Maven / Gradle / Ivy
(function ($, rf) {
rf.ui = rf.ui || {};
var selectionEventHandler = function(event) {
var disableSelection = function (element) {
if (typeof element.onselectstart != "undefined") //IE
$(rf.getDomElement(element)).on('selectstart', selectionEventHandler);
else //All other (ie: Opera)
$(rf.getDomElement(element)).on('mousedown', selectionEventHandler);
var enableSelection = function (element) {
if (typeof element.onselectstart != "undefined") //IE
$(rf.getDomElement(element)).off('selectstart', selectionEventHandler);
else //All other (ie: Opera)
$(rf.getDomElement(element)).off('mousedown', selectionEventHandler);
var defaultOptions = {
resizeable: false,
autosized: false,
left: "auto",
top : "auto",
shadowDepth : 5,
shadowOpacity: 0.1,
* Backing object for rich:popupPanel
* @extends RichFaces.BaseComponent
* @memberOf! RichFaces.ui
* @constructs RichFaces.ui.PopupPanel
* @param id
* @param options
rf.ui.PopupPanel = function(id, options) {
$, id);
this.markerId = id;
this.options = $.extend(this.options, defaultOptions, options || {});
this.minWidth = this.getMinimumSize(this.options.minWidth);
this.minHeight = this.getMinimumSize(this.options.minHeight);
this.maxWidth = this.options.maxWidth;
this.maxHeight = this.options.maxHeight;
this.baseZIndex = this.options.zindex;
this.div = $(rf.getDomElement(id));
this.cdiv = $(rf.getDomElement(id + "_container"));
this.contentDiv = $(rf.getDomElement(id + "_content"));
this.shadowDiv = $(rf.getDomElement(id + "_shadow"));
this.shadeDiv = $(rf.getDomElement(id + "_shade"));
this.scrollerDiv = $(rf.getDomElement(id + "_content_scroller"));
$(this.shadowDiv).css("opacity", this.options.shadowOpacity);
this.shadowDepth = parseInt(this.options.shadowDepth);
this.borders = new Array();
this.firstHref = $(rf.getDomElement(id + "FirstHref"));
if (this.options.resizeable) {
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerN", this, "N-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.N));
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerE", this, "E-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.E));
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerS", this, "S-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.S));
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerW", this, "W-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.W));
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerNW", this, "NW-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.NW));
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerNE", this, "NE-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.NE));
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerSE", this, "SE-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.SE));
this.borders.push(new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "ResizerSW", this, "SW-resize", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.SW));
if (this.options.moveable && rf.getDomElement(id + "_header")) {
this.header = new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Border(id + "_header", this, "move", rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.Header);
} else {
$(rf.getDomElement(id + "_header")).css('cursor', 'default');
this.resizeProxy = $.proxy(this.resizeListener, this);
this.cdiv.on("resize", this.resizeProxy);
this.findForm(this.cdiv).on("ajaxcomplete", this.resizeProxy);
$(document).on("javascriptServiceComplete", this.resizeProxy);
var $super = rf.ui.PopupPanel.$super;
$.extend(rf.ui.PopupPanel.prototype, (function (options) {
return {
name: "PopupPanel",
saveInputValues: function(element) {
/* Fix for RF-3856 - Checkboxes in modal panel does not hold their states after modal was closed and opened again */
if (rf.browser.msie /* reproducible for checkbox/radio in IE6, radio in IE 7/8 beta 2 */) {
$('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]', element).each(function(index) {
$(this).defaultChecked = $(this).checked;
width: function() {
return this.getContentElement()[0].clientWidth;//TODO
height: function() {
return this.getContentElement()[0].clientHeight;//TODO
* Returns the left coordinate of the popup
* @method
* @name RichFaces.ui.PopupPanel#getLeft
* @return {string} left coordinate
getLeft : function () {
return this.cdiv.css('left');
* Returns the top coordinate of the popup
* @method
* @name RichFaces.ui.PopupPanel#getTop
* @return {string} top coordinate
getTop : function () {
return this.cdiv.css('top');
getInitialSize : function() {
if (this.options.autosized) {
return 15;
} else {
return $(rf.getDomElement(this.markerId + "_header_content")).height();
getContentElement: function() {
if (!this._contentElement) {
this._contentElement = this.cdiv;
return this._contentElement;
getSizeElement : function() {
return document.body;
getMinimumSize : function(size) {
return Math.max(size, 2 * this.getInitialSize() + 2);
__getParsedOption: function(options, name) {
var value = parseInt(options[name], 10);
if (value < 0 || isNaN(value)) {
value = this[name];
return value;
destroy: function() {
if (this.domReattached) {
var div = this.div.get(0);
this.shadeDiv.length && div.appendChild(this.shadeDiv.get(0));
this.findForm(this.cdiv).off("ajaxcomplete", this.resizeProxy);
$(document).off("javascriptServiceComplete", this.resizeProxy);
this._contentElement = null;
this.firstOutside = null;
this.lastOutside = null;
this.firstHref = null;
this.parent = null;
if (this.header) {
this.header = null;
for (var k = 0; k < this.borders.length; k++) {
this.borders = null;
if (this.domReattached) {
this.markerId = null;
this.options = null;
this.div = null;
this.cdiv = null;
this.contentDiv = null;
this.shadowDiv = null;
this.scrollerDiv = null;
this.userOptions = null;
this.eIframe = null;
initIframe : function() {
if (this.contentWindow) {
$(this.contentWindow.document.body).css("margin", "0px 0px 0px 0px");
} else {
//TODO opera etc.
if ("transparent" == $(document.body).css("background-color")) {
$(this).css('filter', "alpha(opacity=0)");
$(this).css('opacity', "0");
setLeft: function(pos) {
if (!isNaN(pos)) {
this.cdiv.css('left', pos + "px");
setTop: function(pos) {
if (!isNaN(pos)) {
this.cdiv.css('top', pos + "px");
* Show the popup panel
* @method
* @name RichFaces.ui.PopupPanel#show
* @param [event] {Event} event triggering this behavior
* @param [opts] {Object} object containing options for the popup (top, left, width, height)
show: function(event, opts) {
var element = this.cdiv;
if (!this.shown && this.invokeEvent("beforeshow", event, null, element)) {
if (!this.domReattached) {
this.parent = this.div.parent();
var domElementAttachment;
if (opts) {
domElementAttachment = opts.domElementAttachment;
if (!domElementAttachment) {
domElementAttachment = this.options.domElementAttachment;
var newParent;
if ('parent' == domElementAttachment) {
newParent = this.parent;
} else if ('form' == domElementAttachment) {
newParent = this.findForm(element)[0] || document.body;
} else {
//default - body
newParent = document.body;
if (newParent != this.parent) {
this.shadeDiv.length && newParent.appendChild(this.shadeDiv.get(0));
this.domReattached = true;
} else {;
var forms = $("form", element);
if (this.options.keepVisualState && forms) {
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
var popup = this;
$(forms[i]).on("submit", {popup:popup}, this.setStateInput);
var options = {};
this.userOptions = {};
$.extend(options, this.options);
if (opts) {
$.extend(options, opts);
$.extend(this.userOptions, opts);
// reset dimensions
if (this.options.autosized) {
if (options.left) {
var _left;
if (options.left != "auto") {
_left = parseInt(options.left, 10);
} else {
var cw = this.__calculateWindowWidth();
var _width = this.width();
if (cw >= _width) {
_left = (cw - _width) / 2;
} else {
_left = 0;
$(this.shadowDiv).css("left", this.shadowDepth);
if ( {
var _top;
if ( != "auto") {
_top = parseInt(, 10);
} else {
var ch = this.__calculateWindowHeight();
var _height = this.height();
if (ch >= _height) {
_top = (ch - _height) / 2;
} else {
_top = 0;
$(this.shadowDiv).css("top", this.shadowDepth);
$(this.shadowDiv).css("bottom", -this.shadowDepth);
this.currentMinHeight = this.getMinimumSize(this.__getParsedOption(options, 'minHeight'));
this.currentMinWidth = this.getMinimumSize(this.__getParsedOption(options, 'minWidth'));
var eContentElt = this.getContentElement();
if (!this.options.autosized) {
if (options.width && options.width == -1)
options.width = 300;
if (options.height && options.height == -1)
options.height = 200;
this.div.css('visibility', '');
if (rf.browser.msie) {
$(this.cdiv).find('input').each(function() {
// Force a CSS "touch" of all popupPanel children to ensure visibility in IE for RF-12850
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.parents(".rf-pp-cntr").first().attr('id') === element.attr('id')) {
$this.css('visibility', $this.css('visibility'));
this.div.css('display', 'inline-block');
if (this.options.autosized) {
this.shadowDiv.css('width', this.cdiv[0].clientWidth);
if (options.width && options.width != -1 || options.autosized) {
var width;
if (options.autosized) {
width = this.getStyle(this.getContentElement(), "width");
if (this.currentMinWidth > width) {
width = this.currentMinWidth;
if (width > this.maxWidth) {
width = this.maxWidth;
} else {
if (this.currentMinWidth > options.width) {
options.width = this.currentMinWidth;
if (options.width > this.maxWidth) {
options.width = this.maxWidth;
width = options.width;
$(rf.getDomElement(eContentElt)).css('width', width + (/px/.test(width) ? '' : 'px'));
this.shadowDiv.css('width', width + (/px/.test(width) ? '' : 'px'));
this.scrollerDiv.css('width', width + (/px/.test(width) ? '' : 'px'));
if (options.height && options.height != -1 || options.autosized) {
var height;
if (options.autosized) {
height = this.getStyle(this.getContentElement(), "height");
if (this.currentMinHeight > height) {
height = this.currentMinHeight;
if (height > this.maxHeight) {
height = this.maxHeight;
} else {
if (this.currentMinHeight > options.height) {
options.height = this.currentMinHeight;
if (options.height > this.maxHeight) {
options.height = this.maxHeight;
height = options.height;
$(rf.getDomElement(eContentElt)).css('height', height + (/px/.test(height) ? '' : 'px'));
var headerHeight = $(rf.getDomElement(this.markerId + "_header")) ? $(rf.getDomElement(this.markerId + "_header")).innerHeight() : 0;
this.shadowDiv.css('height', height + (/px/.test(height) ? '' : 'px'));
this.scrollerDiv.css('height', height - headerHeight + (/px/.test(height) ? '' : 'px'));
var eIframe;
if (this.options.overlapEmbedObjects && !this.iframe) {
this.iframe = this.markerId + "IFrame";
$("").insertBefore($(':first-child', this.cdiv)[0]);
eIframe = $(rf.getDomElement(this.iframe));
eIframe.on('load', this.initIframe);
this.eIframe = eIframe;
if (options.left) {
var _left;
if (options.left != "auto") {
_left = parseInt(options.left, 10);
} else {
var cw = this.__calculateWindowWidth();
var _width = this.width();
if (cw >= _width) {
_left = (cw - _width) / 2;
} else {
_left = 0;
$(this.shadowDiv).css("left", this.shadowDepth);
if ( {
var _top;
if ( != "auto") {
_top = parseInt(, 10);
} else {
var ch = this.__calculateWindowHeight();
var _height = this.height();
if (ch >= _height) {
_top = (ch - _height) / 2;
} else {
_top = 0;
$(this.shadowDiv).css("top", this.shadowDepth);
$(this.shadowDiv).css("bottom", -this.shadowDepth);
var showEvent = {};
showEvent.parameters = opts || {};
this.shown = true;
// Cache the height difference between the shadoww div and the scroller div for later height calculations
this.scrollerSizeDelta = this.getStyle(this.shadowDiv, "height") - this.getStyle(this.scrollerDiv, "height");
this.invokeEvent("show", showEvent, null, element);
__calculateWindowHeight: function() {
var documentElement = document.documentElement;
return self.innerHeight || (documentElement && documentElement.clientHeight) || document.body.clientHeight;
__calculateWindowWidth: function() {
var documentElement = document.documentElement;
return self.innerWidth || (documentElement && documentElement.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth;
startDrag: function(border) {
firstOnfocus: function(event) {
var e = $(;
if (e) {
processAllFocusElements: function(root, callback) {
var idx = -1;
var tagName;
var formElements = "|a|input|select|button|textarea|";
if (root.focus && root.nodeType == 1 && (tagName = root.tagName) &&
// Many not visible elements have focus method, we is had to avoid processing them.
(idx = formElements.indexOf(tagName.toLowerCase())) != -1 &&
formElements.charAt(idx - 1) === '|' &&
formElements.charAt(idx + tagName.length) === '|' &&
!root.disabled && root.type != "hidden") {, root);
} else {
if (root != this.cdiv.get(0)) {
var child = root.firstChild;
while (child) {
if (! || != 'none') {
this.processAllFocusElements(child, callback);
child = child.nextSibling;
processTabindexes: function(input) {
if (!this.firstOutside) {
this.firstOutside = input;
if (!input.prevTabIndex) {
input.prevTabIndex = input.tabIndex;
input.tabIndex = -1;
if (!input.prevAccessKey) {
input.prevAccessKey = input.accessKey;
input.accessKey = "";
restoreTabindexes: function(input) {
if (input.prevTabIndex != undefined) {
if (input.prevTabIndex == 0) {
} else {
input.tabIndex = input.prevTabIndex;
input.prevTabIndex = undefined;
if (input.prevAccessKey != undefined) {
if (input.prevAccessKey == "") {
} else {
input.accessKey = input.prevAccessKey;
input.prevAccessKey = undefined;
preventFocus: function() {
if (this.options.modal) {
this.processAllFocusElements(document, this.processTabindexes);
var popup = this;
if (this.firstOutside) {
$(rf.getDomElement(this.firstOutside)).on("focus", {popup: popup}, this.firstOnfocus);
restoreFocus: function() {
if (this.options.modal) {
this.processAllFocusElements(document, this.restoreTabindexes);
if (this.firstOutside) {
$(rf.getDomElement(this.firstOutside)).off("focus", this.firstOnfocus);
this.firstOutside = null;
endDrag: function(border) {
for (var k = 0; k < this.borders.length; k++) {
* Hide the popup panel
* @method
* @name RichFaces.ui.PopupPanel#hide
hide: function(event, opts) {
var element = this.cdiv;
if (this.shown && this.invokeEvent("beforehide", event, null, element)) {
this.currentMinHeight = undefined;
this.currentMinWidth = undefined;
if (this.parent) {
if (this.domReattached) {
var div = this.div.get(0);
this.shadeDiv.length && div.appendChild(this.shadeDiv.get(0));
this.domReattached = false;
var hideEvent = {};
hideEvent.parameters = opts || {};
var forms = $("form", element);
if (this.options.keepVisualState && forms) {
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
$(forms[i]).off("submit", this.setStateInput);
this.shown = false;
this.invokeEvent("hide", hideEvent, null, element);
// reset position for proper resizing
getStyle: function(elt, name) {
return Number($(rf.getDomElement(elt)).css(name).replace("px", ""));
resizeListener: function(event, diff) {
doResizeOrMove: function(diff) {
var vetoes = {};
var shadowHash = {};
var cssHash = {};
var cssHashWH = {};
var shadowHashWH = {};
var contentHashWH = {};
var scrollerHashWH = {};
var newSize;
var delta;
var scrollerHeight = this.scrollerSizeDelta;
var scrollerWidth = 0;
var eContentElt = this.getContentElement();
var doResize = diff === rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.Diff.EMPTY || diff.deltaWidth || diff.deltaHeight;
if (doResize) {
if (this.options.autosized) {
newSize = this.getStyle(eContentElt, "width");
var oldWidthSize = newSize;
newSize += diff.deltaWidth || 0;
if (newSize >= this.currentMinWidth) {
cssHashWH.width = newSize + 'px';
shadowHashWH.width = newSize + 'px';
contentHashWH.width = newSize - scrollerWidth + 'px';
scrollerHashWH.width = newSize - scrollerWidth + 'px';
} else {
cssHashWH.width = this.currentMinWidth + 'px';
shadowHashWH.width = this.currentMinWidth + 'px';
contentHashWH.width = this.currentMinWidth - scrollerWidth + 'px';
scrollerHashWH.width = this.currentMinWidth - scrollerWidth + 'px';
delta = oldWidthSize - this.currentMinWidth;
if (diff.deltaWidth) {
vetoes.vx = Math.abs(delta) >= 1 ? delta : 0; // avoid rounding errors caused by zooming
vetoes.x = true;
if (newSize > this.options.maxWidth) {
cssHashWH.width = this.options.maxWidth + 'px';
shadowHashWH.width = this.options.maxWidth + 'px';
contentHashWH.width = this.options.maxWidth - scrollerWidth + 'px';
scrollerHashWH.width = this.options.maxWidth - scrollerWidth + 'px';
delta = oldWidthSize - this.options.maxWidth;
if (diff.deltaWidth) {
vetoes.vx = Math.abs(delta) >= 1 ? delta : 0; // avoid rounding errors caused by zooming
vetoes.x = true;
if (vetoes.vx && diff.deltaX) {
diff.deltaX = -vetoes.vx;
var eCdiv = $(this.cdiv);
if (diff.deltaX && (vetoes.vx || !vetoes.x)) {
if (vetoes.vx) {
diff.deltaX = vetoes.vx;
var newLeftPos = this.getStyle(eCdiv, "left");
newLeftPos += diff.deltaX;
cssHash.left = newLeftPos + 'px';
if (doResize) {
newSize = this.getStyle(eContentElt, "height");
var oldHeightSize = newSize;
newSize += diff.deltaHeight || 0;
if (newSize >= this.currentMinHeight) {
cssHashWH.height = newSize + 'px';
shadowHashWH.height = newSize + 'px';
scrollerHashWH.height = newSize - scrollerHeight + 'px';
} else {
cssHashWH.height = this.currentMinHeight + 'px';
shadowHashWH.height = this.currentMinHeight + 'px';
scrollerHashWH.height = this.currentMinHeight - scrollerHeight + 'px';
delta = oldHeightSize - this.currentMinHeight;
if (diff.deltaHeight) {
vetoes.vy = Math.abs(delta) >= 1 ? delta : 0; // avoid rounding errors caused by zooming
vetoes.y = true;
if (newSize > this.options.maxHeight) {
cssHashWH.height = this.options.maxHeight + 'px';
shadowHashWH.height = this.options.maxHeight + 'px';
scrollerHashWH.height = this.options.maxHeight - scrollerHeight + 'px';
delta = oldHeightSize - this.options.maxHeight;
if (diff.deltaHeight) {
vetoes.vy = Math.abs(delta) >= 1 ? delta : 0; // avoid rounding errors caused by zooming
vetoes.y = true;
if (vetoes.vy && diff.deltaY) {
diff.deltaY = -vetoes.vy;
if (diff.deltaY && (vetoes.vy || !vetoes.y)) {
if (vetoes.vy) {
diff.deltaY = vetoes.vy;
var newTopPos = this.getStyle(eCdiv, "top");
newTopPos += diff.deltaY; = newTopPos + 'px';
if (this.eIframe) {
$.extend(this.userOptions, cssHash);
$.extend(this.userOptions, cssHashWH);
var w = this.width();
var h = this.height();
this.reductionData = null;
if (w <= 2 * this.getInitialSize()) {
this.reductionData = {};
this.reductionData.w = w;
if (h <= 2 * this.getInitialSize()) {
if (!this.reductionData) {
this.reductionData = {};
this.reductionData.h = h;
if (this.header) {
return vetoes;
resetWidth: function() {
this.getContentElement().css('width', '');
this.scrollerDiv.css('width', '');
if (this.eIframe) {
this.eIframe.css('width', '');
this.shadowDiv.css('width', '');
$(this.cdiv).css('width', '');
resetHeight: function() {
this.getContentElement().css('height', '');
this.scrollerDiv.css('height', '');
if (this.eIframe) {
this.eIframe.css('height', '');
this.shadowDiv.css('height', '');
$(this.cdiv).css('height', '');
setSize : function (width, height) {
var w = width - this.width();
var h = height - this.height();
var diff = new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.Diff(0, 0, w, h);
* Move the popup panel
* @method
* @name RichFaces.ui.PopupPanel#moveTo
* @param top {number|string} top coordinate
* @param left {number|string} left coordinate
moveTo : function (top, left) {
this.cdiv.css('top', top);
this.cdiv.css('left', left);
move : function (dx, dy) {
var diff = new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.Diff(dx, dy, 0, 0);
* Resize the popup panel
* @method
* @name RichFaces.ui.PopupPanel#resize
* @param dx {number} value to be added to current width
* @param dy {number} value to be added to current height
resize : function (dx, dy) {
var diff = new rf.ui.PopupPanel.Sizer.Diff(0, 0, dx, dy);
findForm: function(elt) {
var target = elt;
while (target) {
if (target[0] && (!target[0].tagName /* document node doesn't have tagName */
|| target[0].tagName.toLowerCase() != "form")) {
target = $(target).parent();
} else {
return target;
setStateInput: function(event) {
// Concret input but not entire form is a target element for onsubmit in FF
var popup =;
target = $(popup.findForm(event.currentTarget));
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "hidden"; = popup.markerId + "OpenedState"; = popup.markerId + "OpenedState";
input.value = popup.shown ? "true" : "false";
$.each(popup.userOptions, function(key, value) {
input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "hidden"; = popup.markerId + "StateOption_" + key; = popup.markerId + "StateOption_" + key;
input.value = value;
return true;
$.extend(rf.ui.PopupPanel, {
showPopupPanel : function (id, opts, event) {
rf.Event.ready(function() {
hidePopupPanel : function (id, opts, event) {
rf.Event.ready(function() {
})(RichFaces.jQuery, window.RichFaces);
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