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nger.akka-quartz-scheduler_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.typesafe.akka.extension.quartz
import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigObject, ConfigException, Config}
import java.util.TimeZone
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import org.quartz.{CronExpression, Calendar}
import org.quartz.impl.calendar._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.text.{ParseException, SimpleDateFormat}
import collection.immutable
* Utility classes around the creation and configuration of Quartz Calendars.
* All dates must be ISO-8601 compliant.
object QuartzCalendars {
// TODO - Support a default / "Base" calendar.
// type (of enum list)
// timezone (parseable) [optional, defaults to UTC]
// description (string)
/* annual
* excludes a set of days of the year
* e.g. bank holidays which are on same date every year
* doesn't take year into account, but can't calculate moveable feasts.
* i.e. you can specify "christmas" (always december 25) and it will get every christmas,
* but not "Easter" (which is calculated based on the first full moon on or after the spring equinox)
// excludeDates (list of MM-DD dates)
/* holiday
* excludes full specified day, with the year taken into account
// excludeDates (list of ISO-8601 dates, YYYY-MM-DD)
/* daily
* excludes a specified time range each day. cannot cross daily boundaries.
* only one time range PER CALENDAR.
// exclude block {
// startTime =
// endTime =
// }
// time in the format "HH:MM[:SS[:mmm]]" where:
// HH is the hour of the specified time. The hour should be specified using military (24-hour) time and must be in the range 0 to 23.
// MM is the minute of the specified time and must be in the range 0 to 59.
// SS is the second of the specified time and must be in the range 0 to 59.
// mmm is the millisecond of the specified time and must be in the range 0 to 999.
// items enclosed in brackets ('[', ']') are optional.
// !! The time range starting time must be before the time range ending time.
// Note this means that a time range may not cross daily boundaries (10PM - 2AM) !!
/* monthly
* excludes a set of days of the month.
// excludeDays (list of ints from 1-31)
/* weekly
* Excludes a set of days of the week, by default excludes Saturday and Sunday
// excludeDays (list of ints from 1-7 where 1 is sunday, 7 is saturday)
// excludeWeekends (boolean) By default TRUE, *overriden by excludeDays* (e.g. if you say this is true but exclude sunday, exclude wins)
/* cron
* excludes the set of times expressed by a given [Quartz CronExpression](
* Gets *one* expression set on it.
// excludeExpression (Valid Quartz CronExpression)
// def parseCalendars(config)
val catchMissing = catching(classOf[ConfigException.Missing])
val catchWrongType = catching(classOf[ConfigException.WrongType])
val catchParseErr = catching(classOf[ParseException])
def apply(config: Config, defaultTimezone: TimeZone): immutable.Map[String, Calendar] = catchMissing opt {
/** the extra toMap call is because the asScala gives us a mutable map... */
config.getConfig("calendars").root.asScala.toMap.flatMap {
case (key, value: ConfigObject) => Some(key -> parseCalendar(key, value.toConfig, defaultTimezone))
case _ => None
} getOrElse immutable.Map.empty[String, Calendar]
def parseFmt(raw: String, fmt: SimpleDateFormat)(tz: TimeZone): java.util.Calendar = {
val c = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(tz)
def parseAnnualCalendar(name: String, config: Config)(tz: TimeZone): AnnualCalendar = {
val dateFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd")
val excludeDates = catchMissing or catchWrongType either { config.getStringList("excludeDates") } match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or Missing Configuration entry 'excludeDates' for Annual calendar '%s'. You must provide a list of ISO-8601 compliant dates ('YYYY-MM-DD').".format(name), t)
case Right(dates) => { d =>
catchParseErr either {
parseFmt(d, dateFmt)(tz)
} match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid date '%s' in Annual Calendar '%s' - 'excludeDates'. You must provide an ISO-8601 compliant date ('YYYY-MM-DD').".format(d, name), t)
case Right(dt) => dt
val cal = new AnnualCalendar()
cal.setDaysExcluded(new java.util.ArrayList(excludeDates.asJava))
def parseHolidayCalendar(name: String, config: Config)(tz: TimeZone): HolidayCalendar = {
val dateFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
val excludeDates = catchMissing or catchWrongType either { config.getStringList("excludeDates") } match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or Missing Configuration entry 'excludeDates' for Holiday Calendar '%s'. You must provide a list of ISO-8601 compliant dates ('YYYY-MM-DD').".format(name), t)
case Right(dates) => { d =>
catchParseErr either {
parseFmt(d, dateFmt)(tz).getTime
} match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid date '%s' in Holiday Calendar '%s' - 'excludeDates'. You must provide an ISO-8601 compliant date ('YYYY-MM-DD').".format(d, name), t)
case Right(dt) => dt
val cal = new HolidayCalendar()
excludeDates.foreach { cal.addExcludedDate }
def parseDailyCalendar(name: String, config: Config): DailyCalendar = {
def parseTimeEntry(entry: String) = catchMissing or catchWrongType either { config.getString(entry) } match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or Missing Configuration entry '%s' for Daily Calendar '%s'. You must provide a time in the format 'HH:MM[:SS[:mmm]]'".format(entry, name), t)
case Right(rawTime) =>
val startTime = parseTimeEntry("exclude.startTime")
val endTime = parseTimeEntry("exclude.endTime")
// todo - verify invariant condition re: crossing daily boundaries( does quartz do that for us )?
new DailyCalendar(startTime, endTime)
def parseWeeklyCalendar(name: String, config: Config): WeeklyCalendar = {
val excludeDays = catchMissing or catchWrongType either { config.getIntList("excludeDays") } match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or Missing Configuration entry 'excludeDays' for Weekly Calendar '%s'. You must provide a list of Integers between 1 and 7.".format(name), t)
case Right(days) =>
val excludeWeekends = catchMissing opt { config.getBoolean("excludeWeekends") } getOrElse true
require(excludeDays.forall( d => d <= 7 && d >= 1),
"Weekly Calendar '%s' - 'excludeDays' must consist of a list of Integers between 1 and 7".format(name))
val cal = new WeeklyCalendar
excludeDays.foreach { cal.setDayExcluded(_, true) }
if (!excludeWeekends) {
if (excludeDays.contains(7) || excludeDays.contains(1))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weekly Calendar '%s' - Cannot set 'excludeWeekends' to false when you have explicitly excluded Saturday (7) or Sunday (1)".format(name))
else {
cal.setDayExcluded(1, false)
cal.setDayExcluded(7, false)
def parseMonthlyCalendar(name: String, config: Config): MonthlyCalendar = {
val excludeDays = catchMissing or catchWrongType either { config.getIntList("excludeDays") } match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or Missing Configuration entry 'excludeDays' for Monthly Calendar '%s'. You must provide a list of Integers between 1 and 31.".format(name), t)
case Right(days) =>
require(excludeDays.forall( d => d <= 31 && d >= 1),
"Monthly Calendar '%s' - 'excludeDays' must consist of a list of Integers between 1 and 31".format(name))
val cal = new MonthlyCalendar
excludeDays.foreach { cal.setDayExcluded(_, true) }
def parseCronCalendar(name: String, config: Config): CronCalendar = {
val exclude = catchMissing or catchWrongType either { config.getString("excludeExpression") } match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or Missing Configuration entry 'excludeExpression' for Cron Calendar '%s'. You must provide a valid Quartz CronExpression.".format(name), t)
case Right(expr) => catchParseErr either CronExpression.validateExpression(expr) match {
case Left(t) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid 'excludeExpression' for Cron Calendar '%s'. Failed to validate CronExpression.".format(name), t)
case Right(_) => expr
val cal = new CronCalendar(exclude)
def parseCalendar(name: String, config: Config, defaultTimezone: TimeZone): Calendar = {
// parse common attributes
val timezone = catchMissing opt {
TimeZone.getTimeZone(config.getString("timezone")) // todo - this is bad, as Java silently swaps the timezone if it doesn't match...
} getOrElse defaultTimezone
val description = catchMissing opt {
/// todo - make this whole thing a pattern extractor?
catchMissing either config.getString("type") match {
case Left(_) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calendar Type must be defined for " + name)
case Right(typ) =>
val cal = typ.toUpperCase match {
case "ANNUAL" => parseAnnualCalendar(name, config)(timezone)
case "HOLIDAY" => parseHolidayCalendar(name, config)(timezone)
case "DAILY" => parseDailyCalendar(name, config)
case "MONTHLY" => parseMonthlyCalendar(name, config)
case "WEEKLY" => parseWeeklyCalendar(name, config)
case "CRON" => parseCronCalendar(name, config)
case other =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Quartz Calendar type '%s' for calendar '%s'. Valid types are Annual, Holiday, Daily, Monthly, Weekly, and Cron.".format(other, name))