All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository.

debug-plan.scripts.graphql_plan.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

var hostname = "http://localhost:8080";
var my_map;
var MARIBOR_COOR = [46.562483, 15.643975];
var layer = null;
var graphqlResponse = null;
var geojsonLayer = null;
var bikeSharesLayer = null;
var parkRidesLayer = null;

function pad(number, length){
    var str = "" + number
    while (str.length < length) {
        str = '0'+str
    return str

var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset()
offset = ((offset<0? '+':'-')+ // Note the reversed sign!
          pad(parseInt(Math.abs(offset/60)), 2)+":"+
          pad(Math.abs(offset%60), 2))

var PlanConfig = function() {
    this.fromLat = "";
    this.fromLon = "";
    this.toLat = "";
    this.toLon = "";
    this.bikeTrafficStress = 4;
    this.minBikeTime = 5;
    this.wheelchair = false;
    this.offset = offset;
    this.plan = requestPlan;
    this.showReachedStops = requestStops;
    this.showStops = false;
    this.showPR = false;
    this.showBS = false;

var template = "";

	url: "/scripts/request_query.json",
	dataType: "text",
        success: function(data) {
            template = data;
            console.log("Loaded data template");

var planConfig = new PlanConfig();
var m1, m2;
var weightSize;

var icon_start = L.icon({
    iconUrl: 'images/marker-flag-start-shadowed.png',
    shadowUrl: null,
    iconSize: new L.Point(48, 49),
    iconAnchor: new L.Point(46, 42),
    popupAnchor: new L.Point(0, -16)
var icon_end = L.icon({
    iconUrl: 'images/marker-flag-end-shadowed.png',
    shadowUrl: null,
    iconSize: new L.Point(48, 49),
    iconAnchor: new L.Point(46, 42),
    popupAnchor: new L.Point(0, -16)

my_map  ='map', {
    contextmenu: true,
    contextmenuWidth: 140,
    contextmenuItems: [
        text: "Start Here",
        callback: addFirst
    }, {
        text: "End Here",
        callback: addLast
    }, {
        separator: true
    }, {
        text: "Center Map",
        callback: centerMap
    }, {
        text: "Zoom in",
        callback: zoomIn
    }, {
        text: "Zoom Out",
        callback: zoomOut
}).setView(L.latLng(MARIBOR_COOR[0], MARIBOR_COOR[1]), 13);

function enable_button() {
    if (m1 != undefined && m2 != undefined) {
        $("#planButton").prop('disabled', false);
    if (m1 != undefined) {
        $("#stopButton").prop('disabled', false);

function addFirst(e) {
    if (typeof (m1) != 'undefined') {
    m1 = L.marker(e.latlng, {
        draggable: true,
        icon: icon_start

    planConfig.fromLat = m1.getLatLng().lat;
    planConfig.fromLon = m1.getLatLng().lng;

    m1.on('move', function(e) {
        planConfig.fromLat =;
        planConfig.fromLon = e.latlng.lng;


function addLast(e) {
    if (typeof (m2) != 'undefined') {
    m2 = L.marker(e.latlng, {
        draggable: true,
        icon: icon_end
    planConfig.toLat = m2.getLatLng().lat;
    planConfig.toLon = m2.getLatLng().lng;
    m2.on('move', function(e) {
        planConfig.toLat =;
        planConfig.toLon = e.latlng.lng;


function zoomIn() {

function zoomOut() {

function centerMap(e) {

function getModeColor (mode) {
    if (mode === 'WALK') return '#484'
    if (mode === 'BICYCLE') return '#0073e5'
    if (mode === 'SUBWAY') return '#f00'
    if (mode === 'RAIL') return '#f50'
    if (mode === 'BUS') return '#080'
    if (mode === 'TRAM') return '#a0f'
    if (mode === 'FERRY') return '#008'
    if (mode === 'CAR') return '#444'
    return '#aaa'

function getDash (mode) {
    if (mode == 'WALK' || mode === 'BICYCLE' || mode === 'CAR') {
        return null;
    return [5,10]
function styleMode(feature) {
    return {
        color: getModeColor(,
        dashArray: getDash(,
        opacity: 0.8
function styleStop(feature) {
    var style = {
        color: getModeColor(,
        opacity: 0.8

    //For variable radius for reached stops
    if ( {
        style.radius = weightSize(;

    return style;

function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
    if ( {
        var prop =;
        var pop = "

"; $.each(prop, function(name, value) { pop += name.toUpperCase(); pop +=": "; pop += value; pop +="
"; }); pop +="

"; layer.bindPopup(pop); } } function moveMarker(which) { console.log("Move marker", which); var m; if (which == "from") { m = m1; } else { m = m2; } if (m != undefined) { m.setLatLng(L.latLng(planConfig[which+"Lat"], planConfig[which+"Lon"])); } } function requestStops() { var params = { fromLat: m1.getLatLng().lat, fromLon: m1.getLatLng().lng, mode: $("#mode").val(), } console.log(params); //make a request $.ajax({ data: params, url: hostname + "/reachedStops", success: function (data) { console.log(data); //Removes line from previous request if (layer != null) { layer.clearLayers(); } if (data.errors) { alert(data.errors); } if ( { //scales point size radius from 4-20 based on min max of point weight weightSize = d3.scale.linear() .domain(d3.extent(, function(feature) { return;})) .range([4, 20]); layer = L.geoJson(, {pointToLayer:function(feature, latlng) { return L.circleMarker(latlng, { filColor:getModeColor(, weight:1}); }, style: styleStop, onEachFeature:onEachFeature}); layer.addTo(window.my_map); } } }); } function getStopFeature(stop) { var id; if (stop.stopId != undefined) { id = stop.stopId; } else { id =; } var stopFeature = { "properties":{ "name":, "id": id }, "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ stop.lon, ] } }; return stopFeature; } function getTransitFeature(fromStop, toStop, route) { var transitFeature = { "properties":{ "mode":route.mode, "line":route.shortName, "info" + " -> " + }, "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [fromStop.lon,], [toStop.lon,] ], } }; return transitFeature; } function getFeature(streetSegment) { var accesFeature = { "properties":{ "mode":streetSegment.mode }, "type": "Feature", "geometry": JSON.parse(streetSegment.geometryGeoJSON) }; return accesFeature; } function showItinerary(optionIdx, itineraryIdx) {"Option", optionIdx, "Itinerary", itineraryIdx); var option =[optionIdx]; var itinerary = option.itinerary[itineraryIdx]; console.log(itinerary); var access = option.access; var egress = option.egress; var transit = option.transit; //Removes line from previous request if (layer != null) { layer.clearLayers(); } var connection = itinerary.connection; var accessData = access[connection.access]; var features = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] }; var rentedBike=false; for(var edgeIdx=0; edgeIdx < accessData.streetEdges.length; edgeIdx++) { var curStreetEdge = accessData.streetEdges[edgeIdx]; var curStreetEdgeFeature = getFeature(curStreetEdge); = curStreetEdge.distance/1000; = curStreetEdge.absoluteDirection; = curStreetEdge.relativeDirection; if (curStreetEdge.bikeRentalOnStation != null) { /*console.log("On: ", curStreetEdge.bikeRentalOnStation);*/ var bikeFeature = getStopFeature(curStreetEdge.bikeRentalOnStation); = "ON"; features.features.push(bikeFeature); rentedBike = true; } if (curStreetEdge.bikeRentalOffStation != null) { /*console.log("Off: ", curStreetEdge.bikeRentalOffStation);*/ var bikeFeature = getStopFeature(curStreetEdge.bikeRentalOffStation); = "OFF"; features.features.push(bikeFeature); rentedBike = false; } if (curStreetEdge.parkRide != null) { /*console.log("Off: ", curStreetEdge.bikeRentalOffStation);*/ var parkRideFeature = getStopFeature(curStreetEdge.parkRide); // = "OFF"; features.features.push(parkRideFeature); } if (accessData.mode == "BICYCLE" && curStreetEdge.mode == "WALK") { = "WALK_BICYCLE"; } if (accessData.mode == "BICYCLE_RENT") { if (rentedBike) { if(curStreetEdge.mode == "WALK") { = "WALK_RENTED_BICYCLE"; } else { = "RENTED_BICYCLE"; } } } features.features.push(curStreetEdgeFeature); } if (connection.transit !== null) { for(var k=0;k < connection.transit.length; k++) { var transitInfo = connection.transit[k]; var transitData = transit[k]; var patternInfo = transitData.segmentPatterns[transitInfo.pattern]; var route; for (var routeIdx=0; routeIdx < transitData.routes.length; routeIdx++) { var currentRoute= transitData.routes[routeIdx]; if (currentRoute.routeIdx === patternInfo.routeIdx) { route = currentRoute; break; } } var fromStop = transitData.from; var toStop =; var transitFeature = getTransitFeature(fromStop, toStop, route); var fromTime = patternInfo.fromDepartureTime[transitInfo.time]; var toTime = patternInfo.toArrivalTime[transitInfo.time]; = patternInfo.patternId; = fromTime; = toTime; features.features.push(transitFeature); features.features.push(getStopFeature(fromStop)); features.features.push(getStopFeature(toStop)); if (transitData["middle"] != null) { var middleData = transitData["middle"] features.features.push(getFeature(middleData)); } } } if (connection.egress !== null) { var egressData = egress[connection.egress]; /*var egressFeature = getFeature(egressData);*/ /*features.features.push(egressFeature);*/ for(var edgeIdx=0; edgeIdx < egressData.streetEdges.length; edgeIdx++) { var curStreetEdge = egressData.streetEdges[edgeIdx]; var curStreetEdgeFeature = getFeature(curStreetEdge); features.features.push(curStreetEdgeFeature); } } layer = L.geoJson(features, { pointToLayer:function(feature, latlng) { return L.circleMarker(latlng, {filColor:getModeColor(, radius:10, opacity:0.8, weight:1}); }, style: styleMode, onEachFeature:onEachFeature}); layer.addTo(window.my_map); } function secondsToTime(seconds) { return new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8); } function makeTextResponse(data) { var options =; var jsonPatterns =; //This is currently used to get WheelchairAccessibility information for each used trip //Transforms list of patterns to map where key is tripPatternIdx and value are tripPatternIdx // and map of trips var patterns = jsonPatterns.reduce(function(total, current) { //Transforms list of trips wih map where key is tripId // and value is tripInfo(tripId, serviceId, wheelchairAccessible, bikesAllowed) var trips = current.trips.reduce(function(totalTrips, currentTrip) { totalTrips[currentTrip.tripId] = currentTrip; return totalTrips; }, {}); current.trips = trips; total[current.tripPatternIdx] = current; return total; }, {}); //"Patterns:", patterns); //"Options:", options.length); $(".response").html(""); //Removes line from previous request if (layer != null) { layer.clearLayers(); } var infos = ""; for(var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { var option = options[i]; var item = "
"+option.summary+""; var access = option.access; var egress = option.egress; var transit = option.transit; console.log("Summary:", option.summary); for(var j=0; j < option.itinerary.length; j++) { item+="


"; item+="
    "; var itinerary=option.itinerary[j]; item+="
  • waitingTime: "+secondsToTime(itinerary.waitingTime)+"
  • "; item+="
  • walkTime: "+secondsToTime(itinerary.walkTime)+"
  • "; item+="
  • transitTime: "+secondsToTime(itinerary.transitTime)+"
  • "; item+="
  • duration: "+secondsToTime(itinerary.duration)+"
  • "; item+="
  • transfers: "+itinerary.transfers+"
  • "; item+="
  • distance: "+itinerary.distance/1000+"m
  • "; item+="
  • startTime: "+itinerary.startTime+"
  • "; item+="
  • endTime: "+itinerary.endTime+"
  • "; var connection = itinerary.connection var accessData = access[connection.access]; item+="
      "; item+="
    1. Mode:"+accessData.mode+" Duration: " + secondsToTime(accessData.duration) + "Distance: "+accessData.distance/1000 + "m
    2. "; if (connection.transit !== null) { for(var k=0;k < connection.transit.length; k++) { var transitInfo = connection.transit[k]; var transitData = transit[k]; var patternInfo = transitData.segmentPatterns[transitInfo.pattern]; var route; for (var routeIdx=0; routeIdx < transitData.routes.length; routeIdx++) { var currentRoute= transitData.routes[routeIdx]; if (currentRoute.routeIdx === patternInfo.routeIdx) { route = currentRoute; break; } } var fromTime = patternInfo.fromDepartureTime[transitInfo.time]; var toTime = patternInfo.toArrivalTime[transitInfo.time]; var tripId = patternInfo.tripId[transitInfo.time]; var pPatternInfo = patterns[patternInfo.patternIdx]; var ptripInfo = pPatternInfo.trips[tripId]; item += "
    3. Mode: " + route.mode + "
      " item += "From: " + + " (" + transitData.from.stopId + " WA: " + transitData.from.wheelchairBoarding +")
      "; item += "To: " + + " (" + + " WA: " + +")
      "; item += "Pattern: "; item += patternInfo.patternId+ " Line:" + route.shortName + " " +fromTime+" --> " +toTime + "
      "; item += "BA:" + ptripInfo.bikesAllowed + " WA:" + ptripInfo.wheelchairAccessible + " SID:" + ptripInfo.serviceId + " Trip ID: " + ptripInfo.tripId +"
    4. "; if (transitData["middle"] != null) { var middleData = transitData["middle"] item+="
    5. Mode:"+middleData.mode+" Duration: " + secondsToTime(middleData.duration) + "Distance: "+middleData.distance/1000 + "m
    6. "; } } } if (connection.egress !== null) { var egressData = egress[connection.egress]; item+="
    7. Mode:"+egressData.mode+" Duration: " + secondsToTime(egressData.duration) + "Distance: "+egressData.distance/1000 + "m
    8. "; } item+="
    "; item+="
"; } if (option.fares) { item+="


"; for(var j=0; j < option.fares.length; j++) { var fare = option.fares[j]; var unit = ""; //TODO: use for this if (fare.currency == "USD") { var symbol = " $"; } item+="
    "; item+="
  • type: "+fare.type+"
  • "; item+="
  • low: "+fare.low.toFixed(2)+symbol+"
  • "; item+="
  • peak: "+fare.peak.toFixed(2)+symbol+"
  • "; item+="
  • senior: "+fare.senior.toFixed(2)+symbol+"
  • "; item+="
  • transferReduction: "+fare.transferReduction+"
  • "; item+="
"; } } item+="
"; infos+=item; } $(".response").append(infos+""); $(".itinerary").click(function() { var option = $(this).data("option"); var itinerary = $(this).data("itinerary"); showItinerary(option, itinerary); }); } function makeModes(modeName, javaModeName) { var modes = planConfig[modeName].split(","); var niceModes = { return javaModeName+"."+mode}); return niceModes.join(","); } //Gets all the stops if zoom > 13 and showStops is checked in envelope which is visible map bounds function getStops(params) { if (geojsonLayer != null) { window.my_map.removeLayer(geojsonLayer); } //on zooms lower then 13 we are visiting too many spatial index cells on a server and don't get an answer if (window.my_map.getZoom() < 13 || !planConfig.showStops) { return; } var url = hostname + "/seenStops"; $.getJSON(url, params, function(data) { /*console.log("Got data");*/ /*console.log(data);*/ if (data.errors) { alert(data.errors); } geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(data, {pointToLayer:function(feature, latlng) { return L.circleMarker(latlng, { weight:1}); }, style: styleStop, onEachFeature:onEachFeature}); geojsonLayer.addTo(window.my_map); }); } function getParkRides(params) { if (parkRidesLayer != null) { window.my_map.removeLayer(parkRidesLayer); } //on zooms lower then 11 we are visiting too many spatial index cells on a server and don't get an answer if (window.my_map.getZoom() < 11 || !planConfig.showPR) { return; } var url = hostname + "/seenParkRides"; $.getJSON(url, params, function(data) { /*console.log("Got data");*/ /*console.log(data);*/ if (data.errors) { alert(data.errors); } parkRidesLayer = L.geoJson(data, {pointToLayer:function(feature, latlng) { return L.circleMarker(latlng, { fillColor:'#f0f', opacity:0.8, radius:5, weight:1}); }, onEachFeature:onEachFeature}); parkRidesLayer.addTo(window.my_map); }); } function getBikeShares(params) { if (bikeSharesLayer != null) { window.my_map.removeLayer(bikeSharesLayer); } //on zooms lower then 13 we are visiting too many spatial index cells on a server and don't get an answer if (window.my_map.getZoom() < 13 || !planConfig.showBS) { return; } var url = hostname + "/seenBikeShares"; $.getJSON(url, params, function(data) { /*console.log("Got data");*/ /*console.log(data);*/ if (data.errors) { alert(data.errors); } bikeSharesLayer = L.geoJson(data, {pointToLayer:function(feature, latlng) { return L.circleMarker(latlng, { fillColor:'#0ff', opacity:0.8, radius:5, weight:1}); }, onEachFeature:onEachFeature}); bikeSharesLayer.addTo(window.my_map); }); } function requestPlan() { $('#resultTab').removeClass("status-ok status-error").addClass("status-waiting"); var request = template .replace("DIRECTMODES", planConfig.directModes) .replace("ACCESSMODES", planConfig.accessModes) .replace("EGRESSMODES", planConfig.egressModes) .replace("TRANSITMODES", planConfig.transitModes); var variables ={ 'fromLat':planConfig.fromLat, 'fromLon':planConfig.fromLon, 'toLat': planConfig.toLat, 'toLon':planConfig.toLon, 'wheelchair':planConfig.wheelchair, 'fromTime'"T"+planConfig.fromTime+planConfig.offset, 'toTime'"T"+planConfig.toTime+planConfig.offset, 'minBikeTime': planConfig.minBikeTime, 'bikeTrafficStress': planConfig.bikeTrafficStress }; var params = { 'query': request, 'variables': JSON.stringify(variables) }; //This is object with variables copied into URL hash so requests can be shared var filteredPlanConfig = {}; //Copies only variables from planConfig Object.keys(planConfig) .filter(function(varname) { //Filters out functions return !(varname == "plan" || varname == "showReachedStops") }) .forEach(function(key) { filteredPlanConfig[key] = planConfig[key]; }); var query = $.param(filteredPlanConfig); var URL = location.pathname + "?" + query; $("#requestLink").attr("href", URL); var compactedParams = JSON.stringify(params); //Removes useless spaces so that CURL CLI line is more compact compactedParams = compactedParams.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '); $(".query").html("

This can be copied into GraphiQL and played with

"+request + "\n\nQuery Variables:\n" + JSON.stringify(variables, null, "  ") + "
"); $(".curl").html("

This can be used in CURL: curl 'http://localhost:8080/otp/routers/default/index/graphql' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --data-binary '" + compactedParams + "' --compressed

"); var java = "

This can be used to write tests because it sets ProfileRequest


    java += "//Loading graph\n" +
	 'String dir = "path to folder with graph";\nInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "network.dat")));\ntransportNetwork =;\n//Optional used to get street names:\ntransportNetwork.readOSM(new File(dir, "osm.mapdb"));\npointToPointQuery = new PointToPointQuery(transportNetwork);\n\n';

    java += "ProfileRequest profileRequest = new ProfileRequest();\n";
    java +="//Set timezone to timezone of transport network\nprofileRequest.zoneId = transportNetwork.getTimeZone();\n";
    for (var varname in variables) {
        if (varname.indexOf("Time") == -1) {
            java+="profileRequest." + varname+" = " + variables[varname] + ";\n";

    java+="profileRequest.setTime(\"" + variables.fromTime + "\", \"" + variables.toTime + "\");\n\n";

    if (planConfig.transitModes != null && planConfig.transitModes.length > 2) {
        java+="profileRequest.transitModes = EnumSet.of(" + makeModes("transitModes", "TransitModes") + ");\n";
    if (planConfig.accessModes != null && planConfig.accessModes.length > 2) {
        java+="profileRequest.accessModes = EnumSet.of(" + makeModes("accessModes", "LegMode") + ");\n";
    if (planConfig.egressModes != null && planConfig.egressModes.length > 2) {
        java+="profileRequest.egressModes = EnumSet.of(" + makeModes("egressModes", "LegMode") + ");\n";
    if (planConfig.directModes != null && planConfig.directModes.length > 2) {
        java+="profileRequest.directModes = EnumSet.of(" + makeModes("directModes", "LegMode") + ");\n";

    java +="//Gets a response:\n";
    java +="ProfileResponse ProfileResponse = pointToPointQuery.getPlan(profileRequest);";
    java+= "
"; $(".java").html(java); /*console.log(request);*/ //make a request $.ajax({ data: JSON.stringify(params), method: 'POST', contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", url: hostname + "/otp/routers/default/index/graphql", success: function (data) { console.log(data); $('#resultTab').removeClass("status-waiting status-error").addClass("status-ok"); graphqlResponse=data; if (data.errors) { showDataErrors(data); } else { makeTextResponse(data); } /* } if ( { layer = L.geoJson(, {style: styleMode, onEachFeature:onEachFeature}); layer.addTo(window.my_map); } */ }, error:function (jqXHR) { var data = jqXHR.responseJSON; showDataErrors(data); } }); } function showDataErrors(data) { if (data.errors) { $('#resultTab').removeClass("status-waiting status-ok").addClass("status-error"); var msg = ""; if ($.isArray(data.errors)) { for(var i=0; i < data.errors.length; i++) { msg+= data.errors[i].message + "\n"; } } else { msg = data.errors; } alert(msg); $('#resultTab').removeClass("status-waiting status-ok status-error"); } } var osmLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' }); var osmConveyalLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',{ attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' }); var mapquestLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'Data, imagery and map information provided by MapQuest, OpenStreetMap and contributors.', subdomains: ['otile1', 'otile2', 'otile3', 'otile4'] }); my_map.addLayer(osmConveyalLayer); my_map.addControl(new L.Control.Layers({ 'OSM': osmLayer, 'OSM Conveyal': osmConveyalLayer, 'MapQuest': mapquestLayer })); //Sets map based on graph data from server $.ajax(hostname+"/metadata", { dataType: 'JSON', success: function(data) { window.my_map.fitBounds([ [data.envelope.minY, data.envelope.minX], [data.envelope.maxY, data.envelope.maxX] ]); } }); $(document).ready(function() { var gui = new dat.GUI(); gui.remember(planConfig); gui.add(planConfig, "accessModes"); gui.add(planConfig, "egressModes"); gui.add(planConfig, "directModes"); gui.add(planConfig, "transitModes"); gui.add(planConfig, "wheelchair"); gui.add(planConfig, "date"); gui.add(planConfig, "fromTime"); gui.add(planConfig, "toTime"); gui.add(planConfig, "offset"); gui.add(planConfig, "fromLat").listen().onFinishChange(function(value) { moveMarker("from");}); gui.add(planConfig, "fromLon").listen().onFinishChange(function(value) {moveMarker("from"); }); gui.add(planConfig, "toLat").listen().onFinishChange(function(value) {moveMarker("to"); }); gui.add(planConfig, "toLon").listen().onFinishChange(function(value) {moveMarker("to"); }); gui.add(planConfig, "bikeTrafficStress"); gui.add(planConfig, "minBikeTime"); gui.add(planConfig, "plan"); gui.add(planConfig, "showStops"); gui.add(planConfig, "showPR"); gui.add(planConfig, "showBS"); /*gui.add(planConfig, "showReachedStops");*/ var sidebar = L.control.sidebar('sidebar').addTo(my_map); $('#resultTab').click(function (){ $('#resultTab').removeClass("status-waiting status-ok status-error"); }) //Sets GUI from hash values if ( != "") { // init url params urlParams = { }; var match, pl = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g, decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pl, " ")); }, query =; while (match = search.exec(query)) { var value = decode(match[2]); var key = decode(match[1]); //fromLat,fromLon toLat and toLon are actually floats if ((key.indexOf("toL") >= 0) || (key.indexOf("fromL") >= 0)) { value = parseFloat(value); //wheelchair needs to be boolean } else if (key == "wheelchair") { planConfig[key] = $.parseJSON(value.toLowerCase()); } else { planConfig[key] = value; } //This is actually unnecessary except for latitudes and longitudes urlParams[key] = value; } // updates all gui controllers since we changed the values for (var i in gui.__controllers) { gui.__controllers[i].updateDisplay(); } var fromEvent = {'latlng': L.latLng(urlParams['fromLat'], urlParams['fromLon'])}; addFirst(fromEvent); var toEvent = {'latlng': L.latLng(urlParams['toLat'], urlParams['toLon'])}; addLast(toEvent); } my_map.on('moveend', function() { var bbox = my_map.getBounds(); var params = { n : bbox.getNorth(), s : bbox.getSouth(), e : bbox.getEast(), w : bbox.getWest(), }; getStops(params); getParkRides(params); getBikeShares(params); }); });

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