfo = function(){ = ''; this.shortName = 'not set'; this.methods = []; this.path = 'not set'; this.defaultMethod = 'not set'; }; app.controller('BearCtrl', ['fileManager', '$scope', function (fileManager, $scope){ $scope.lastBuildTime = new Date(); $scope.terminals = new Terminals(); $scope.terminals.updateHosts([{ name: 'shell', address: 'shell' }, { name: 'status', address: 'status' }]); $scope.initProjects = function(){ $scope.projectInfos = $.extend(new ProjectInfos(), JSON.parse(window.bear.jsonCall('conf', 'getProjectInfos'))); Java.log('initProjects, projectInfos: ', $scope.projectInfos); $scope.project = $scope.projectInfos.getSelectedProject(); $scope.method = $scope.projectInfos.selectedMethod; Java.log('initProjects, prj&method: ', $scope.project, $scope.method); $scope.projectInfos.selectedProject = null; $scope.projectInfos.selectedMethod = null; }; $scope.$watch('lastBuildTime', function(){ // Java.log("updating fields on new build"); }); $scope.buildScripts = function(callback){ try { Java.log("building scripts...");'conf', 'build'); Java.log("done building scripts"); } catch (e) { Java.log("ERROR", e); } $scope.lastBuildTime = new Date(); $scope.$digest(); $scope.$broadcast('buildFinished'); if(callback != null){ callback(); } }; $scope.updateHosts = function(hosts){ $scope.terminals.updateHosts(hosts); }; function mapArray(arr){ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = {index:i, name: arr[i]}; } } $scope.$on('buildFinished', function(e, args){ Java.log("buildFinished - $on - updating files"); }); $scope.updateOnBuild = function(){ try { Java.log("updateOnBuild - updating files"); }catch(e){ Java.log("exception: ", e); } }; $scope.dispatchMessage = function(e){ switch(e.type){ case 'rmi': if(e.subType === 'rootCtrl'){ var field = e.bean; var bean; var method = e.method; var params = JSON.parse(e.jsonArrayOfParams); if(field == null){ bean = $scope; }else{ bean = $scope[field]; if(bean == null){ Java.log("field does not exist in scope: ", field, ", scope: ", $scope); throw "field does not exist in scope: " + field; } } var m = bean[method]; if(!m){ Java.log("field does not exist in scope: ", method, ", scope: ", $scope); throw "field does not exist in scope: " + method; } Java.log("invoking " + bean + "." + method + "(" + params + ")"); $scope.$apply(function(){ m.apply(bean, params); }); } break; case 'console': // Java.log('broadcasting', e); $scope.$broadcast('message', e); break; case 'notice': $scope.showNotice(e); break; case 'phaseFinished': $scope.$broadcast('phaseFinished', e); break; case 'status': $scope.$apply(function(){ $scope.terminals.updateStats(e.stats); }); break; default: Java.log("not yet supported: ", e); } }; $scope.fileManager = fileManager; $scope.showNotice = function(e){ var className; //alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation switch(e.level){ case 2: className = 'error'; break; case 3: className = 'warning'; break; case 4: className = 'information'; break; case 1: className = 'success'; break; default: className = 'alert'; break; } var n = noty({ layout: e.position || 'topRight', text: "" + (e.title == null ? '' : e.title + ": ") + "" + e.message, timeout: e.timeout || 15000, type: className, maxVisible: 9 }); }; $scope.openFileDialog = function (curDir){ return'conf', 'openFile', curDir); }; $scope.listDirFunction = function (curDir){ return window.bear.jsonCall('conf', 'listDir', JSON.stringify({dir: curDir, extensions: ['groovy', 'java', 'bear'], recursive: false})); }; }]); app.controller('FileTabsCtrl', ['$scope', '$q', '$timeout', function($scope, $q, $timeout) { Java.log("FileTabsCtrl init"); $scope.$watch('project', function(newVal, oldVal){ Java.log("project changed to ", newVal); Java.log("setting method to ", newVal.defaultMethod); $scope.method = newVal.defaultMethod; }); $scope.$watch('method', function(newVal, oldVal){ Java.log("method changed to ", newVal); }); $scope.runProject = function(){ var runObject = { projectPath: $scope.project.path, projectMethodName: $scope.method, shell: 'shell' }; Java.log("about to send: ", runObject); var response = JSON.parse(window.bear.jsonCall('conf', 'run', JSON.stringify(runObject))); }; }]); var ConsoleTabsCtrl = function ($scope) { }; //app.controller('FileTabsCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) { app.controller('ConsoleTabsChildCtrl', ['$scope', '$q', '$timeout', 'historyManager', function ($scope, $q, $timeout, historyManager) { var updateShell = function (shellPlugin) { Java.log('updating shell to', shellPlugin); var commandText = ''; switch (shellPlugin) { case 'sh': commandText = ':use shell ssh\n'; break; case 'groovy': commandText = ':use shell groovy\n'; break; } $scope.sendCommand(commandText); }; $scope.$watch('shellPlugin', function(newVal, oldVal){ if (newVal !== oldVal) { Java.log("'shellPlugin' changed to:" + newVal); updateShell(newVal); } }); // var readRunScript = function (runScript) { // return $scope.fileManager.readFile( // runScript.dir, // runScript.filename // ); // }; //todo change this to the project file var refreshScriptText = function(runScript) { Java.log('refreshScriptText - click!'); var fn = function () { Java.log('refreshScriptText - before setValue'); $scope.editor.setValue(readRunScript(runScript), -1); Java.log('refreshScriptText - after setValue'); $scope.runScriptModified = null; }; $timeout(fn); }; // $scope.isRunScriptModified = function(){ // return $scope.editor.getValue() == readRunScript($scope.runScript); // }; $scope.sendCommand = function (commandText) { var editor = $scope.editor; commandText = commandText || editor.getValue(); Java.log('sendCommand \'' + commandText +"', terminal: ", $; var response = JSON.parse(window.bear.jsonCall('conf', 'interpret', commandText, JSON.stringify({ projectPath: $scope.project.path, projectMethodName: $scope.projectMethodName, shell: $, plugin: $scope.shellPlugin }))); Java.log('interpret response: ', response); historyManager.addScript(commandText); $scope.addCommand(commandText); editor.setValue(''); }; $scope.$on('setActiveEditorValue', function(event, text){ // Java.log('setActiveEditorValue', $scope.terminal); if(${ $scope.editor.setValue(text, -1); } }); $scope.aceLoaded = function(editor){ Java.log("loaded ace editor"); $scope.editor = editor; $scope.$watch('runScript', function(newVal, oldVal){ Java.log(newVal, newVal, oldVal); if(newVal /*&& newVal.path !== oldVal.path*/){ refreshScriptText(newVal); } }, true); var session = editor.getSession(); session.setMode("ace/mode/java"); session.setTabSize(2); editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: true, enableSnippets: true }); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: "showKeyboardShortcuts", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Alt-h", mac: "Command-Alt-h"}, exec: function(editor) { ace.config.loadModule("ace/ext/keybinding_menu", function(module) { module.init(editor); editor.showKeyboardShortcuts() }) } }); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: "showKeyboardShortcuts", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-Enter", mac: "Command-Enter"}, exec: function(editor) { $scope.sendCommand(); } }); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: "copyShortcut", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-C", mac: "Command-C"}, exec: function(editor) {'conf', 'copyToClipboard', editor.getCopyText()); } }); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: "pasteShortcut", bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-V", mac: "Command-V"}, exec: function(editor) { var r ='conf', 'pasteFromClipboard'); editor.insert(r); } }); function posToOffset(pos){ var prevRow = pos.row - 1; var r = 0; for(var i = 0;i < prevRow; i++){ r += session.getLine(i).length; } r += pos.column; return r; } function offsetToPos(offset){ var prevRow = pos.row - 1; var linesCount = session.getLength(); var r = 0; var row = 0; for(;row < linesCount;row++){ var lineLength = session.getLine(row).length; if(r + lineLength >= offset){ break; } r += lineLength; } return {row: row, column: offset - r}; } editor.completers.unshift({ getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) { var caretPos = posToOffset(pos); var completions = JSON.parse('conf', 'completeCode', editor.getValue(), caretPos)); Java.log("got " + completions.length + " completions"); callback(null, completions); } }); }; }]);

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