main.resources.js.String.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// JavaScript unit
// Add-on for the string and number manipulation
// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011 by Ildar Shaimordanov
The following code is described in ECMA drafts and
might be implemented in the future of ECMA
String.prototype.hashCode = function(){
if (Array.prototype.reduce){
return this.split("").reduce(function(a,b){a=((a<<5)-a)+b.charCodeAt(0);return a&a},0);
var hash = 0;
if (this.length === 0) return hash;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var character = this.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+character;
hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
if ( ! String.prototype.replaceAll ) {
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(str1, str2, ignore)
return this.replace(new RegExp(str1.replace(/([\/\,\!\\\^\$\{\}\[\]\(\)\.\*\+\?\|\<\>\-\&])/g,"\\$&"),(ignore?"gi":"g")),(typeof(str2)=="string")?str2.replace(/\$/g,"$$$$"):str2);
if ( ! String.prototype.repeat ) {
* object.x(number)
* object.repeat(number)
* Transform the string object multiplying the string
* @param number Amount of repeating
* @return string
* @access public
* @see http://svn.debugger.ru/repos/jslibs/BrowserExtensions/trunk/ext/string.js
* @see http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:string_extras
String.prototype.repeat = function(n)
n = Math.max(n || 0, 0);
return new Array(n + 1).join(this.valueOf());
if ( ! String.prototype.startsWith ) {
* Returns true if the sequence of characters of searchString converted
* to a String match the corresponding characters of this object
* (converted to a String) starting at position. Otherwise returns false.
* @param string
* @param integer
* @return bollean
* @acess public
String.prototype.startsWith = function(searchString, position)
position = Math.max(position || 0, 0);
return this.indexOf(searchString) == position;
if ( ! String.prototype.endsWith ) {
* Returns true if the sequence of characters of searchString converted
* to a String match the corresponding characters of this object
* (converted to a String) starting at endPosition - length(this).
* Otherwise returns false.
* @param string
* @param integer
* @return bollean
* @acess public
String.prototype.endsWith = function(searchString, endPosition)
endPosition = Math.max(endPosition || 0, 0);
var s = String(searchString);
var pos = this.lastIndexOf(s);
return pos >= 0 && pos == this.length - s.length - endPosition;
if ( ! String.prototype.contains ) {
* If searchString appears as a substring of the result of converting
* this object to a String, at one or more positions that are greater than
* or equal to position, then return true; otherwise, returns false.
* If position is undefined, 0 is assumed, so as to search all of the String.
* @param string
* @param integer
* @return bollean
* @acess public
String.prototype.contains = function(searchString, position)
position = Math.max(position || 0, 0);
return this.indexOf(searchString) != -1;
if ( ! String.prototype.toArray ) {
* Returns an Array object with elements corresponding to
* the characters of this object (converted to a String).
* @param void
* @return array
* @acess public
String.prototype.toArray = function()
return this.split('');
if ( ! String.prototype.reverse ) {
* Returns an Array object with elements corresponding to
* the characters of this object (converted to a String) in reverse order.
* @param void
* @return string
* @acess public
String.prototype.reverse = function()
return this.split('').reverse().join('');
The following ode is not described in ECMA specs or drafts.
* String.validBrackets(string)
* Checks string to be valid brackets. Valid brackets are:
* quotes - '' "" `' ``
* single - <> {} [] () %% || // \\
* double - miltiline comments
* /** / C/C++ like (without whitespace)
* ?> PHP like
* <%%> ASP like
* (**) Pascal like
* @param string Brackets (left and right)
* @return boolean Result of validity of brackets
* @access static
String.validBrackets = function(br)
if ( ! br ) {
return false;
var quot = "''\"\"`'``";
var sgl = "<>{}[]()%%||//\\\\";
var dbl = "/**/?><%%>(**)";
return (br.length == 2 && (quot + sgl).indexOf(br) != -1)
|| (br.length == 4 && dbl.indexOf(br) != -1);
* object.bracketize(string)
* Transform the string object by setting in frame of valid brackets
* @param string Brackets
* @return string Bracketized string
* @access public
String.prototype.brace =
String.prototype.bracketize = function(br)
var string = this;
if ( ! String.validBrackets(br) ) {
return string;
var midPos = br.length / 2;
return br.substr(0, midPos) + string.toString() + br.substr(midPos);
* object.unbracketize(string)
* Transform the string object removing the leading and trailing brackets
* If the parameter is not defined the method will try to remove existing valid brackets
* @param string Brackets
* @return string Unbracketized string
* @access public
String.prototype.unbrace =
String.prototype.unbracketize = function(br)
var string = this;
if ( ! br ) {
var len = string.length;
for (var i = 2; i >= 1; i--) {
br = string.substring(0, i) + string.substring(len - i);
if ( String.validBrackets(br) ) {
return string.substring(i, len - i);
if ( ! String.validBrackets(br) ) {
return string;
var midPos = br.length / 2;
var i = string.indexOf(br.substr(0, midPos));
var j = string.lastIndexOf(br.substr(midPos));
if (i == 0 && j == string.length - midPos) {
string = string.substring(i + midPos, j);
return string;
* object.radix(number, number, string)
* Transform the number object to string in accordance with a scale of notation
* If it is necessary the numeric string will aligned to right and filled by '0' character, by default
* @param number Radix of scale of notation (it have to be greater or equal 2 and below or equal 36)
* @param number Width of numeric string
* @param string Padding chacracter (by default, '0')
* @return string Numeric string
* @access public
Number.prototype.radix = function(r, n, c)
return this.toString(r).padding(-n, c);
// return this.toString(r).padding(-Math.abs(n), c);
* object.bin(number, string)
* Transform the number object to string of binary presentation
* @param number Width of numeric string
* @param string Padding chacracter (by default, '0')
* @return string Numeric string
* @access public
Number.prototype.bin = function(n, c)
return this.radix(0x02, n, c);
// return this.radix(0x02, (n) ? n : 16, c);
* object.oct(number, string)
* Transform the number object to string of octal presentation
* @param number Width of numeric string
* @param string Padding chacracter (by default, '0')
* @return string Numeric string
* @access public
Number.prototype.oct = function(n, c)
return this.radix(0x08, n, c);
// return this.radix(0x08, (n) ? n : 6, c);
* object.dec(number, string)
* Transform the number object to string of decimal presentation
* @param number Width of numeric string
* @param string Padding chacracter (by default, '0')
* @return string Numeric string
* @access public
Number.prototype.dec = function(n, c)
return this.radix(0x0A, n, c);
* object.hexl(number, string)
* Transform the number object to string of hexadecimal presentation in lower-case of major characters (0-9 and a-f)
* @param number Width of numeric string
* @param string Padding chacracter (by default, '0')
* @return string Numeric string
* @access public
Number.prototype.hexl = function(n, c)
return this.radix(0x10, n, c);
// return this.radix(0x10, (n) ? n : 4, c);
* object.hex(number, string)
* Transform the number object to string of the hexadecimal presentation
* in upper-case of major characters (0-9 and A-F)
* @param number Width of numeric string
* @param string Padding chacracter (by default, '0')
* @return string Numeric string
* @access public
Number.prototype.hex = function(n, c)
return this.radix(0x10, n, c).toUpperCase();
* object.human([digits[, true]])
* Transform the number object to string in human-readable format (e.h., 1k, 234M, 5G)
* @example
* var n = 1001;
* // will output 1.001K
* var h = n.human(3);
* // will output 1001.000
* var H = n.human(3, true);
* @param integer Optional. Number of digits after the decimal point. Must be in the range 0-20, inclusive.
* @param boolean Optional. If true then use powers of 1024 not 1000
* @return string Human-readable string
* @access public
Number.prototype.human = function(digits, binary)
var n = Math.abs(this);
var p = this;
var s = '';
var divs = arguments.callee.add(binary);
for (var i = divs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ( n >= divs[i].d ) {
p /= divs[i].d;
s = divs[i].s;
return p.toFixed(digits) + s;
* Subsidiary method.
* Stores suffixes and divisors to use in Number.prototype.human.
* @param boolean
* @param string
* @param divisor
* @return array
* @access static
Number.prototype.human.add = function(binary, suffix, divisor)
var name = binary ? 'div2' : 'div10';
var divs = Number.prototype.human[name] = Number.prototype.human[name] || [];
if ( arguments.length < 3 ) {
return divs;
divs.push({s: suffix, d: Math.abs(divisor)});
divs.sort(function(a, b)
return a.d - b.d;
return divs;
// Binary prefixes
Number.prototype.human.add(true, 'K', 1 << 10);
Number.prototype.human.add(true, 'M', 1 << 20);
Number.prototype.human.add(true, 'G', 1 << 30);
Number.prototype.human.add(true, 'T', Math.pow(2, 40));
// Decimal prefixes
Number.prototype.human.add(false, 'K', 1e3);
Number.prototype.human.add(false, 'M', 1e6);
Number.prototype.human.add(false, 'G', 1e9);
Number.prototype.human.add(false, 'T', 1e12);
* object.fromHuman([digits[, binary]])
* Transform the human-friendly string to the valid numeriv value
* @example
* var n = 1001;
* // will output 1.001K
* var h = n.human(3);
* // will output 1001
* var m = h.fromHuman(h);
* @param boolean Optional. If true then use powers of 1024 not 1000
* @return number
* @access public
Number.fromHuman = function(value, binary)
var m = String(value).match(/^([\-\+]?\d+\.?\d*)([A-Z])?$/);
if ( ! m ) {
return Number.NaN;
if ( ! m[2] ) {
return +m[1];
var divs = Number.prototype.human.add(binary);
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
if ( divs[i].s == m[2] ) {
return m[1] * divs[i].d;
return Number.NaN;
if ( ! String.prototype.trim ) {
* object.trim()
* Transform the string object removing leading and trailing whitespaces
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.trim = function()
return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
if ( ! String.prototype.trimLeft ) {
* object.trimLeft()
* Transform the string object removing leading whitespaces
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.trimLeft = function()
return this.replace(/(^\s*)/, "");
if ( ! String.prototype.trimRight ) {
* object.trimRight()
* Transform the string object removing trailing whitespaces
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.trimRight = function()
return this.replace(/(\s*$)/g, "");
* object.dup()
* Transform the string object duplicating the string
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.dup = function()
var val = this.valueOf();
return val + val;
* object.padding(number, string)
* Transform the string object to string of the actual width filling by the padding character (by default ' ')
* Negative value of width means left padding, and positive value means right one
* @param number Width of string
* @param string Padding chacracter (by default, ' ')
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.padding = function(n, c)
var val = this.valueOf();
if ( Math.abs(n) <= val.length ) {
return val;
var m = Math.max((Math.abs(n) - this.length) || 0, 0);
var pad = Array(m + 1).join(String(c || ' ').charAt(0));
// var pad = String(c || ' ').charAt(0).repeat(Math.abs(n) - this.length);
return (n < 0) ? pad + val : val + pad;
// return (n < 0) ? val + pad : pad + val;
* object.padLeft(number, string)
* Wrapper for object.padding
* Transform the string object to string of the actual width adding the leading padding character (by default ' ')
* @param number Width of string
* @param string Padding chacracter
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.padLeft = function(n, c)
return this.padding(-Math.abs(n), c);
* object.alignRight(number, string)
* Wrapper for object.padding
* Synonym for object.padLeft
* @param number Width of string
* @param string Padding chacracter
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.alignRight = String.prototype.padLeft;
* object.padRight(number, string)
* Wrapper for object.padding
* Transform the string object to string of the actual width adding the trailing padding character (by default ' ')
* @param number Width of string
* @param string Padding chacracter
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.padRight = function(n, c)
return this.padding(Math.abs(n), c);
* Formats arguments accordingly the formatting string.
* Each occurence of the "{\d+}" substring refers to
* the appropriate argument.
* @example
* '{0}is not {1} + {2}'.format('JavaScript', 'Java', 'Script');
* @param mixed
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.format = function()
var args = arguments;
return this.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function($0, $1)
return args[$1] !== void 0 ? args[$1] : $0;
* object.alignLeft(number, string)
* Wrapper for object.padding
* Synonym for object.padRight
* @param number Width of string
* @param string Padding chacracter
* @return string
* @access public
String.prototype.alignLeft = String.prototype.padRight;
* sprintf(format, argument_list)
* The string function like one in C/C++, PHP, Perl
* Each conversion specification is defined as below:
* %[index][alignment][padding][width][precision]type
* index An optional index specifier that changes the order of the
* arguments in the list to be displayed.
* alignment An optional alignment specifier that says if the result should be
* left-justified or right-justified. The default is
* right-justified; a "-" character here will make it left-justified.
* padding An optional padding specifier that says what character will be
* used for padding the results to the right string size. This may
* be a space character or a "0" (zero character). The default is to
* pad with spaces. An alternate padding character can be specified
* by prefixing it with a single quote ('). See the examples below.
* width An optional number, a width specifier that says how many
* characters (minimum) this conversion should result in.
* precision An optional precision specifier that says how many decimal digits
* should be displayed for floating-point numbers. This option has
* no effect for other types than float.
* type A type specifier that says what type the argument data should be
* treated as. Possible types:
* % - a literal percent character. No argument is required.
* b - the argument is treated as an integer, and presented as a binary number.
* c - the argument is treated as an integer, and presented as the character
* with that ASCII value.
* d - the argument is treated as an integer, and presented as a decimal number.
* u - the same as "d".
* f - the argument is treated as a float, and presented as a floating-point.
* o - the argument is treated as an integer, and presented as an octal number.
* s - the argument is treated as and presented as a string.
* x - the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal
* number (with lowercase letters).
* X - the argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal
* number (with uppercase letters).
* h - the argument is treated as an integer and presented in human-readable format
* using powers of 1024.
* H - the argument is treated as an integer and presented in human-readable format
* using powers of 1000.
String.prototype.sprintf = function()
var args = arguments;
var index = 0;
var x;
var ins;
var fn;
* The callback function accepts the following properties
* x.index contains the substring position found at the origin string
* x[0] contains the found substring
* x[1] contains the index specifier (as \d+\$ or \d+#)
* x[2] contains the alignment specifier ("+" or "-" or empty)
* x[3] contains the padding specifier (space char, "0" or defined as '.)
* x[4] contains the width specifier (as \d*)
* x[5] contains the floating-point precision specifier (as \.\d*)
* x[6] contains the type specifier (as [bcdfosuxX])
return this.replace(String.prototype.sprintf.re, function()
if ( arguments[0] == "%%" ) {
return "%";
x = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
x[i] = arguments[i] || '';
x[3] = x[3].slice(-1) || ' ';
ins = args[+x[1] ? x[1] - 1 : index++];
// index++;
return String.prototype.sprintf[x[6]](ins, x);
String.prototype.sprintf.re = /%%|%(?:(\d+)[\$#])?([+-])?('.|0| )?(\d*)(?:\.(\d+))?([bcdfosuxXhH])/g;
String.prototype.sprintf.b = function(ins, x)
return Number(ins).bin(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.c = function(ins, x)
return String.fromCharCode(ins).padding(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.d =
String.prototype.sprintf.u = function(ins, x)
return Number(ins).dec(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.f = function(ins, x)
var ins = Number(ins);
// var fn = String.prototype.padding;
if (x[5]) {
ins = ins.toFixed(x[5]);
} else if (x[4]) {
ins = ins.toExponential(x[4]);
} else {
ins = ins.toExponential();
// Invert sign because this is not number but string
x[2] = x[2] == "-" ? "+" : "-";
return ins.padding(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
// return fn.call(ins, x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.o = function(ins, x)
return Number(ins).oct(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.s = function(ins, x)
return String(ins).padding(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.x = function(ins, x)
return Number(ins).hexl(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.X = function(ins, x)
return Number(ins).hex(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.h = function(ins, x)
var ins = String.prototype.replace.call(ins, /,/g, '');
// Invert sign because this is not number but string
x[2] = x[2] == "-" ? "+" : "-";
return Number(ins).human(x[5], true).padding(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
String.prototype.sprintf.H = function(ins, x)
var ins = String.prototype.replace.call(ins, /,/g, '');
// Invert sign because this is not number but string
x[2] = x[2] == "-" ? "+" : "-";
return Number(ins).human(x[5], false).padding(x[2] + x[4], x[3]);
* compile()
* This string function compiles the formatting string to the internal function
* to acelerate an execution a formatting within loops.
* @example
* // Standard usage of the sprintf method
* var s = '';
* for (var p in obj) {
* s += '%s = %s'.sprintf(p, obj[p]);
* }
* // The more speed usage of the sprintf method
* var sprintf = '%s = %s'.compile();
* var s = '';
* for (var p in obj) {
* s += sprintf(p, obj[p]);
* }
* @see String.prototype.sprintf()
String.prototype.compile = function()
var args = arguments;
var index = 0;
var x;
var ins;
var fn;
* The callback function accepts the following properties
* x.index contains the substring position found at the origin string
* x[0] contains the found substring
* x[1] contains the index specifier (as \d+\$ or \d+#)
* x[2] contains the alignment specifier ("+" or "-" or empty)
* x[3] contains the padding specifier (space char, "0" or defined as '.)
* x[4] contains the width specifier (as \d*)
* x[5] contains the floating-point precision specifier (as \.\d*)
* x[6] contains the type specifier (as [bcdfosuxX])
var result = this.replace(/(\\|")/g, '\\$1').replace(String.prototype.sprintf.re, function()
if ( arguments[0] == "%%" ) {
return "%";
arguments.length = 7;
x = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
x[i] = arguments[i] || '';
x[3] = x[3].slice(-1) || ' ';
ins = x[1] ? x[1] - 1 : index++;
// index++;
return '", String.prototype.sprintf.' + x[6] + '(arguments[' + ins + '], ["' + x.join('", "') + '"]), "';
return Function('', 'return ["' + result + '"].join("")');
* Considers the string object as URL and returns it's parts separately
* @param void
* @return Object
* @access public
String.prototype.parseUrl = function()
var matches = this.match(arguments.callee.re);
if ( ! matches ) {
return null;
var result = {
'scheme': matches[1] || '',
'subscheme': matches[2] || '',
'user': matches[3] || '',
'pass': matches[4] || '',
'host': matches[5],
'port': matches[6] || '',
'path': matches[7] || '',
'query': matches[8] || '',
'fragment': matches[9] || ''};
return result;
String.prototype.parseUrl.re = /^(?:([a-z]+):(?:([a-z]*):)?\/\/)?(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?@)?((?:[a-z0-9_-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}|localhost|(?:(?:[01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:(?:[01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])))(?::(\d+))?(?:([^:\?\#]+))?(?:\?([^\#]+))?(?:\#([^\s]+))?$/i;
String.prototype.camelize = function()
return this.replace(/([^-]+)|(?:-(.)([^-]+))/mg, function($0, $1, $2, $3)
return ($2 || '').toUpperCase() + ($3 || $1).toLowerCase();
String.prototype.uncamelize = function()
return this
.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function($0)
return '-' + $0.toLowerCase();
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