nger.akka-quartz-scheduler_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.typesafe.akka.extension.quartz
import java.text.ParseException
import java.util.{Date, TimeZone}
import akka.event.Logging
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.quartz._
import org.quartz.core.jmx.JobDataMapSupport
import org.quartz.impl.DirectSchedulerFactory
import org.quartz.simpl.{RAMJobStore, SimpleThreadPool}
import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
import scala.util.control.Exception._
object QuartzSchedulerExtension extends ExtensionKey[QuartzSchedulerExtension]
* Note that this extension will only be instantiated *once* *per actor system*.
class QuartzSchedulerExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
private val log = Logging(system, this)
// todo - use of the circuit breaker to encapsulate quartz failures?
def schedulerName = "QuartzScheduler~%s".format(
protected val config = system.settings.config.withFallback(defaultConfig).getConfig("akka.quartz").root.toConfig
// For config values that can be omitted by user, to setup a fallback
lazy val defaultConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
akka.quartz {
threadPool {
threadCount = 1
threadPriority = 5
daemonThreads = true
defaultTimezone = UTC
""".stripMargin) // todo - boundary checks
// The # of threads in the pool
val threadCount = config.getInt("threadPool.threadCount")
// Priority of threads created. Defaults at 5, can be between 1 (lowest) and 10 (highest)
val threadPriority = config.getInt("threadPool.threadPriority")
require(threadPriority >= 1 && threadPriority <= 10,
"Quartz Thread Priority (akka.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority) must be a positive integer between 1 (lowest) and 10 (highest).")
// Should the threads we create be daemonic? FYI Non-daemonic threads could make akka / jvm shutdown difficult
val daemonThreads_? = config.getBoolean("threadPool.daemonThreads")
// Timezone to use unless specified otherwise
val defaultTimezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(config.getString("defaultTimezone"))
* Parses job and trigger configurations, preparing them for any code request of a matching job.
* In our world, jobs and triggers are essentially 'merged' - our scheduler is built around triggers
* and jobs are basically 'idiot' programs who fire off messages.
var schedules: immutable.Map[String, QuartzSchedule] = QuartzSchedules(config, defaultTimezone).map { kv =>
kv._1.toUpperCase -> kv._2
val runningJobs: mutable.Map[String, JobKey] = mutable.Map.empty[String, JobKey]
log.debug("Configured Schedules: {}", schedules)
* Puts the Scheduler in 'standby' mode, temporarily halting firing of triggers.
* Resumable by running 'start'
def standby(): Unit = scheduler.standby()
def isInStandbyMode = scheduler.isInStandbyMode
* Starts up the scheduler. This is typically used from userspace only to restart
* a scheduler in standby mode.
* @return True if calling this function resulted in the starting of the scheduler; false if the scheduler
* was already started.
def start(): Boolean = isStarted match {
case true =>
log.warning("Cannot start scheduler, already started.")
case false =>
def isStarted = scheduler.isStarted
* Suspends (pauses) all jobs in the scheduler
def suspendAll(): Unit = {"Suspending all Quartz jobs.")
* Shutdown the scheduler manually. The scheduler cannot be re-started.
* @param waitForJobsToComplete wait for jobs to complete? default to false
def shutdown(waitForJobsToComplete: Boolean = false) = {
* Attempts to suspend (pause) the given job
* @param name The name of the job, as defined in the schedule
* @return Success or Failure in a Boolean
def suspendJob(name: String): Boolean = {
runningJobs.get(name) match {
case Some(job) =>"Suspending Quartz Job '{}'", name)
case None =>
log.warning("No running Job named '{}' found: Cannot suspend", name)
// TODO - Exception checking?
* Attempts to resume (un-pause) the given job
* @param name The name of the job, as defined in the schedule
* @return Success or Failure in a Boolean
def resumeJob(name: String): Boolean = {
runningJobs.get(name) match {
case Some(job) =>"Resuming Quartz Job '{}'", name)
case None =>
log.warning("No running Job named '{}' found: Cannot unpause", name)
// TODO - Exception checking?
* Unpauses all jobs in the scheduler
def resumeAll(): Unit = {"Resuming all Quartz jobs.")
* Cancels the running job and all associated triggers
* @param name The name of the job, as defined in the schedule
* @return Success or Failure in a Boolean
def cancelJob(name: String): Boolean = {
runningJobs.get(name) match {
case Some(job) =>"Cancelling Quartz Job '{}'", name)
val result = scheduler.deleteJob(job)
runningJobs -= name
case None =>
log.warning("No running Job named '{}' found: Cannot cancel", name)
// TODO - Exception checking?
* Create a schedule programmatically (must still be scheduled by calling 'schedule')
* @param name A String identifying the job
* @param description A string describing the purpose of the job
* @param cronExpression A string with the cron-type expression
* @param calendar An optional calendar to use.
def createSchedule(name: String, description: Option[String] = None, cronExpression: String, calendar: Option[String] = None,
timezone: TimeZone = defaultTimezone) = schedules.get(name.toUpperCase) match {
case Some(sched) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"A schedule with this name already exists: [$name]")
case None =>
val expression = catching(classOf[ParseException]) either new CronExpression(cronExpression) match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid 'expression' for Cron Schedule '$name'. Failed to validate CronExpression.", t)
case Right(expr) => expr
val quartzSchedule = new QuartzCronSchedule(name, description, expression, timezone, calendar)
schedules += (name.toUpperCase -> quartzSchedule)
* Schedule a job, whose named configuration must be available
* @param name A String identifying the job, which must match configuration
* @param receiver An ActorRef, who will be notified each time the schedule fires
* @param msg A message object, which will be sent to `receiver` each time the schedule fires
* @return A date which indicates the first time the trigger will fire.
def schedule(name: String, receiver: ActorRef, msg: AnyRef): Date = scheduleInternal(name, receiver, msg, None)
* Schedule a job, whose named configuration must be available
* @param name A String identifying the job, which must match configuration
* @param receiver An ActorSelection, who will be notified each time the schedule fires
* @param msg A message object, which will be sent to `receiver` each time the schedule fires
* @return A date which indicates the first time the trigger will fire.
def schedule(name: String, receiver: ActorSelection, msg: AnyRef): Date = scheduleInternal(name, receiver, msg, None)
* Schedule a job, whose named configuration must be available
* @param name A String identifying the job, which must match configuration
* @param receiver An ActorRef, who will be notified each time the schedule fires
* @param msg A message object, which will be sent to `receiver` each time the schedule fires
* @return A date which indicates the first time the trigger will fire.
def schedule(name: String, receiver: ActorRef, msg: AnyRef, startDate: Option[Date]): Date = scheduleInternal(name, receiver, msg, startDate)
* Schedule a job, whose named configuration must be available
* @param name A String identifying the job, which must match configuration
* @param receiver An ActorSelection, who will be notified each time the schedule fires
* @param msg A message object, which will be sent to `receiver` each time the schedule fires
* @return A date which indicates the first time the trigger will fire.
def schedule(name: String, receiver: ActorSelection, msg: AnyRef, startDate: Option[Date]): Date = scheduleInternal(name, receiver, msg, startDate)
* Helper method for schedule because overloaded methods can't have default parameters.
* @param name The name of the schedule / job.
* @param receiver The receiver of the job message. This must be either an ActorRef or an ActorSelection.
* @param msg The message to send to kick off the job.
* @param startDate The optional date indicating the earliest time the job may fire.
* @return A date which indicates the first time the trigger will fire.
private def scheduleInternal(name: String, receiver: AnyRef, msg: AnyRef, startDate: Option[Date]): Date = schedules.get(name.toUpperCase) match {
case Some(schedule) => scheduleJob(name, receiver, msg, startDate)(schedule)
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching quartz configuration found for schedule '%s'".format(name))
* Creates the actual jobs for Quartz, and setups the Trigger, etc.
* @return A date, which indicates the first time the trigger will fire.
protected def scheduleJob(name: String, receiver: AnyRef, msg: AnyRef, startDate: Option[Date])(schedule: QuartzSchedule): Date = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._"Setting up scheduled job '{}', with '{}'", name, schedule)
val jobDataMap = Map[String, AnyRef](
"logBus" -> system.eventStream,
"receiver" -> receiver,
"message" -> msg
val jobData = JobDataMapSupport.newJobDataMap(jobDataMap.asJava)
val job = JobBuilder.newJob(classOf[SimpleActorMessageJob])
.withIdentity(name + "_Job")
log.debug("Adding jobKey {} to runningJobs map.", job.getKey)
runningJobs += name -> job.getKey
log.debug("Building Trigger with startDate '{}", startDate.getOrElse(new Date()))
val trigger = schedule.buildTrigger(name, startDate)
log.debug("Scheduling Job '{}' and Trigger '{}'. Is Scheduler Running? {}", job, trigger, scheduler.isStarted)
scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger)
* Parses calendar configurations, creates Calendar instances and attaches them to the scheduler
protected def initialiseCalendars() {
for ((name, calendar) <- QuartzCalendars(config, defaultTimezone)) {"Configuring Calendar '{}'", name)
// Recast calendar name as upper case to make later lookups easier ( no stupid case clashing at runtime )
scheduler.addCalendar(name.toUpperCase, calendar, true, true)
lazy protected val threadPool = {
// todo - wrap one of the Akka thread pools with the Quartz interface?
val _tp = new SimpleThreadPool(threadCount, threadPriority)
_tp.setThreadNamePrefix("AKKA_QRTZ_") // todo - include system name?
lazy protected val jobStore = {
// TODO - Make this potentially configurable, but for now we don't want persistable jobs.
new RAMJobStore()
lazy protected val scheduler = {
// because it's a java API ... initialize the scheduler, THEN get and start it.
DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance.createScheduler(schedulerName,, /* todo - will this clash by quartz' rules? */
threadPool, jobStore)
val scheduler = DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance().getScheduler(schedulerName)
log.debug("Initialized a Quartz Scheduler '{}'", scheduler)
system.registerOnTermination({"Shutting down Quartz Scheduler with ActorSystem Termination (Any jobs awaiting completion will end as well, as actors are ending)...")
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