lgab.snunit-plugins-shared_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package snunit.plugin
import scala.sys.process._
import java.io._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
private[plugin] class SNUnitPluginShared(buildTool: BuildTool, logger: Logger, snunitCurlCommand: Seq[String]) {
private def unitControlSocket(): File = {
val stringPath = Seq("unitd", "--help").!!.linesIterator
.replaceAll(".+unix:", "")
new File(stringPath)
def isUnitInstalled(): Boolean = {
try {
// collect stderr from unitd
val err = new StringBuilder
val processLogger = ProcessLogger(_ => (), err ++= _)
Seq("unitd", "--version").!!(processLogger)
err.containsSlice("unit version:")
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logger.error("""Can't find unitd in the path.
|Please install NGINX Unit first.
|You can find instructions here: https://unit.nginx.org/installation""".stripMargin)
private final val notRunningErrorMessage = """NGINX Unit is not running.
|You can run it in a separate terminal with:
|unitd --log /dev/stdout --no-daemon
|You can also run it as a daemon:
|If you use brew:
|brew services start unit
|If you use systemd:
|sudo systemctl start unit.service
|You can find more instructions here: https://unit.nginx.org/installation""".stripMargin
private def controlSocketExists(control: File): Boolean = {
val exists = control.exists()
if (!exists) {
logger.error(s"""Control socket doesn't exist in the default path (${control.toString}).
|This means that $notRunningErrorMessage""".stripMargin)
def isUnitRunning(control: File): Boolean = {
try {
doCurl(control, "http://localhost/config")
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
if (control.canRead() && control.canWrite()) {
val setting = buildTool match {
case BuildTool.Sbt => """snunitCurlCommand := Seq("sudo", "curl")"""
case BuildTool.Mill => """override def snunitCurlCommand = Seq("sudo", "curl")"""
logger.error(s"""You don't seem to have permissions to read/write the control socket.
|For security reasons NGINX Unit doesn't allow non-root users to change Unit's configuration.
|You can perform Unit commands by changing the curl command used by snunit to connect to Unit:
| $setting
} else {
private def doCurl(control: File, command: String*) =
(snunitCurlCommand ++ Seq("-sL", "--unix-socket", control.toString) ++ command).!!
def deployToNGINXUnit(executable: String, port: Int): Unit = {
require(isUnitInstalled(), "unitd is not installed")
val control = unitControlSocket()
require(controlSocketExists(control), "control socket doesn't exist")
require(isUnitRunning(control), "unitd is not available")
val config = s"""{
"applications": {
"app": {
"type": "external",
"executable": "$executable"
"listeners": {
"*:$port": {
"pass": "applications/app"
val result = doCurl(
private def restartApp(control: File) = {
val result = doCurl(control, "http://localhost/control/applications/app/restart")