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root.libs.composum.nodes.commons.components.js.dialogs.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 4.3.4
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(function () {
    'use strict';

    (function (components, core) {

        components.const = components.const || {};
        components.const.dialog = {
            alert: {
                type: {
                    error: 'danger',
                    warn: 'warning'
            translate: {
                uri: {
                    object: '/bin/cpm/core/translate.object.json',
                    status: '/bin/cpm/core/translate.status.json'
            load: {
                base: core.const.composumBase + 'composum/nodes/commons/components/dialogs',
                _path: '.path-select.html'

         * the basic dialog component as 'superclass' for all dialog components
        components.Dialog = Backbone.View.extend({

            initialize: function (options) {
                this.isLoaded = options.loaded || false;
                this.$alert = this.$('.alert');
                this.$messageHead = this.$('.messages .panel-heading');
                this.$messageBody = this.$('.messages .panel-body');
                this.$el.on('', _.bind(this.onShown, this));
                if (this.isLoaded) { // remove a loaded dialog on close
                    this.$el.on('', _.bind(this.destroy, this));
                this.$lock = this.$('.lock-curtain');
                if (this.$lock.length < 1) {
'); this.$lock = this.$('.lock-curtain'); } this.$ (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }); }, setUpWidgets: function (root) { CPM.widgets.setUp(root); }, /** * returns the widget instance (view) for a DOM element */ widgetOf: function (element) { return core.widgetOf(element); }, show: function (initView, callback) { this.initView = initView; this.callback = callback; this.$el.modal('show'); this.unlock(); }, onShown: function () { this.resetOnShown(); if (_.isFunction(this.initView)) { this.initView(this); } }, resetOnShown: function () { if (!this.isLoaded) { // asuming that loaded dialogs are pre filled this.reset(); } }, hide: function () { this.$el.modal('hide'); if (_.isFunction(this.callback)) { this.callback(this); } this.reset(); }, lock: function () { this.$el.addClass('dialog-locked'); if (!this.busyTimeout) { this.busyTimeout = window.setTimeout(_.bind(function () { this.busyTimeout = undefined; this.$el.addClass('dialog-busy'); }, this), 500); } }, unlock: function () { if (this.busyTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(this.busyTimeout); this.busyTimeout = undefined; } this.$el.removeClass('dialog-busy').removeClass('dialog-locked'); }, /** * Resets all form values to an initial or undefined value. */ reset: function () { this.unlock(); this.alert(); // reset all known View instances using their 'reset' method this.$('.widget').each(function () { if (this.view) { if (_.isFunction(this.view.reset)) { this.view.reset.apply(this.view); } } }); }, /** * remove dialog from the DOM (on closing loaded dialogs) */ destroy: function (event) { this.$el.remove(); }, /** * Displays a message text in a dialogs predefined alert or message panel box. * @param type the message error level (success, info, warning, danger) * @param message the message text to display; optional - if not present the alert will hide * @param result an optional result object from an Ajax call; a hint from this result is added to the text */ alert: function (type, message, result) { if (message) { type = components.const.dialog.alert.type[type] || type; if (core.isRestricted(result)) { message = core.getRestrictedMessage(); result = undefined; } if (this.$messageBody.length === 1) { this.$messageHead.html(result ? core.resultMessage(result, message) : message); this.$messageHead.removeClass('hidden'); this.$messageBody.html(''); this.$messageBody.addClass('hidden'); this.$messageBody.parent().removeClass().addClass('panel').addClass('panel-' + type); } else { this.$alert.html(result ? core.resultMessage(result, message) : message); this.$alert.removeClass().addClass('alert').addClass('alert-' + type); } } else { if (this.$messageBody.length === 1) { this.$messageBody.parent().removeClass().addClass('hidden'); this.$messageHead.html(''); this.$messageBody.html(''); } else { this.$alert.html(''); this.$alert.removeClass().addClass('alert').addClass('hidden'); } } }, /** * Displays a message list with title in a dialogs predefined message panel box. * @param type the message error level (success, info, warning, danger) * @param title the message text to display in the heading; optional - if not present the box will hide * @param messages the message list with items like {level:(error,warn,info),text:'...'} */ messages: function (type, title, messages) { if (this.$messageBody.length === 1) { type = components.const.dialog.alert.type[type] || type; this.$messageBody.parent().removeClass(); if (title) { this.$messageHead.html(title); this.$messageHead.removeClass('hidden'); this.$messageBody.parent().addClass('panel').addClass('panel-' + type); } else { this.$messageHead.addClass('hidden'); } this.$messageBody.html(''); if (_.isArray(messages) && messages.length > 0) { this.$messageBody.html('
    '); var $list = this.$messageBody.find('ul'); for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { var level = messages[i].level; level = components.const.dialog.alert.type[level] || level; $list.append('
  • ' + (messages[i].label ? '' + messages[i].label + ':' : '') + messages[i].text + (messages[i].hint ? '(' + messages[i].hint + ')' : '') + '
  • ') } this.$messageBody.removeClass('hidden'); } else { this.$messageBody.html(''); this.$messageBody.addClass('hidden'); } } else { this.alert(type, title); } }, /** * Submit the form of the dialog. * @param onSuccess optional; 'true' or a callback function called after a successful request */ submitForm: function (onSuccess, onError, onComplete) { this.lock(); core.submitForm(this.el, _.bind(function (result) { if (_.isFunction(onSuccess)) { onSuccess(result); } else { if (onSuccess) { // use 'true' to show the success messages this.unlock(); if (_.isObject(result) && _.isObject(result.response)) { var response = result.response; var messages = result.messages; core.messages(response.level, response.text, messages); } } } this.hide(); }, this), _.bind(function (xhr) { this.unlock(); if (_.isFunction(onError)) { onError(xhr); } else { if (onError === undefined || onError /* maybe 'false' */) { this.onError(xhr); } } }, this), onComplete ); }, submitFormPut: function (onSuccess, onError, onComplete) { this.lock(); var form = core.getWidget(this.el, 'form.widget-form', core.components.FormWidget); core.submitFormPut(this.el, form ? form.getValues.apply(form) : undefined, _.bind(function (result) { if (_.isFunction(onSuccess)) { onSuccess(result); } else { if (onSuccess) { // use 'true' to show the success messages this.unlock(); if (_.isObject(result) && _.isObject(result.response)) { var response = result.response; var messages = result.messages; core.messages(response.level, response.text, messages); } } } this.hide(); }, this), _.bind(function (xhr) { this.unlock(); if (_.isFunction(onError)) { onError(xhr); } else { if (onError === undefined || onError /* maybe 'false' */) { this.onError(xhr); } } }, this), onComplete ); }, submitPUT: function (label, url, data, onSuccess) { this.lock(); core.ajaxPut(url, JSON.stringify(data), { dataType: 'json' }, onSuccess, _.bind(this.onError, this), _.bind(function (xhr) { if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 299) { if (xhr.status === 200 && _.isFunction(onSuccess)) { onSuccess(xhr); this.hide(); } else { var detail = xhr.responseJSON; if (xhr.status !== 200 && _.isObject(detail) && detail.messages) { this.unlock(); this.onError(xhr, label); } else { this.hide(); } } } else { this.unlock(); this.onError(xhr, label); } }, this)); }, onError: function (xhr, title) { if (xhr.responseJSON && xhr.responseJSON.messages) { var status = xhr.responseJSON; this.messages(status.success ? (status.warning ? 'warn' : 'info') : 'error', status.title || title, status.messages); } else { this.errorMessage(title ? title : "Error", xhr); } }, errorMessage: function (message, result) { var detail = result.responseJSON; if (_.isObject(detail) && detail.response) { this.messages(detail.response.level, detail.response.text, detail.messages); } else { var level = result.status >= 300 && result.status < 399 ? 'info' : 'danger'; this.alert(level, message, result); } } }); /** * a dialog which can be 'opened' inside of another open dialog */ components.StackableDialog = components.Dialog.extend({ initialize: function (options) {, options); }, /** * */ show: function (initView, callback) {, initView, callback); }, hide: function () {; } }); components.AbstractPathSelectDialog = components.StackableDialog.extend({ initialize: function (options) {, options); this.$title = this.$('.modal-title'); this.$label = this.$('.path-input-label'); this.input = core.getView(this.$(options.inputSelector || 'input.path-input'), options.inputType || core.components.PathWidget); this.input.$el.on('change', _.bind(this.inputChanged, this)); }, /** * @extends components.StackableDialog - initialization after shown... */ onShown: function () {; this.inputChanged(); // simulate a change after shown to initialize the view }, /** * @override prevent from default callback handling; * the callback must be triggerded by 'select' with the value (path) as parameter */ hide: function () { this.$el.modal('hide'); this.reset(); }, /** * defines the dialog title (default: 'default' data attribute of the title element) */ setTitle: function (title) { this.$title.text(title ? title : this.$'default')); }, /** * defines the input field label (default: 'default' data attribute of the label element) */ setLabel: function (label) { this.$label.text(label ? label : this.$'default')); }, /** * defines the root path for the selector (default: '/') */ setRootPath: function (rootPath) { this.input.setRootPath(rootPath); }, /** * defines the node filter for the view; should be set according to the current value type */ setFilter: function (filter) { this.input.setFilter(filter); }, /** * returns the current path value selected in this dialog */ getValue: function () { return this.input.getValue(); }, /** * defines the (initial) value - the current / old value */ setValue: function (value) { this.input.setValue(value); this.inputChanged(); // trigger state refresh }, /** * @abstract the callback on each change in the input field */ inputChanged: function () { } }); /** * the dialog to select a repository path in a tree view */ components.SelectPathDialog = components.AbstractPathSelectDialog.extend({ initialize: function (options) { components.AbstractPathSelectDialog.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]); this.busy = false; this.tree = core.getView(this.$('.path-select-tree'), components.Tree); this.tree.onNodeSelected = _.bind(this.onNodeSelected, this); this.$('').click(_.bind(function () { if (_.isFunction(this.callback)) { this.callback(this.getValue()); } this.hide(); }, this)); }, /** * defines the root path for the tree (default: '/') */ setRootPath: function (rootPath) {, rootPath); this.tree.setRootPath(rootPath); }, /** * defines the node filter for the tree; should be set according to the current value type */ setFilter: function (filter) {, filter); this.tree.setFilter(filter); }, /** * the callback on each change in the input field; * selects the node in the tree view if the nodes exists */ inputChanged: function () { if (!this.busy) { this.busy = true; var path = this.getValue(); if (path.indexOf('/') === 0) { core.getJson('/bin/cpm/nodes/node.tree.json' + core.encodePath(path), _.bind(function (data) { this.tree.selectNode.apply(this.tree, [data.path]); }, this)); } this.busy = false; } }, /** * callback from the tree if a node is selected; * sets the select path in the input field */ onNodeSelected: function (path) { if (!this.busy) { this.busy = true; this.setValue(path); this.busy = false; } }, /** * extended to reset the selection in the tree */ reset: function () { components.AbstractPathSelectDialog.prototype.reset.apply(this); this.tree.reset.apply(this.tree); } }); /** * load dialogs on demand and remove them on close */ components.LoadedDialog = components.Dialog.extend({ initialize: function (options) {, _.extend({ loaded: true }, options)); } }); core.addLoadedDialog = function (viewType, html, config) { var $body = $('body'); $body.append(html); var $dialog = $body.children(':last-child'); return core.getWidget($body, $dialog[0], viewType, config ? _.extend({loaded: true}, config) : {loaded: true}); }; core.showLoadedDialog = function (viewType, html, config, initView, callback) { var dialog = core.addLoadedDialog(viewType, html, config); if (dialog) {, callback); } }; core.openLoadedDialog = function (url, viewType, config, initView, callback) { core.getHtml(url, function (content) { core.showLoadedDialog(viewType, content, config, initView, callback); }); }; /** * a FormDialog supports validation before submit * uses a 'config' attribute: * config { * validationUrl: a function or value for validation roundtrip and i18n translation of validation messages * } */ components.FormDialog = components.LoadedDialog.extend({ initialize: function (options) { var formType = options ? (options.formType || core.components.FormWidget) : core.components.FormWidget; this.form = core.getWidget(this.el, "form", formType);, options); this.validationHints = []; this.initView(); this.initSubmit(); }, getConfig: function () { return this.config; }, dialogData: function () { return {}; }, initSubmit: function () { this.$('form').on('submit', _.bind(this.onSubmit, this)); }, initView: function () { }, validationReset: function () { this.$alert.addClass('alert-hidden'); this.$alert.html(''); this.validationHints = []; this.form.validationReset(); }, onValidationFault: function () { this.form.onValidationFault(); }, message: function (type, label, message, hint) { if (message) { this.alert(type, '
    ' + label + '' + message + (hint ? " (" + hint + ")" : '') + '
    '); } }, hintsMessage: function (level) { this.messages(level ? level : 'warning', this.validationHints.length < 1 ? 'validation error' : undefined, this.validationHints); }, validationHint: function (type, label, message, hint) { if (message) { this.validationHints.push({level: type, label: label, text: message, hint: hint}); } }, validateForm: function () { this.validationReset(); return this.form.validate(_.bind(this.validationHint, this)); }, /** * @returns {{dialog: (*|{}), messages: Array}} the data for a validation roundtrip */ validationData: function () { return { dialog: this.dialogData(), messages: this.validationHints }; }, /** * the validation strategy with support for an asynchronous validation call; * if a validationUrl configuration is supported a PUT request with the current validation hints is sent * via PUT to that url for extended validation and/or validation hints i18n translation * @param onSuccess called after successful validation * @param onError called if a validation fault registered */ doValidate: function (onSuccess, onError) { var valid = this.validateForm(); var config = this.getConfig(); if (config && config.validationUrl) { var url = _.isFunction(config.validationUrl) ? config.validationUrl() : config.validationUrl; var data = this.validationData(); core.ajaxPut(url, JSON.stringify(data), { dataType: 'json' }, undefined, undefined, _.bind(function (xhr) { var result = xhr.responseJSON; if (result) { if (result.messages) { this.validationHints = result.messages; } if (result.success) { onSuccess(); } else { onError(); } } else { this.onError(xhr); } }, this)) } else { if (valid) { onSuccess(); } else { onError(); } } }, /** * @default the simplest 'save and return' - no message - override if not enough */ doSubmit: function () { this.submitForm(); }, /** * triggered if the submit button is clicked or activated somewhere else */ onSubmit: function (event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); } this.form.prepare(); this.doValidate(_.bind(function () { this.form.finalize(); this.doSubmit(_.bind(function (result) { this.showResult(result); }, this)); }, this), _.bind(function () { if (this.validationHints.length < 1) { core.i18n.get('Validation error', _.bind(function (text) { this.messages('warning', text, this.validationHints); }, this)); } else { this.messages('warning', undefined, this.validationHints); } this.onValidationFault(); }, this)); return false; }, showResult: function (result) { if (_.isObject(result) && _.isObject(result.response)) { var response = result.response; var messages = result.messages; if (_.isArray(messages) && messages.length > 0) { core.messages(response.level, response.text, messages); } else { core.alert(response.level, response.title, response.text); } } } }); core.showFormDialog = function (viewType, html, config, initView, callback) { core.showLoadedDialog(viewType, html, config, initView, callback); }; core.openFormDialog = function (url, viewType, config, initView, callback) { core.getHtml(url, function (content) { core.showLoadedDialog(viewType, content, config, initView, callback); }); }; })(CPM.core.components, CPM.core); })();

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