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a.clickzetta-java.1.3.15.source-code.operator.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 2.0.0
Show newest version
syntax = "proto3";

package cz.proto;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "OperatorProto";

import "table_meta.proto";
import "table_common.proto";
import "data_type.proto";
import "expression.proto";
import "file_format_type.proto";
import "file_meta_data.proto";
import "input_split.proto";
import "file_system.proto";
import "virtual_value_info.proto";
import "property.proto";
import "runtime_run_span_stats.proto";

message ColumnMapping {
  uint64 outputId = 1;
  uint64 inputId = 2;

message Distribution {
  enum Type {
    ANY = 0;
    HASH = 1;
    RANGE = 2;
    SINGLETON = 3;
    BROADCAST = 4;
    ROUND_ROBIN = 5;
  Type type = 1;
  repeated uint64 keys = 2;

  bool has_dop = 5;
  uint32 dop = 6;

  bool has_hash_version = 10;
  uint32 hash_version = 11;
  bool has_bucket_type = 12;
  HashBucketType bucket_type = 13;

  uint32 range_dist_id = 20;         // valid only when type = RANGE

message Collation {
  message Key {
    uint64 field = 1;
    Order order = 2;
    NullOrder null_order = 3;
  repeated Key orders = 1;

message Traits {
  enum EngineType {
    NONE = 0;
    CZ = 1;
  EngineType engine = 1;
  Distribution distribution = 2;
  Distribution local_distribution = 3;
  Collation collation = 4;

message Operator {
  string id = 1;
  repeated string inputIds = 2;
  DataType schema = 3;
  repeated ColumnMapping columnMappings = 4;
  uint64 signature = 5;
  uint32 traits = 6;
  oneof op {
    TableScan table_scan = 10;
    TableSink table_sink = 11;
    Calc calc = 12;
    MergeSort merge_sort = 13;
    ShuffleWrite shuffle_write = 14;
    ShuffleRead shuffle_read = 15;
    Values values = 16;
    HashAggregate hash_agg = 17;
    SortedAggregate sorted_agg = 18;
    SortMergeJoin merge_join = 19;
    HashJoin hash_join = 20;
    LocalSort local_sort = 21;
    UnionAll union_all = 22;
    Buffer buffer = 23;
    Window window = 24;
    Expand expand = 25;
    LateralView lateral_view = 26;
    Grouping grouping = 27;

    LogicalJoin join = 50;
    LogicalAggregate aggregate = 51;
    LogicalCalc logical_calc = 52;
    LogicalSort logical_sort = 53;
    SetOperator set_operator = 54;
    AggregatePhase agg_phase = 55;
    Spool spool = 56;
    PartialWindowFilter partial_window_filter = 57;
    TreeJoin tree_join = 58;
    TreeJoinLeaf tree_join_leaf = 59;
    LocalExchange local_exchange = 60;
  ParseTreeInfo pt = 100;

enum AggStage {
  PARTIAL1 = 1;
  PARTIAL2 = 2;
  FINAL = 3;

message AggregateCall {
  ScalarExpression function = 1;
  bool distinct = 2;
  AggStage stage = 3;
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 4;
  Reference filter = 5;
  repeated uint64 output_fields = 6;

  DataType initial_Type = 10;          // The initial data type of an aggregate function
  DataType partial_Type = 11;          // The partial data type of an aggregate function
  DataType output_Type = 12;           // The output data type of an aggregate function

message LogicalAggregate {
  repeated Reference keys = 1;
  repeated AggregateCall aggregate_calls = 2;
  bool adaptive = 3;

message HashAggregate {
  LogicalAggregate aggregate = 1;
  AggStage stage = 2;

message SortedAggregate {
  LogicalAggregate aggregate = 1;
  AggStage stage = 2;
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 3;

message AggregatePhase {
  LogicalAggregate aggregate = 1;
  AggStage stage = 2;

enum JoinType {
  INNER = 0;
  LEFT = 1;
  RIGHT = 2;
  FULL = 3;
  LEFT_SEMI = 4;
  LEFT_ANTI = 5;

enum DynamicFilterType {
  DF_NONE = 0;
  DF_GLOBAL = 1;

message DynamicFilterInfo {
  DynamicFilterType type = 1;
  bool consumer = 2;
  double selectivity = 3;
  uint32 probe = 4;
  bool partition_filter = 5;
  uint32 table_scan_parents = 6;
  bool sort_filter = 7;
  bool bitset_filter = 8;

message JoinHintInfo {
  int32 build_side = 1;
  int32 shuffle_type = 2;

message TreeJoin {
  repeated Operator root_operators = 1;

message TreeJoinLeaf {
  int32 input_index = 1;
  int32 hint_build = 2;

message LogicalJoin {
  JoinType type = 1;
  ScalarExpression condition = 2;
  repeated uint64 input_references = 3;
  DynamicFilterInfo dynamic_filter = 4;
  JoinHintInfo hintInfo = 5;

message SortMergeJoin {
  LogicalJoin join = 1;
  repeated OrderByDesc lhs_orders = 2;
  repeated OrderByDesc rhs_orders = 3;

message HashJoin {
  LogicalJoin join = 1;
  string probe_operator_id = 2;
  bool broadcast = 3;

message Timing {
  uint64 cpu_nanos = 1;
  uint64 wall_nanos = 2;

message OperatorStats {
  string operator_id = 1;
  uint64 row_count = 2;
  Timing timing = 3;
  oneof op_stats {
    TableScanStats table_scan_stats = 4;
    TableSinkStats table_sink_stats = 5;
    CalcStats calc_stats = 6;
    HashJoinStats hash_join_stats = 7;
    MergeJoinStats merge_join_stats = 8;
    HashAggregateStats hash_aggregate_stats = 9;
    MergeAggregateStats merge_aggregate_stats = 10;
    LocalSortStats local_sort_stats = 11;
    MergeSortStats merge_sort_stats = 12;
    ValuesStats values_stats = 13;
    ExchangeSinkStats exchange_sink_stats = 14;
    ExchangeSourceStats exchange_source_stats = 15;
    UnionAllStats union_all_stats = 16;
    BufferStats buffer_stats = 17;
    WindowStats window_stats = 18;
    ExpandStats expand_stats = 19;
    LateralViewStats lateral_view_stats = 20;
    PartialWindowStats partial_window_stats = 21;
    LocalExchangeStats local_exchange_stats = 22;
  Timing init_timing = 100;
  uint64 batch_count = 101;
  uint64 peak_memory = 102;
  uint64 start_time_nanos = 103;
  uint64 end_time_nanos = 104;
  uint64 batch_signature = 105;
  string exec_node_id = 106;
  uint64 pipeline_id = 107;
  uint64 driver_sequence = 108;
  uint64 block_timing_nanos = 109;
  Timing construct_timing = 110;
  Timing finish_timing = 111;
  uint64 data_size_bytes = 112;
  repeated RuntimeRunSpanStats run_stats = 200;
  bytes extra_stats_binary = 254;
  // deprecated
  string extra_stats = 255;

message OrderByDesc {
  Reference reference = 1;
  Order order = 2;
  NullOrder null_order = 3;

message MergeSort {
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 1;
  repeated uint64 input_references = 2;
  bool isIncrMergeUnion = 3;

message UnionAll {
  repeated uint64 input_references = 1;
  bool isIncrMergeUnion = 2;

message Buffer {
  bool shared = 1;

message PartialWindowFilter {
  ScalarExpression function = 1;
  WindowSpec spec = 2;
  uint64 limit = 3;

message Window {
  repeated WindowGroup groups = 1;
  repeated uint64 input_references = 2;

message WindowGroup {
  repeated WindowCall functions = 1;
  WindowSpec spec = 2;

message WindowCall {
  ScalarExpression function = 1;
  bool distinct = 2;
  DataType partial_type = 3;

message WindowSpec {
  repeated Reference keys = 1;
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 2;

  enum BoundaryType {
    ROWS = 0;
    RANGE = 1;
    GROUP = 2;

  BoundaryType boundary_type = 3;
  WindowBoundary lower_bound = 4;
  WindowBoundary upper_bound = 5;

message WindowBoundary {
  optional bool preceding = 1;
  Constant offset = 2;

message LateralView {
  repeated TableFunctionCall functions = 1;
  repeated uint64 input_references = 2;

message TableFunctionCall {
  ScalarExpression function = 1;
  bool outer = 2;
  repeated uint64 used_fields = 3;

message Spool {
  uint64 spool_id = 1;

enum LazyEval {
  NOT_LAZY = 0;

message Calc {
  repeated ScalarExpression expressions = 1;
  oneof optional_filter {
    bool no_filter = 2;
    uint64 filter = 3;
  repeated uint64 projects = 4;
  repeated LazyEval lazy = 5;
  optional double partial_window_filter_selectivity = 6;

message LogicalCalc {
  ScalarExpression condition = 1;
  repeated ScalarExpression projects = 2;
  optional double partial_window_filter_selectivity = 3;

message ExpandShuffleKeys {
  repeated uint64 shuffle_keys = 1;

message Expand {
  repeated ScalarExpression expressions = 1;
  optional ExpandShuffleKeys shuffle_keys = 2;

message GroupingKeySet {
  repeated Reference keys = 1;

message Grouping {
  repeated Reference keys = 1;
  repeated GroupingKeySet keySets = 2;
  repeated AggregateCall aggregate_calls = 3;
  uint64 grouping_id_start_from = 4;
  optional uint64 grouping_id_col_offset = 5;

message CalcStats {}

message HashTableStats {
  uint64 num_buckets = 1;
  uint64 num_keys = 2;
  uint64 num_resize = 3;
  uint64 num_accesses = 4;
  uint64 num_collisions = 5;
  uint64 used_memory = 6;

message HashJoinStats {
  Timing build_timing = 1;
  Timing finish_build_timing = 2;
  Timing probe_timing = 3;
  Timing post_probe_timing = 4;
  HashTableStats ht_stats = 5;
  uint64 num_build_rows = 6;
  uint64 num_distinct_build_rows = 7;
  uint64 max_equal_build_rows = 8;
  SpillStats build_spill_stats = 9;
  SpillStats probe_spill_stats = 10;
  Timing probe_find_ht_timing = 11;
  Timing probe_output_timing = 12;
  Timing probe_eval_conjunct_timing = 13;
  Timing probe_output_conjunct_timing = 14;
  uint64 num_null_rows = 15;

message MergeJoinStats {
  uint64 drive_close_group_count = 1;
  uint64 drive_open_group_count = 2;
  uint64 matched_group_count = 3;
  uint64 non_matched_group_count = 4;
  uint64 num_compare_ovc = 5;
  uint64 num_compare_data = 6;
  uint64 num_ovc_conflict = 7;
  Timing match_group_timing = 8;
  Timing output_timing = 9;
  Timing eval_conjunct_timing = 10;
  Timing output_conjunct_timing = 11;

  Timing left_add_input_timing = 100;
  Timing left_advance_timing = 101;
  uint64 left_materialize_rows = 102;

  Timing right_add_input_timing = 200;
  Timing right_advance_timing = 201;
  uint64 right_materialize_rows = 202;

message HashAggregateStats {
  Timing assign_states_timing = 1;
  Timing update_states_timing = 2;
  Timing output_timing = 3;
  HashTableStats ht_stats = 4;
  uint64 states_used_memory = 5;
  uint64 pass_through_rows = 6;
  SpillStats input_spill_stats = 7;
  SpillStats aggregated_spill_stats = 8;

message MergeAggregateStats {
  Timing assign_states_timing = 1;
  Timing update_states_timing = 2;
  Timing output_timing = 3;

message LocalSortStats {
  SpillStats spill_stats = 1;
  Timing generate_run_timing = 2;
  Timing merge_run_timing = 3;
  Timing init_merge_timing = 4;

  // included in generate_run_timing
  Timing accumulate_block_timing = 5;
  Timing sort_key_timing = 6;
  Timing permute_payload_timing = 7;
  Timing spill_run_timing = 8;
message MergeSortStats {}
message UnionAllStats {}
message ValuesStats {}
message BufferStats {
  SpillStats spill_stats = 1;
message WindowStats {}
message PartialWindowStats {}
message ExpandStats {}
message LateralViewStats {}
message LocalExchangeStats {}

message ExchangeSinkStats {
  uint64 sent_byte_count = 1;
  uint64 compress_input_byte_count = 2;

  Timing serialize_write_timing = 3;
  Timing serialize_flush_timing = 4;
  Timing compress_timing = 5;
  Timing acquire_buffer_timing = 6;
  Timing submit_buffer_timing = 7;
  Timing close_timing = 8;
  Timing submit_buffer_async_timing = 9;

  uint64 flush_auto_count = 10;
  uint64 flush_manual_count = 11;

message ExchangeSourceStats {
  uint64 received_byte_count = 1;
  uint64 decompress_output_byte_count = 2;

  Timing deserialize_timing = 3;
  Timing decompress_timing = 4;
  Timing read_buffer_timing = 5;
  Timing sort_timing = 6;

  SpillStats sorter_spill_stats = 7;

message Table {
  repeated string path = 1;
  TableMeta table_meta = 2;
  int64 instance_id = 3;
  int64 table_id = 6;
  repeated Property properties = 8;

message Values {
  uint32 row_count = 1;
  uint32 col_count = 2;
  repeated ScalarExpression data = 3;
  bool broadcast = 4;

message SortKeyDesc {
  uint32 id = 1;
  Order order = 2;
  NullOrder null_order = 3;

message TableScan {
  Table table = 1;
  int32 data_source_info_id = 2;
  repeated uint64 cols = 3;
  ScalarExpression filter = 4;
  ScalarExpression ensuredFilter = 5;
  map props = 6;
  bool align = 7;
  uint64 alignDop = 8;
  repeated SortKeyDesc orders = 9;
  repeated uint32 range_keys = 10;
  uint32 range_distribution_id = 11;
  IncrementalTableProperty incremental_table_property = 12;
  ScalarExpression filter4Meta = 13;
  SubFieldsPruning subfields = 14;

message FilePruningStats {
  int32 fileCount = 1;
  int32 prunedFileCount = 2;

message TableScanStats {
  DataInputStats input_stats = 1;
  FilePruningStats pruning_stats = 2;

message IncrementalTableProperty {
  int64 from = 1;
  int64 to = 2;
  bool consolidate = 3;
  int64 fromMetaVersion = 4;
  int64 toMetaVersion = 5;
  int64 rowCount = 6;
  int64 baseRowCount = 7;

// The shuffle type. Wrapping a message to avoid enum name conflict
message ShuffleType {
  enum Type {
    HASH = 0;
    RANGE = 1;
    BROADCAST = 2;
    SINGLE = 3;
    RANDOM = 4;
    PAIR_WIZE = 5;
    ROUND_ROBIN = 8;
  Type type = 1;

message TableSink {
  Table table = 1;
  bool overwrite = 2;
  int32 data_source_info_id = 3;
  repeated Reference keys = 4;
  uint32 flags = 5;
  repeated Reference part_sort_keys = 6;
  repeated uint64 input_fields = 7;
  repeated Reference file_slice_keys = 8;
  bool static_partition = 9;
  VirtualValueInfo part_values = 10;
  bool nop = 11;

message ShuffleWrite {
  ShuffleType shuffleType = 1;
  repeated Reference keys = 2;
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 3;
  uint32 limit = 4;  // 0 means no limit
  uint32 function_version = 5;
  HashBucketType bucket_type = 6;
  uint32 range_distribution_id = 7;

message ShuffleRead {
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 1;
  uint32 limit = 2;   // 0 means no limit
  uint32 offset = 3;
  ShuffleType shuffleType = 4;
  bool multi_accessed = 5;
  bool merge_sort = 7;

message LocalExchange {
  ShuffleType shuffleType = 1;
  repeated Reference keys = 2;
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 3;
  uint32 limit = 4;   // 0 means no limit
  uint32 offset = 5;
  uint32 function_version = 6;

message LocalSort {
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 1;
  uint64 limit = 2;
  uint64 offset = 3;
  uint32 sorted_prefix_cnt = 4;

message LogicalSort {
  repeated Reference keys = 1;
  repeated OrderByDesc orders = 2;
  ScalarExpression limit = 3;
  ScalarExpression offset = 4;
  bool global = 5;

enum SetOpType {
  UNION = 0;
  EXCEPT = 2;

message SetOperator {
  SetOpType type = 1;
  bool all = 2;
  repeated uint64 input_references = 3;

message DeltaApplyStats {
  // The number of rows that is deleted in the delta apply.
  // If the row is deleted, but not used in the delta apply, it is not counted.
  uint64 deleted_row_count = 1;
  // The number of rows that is updated in the delta apply.
  // If the row is updated, but not used in the delta apply, it is not counted.
  uint64 updated_row_count = 2;
  uint64 copied_dest_row_count = 3;
  uint64 copied_time_elapsed_us = 4;

message DataInputStats {
  uint64 raw_input_byte_count = 1;
  uint64 row_count = 2;
  oneof input_stats {
    FileRangesInputStats file_input_stats = 3;
    FileInputStats file_format_stats = 4;
  uint64 time_elapsed_us = 5; // including decoding/decompression/io...

message FileRangesInputStats {
  repeated DataInputStats file_input_stats = 1;
  // Trying to keep all filters in the same order as the basic
  // filter and applyNewFilter
  repeated string ppd_filter = 2;
  uint64 pruned_file_count = 3;
  uint64 prefetched_file_count = 4;

message FileInputStats {
  FileFormatType format_type = 1;
  FileRange range = 2;
  oneof file_format_input_stats {
    TextInputStats text_input_stats = 3;
    ParquetInputStats parquet_input_stats = 4;
    MemoryTableInputStats memory_input_stats = 5;
    OrcInputStats orc_input_stats = 8;
    DummyInputStats dummy_input_stats = 9;
    CSVInputStats csv_input_stats = 10;
    AvroInputStats avro_input_stats = 11;
    ArrowInputStats arrow_input_stats = 12;
  FileIOInputStats io_stats = 6;

  repeated DataInputStats delta_file_stats = 7;
  optional DeltaApplyStats delta_apply_stats = 13;

message FileIOInputStats {
  uint64 read_count = 1; // io request count
  uint64 read_bytes = 2; // io bytes
  uint64 time_elapsed_us = 3; // io stream time, including benefit of prefetch
  PrefetchStats prefetch_stats = 4;
  FileInputStreamStats input_stats = 5;

message FileIOOutputStats {
  uint64 time_elapsed_us = 1; // io stream time, means the time blocking on io(SYNC).

message PrefetchStats {
  string driver_type = 8;
  uint64 read_count = 1; // io request from outside
  uint64 read_bytes = 2; // io bytes from prefetch cache
  uint64 read_hit_cache = 3; // prefetch cache hit count
  uint64 read_time_elapsed_us = 4; // total io request cost(SYNC)
  uint64 io_count = 5; // merged io count in prefetch thread/fiber
  uint64 io_bytes = 6; // merged io bytes in prefetch thread/fiber
  uint64 io_time_elapsed_us = 7; // merged io cost(ASYNC)

message FileInputStreamStats {
  FileSystemType file_system_type = 1;
  oneof file_input_stream_stats {
    CacheFileInputStreamStats cache_file_input_stream_stats = 4;
    COSFileInputStreamStats cos_file_input_stream_stats = 5;

message CacheFileInputStreamStats {
  bool cache_hit = 1;
  string short_circuit_stream_type = 2;
  bool segment_mode = 3;
  uint64 non_read_time_elapsed_us = 4;
  uint64 rpc_read_bytes = 5;
  uint64 rpc_read_time_elapsed_us = 6;
  uint64 direct_read_bytes = 7;
  uint64 direct_read_time_elapsed_us = 8;
  // If cache hit, base_stream_stats is not set.
  optional FileInputStreamStats base_stream_stats = 9;

message COSFileInputStreamStats {
  optional uint32 retry_time = 1;

message TextInputStats {
  uint64 missing_field_warned_count = 1;
  uint64 extra_field_warned_count = 2;

message MemoryTableInputStats {
  uint64 batch_count = 1;

message ParquetInputStats {
  uint64 batch_count = 1;
  uint64 decompression_latency_ns = 2;
  uint64 levels_decoding_latency_ns = 3;
  uint64 data_loading_latency_ns = 4;
  uint64 ppd_inclusive_latency_ns = 5;
  uint64 reader_inclusive_latency_ns = 6;
  uint64 requested_row_count = 7;
  uint64 read_row_count = 8;
  uint64 open_inclusive_latency_ns = 9;
  uint64 open_blocking_latency_ns = 10;

  bool file_bloom_filter_pruned = 20;
  bool file_bitmap_filter_pruned = 21;
  // request row groups before pruning
  // `request_blocks - sum of pruned row group number`
  uint32 request_blocks = 22;
  optional uint32 row_group_bloom_filter_pruned = 23;
  optional uint32 row_group_stats_filter_pruned = 24;
  optional uint32 row_group_dict_filter_pruned = 25;

  // If a ParquetInput runs applyNewFilter, it would close the current
  // ParquetTableReader, and reopen a new ParquetTableReader. The closed
  // stats should not be lost.
  repeated DataInputStats apply_new_filter_stats = 26;

message OrcInputStats {
  uint64 batch_count = 1;

message CSVInputStats {};

message DummyInputStats {
  uint64 batch_count = 1;

message AvroInputStats {};

message ArrowInputStats {};

message DataOutputStats {
  uint64 raw_output_byte_count = 1;
  uint64 row_count = 2;
  oneof outputStats {
    FileOutputStats file_output_stats = 3;
    MultipleFileOutputStats multiple_file_output_stats = 4;

message FileOutputStats {
  FileMetaData file_meta_data = 1;

  oneof file_format_output_stats {
    TextOutputStats text_output_stats = 2;
    ParquetOutputStats parquet_output_stats = 3;
    OrcOutputStats orc_output_stats = 6;
    AvroOutputStats avro_output_stats = 7;
    ArrowOutputStats arrow_output_stats = 8;

  FileIOOutputStats io_stats = 4;
  repeated FileMetaData delete_file_metas = 5;

message MultipleFileOutputStats {
  repeated DataOutputStats file_output_stats = 1;

message TextOutputStats {

message ParquetOutputStats {
  uint64 arrow_casting_time = 1;
  uint64 page_compress_time = 2;
  uint64 encoding_time = 3;

message OrcOutputStats {}

message AvroOutputStats {}

message ArrowOutputStats {}

message TableSinkStats {
  DataOutputStats output_stats = 1;

message SpillStats {
  uint64 compressed_size = 1;
  uint64 raw_size = 2;
  uint64 spill_count = 3;  // deprecated
  uint64 row_count = 4;
  uint64 run_count = 5;
  uint64 file_count = 6;
  Timing write_timing = 7;
  Timing read_timing = 8;

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