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ietze.vectory_sjs0.6_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package vectory
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExport, JSExportAll}
import annotation.meta.field
case class Vec2(
@(JSExport @field) x: Double,
@(JSExport @field) y: Double
) {
@JSExport def width = x
@JSExport def height = y
@JSExport("plus") def +(that: Vec2) = Vec2(this.x + that.x, this.y + that.y)
@JSExport("plus") def +(that: Double) = Vec2(this.x + that, this.y + that)
@JSExport("minus") def -(that: Vec2) = Vec2(this.x - that.x, this.y - that.y)
@JSExport("times") def *(a: Double) = Vec2(this.x * a, this.y * a)
@JSExport("div") def /(a: Double) = Vec2(this.x / a, this.y / a)
@JSExport def dot(that: Vec2) = this.x * that.x + this.y * that.y
@JSExport def cross(that: Vec2) = this.x * that.y - this.y * that.x
@JSExport def lengthSq = x * x + y * y
@JSExport def length = Math.sqrt(lengthSq)
@JSExport def angle = Math.atan2(y, x)
def toTuple = (x, y)
object Vec2 {
def apply(tuple: (Double, Double)) = new Vec2(tuple._1, tuple._2)
case class Line(
@(JSExport @field) start: Vec2,
@(JSExport @field) end: Vec2
) {
@JSExport def x1 = start.x
@JSExport def y1 = start.y
@JSExport def x2 = end.x
@JSExport def y2 = end.y
@JSExport def vector = end - start
@JSExport def center = (start + end) / 2
@JSExport def leftOf(p: Vec2) = (vector cross (p - start)) > 0
@JSExport def rightOf(p: Vec2) = !leftOf(p)
def intersect(that: Line): Option[Algorithms.LineIntersection] = Algorithms.intersect(this, that)
def intersect(r: ConvexPolygon): Either[Boolean, Seq[Vec2]] = Algorithms.intersect(r, this)
def cutBy(r: ConvexPolygon): Option[Line] = Algorithms.cutLineByPolyAtStartOrEnd(this, r)
def clampBy(r: ConvexPolygon): Option[Line] = Algorithms.clampLineByPoly(this, r)
@JSExport def length = {
val dx = start.x - end.x
val dy = start.y - end.y
Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Line]
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: Line => (that canEqual this) &&
(this.start == that.start && this.end == that.end) ||
(this.start == that.end && this.end == that.start)
case _ => false
override def hashCode = start.hashCode * end.hashCode // multiply to be commutative
trait ConvexPolygon {
def corners: IndexedSeq[Vec2] // in counter clockwise order
lazy val edges: IndexedSeq[Line] = Algorithms.slidingRotate(corners).map(e => Line(e.head, e.last))
def intersect(line: Line) = Algorithms.intersect(this, line)
@JSExport def includes(v: Vec2): Boolean = edges.forall(_ rightOf v)
@JSExport def includes(l: Line): Boolean = includes(l.start) && includes(l.end)
@JSExport def isOverlapping(that: ConvexPolygon): Boolean
trait Rect extends ConvexPolygon {
// center
@JSExport def pos: Vec2
@JSExport def x = pos.x
@JSExport def y = pos.y
@JSExport def size: Vec2
@JSExport def width = size.x
@JSExport def height = size.y
@JSExport def angle: Double
@JSExport def minCorner: Vec2
@JSExport def maxCorner: Vec2
object Rect {
def apply(pos: Vec2, size: Vec2, angle: Double = 0): Rect = if (angle == 0) AARect(pos, size) else RotatedRect(pos, size, angle)
case class RotatedRect(pos: Vec2, size: Vec2, angle: Double) extends Rect {
import Math.{sin, cos}
lazy val toRight = Vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * (width / 2)
lazy val toBottom = Vec2(-sin(angle), cos(angle)) * (height / 2)
lazy val minCorner = pos - toRight - toBottom
lazy val maxCorner = pos + toRight + toBottom
lazy val corners = Vector(
pos - toRight + toBottom,
pos + toRight - toBottom
def isOverlapping(that: ConvexPolygon): Boolean = ???
case class AARect(pos: Vec2, size: Vec2) extends Rect {
override def angle = 0
lazy val minCorner = pos - size / 2
lazy val maxCorner = pos + size / 2
override def includes(v: Vec2): Boolean = v.x > minCorner.x && v.y > minCorner.y && v.x < maxCorner.x && v.y < maxCorner.y
lazy val corners = Vector(
minCorner + Vec2(size.x, 0),
minCorner + Vec2(0, size.y)
def isOverlapping(that: ConvexPolygon): Boolean = that match {
case that: AARect =>
((this.x < that.x + that.width) && (this.x + this.width > that.x)) &&
((this.y < that.y + that.width) && (this.y + this.width > that.y))
case poly => ???
object Algorithms {
def slidingRotate[T](l: Seq[T]): IndexedSeq[Seq[T]] = (l :+ l.head).sliding(2).toIndexedSeq
case class LineIntersection(pos: Vec2, onLine1: Boolean, onLine2: Boolean)
def intersect(line1: Line, line2: Line): Option[LineIntersection] = {
// if the lines intersect, the result contains the x and y of the intersection
// (treating the lines as infinite) and booleans for
// whether line segment 1 or line segment 2 contain the point
// from: http://jsfiddle.net/justin_c_rounds/Gd2S2
// ported to scala
val line1Dx = line1.end.x - line1.start.x
val line1Dy = line1.end.y - line1.start.y
val line2Dx = line2.end.x - line2.start.x
val line2Dy = line2.end.y - line2.start.y
val denominator = (line2Dy * line1Dx) - (line2Dx * line1Dy)
if (denominator == 0) return None
val startDx = line1.start.x - line2.start.x
val startDy = line1.start.y - line2.start.y
val numerator1 = (line2Dx * startDy) - (line2Dy * startDx)
val numerator2 = (line1Dx * startDy) - (line1Dy * startDx)
val a = numerator1 / denominator
val b = numerator2 / denominator
// if we cast these lines infinitely in both directions, they intersect here:
val resultX = line1.start.x + (a * (line1Dx))
val resultY = line1.start.y + (a * (line1Dy))
// it is worth noting that this should be the same as:
x = line2StartX + (b * (line2EndX - line2StartX))
y = line2StartX + (b * (line2EndY - line2StartY))
// if line1 is a segment and line2 is infinite, they intersect if:
val resultOnLine1 = a > 0 && a < 1
// if line2 is a segment and line1 is infinite, they intersect if:
val resultOnLine2 = b > 0 && b < 1
// if line1 and line2 are segments, they intersect if both of the above are true
return Some(LineIntersection(Vec2(resultX, resultY), resultOnLine1, resultOnLine2))
def intersect(poly: ConvexPolygon, line: Line): Either[Boolean, Seq[Vec2]] = {
// Left(true) => line is completely inside
// Left(false) => line is completely outside
// Right(pos) => one intersection point
val intersections = poly.edges.flatMap { edge =>
(line intersect edge).filter(i => i.onLine1 && i.onLine2).map(_.pos)
if (intersections.nonEmpty)
else Left(poly includes line)
def cutLineByPolyAtStartOrEnd(line: Line, poly: ConvexPolygon): Option[Line] = {
// Assuming there is only one intersection.
// Which means that one line end is inside the poly,
// the other one outside.
// If there are two intersections the resulting line
// can be wrong
intersect(poly, line) match {
case Left(true) => None // line inside
case Left(false) => Some(line) // line outside
case Right(intersections) =>
// with the assumption that the poly covers one line end,
// we have exactly one intersection
if (poly includes line.end)
Some(Line(line.start, intersections.head))
Some(Line(intersections.head, line.end))
def clampLineByPoly(line: Line, poly: ConvexPolygon): Option[Line] = {
(poly includes line.start, poly includes line.end) match {
case (true, true) => Some(line)
case (true, false) => Some(Line(line.start, intersect(poly, line).right.get.head))
case (false, true) => Some(Line(intersect(poly, line).right.get.head, line.end))
case (false, false) =>
intersect(poly, line) match {
case Left(_) => None
case Right(intersections) =>
// polygon is convex, line endpoints lie outside,
// so we have exactly two intersections
Some(Line(intersections(0), intersections(1)))
def convexHull(points: Iterable[Vec2]) = ConvexHull2D(points)
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