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exarchambault.play22sbt.console_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package play22.console

import scalax.file._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import jline.UnixTerminal

 * provides the console infrastructure for all play apps
object Console {

  val consoleReader = new jline.console.ConsoleReader

  val logo = Colors.yellow(
    """|       _
           | _ __ | | __ _ _  _
           || '_ \| |/ _' | || |
           ||  __/|_|\____|\__ /
           ||_|            |__/
           |""".stripMargin) +
    ("play " + play22.core.PlayVersion.current +
      " built with Scala " + play22.core.PlayVersion.scalaVersion +
      " (running Java " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ")," +

  // -- Commands

  def replace(file: File, tokens: (String, String)*) {
    if (file.exists) {
      Path(file).write(tokens.foldLeft(Path(file).string) { (state, token) =>
        state.replace("%" + token._1 + "%", token._2)

  private def generateLocalTemplate(template: String, name: String, path: File): Unit = {
    val random = new
    val newSecret = (1 to 64).map { _ =>
      (random.nextInt(74) + 48).toChar
    }.mkString.replaceAll("\\\\+", "/")

    def copyRecursively(from: Path, target: Path) {
      import scala.util.control.Exception._
      from.children().foreach { child =>
        catching(classOf[]) opt copyRecursively(child, target /

      from = Path(new File(System.getProperty("play.home") + "/skeletons/" + template)),
      target = Path(path))

    replace(new File(path, "build.sbt"),
      "APPLICATION_NAME" -> name)
    replace(new File(path, "project/plugins.sbt"),
      "PLAY_VERSION" -> play22.core.PlayVersion.current)
    replace(new File(path, "project/"),
      "SBT_VERSION" -> play22.core.PlayVersion.sbtVersion)
    replace(new File(path, "conf/application.conf"),
      "APPLICATION_SECRET" -> newSecret)

  private def haveFun(name: String) =
    """|OK, application %s is created.
                  |Have fun!

   * Could use the SBT ID parser, except that means going direct into SBT code, which is supposed to be separated
   * and bridged by the xsbti API.  This is semantically equivalent.
  private val IdParser = """(\p{L}[\p{L}\p{LD}_-]*)""".r

   * Creates a new play app skeleton either based on local templates on g8 templates fetched from github
   * Also, one can create a g8 template directly like this: play new app_name --g8 githubuser/repo.g8
   * @param args first parameter is the application name
  def newCommand(args: Array[String]): (String, Int) = {

    val path = File(_)).getOrElse(new File(".")).getCanonicalFile

    val defaultName = path.getName

    println("The new application will be created in %s".format(path.getAbsolutePath)))

    if (path.exists) {
      ("The directory already exists, cannot create a new application here."), -1)
    } else {
      val template: (String, String) = if (args.length == 3 && args(1) == "--g8") (args.last, defaultName)
      else {
        val name = readApplicationName(defaultName)

        consoleReader.println("Which template do you want to use for this new application? ")
               |  1             - Create a simple Scala application
               |  2             - Create a simple Java application


        val templateToUse = Option(consoleReader.readLine(Colors.cyan("> "))).map(_.trim).getOrElse("") match {
          case "1" => "scala-skel"
          case "2" => "java-skel"
          case other => other
        (templateToUse, name)
      try {
        //either generate templates based on local skeletons or use g8 templates
        if (template._1.endsWith("-skel")) {
          generateLocalTemplate(template._1, template._2, path)
          (haveFun(template._2), 0)
        } else {
          ("Unknown option: " + template._1, -1)
      } catch {
        case ex: Exception =>
          ("Ooops - Something went wrong! Exception:" + ex.toString, -1)


  def readApplicationName(defaultName: String): String = {
    consoleReader.println("What is the application name? [%s]".format(defaultName))
    Option(consoleReader.readLine(Colors.cyan("> "))).map(_.trim).filter(_.size > 0).getOrElse(defaultName) match {
      case IdParser(name) => name
      case _ => {
        consoleReader.println("Error: ") + "Application name may only contain letters, digits, '_' and '-', and it must start with a letter.")

  def helpCommand(args: Array[String]): (String, Int) = {
      "Welcome to Play " + play22.core.PlayVersion.current + """!
            |These commands are available:
            |license            Display licensing informations.
            |new [directory]    Create a new Play application in the specified directory.
            |You can also browse the complete documentation at""".stripMargin, 0)

   * This is a general main method that runs the console and returns an exit code.
  def run(args: Array[String]): Int = {

    val (text, status) = args.headOption.collect {
      case "new" => newCommand _
      case "help" => helpCommand _
    }.map { command =>
    }.getOrElse {
      ("\nThis is not a play application!\n") + ("""|
           |Use `play new` to create a new Play application in the current directory,
           |or go to an existing application and launch the development console using `play`.
           |You can also browse the complete documentation at""".stripMargin), -1)




   * If play is run as an application then this will be the entry point.
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val status = run(args)

 * this is the sbt entry point for Play's console implementation
class Console extends xsbti.AppMain {

  def run(app: xsbti.AppConfiguration): Exit = {
    val status =

  case class Exit(val code: Int) extends xsbti.Exit


object Colors {

  import scala.Console._

  lazy val isANSISupported = {
    Option(System.getProperty("sbt.log.noformat")).map(_ != "true").orElse {
        .map(_ => false)

  def red(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (RED + str + RESET) else str
  def blue(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (BLUE + str + RESET) else str
  def cyan(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (CYAN + str + RESET) else str
  def green(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (GREEN + str + RESET) else str
  def magenta(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (MAGENTA + str + RESET) else str
  def white(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (WHITE + str + RESET) else str
  def black(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (BLACK + str + RESET) else str
  def yellow(str: String): String = if (isANSISupported) (YELLOW + str + RESET) else str


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