oiscochard.sindi.sindi-core_2.9.0-1.0.5.source-code.Sindi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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// (c) 2011, Alois Cochard
// http://aloiscochard.github.com/sindi
// TODO [aloiscochard] Autowiring abstract component
// TODO [aloiscochard] Add alternative to ModuleT by generating manifest and boierplate in compiler
// TODO [aloiscochard] Add assertions (security checks)
// TODO [aloiscochard] Avoid usage of _.1 and _.2
/** Sindi IoC Container APIs.
* [[sindi.Module]] is used as the basic building block to design loosely coupled and reconfigurable librairies with Sindi.
* Modules are composable and can be consumed in [[sindi.Context]] and [[sindi.Component]].
package object sindi {
/** A sequence of bindings. */
type Bindings = Seq[binder.binding.Binding[Any]]
/** A sequence of [[sindi.processor.Processor]]. */
type Processors[T] = Seq[processor.Processor[T]]
/** A sequence of [[sindi.Module]]. */
type Modules = Seq[Module]
/** A companion object for [[sindi.Module]] list construction. */
object Modules { def apply(modules: Module*): Modules = modules.toList }
/** A module manifest store safely a module type reference. */
class ModuleManifest[M <: Module : Manifest]
/** Return a new module with given bindings (implicit context is defined as new module's parent). */
def module(_bindings: Bindings)(implicit context: Context) = new Module {
override val ctx = context
override val bindings = _bindings
/** Return a qualifier for the given type. */
def qualifier[T : Manifest] = manifest[T]
/** Implicit conversion to construct qualifiers from any reference. */
implicit def any2qualifiers(q: Any): injector.Qualifiers = injector.Qualifiers(q)
package sindi {
/** Bindings companion. */
object Bindings {
/** Create a new list of bindings. */
def apply(bindings: binder.binding.Binding[_]*): List[binder.binding.Binding[Any]] =
/** A context is a collection of bindings and modules, it contains operations to wire objects together.
* When integrating modules into a host application,
* it's recommend to us this trait as a seemless integration layer with the container.
* === Embedded ===
* When possible, integrating context as trait or class should be prefered (reusability is complete).
* {{{
* trait Application with Context {
* override lazy val modules = new UserServiceModule :: Nil
* def startup() = from[UserServiceModule].start()
* }
* // Scala Application
* object Bootstrap extends App {
* new ApplicationContext{}.startup()
* }
* // Web Application
* class WebApp extends Application {
* new ApplicationContext{}.startup()
* }
* }}}
* === Global ===
* If the context need to be accessed globally it can be defined as singleton object.
* {{{
* import sindi._
* object ApplicationContext {
* override lazy val modules = new UserServiceModule(this) :: Nil
* def startup() = from[UserServiceModule].start()
* }
* }}}
* You can then create a base component linked with this context by extending the [[sindi.ComponentWith]] trait.
* @see [[sindi.ComponentContext]], [[sindi.ComponentWith]]
trait Context extends context.Context with context.Wirable with binder.DSL with Composable {
/** This context as implicit value to ease modules integration. */
implicit val `implicit` = this
/** Return the list of [[sindi.Module]] associated with this context. */
protected lazy val modules: Modules = Nil
override def from[M <: Module : Manifest]: M = modules.view.flatMap(Helper.moduleOf[M](_)).headOption match {
case Some(module) => module
case _ => throw exception.ModuleNotFoundException(manifest[M])
override def processors: List[processor.Processor[_]] = processor.option :: processor.either :: Nil
abstract override protected def wire[T : Manifest]: Option[T] = super.wire[T].orElse {
import scala.util.control.Exception._
modules.view.flatMap((module) => {
module.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.filter((m) => Manifest.classType[Any](m.getReturnType) <:< manifest[T])
.flatMap {
case method if method.getParameterTypes.size == 0 => Some(method.invoke(module).asInstanceOf[T])
case method => {
// TODO [aloiscochard] Cache arguments injection / or recursive autowiring
val values = method.getParameterTypes.toList.map(Manifest.classType[AnyRef](_))
.flatMap((m) => catching(classOf[exception.TypeNotBoundException]).opt(inject(m)))
if (values.size == method.getParameterTypes.size) { Some(method.invoke(module, values:_*).asInstanceOf[T]) }
else None
/** An injection provider with signature configured using parameterized type. */
abstract class Provider[T : Manifest] extends provider.Provider[T] {
override val signature = manifest[T]
/** A module is a collection of services which are configured using bindings.
* The bindings are overridden at runtime using parent's [[sindi.Context]].
* It's recommended to:
* - Declare class as final and prefer [[sindi.Module]] composition and [[sindi.Component]] mixing over class inheritance.
* - Define an implicit [[sindi.Context]] provided as class constructor to ease contextual integration.
* {{{
* final class UserModule(override val ctx: Context) extends Module {
* override lazy val modules = new StoreModule[User](this) :: Nil
* override val bindings: Bindings =
* bind[UserService] to autowire[DefaultUserService]
* def users = inject[UserService]
* }
* }}}
* @see [[sindi.ModuleT]]
trait Module extends Context with context.Childable
/** A class to declare type parameterized module that can be consumed safely.
* Due to type erasure it's techincally impossible to differentiate
* module which are constructed with parameterized types in a given context.
* As a workaround this class allow to safely declare type parameterized module
* by using an implicit [[scala.reflect.Manifest]].
* {{{
* final class StoreModule[T](override val ctx: Context)(implicit manifest: Manifest[T]) extends ModuleT[T] {
* override val bindings: Bindings =
* bind[Store[T]] to new DefaultStore[T]
* def store = inject[Store[T]]
* }
* }}}
abstract class ModuleT[T](implicit manifest: Manifest[T]) extends Module {
private[sindi] val _manifest = manifest
/** A marker trait for type importing modules. */
trait Composable {
/** Return an imported module for a given module's type. */
protected def from[M <: Module : Manifest]: M
/** A component is a set of features based on module's services.
* {{{
* trait SecurityComponent extends Component {
* def login() = from[SecurityModule].authenticate()
* def users = from[UserModule].users
* }
* }}}
* Components can be consumed in different ways with contexts/modules,
* offering flexible integration within the container.
* [[sindi.ComponentContext]] can be used to compose them,
* [[sindi.ComponentWith]] to integrate them with a global context,
* or they can be directly mixed in contexts.
* {{{
* trait Application with Context with SecurityComponent {
* override lazy val modules = new SecurityModule :: new UserServiceModule :: Nil
* login()
* }
* }}}
* @see [[sindi.Context]], [[sindi.Module]], [[sindi.ComponentContext]], [[sindi.ComponentWith]]
trait Component extends Composable
/** A component context is an abstract class that ease the composition of components into context/module.
* {{{
* trait Application with Context {
* override lazy val modules = new SecurityModule :: new UserServiceModule :: Nil
* val component = new ComponentContext with UserComponent with SecurityComponent
* }
* }}}
* @see [[sindi.Component]]
abstract class ComponentContext(implicit context: Context) extends Composable {
protected def from[M <: Module : Manifest] = context.from[M]
/** A base trait for integrating components with global contexts.
* By declaring a base component with a concrete [[sindi.Context]].
* {{{
* trait ApplicationComponent extends ComponentWith[ApplicationContext.type] {
* val context = ApplicationContext
* }
* }}}
* Components can then be linked with the context and used globally.
* {{{
* object WebBoot extends ApplicationComponent with SecurityComponent {
* login()
* }
* }}}
trait ComponentWith[C <: Context] extends Composable {
protected val context: C
protected def from[M <: Module : Manifest] = context.from[M]
private object Helper {
def moduleOf[M <: Module : Manifest](module: Module): Option[M] =
if (isModuleOf[M](module)) Some(module.asInstanceOf[M]) else None
private def isModuleOf[M <: Module : Manifest](module: Module): Boolean =
if (module.getClass == manifest[M].erasure) module match {
case module: ModuleT[_] => manifest[M].typeArguments.headOption match {
case Some(typeManifest) if module._manifest <:< manifest[M].typeArguments.head => true
case _ => false
case _ => true
} else false
/** This package contains exception classes */
package exception {
case class ModuleNotFoundException(module: Manifest[_]) extends Exception(
"Unable to inject from module %s: module not found.".format(module))
case class TypeNotBoundException(manifest: Manifest[_], message: String = "") extends Exception(
("Unable to inject %s" + message + ": type is not bound.").format(manifest))
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