oiscochard.sindi.sindi-core_2.9.0-1.0.5.source-code.injector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// (c) 2011, Alois Cochard
// http://aloiscochard.github.com/sindi
package sindi
package injector
import scala.Stream._
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import exception._
import provider._
object `package` {
type Binding = Tuple2[Provider[Any], Any]
type Bindings = Seq[Tuple2[Provider[Any], Any]]
type Injection[T] = () => T
/** A sequence of qualifier. */
case class Qualifiers(current: Any, next: Option[Qualifiers] = None) {
def or(that: Any) = Qualifiers(that, Some(this))
def ||(that: Any) = or(that)
def toList: List[Any] = next match { case Some(next) => current :: next.toList; case None => current :: Nil }
override def toString = toList.mkString("(", " || ", ")")
object Injector {
def apply(bindings : Bindings): Injector =
new DefaultInjector(bindings)
def apply(bindings : Bindings, parent: () => Injector): Injector =
new ChildedInjector(bindings, parent)
/** An interface containing operations for object injection. */
trait Injector {
/** Return the object associated with a given type. */
final def inject[T : Manifest]: T =
/** Return the object associated with a given type and qualifiers. */
final def injectAs[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers): T =
/** Return all objects associated with a given type. */
final def injectAll[T : Manifest]: Stream[T] =
/** Return all objects associated with a given type and qualifiers. */
final def injectAll[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers): Stream[T] =
/** Return the injection associated with a given type. */
final def injection[T : Manifest]: Injection[T] =
/** Return all injections associated with a given type. */
final def injectionAll[T : Manifest]: Stream[Injection[T]] =
/** Return the injection associated with a given type and qualifiers. */
def injectionAs[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers): Injection[T]
/** Return all injections associated with a given type and qualifiers. */
def injectionAll[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers): Stream[Injection[T]]
private trait Bindable extends Injector {
protected val bindings: Bindings
override def injectionAs[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers) = () =>
qualifiers.next.flatMap(qualifiers => catching(classOf[TypeNotBoundException]).opt(injectAs[T](qualifiers))).getOrElse {
.map { case (p, _) => p().asInstanceOf[T] }
.headOption.getOrElse {
throw TypeNotBoundException(manifest[T], qualifiers match {
case Qualifiers(None, None) => ""
case qualifiers => " with qualifiers %s".format(qualifiers)
override def injectionAll[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers) = bindings.toStream
.map { case (p, _) => () => p().asInstanceOf[T] }
private def isBound(manifest: Manifest[_])(b: Binding): Boolean = b._1.signature <:< manifest
private def isBound(qualifiers: Qualifiers)(b: Binding): Boolean = qualifiers.next match {
case Some(q) => isBound(q)(b) || b._2 == qualifiers.current
case None => b._2 == qualifiers.current
private def isBound(b: Binding): Manifest[_] => Qualifiers => Boolean = {
// TODO Find a generalization for this (look at |+| on Arrows in scalaz)
def f[A, B, C](ac: A => C)(bc: B => C)(ccc: (C, C) => C)(a: A)(b: B): C = ccc(ac(a), bc(b))
f(isBound(_: Manifest[_])(b))(isBound(_: Qualifiers)(b))(_ && _) _
private trait Childable extends Injector {
protected val parent: () => Injector
abstract override def injectionAs[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers) = () =>
abstract override def injectionAll[T : Manifest](qualifiers: Qualifiers) =
private class DefaultInjector(override protected val bindings : Bindings)
extends Injector with Bindable
private class ChildedInjector(override protected val bindings : Bindings, override val parent: () => Injector)
extends DefaultInjector(bindings) with Childable
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