horan.kse3-eio_3.0.3.6.source-code.Paths.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Kerr Scala Extensions 3, module kse3-eio
// This file is distributed under the BSD 3-clause license. See file LICENSE.
// Copyright (c) 2014-15, 2020-23 Rex Kerr, UCSF, and Calico Life Sciences LLC
package kse.eio
import java.io._
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel
import java.nio.file._
import java.nio.file.attribute.{ FileTime, BasicFileAttributes }
import java.time._
import java.util.zip._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.boundary
import kse.basics.{given, _}
import kse.flow.{given, _}
extension (pathname: String) {
inline def file = new File(pathname)
inline def path = FileSystems.getDefault.getPath(pathname)
inline def pathIn(fs: FileSystem) = fs.getPath(pathname)
inline def pathLike(p: Path) = p.getFileSystem.getPath(pathname)
extension (the_file: File) {
inline def path = the_file.toPath
extension (the_path: Path) {
inline def name = the_path.getFileName.toString
inline def nameTo(s: String) = the_path resolveSibling s
inline def nameOp(inline f: String => String) = the_path resolveSibling f(the_path.getFileName.toString)
def ext =
val n = the_path.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if i < 1 || i == n.length - 1 then "" else n.substring(i+1)
def extTo(x: String) =
val n = the_path.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if i < 1 || i == n.length - 1 then
if x.isEmpty then the_path
else the_path resolveSibling (n + "." + x)
if x.isEmpty then the_path resolveSibling n.substring(0, i)
else the_path resolveSibling n.substring(0, i+1) + x
def extOp(f: String => String) =
val n = the_path.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
val e = if i < 1 || i == n.length -1 then "" else n.substring(i+1)
val x = f(e)
if x == e then the_path
else if e.isEmpty then the_path resolveSibling (n + "." + x)
else if x.isEmpty then the_path resolveSibling n.substring(0, i)
else the_path resolveSibling n.substring(0, i+1) + x
def base =
val n = the_path.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if i < 1 || i == n.length - 1 then n else n.substring(0, i)
def baseTo(b: String) =
val n = the_path.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if i < 1 || i == n.length - 1 then
if n == b then the_path
else the_path resolveSibling b
if i == b.length && n.substring(0, i) == b then the_path
else the_path resolveSibling b + n.substring(i)
def baseOp(f: String => String) =
val n = the_path.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
val b = if i < 1 || i == n.length - 1 then n else n.substring(0, i)
val x = f(b)
if b == x then the_path
else if (b eq n) then the_path resolveSibling x
else the_path resolveSibling x+n.substring(i)
inline def parentName = the_path.getParent match
case null => ""
case p => p.getFileName.toString
def namesIterator = Iterator.iterate(the_path)(_.getParent).takeWhile(_ != null).map(_.getFileName.toString)
def pathsIterator = Iterator.iterate(the_path)(_.getParent).takeWhile(_ != null)
def parent: Path Or Unit =
val p = the_path.getParent
if p eq null then Alt.unit else Is(p)
inline def absolute = the_path.toAbsolutePath()
inline def `..` = the_path.getParent match
case null => the_path
case p => p
inline def sib(that: String) = the_path resolveSibling that
inline def sib(that: Path) = the_path resolveSibling that
def reroot(oldRoot: Path, newRoot: Path): Path Or Unit =
if the_path startsWith oldRoot then Is(newRoot resolve oldRoot.relativize(the_path))
else Alt.unit
inline def reroot(roots: (Path, Path)): Path Or Unit = reroot(roots._1, roots._2)
def adopt(child: Path): Path Or Unit =
if child startsWith the_path then Is(the_path relativize child)
else Alt.unit
inline def relativeTo(other: Path) = other relativize the_path
inline def raw: kse.eio.PathsHelper.RawPath = PathsHelper.RawPath(the_path)
def real: Path =
ratchet(the_path): upath =>
ratchet(upath.toAbsolutePath): abs =>
ratchet(abs.normalize): norm =>
inline def file: File Or Err = nice{ the_path.toFile }
inline def isDirectory = Files isDirectory the_path
inline def isSymlink = Files isSymbolicLink the_path
def size: Long = ratchet(-1L): _ =>
if Files.exists(the_path) then Files.size(the_path)
else -1L
def time: FileTime Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else nice{ Files getLastModifiedTime the_path }
def time_=(ft: FileTime): Unit Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else nice{ Files.setLastModifiedTime(the_path, ft) }
def mkdir(): Boolean Or Err =
if Files.exists(the_path) then
if Files.isDirectory(the_path) then Is(false) else Err.or(s"$the_path already exists and is not a directory")
else the_path.getParent match
case null => nice{ Files createDirectory the_path ; true }
case p =>
if !Files.exists(p) then Err.or(s"Cannot create $the_path because $p not found")
else nice{ Files createDirectory the_path ; true }
inline def mkdirs(): Unit Or Err = nice{ Files createDirectories the_path ; () }
inline def mkParents(): Unit Or Err = nice{ PathsHelper.RawPath(the_path).mkParents() }
inline def delete(): Boolean = ratchet(false): _ =>
Files deleteIfExists the_path
def makeSymlink(s: String): Unit Or Err = Err.Or:
val target = the_path.getFileSystem.getPath(s)
if Files.exists(the_path) then
if Files.isSymbolicLink(the_path) && Files.readSymbolicLink(the_path) == target then ()
else Err.break(s"$the_path exists so can't create it as a symbolic link")
if Files.isSymbolicLink(the_path) then Files.delete(the_path)
Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path, target)
def symlinkTo(p: Path): Unit Or Err = Err.Or:
if Files.exists(the_path) then
if Files.isSymbolicLink(the_path) && Files.readSymbolicLink(the_path) == p then ()
else Err.break(s"$the_path exists so can't create it as a symbolic link")
if Files.isSymbolicLink(the_path) then Files.delete(the_path)
if p.isAbsolute then Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path, p)
else the_path.getParent match
case null => Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path, p)
case q => Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path, q relativize p)
def symlink: String Or Err =
if Files isSymbolicLink the_path then nice{ (Files readSymbolicLink the_path).toString }
else Err.or(s"$the_path is not a symbolic link")
def followSymlink: Path Or Err =
if Files isSymbolicLink the_path then nice {
val q = Files readSymbolicLink the_path
if q.isAbsolute then q
else the_path.getParent match
case null => q
case p => (p resolve q).normalize
else Err.or(s"$the_path is not a symbolic link")
def touch(): Unit Or Err = nice {
if Files exists the_path then Files.setLastModifiedTime(the_path, FileTime from Instant.now)
else Files.write(the_path, new Array[Byte](0))
def paths =
if !(Files exists the_path) || !(Files isDirectory the_path) then PathsHelper.emptyPathArray
else Resource
.safe(Files list the_path)(_.close): list =>
list.toArray(i => new Array[Path](i))
.getOrElse(_ => PathsHelper.emptyPathArray)
def slurp: Array[String] Or Err =
if Files exists the_path then
nice{ Resource(Files lines the_path)(_.close)(_.toArray(i => new Array[String](i))) }
else Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
def gulp: Array[Byte] Or Err =
if Files exists the_path then nice{ Files readAllBytes the_path }
else Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
def write(data: Array[Byte]): Unit Or Err = nice{ Files.write(the_path, data) }
def append(data: Array[Byte]): Unit Or Err =
nice{ Files.write(the_path, data, StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) }
def create(data: Array[Byte]): Unit Or Err =
if Files exists the_path then Err.or(s"$the_path already exists")
else nice{ Files.write(the_path, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW) }
def createIfAbsent(data: Array[Byte]): Boolean Or Err =
if Files.exists(the_path) then Is(false)
else nice {
Files.write(the_path, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)
def writeLines(coll: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): Unit Or Err =
nice{ Files.write(the_path, PathsHelper.javaIterable(coll)) }
def appendLines(coll: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): Unit Or Err =
nice{ Files.write(the_path, PathsHelper.javaIterable(coll), StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) }
def createLines(coll: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): Unit Or Err =
if Files exists the_path then Err.or(s"$the_path already exists")
else nice{ Files.write(the_path, PathsHelper.javaIterable(coll), StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW) }
def createLinesIfAbsent(coll: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): Boolean Or Err =
if Files.exists(the_path) then Is(false)
else nice {
Files.write(the_path, PathsHelper.javaIterable(coll), StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)
def openRead(bufferSize: Int = 8192)(using Tidy.Nice[InputStream]): InputStream Or Err =
if Files exists the_path then nice {
val is = Files newInputStream the_path
if bufferSize > 0 then new BufferedInputStream(is, 8192) else is
else Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
def openWrite(bufferSize: Int = 8192)(using Tidy.Nice[OutputStream]): OutputStream Or Err =
val os = Files newOutputStream the_path
if bufferSize > 0 then new BufferedOutputStream(os, 8192) else os
def openAppend(bufferSize: Int = 8192)(using Tidy.Nice[OutputStream]): OutputStream Or Err =
nice {
val os = Files.newOutputStream(the_path, StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)
if bufferSize > 0 then new BufferedOutputStream(os, bufferSize) else os
def openCreate(bufferSize: Int = 8192)(using Tidy.Nice[OutputStream]): OutputStream Or Err =
if Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else nice {
val os = Files.newOutputStream(the_path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)
if bufferSize > 0 then new BufferedOutputStream(os, bufferSize) else os
def openIO()(using Tidy.Nice[SeekableByteChannel]): SeekableByteChannel Or Err = nice {
Files.newByteChannel(the_path, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)
inline def inZip[A](inline f: boundary.Label[Unit Or Err] ?=> (Path => Unit)): Unit Or Err =
val fsys = FileSystems.newFileSystem(the_path, null: ClassLoader)
var result: Path Or Err = Err.or(s"No directory structure inside $the_path")
val i = fsys.getRootDirectories.iterator
if i.hasNext then
result = Is(i.next)
if i.hasNext then result = Err.or(s"Multiple directories inside $the_path\n $result\n ${safe(i.next)}")
if result.isAlt then fsys.close
def asUnmanagedFilesystem(): FileSystem Or Err =
nice( FileSystems.newFileSystem(the_path, null: ClassLoader) )
def copyTo(to: Path): Unit Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else nice{ Files.copy(the_path, to, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) }
def copyCreate(to: Path): Unit Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else if Files.exists(to) then Err.or(s"$to already exists")
else nice{ Files.copy(the_path, to) }
def moveTo(to: Path): Unit Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else nice{ Files.move(the_path, to, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) }
def moveCreate(to: Path): Unit Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else nice{ Files.move(the_path, to) }
def moveInto(that: Path): Path Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else if !Files.exists(that) then Err.or(s"Target directory $that not found")
else if !Files.isDirectory(that) then Err.or(s"Target $that is not a directory")
else nice:
val target = that resolve the_path.getFileName
Files.move(the_path, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
inline def atomically: PathsHelper.AtomicPathOps = PathsHelper.AtomicPathOps(the_path)
inline def recursively = new PathsHelper.RootedRecursion(the_path, the_path)
def recurseIn(inside: Path) =
if the_path startsWith inside then new PathsHelper.RootedRecursion(inside, the_path)
else throw new IOException(s"Trying recursive operation in $inside but started outside at $the_path")
implicit class DisambiguateExtensionMethodNames(private val the_path: Path) extends AnyVal {
inline def /(that: String) = the_path resolve that
inline def /(that: Path) = the_path resolve that
inline def exists = Files exists the_path
def copyInto(that: Path): Path Or Err =
if !Files.exists(the_path) then Err.or(s"$the_path not found")
else if !Files.exists(that) then Err.or(s"Target directory $that not found")
else if !Files.isDirectory(that) then Err.or(s"Target $that is not a directory")
else nice:
val target = that resolve the_path.getFileName
Files.copy(the_path, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
extension (underlying: File) {
def name = underlying.getName
def nameTo(s: String) = underlying resolveSibling s
def nameFn(f: String => String) = underlying resolveSibling f(underlying.getFileName.toString)
def ext =
val n = underlying.getName
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if (i < 1) "" else n.substring(i+1)
def extTo(x: String) =
val n = underlying.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if (i < 1) {
if (x.isEmpty) underlying
else underlying resolveSibling n + "." + x
else {
if (x.isEmpty) underlying resolveSibling n.substring(0, i)
else underlying resolveSibling n.substring(0, i+1) + x
def extFn(f: String => String) =
val n = underlying.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
val e = if (i < 1) "" else n.substring(i+1)
val x = f(e)
if (x == e) underlying
else if (i < 1) underlying resolveSibling n + "." + x
else if (x.isEmpty) underlying resolveSibling n.substring(0, i)
else underlying resolveSibling n.substring(0, i+1) + x
def base =
val n = underlying.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if (i < 1) n else n.substring(0, i)
def baseTo(b: String) =
val n = underlying.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if (i < 1) {
if (n == b) underlying
else underlying resolveSibling b
else {
if (i == b.length && n.substring(0, i) == b) underlying
else underlying resolveSibling b + n.substring(i)
def baseFn(f: String => String) =
val n = underlying.getFileName.toString
val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
val b = if (i < 1) n else n.substring(0, i)
val x = f(b)
if (b == x) underlying
else if (i < 1) underlying resolveSibling x
else underlying resolveSibling x+n.substring(i)
def parentName = underlying.getParent match { case null => ""; case p => p.getFileName.toString }
def namesIterator = Iterator.iterate(underlying)(_.getParent).takeWhile(_ != null).map(_.getFileName.toString)
def pathsIterator = Iterator.iterate(underlying)(_.getParent).takeWhile(_ != null)
def parentOption = Option(underlying.getParent)
def absolute = underlying.toAbsolutePath()
def real =
var abs = underlying.toAbsolutePath().normalize()
var tail: Path = null
var found = false
while (abs != null && !{ found = Files exists abs; found }) {
tail = if (tail eq null) abs.getFileName else abs.getFileName resolve tail
abs = abs.getParent
val trunk = if (found) abs.toRealPath() else abs
if (tail eq null) trunk else trunk resolve tail
def file = underlying.toFile
def /(that: String) = underlying resolve that
def /(that: Path) = underlying resolve that
def `..` = underlying.getParent match { case null => underlying; case p => p }
def sib(that: String) = underlying resolveSibling that
def sib(that: Path) = underlying resolveSibling that
def reroot(oldRoot: Path, newRoot: Path): Option[Path] =
if (underlying startsWith oldRoot) Some(newRoot resolve oldRoot.relativize(underlying))
else None
def reroot(roots: (Path, Path)): Option[Path] = reroot(roots._1, roots._2)
def prune(child: Path): Option[Path] =
if (child startsWith underlying) Some(underlying relativize child)
else None
def exists = Files exists underlying
def isDirectory = Files isDirectory underlying
def isSymbolic = Files isSymbolicLink underlying
def size = Files size underlying
def safely = new PathShouldSafelyDoThis(underlying)
def t: FileTime = Files getLastModifiedTime underlying
def t_=(ft: FileTime): Unit =
Files.setLastModifiedTime(underlying, ft)
def mkdir() = Files createDirectory underlying
def mkdirs() = Files createDirectories underlying
def delete() = Files delete underlying
def touch(): Unit =
if (Files exists underlying) Files.setLastModifiedTime(underlying, FileTime from Instant.now)
else Files.write(underlying, new Array[Byte](0))
def paths =
if (!(Files exists underlying)) PathsHelper.emptyPathArray
else if (!(Files isDirectory underlying)) PathsHelper.emptyPathArray
else safe{
val list = Files.list(underlying)
val ans = list.toArray(i => new Array[Path](i))
}.yesOr(_ => PathsHelper.emptyPathArray)
def slurp: Ok[String, Array[String]] = safe {
val s = Files lines underlying
val vb = Array.newBuilder[String]
s.forEach(vb += _)
def gulp: Ok[String, Array[Byte]] = safe {
Files readAllBytes underlying
// TODO -- evaluate whether it's better to use a ZipFileSystem to do this
def unzipMap[A](selector: ZipEntry => Option[Array[Byte] => A]): Ok[String, List[A]] = safe{
(new InputStreamShouldDoThis(Files newInputStream underlying)).unzipMap(selector).mapNo(e => s"Error while unzipping $underlying\n$e")
}.mapNo(e => s"Could not open path $underlying\n${e.explain()}").flatten
def copyTo(to: Path): Unit =
Files.copy(underlying, to, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def moveTo(to: Path): Unit =
Files.move(underlying, to, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def atomicCopy(to: Path): Unit =
val temp = to.resolveSibling(to.getFileName.toString + ".atomic")
to.getParent.tap{ gp => if (gp ne null) { if (!Files.exists(gp)) Files.createDirectories(gp) }}
Files.copy(underlying, temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
Files.move(temp, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def atomicMove(to: Path): Unit =
val up = to.getParent
if (up != null) {
if (!Files.exists(up)) Files.createDirectories(up)
if (up != null && Files.getFileStore(underlying) == Files.getFileStore(up))
Files.move(underlying, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
else {
val temp = to.resolveSibling(to.getFileName.toString + ".atomic")
to.getParent.tap{ gp => if (gp ne null) { if (!Files.exists(gp)) Files.createDirectories(gp) }}
Files.copy(underlying, temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
Files.move(temp, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def atomicZipCopy(to: Path, compression: Option[Int] = None, maxDirectoryDepth: Int = 10): Unit =
val temp = to.resolveSibling(to.getFileName.toString + ".atomic")
to.getParent.tap{ gp => if (gp ne null) { if (!Files.exists(gp)) Files.createDirectories(gp) }}
val zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(temp.toFile))
if (Files.isDirectory(underlying)) {
val base = underlying.getParent.fn{ fp => if (fp eq null) FileSystems.getDefault.getPath("") else fp }
def recurse(current: Path, maxDepth: Int): Unit = {
val stable = current.paths
val (directories, files) = stable.sortBy(_.getFileName.toString).partition(x => Files.isDirectory(x))
files.foreach{ fi =>
val rel = base relativize fi
val ze = new ZipEntry(rel.toString)
Files.copy(fi, zos)
if (maxDepth > 1) directories.foreach(d => recurse(d, maxDepth-1))
recurse(underlying, maxDirectoryDepth)
else {
val ze = new ZipEntry(underlying.getFileName.toString)
Files.copy(underlying, zos)
Files.move(temp, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def recursively = new PathsHelper.RootedRecursion(underlying, underlying)
def recurseIn(inside: Path) =
if (underlying startsWith inside) new PathsHelper.RootedRecursion(inside, underlying)
else throw new IOException(s"Trying recursive operation in $inside but started outside at $underlying")
object PathsHelper {
val emptyPathArray = new Array[Path](0)
private[eio] def symlinkToReal(norm: Path, syms: List[(Path, Object, Int, Path)] = Nil): Path =
var extant = norm
var last: Path = null
var n = 0
while extant != null && !Files.exists(extant) do
last = extant
extant = extant.getParent
n += 1
if extant == null then
else if n == 0 then
else if !Files.isSymbolicLink(last) then
extant.toRealPath() resolve norm.subpath(norm.getNameCount - n, norm.getNameCount)
val real = extant.toRealPath()
val symname = last.getFileName
val direct = real resolve norm.subpath(norm.getNameCount - n, norm.getNameCount)
val sympath = if n == 1 then direct else real resolve last.getFileName
val key = Files.readAttributes(sympath, classOf[BasicFileAttributes], LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS).fileKey
if syms.exists{ case (p, o, i, q) => (p == sympath || (o != null && key != null & o == key)) && !(n < i) } then
syms.reduce{ (l, r) =>
if l._3 < r._3 || (l._3 == r._3 && l._1.getNameCount < r._1.getNameCount) then l else r
val link = Files.readSymbolicLink(sympath)
val target = (if link.isAbsolute then link else real resolve link).normalize()
val full = if n < 2 then target else target resolve norm.subpath(norm.getNameCount - (n-1), norm.getNameCount)
symlinkToReal(full, ((sympath, key, n, direct)) :: syms)
def javaIterable(i1: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): java.lang.Iterable[String] = new java.lang.Iterable[String] {
def iterator(): java.util.Iterator[String] = new java.util.Iterator[String] {
private val i = i1.iterator
def next: String = i.next
def hasNext: Boolean = i.hasNext
opaque type AtomicPathOps = Path
object AtomicPathOps {
inline def apply(the_path: Path): kse.eio.PathsHelper.AtomicPathOps = the_path
extension (the_path: AtomicPathOps)
inline def underlying: Path = the_path
extension (the_path: kse.eio.PathsHelper.AtomicPathOps) {
def tempPath: Path = the_path.underlying.resolveSibling(the_path.underlying.getFileName.toString + ".atomic")
def copyTo(to: Path): Unit =
val temp = apply(to).tempPath
to.getParent.tap{ gp => if gp ne null then { if !Files.exists(gp) then Files.createDirectories(gp) } }
Files.copy(the_path.underlying, temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
Files.move(temp, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def moveTo(to: Path): Unit =
val up = to.getParent
if up != null then
if !Files.exists(up) then Files.createDirectories(up)
if up != null && Files.getFileStore(the_path) == Files.getFileStore(up) then
Files.move(the_path.underlying, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
val temp = to.resolveSibling(to.getFileName.toString + ".atomic")
to.getParent.tap{ gp => if gp ne null then { if !Files.exists(gp) then Files.createDirectories(gp) } }
Files.copy(the_path.underlying, temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
Files.move(temp, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
def zipTo(to: Path, compression: Int Or Unit = Alt.unit, maxDirectoryDepth: Int = 10): Unit =
val temp = to.resolveSibling(to.getFileName.toString + ".atomic")
to.getParent.tap{ gp => if gp ne null then { if !Files.exists(gp) then Files.createDirectories(gp) } }
val zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(temp.toFile))
if Files.isDirectory(the_path.underlying) then
val base = the_path.underlying.getParent.fn{ fp => if fp eq null then the_path.underlying.getFileSystem.getPath("") else fp }
def recurse(current: Path, maxDepth: Int): Unit =
val stable = current.paths
val (directories, files) = stable.sortBy(_.getFileName.toString).partition(x => Files.isDirectory(x))
files.foreach{ fi =>
val rel = base relativize fi
val ze = new ZipEntry(rel.toString)
Files.copy(fi, zos)
if maxDepth > 1 then directories.foreach(d => recurse(d, maxDepth-1))
recurse(the_path, maxDirectoryDepth)
val ze = new ZipEntry(the_path.underlying.getFileName.toString)
Files.copy(the_path, zos)
Files.move(temp, to, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
val doNothingHook: Path => Unit = _ => ()
class RootedRecursion(val root: Path, val origin: Path) {
def delete(hook: Path => Unit = doNothingHook) = recursiveDelete(origin, root, hook)
def atomicDelete(hook: Path => Unit = doNothingHook) = atomicRecursiveDelete(origin, root, hook)
private[PathsHelper] def recursiveDelete(f: Path, root: Path, hook: Path => Unit = _ => ()): Unit =
if !(f startsWith root) then throw new IOException(s"Tried to delete $f but escaped root path $root")
if Files.isDirectory(f) && !Files.isSymbolicLink(f) then
f.paths.foreach(fi => recursiveDelete(fi, root, hook))
Files delete f
private[PathsHelper] def atomicRecursiveDelete(f: Path, root: Path, hook: Path => Unit = _ => ()): Unit =
if !(f startsWith root) then throw new IOException(s"Tried to delete $f but escaped root path $root")
val name = f.getFileName.toString
val i = name.lastIndexOf('.')
val delext = if i > 0 then name.substring(i+1) else ""
val delnum =
if !delext.startsWith("deleted") then None
else if delext.length > "deleted".length + 8 then None
else if delext.length > "deleted".length then
val more = delext.substring("deleted".length)
if !more.forall(_.isDigit) then None
else safe{ more.toInt }.toOption
else Some(1)
val delname = delnum match
case Some(n) => name.substring(0, i) + ".deleted" + (n+1).toString
case _ => name + ".deleted"
val del = f.resolveSibling(delname).normalize
if Files exists del then atomicRecursiveDelete(del, root, hook)
Files.move(f, del, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE)
val drp = del.toRealPath()
recursiveDelete(drp, drp, hook)
opaque type RawPath = Path
object RawPath {
def apply(path: Path): kse.eio.PathsHelper.RawPath = path
extension (the_path: RawPath)
def path: Path = the_path
extension (the_path: kse.eio.PathsHelper.RawPath) {
def real = PathsHelper.symlinkToReal(the_path.path.toAbsolutePath().normalize())
inline def file = the_path.path.toFile
inline def size = Files size the_path.path
inline def time: FileTime = Files getLastModifiedTime the_path.path
inline def time_=(ft: FileTime): Unit = Files.setLastModifiedTime(the_path.path, ft)
inline def mkdir(): Unit = Files createDirectory the_path.path
inline def mkdirs(): Unit = Files createDirectories the_path.path
def mkParents(): Unit =
val p = the_path.path.getParent
if (p ne null) && !Files.exists(p) then
if Files.isSymbolicLink(p) then
else Files.createDirectories(p)
inline def delete() = Files delete the_path.path
def makeSymlink(s: String): Unit =
Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path.path, the_path.path.getFileSystem.getPath(s))
def symlinkTo(p: Path): Unit =
if p.isAbsolute then Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path.path, p)
else the_path.path.getParent match
case null => Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path.path, p)
case q => Files.createSymbolicLink(the_path.path, q relativize p)
inline def symlink: String = (Files readSymbolicLink the_path.path).toString
def followSymlink: Path =
val q = Files readSymbolicLink the_path.path
if q.isAbsolute then q
else the_path.path.getParent match
case null => q
case p => (p resolve q).normalize
def touch(): Unit =
if Files exists the_path.path then Files.setLastModifiedTime(the_path.path, FileTime from Instant.now)
else Files.write(the_path.path, new Array[Byte](0))
def slurp: Array[String] =
Resource(Files lines the_path.path)(_.close)(_.toArray(i => new Array[String](i)))
inline def gulp: Array[Byte] = Files readAllBytes the_path.path
inline def openRead(): java.io.BufferedInputStream =
new BufferedInputStream(Files newInputStream the_path, 8192)
inline def write(data: Array[Byte]): Unit =
Files.write(the_path, data)
inline def append(data: Array[Byte]): Unit =
Files.write(the_path, data, StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)
inline def create(data: Array[Byte]): Unit =
Files.write(the_path, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)
def writeLines(coll: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): Unit =
Files.write(the_path, PathsHelper.javaIterable(coll))
def appendLines(coll: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): Unit =
Files.write(the_path, PathsHelper.javaIterable(coll), StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)
def createLines(coll: scala.collection.IterableOnce[String]): Unit =
Files.write(the_path, PathsHelper.javaIterable(coll), StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)
inline def openWrite(): java.io.BufferedOutputStream =
new BufferedOutputStream(Files newOutputStream the_path, 8192)
inline def openAppend(): java.io.BufferedOutputStream =
new BufferedOutputStream(
Files.newOutputStream(the_path, StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE),
inline def openCreate(): java.io.BufferedOutputStream =
new BufferedOutputStream(
Files.newOutputStream(the_path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW),
inline def openIO(): SeekableByteChannel =
Files.newByteChannel(the_path, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)
inline def copyTo(to: Path): Unit = Files.copy(the_path.path, to, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
inline def moveTo(to: Path): Unit = Files.move(the_path.path, to, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
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