t-scala.jwt-core_3.10.0.1.source-code.Jwt.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pdi.jwt
import java.time.Clock
import scala.util.matching.Regex
/** Test implementation of [[JwtCore]] using only Strings. Most of the time, you should use a lib
* implementing JSON and shouldn't be using this object. But just in case you need pure Scala
* support, here it is.
* To see a full list of samples, check the
* [[https://jwt-scala.github.io/jwt-scala/jwt-core-jwt.html online documentation]].
* '''Warning''': since there is no JSON support in Scala, this object doesn't have any way to
* parse a JSON string as an AST, so it only uses regex with all the limitations it implies. Try
* not to use keys like `exp` and `nbf` in sub-objects of the claim. For example, if you try to use
* the following claim: `{"user":{"exp":1},"exp":1300819380}`, it should be correct but it will
* fail because the regex extracting the expiration will return `1` instead of `1300819380`. Sorry
* about that.
object Jwt extends Jwt(Clock.systemUTC) {
def apply(clock: Clock) = new Jwt(clock)
class Jwt(override val clock: Clock) extends JwtCore[JwtHeader, JwtClaim] {
private val extractAlgorithmRegex = "\"alg\" *: *\"([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\"".r
protected def extractAlgorithm(header: String): Option[JwtAlgorithm] =
(extractAlgorithmRegex.findFirstMatchIn(header)).map(_.group(1)).flatMap {
case "none" => None
case name: String => Some(JwtAlgorithm.fromString(name))
private val extractIssuerRegex = "\"iss\" *: *\"([\\-a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\"".r
protected def extractIssuer(claim: String): Option[String] =
private val extractSubjectRegex = "\"sub\" *: *\"([\\-a-zA-Z0-9]*)\"".r
protected def extractSubject(claim: String): Option[String] =
private val extractExpirationRegex = "\"exp\" *: *([0-9]+)".r
protected def extractExpiration(claim: String): Option[Long] =
private val extractNotBeforeRegex = "\"nbf\" *: *([0-9]+)".r
protected def extractNotBefore(claim: String): Option[Long] =
private val extractIssuedAtRegex = "\"iat\" *: *([0-9]+)".r
protected def extractIssuedAt(claim: String): Option[Long] =
private val extractJwtIdRegex = "\"jti\" *: *\"([\\-a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\"".r
protected def extractJwtId(claim: String): Option[String] =
private val clearStartRegex = "\\{ *,".r
protected def clearStart(json: String): String =
clearStartRegex.replaceFirstIn(json, "{")
private val clearMiddleRegex = ", *(?=,)".r
protected def clearMiddle(json: String): String =
clearMiddleRegex.replaceAllIn(json, "")
private val clearEndRegex = ", *\\}".r
protected def clearEnd(json: String): String =
clearEndRegex.replaceFirstIn(json, "}")
protected def clearRegex(json: String, regex: Regex): String =
regex.replaceFirstIn(json, "")
protected def clearAll(json: String): String = {
val dirtyJson = List(
protected def headerToJson(header: JwtHeader): String = header.toJson
protected def claimToJson(claim: JwtClaim): String = claim.toJson
protected def extractAlgorithm(header: JwtHeader): Option[JwtAlgorithm] = header.algorithm
protected def extractExpiration(claim: JwtClaim): Option[Long] = claim.expiration
protected def extractNotBefore(claim: JwtClaim): Option[Long] = claim.notBefore
protected def parseHeader(header: String): JwtHeader = JwtHeader(extractAlgorithm(header))
protected def parseClaim(claim: String): JwtClaim =
content = clearAll(claim),
issuer = extractIssuer(claim),
subject = extractSubject(claim),
expiration = extractExpiration(claim),
notBefore = extractNotBefore(claim),
issuedAt = extractIssuedAt(claim),
jwtId = extractJwtId(claim)
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