scala.galileo_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package galileo.environment
import galileo.complex._
import galileo.constants._
import galileo.expr._
import galileo.linalg._
import galileo.logic._
import galileo.tensor.{Metric,Tensor}
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
// Nested environment structure
// Global, session, local variables etc.
class Environment(parent:Option[Environment]) {
// connvenient additional constructor
def this() = this( None )
// the main storage for all variables
private var variables = Map[String,Expr]() // should be pointer to subset of Expr?
// reset the environment, but not the parent environment
def clear:Unit = {
variables = variables.empty
// get the value of a variable called name
def get(name:String):Option[Expr] = {
if( variables.contains( name ) )
Some( variables( name ) )
else {
parent match{
case Some(p) => p.get(name)
case None => return None
// return a new environment instance without the variable called name
def getWithout(name:String):Environment = {
val cp = new Environment( this.parent )
var vars = this.variables
vars.remove( name )
cp.variables = vars
// set a single variable
def set(key:String,value:Expr):Unit = {
variables(key) = value
// return a map or all variables of this environment and its parent (recursively)
def allVariables:Map[String,Expr] = parent match {
case Some( p ) => p.allVariables ++ variables
case None => variables
// string representation of all variables, used in the 'who' command
override def toString() = {
//var s = variables.foreach()
def toType( v:Expr ):String = v match{
case Number(_) => "Scalar"
case Bool(_) => "Boolean"
case m:Matrix => "Matrix:" + m.numRows + "(r)," + m.numCols + "(c)"
/*case m:DiagMatrix => "Matrix ( " + m.numRows + " x " + m.numCols + " )"
case m:LowerTriangularMatrix => "Matrix ( " + m.numRows + " x " + m.numCols + " )"
case m:UpperTriangularMatrix => "Matrix ( " + m.numRows + " x " + m.numCols + " )"
*/case Variable(_) => "Variable"
case Complex(_,_) => "Complex Expression"
case c:Constant => "Constant" + " " + toType( c.value )
case p:Product => "Product expression"
case m:Metric => "Metric:" + m.variables.mkString(",")
case t:Tensor => "Tensor:" + t.indices.mkString(",")
//case ps:ProductSeries => "ProductSeries expression"
case _ => "Expression"
val terms = allVariables map { case (k,v) => k + ":\t" + toType( v ) }
"Defined variables:\n" + ( terms mkString "\n" )
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