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META-INF.resources.frontend.stickynotes.sticky-board.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import { ThemableMixin } from '@vaadin/vaadin-themable-mixin/vaadin-themable-mixin.js';
import "@vaadin/flow-frontend/stickynotes/sticky-board-css-loader.js";

class StickyBoard extends ThemableMixin(PolymerElement) {
    log(...logVal) {
        if (this.logEnabled) {
    constructor() {
    static get template() {
        return html `

    `; } noteTemplate() { return html`
  • `; } static get is() { return 'sticky-board'; } updatePosition() { this.log("updatePosition"); this.log(this.targetId,this.alignTo,this.x_offset,this.y_offset); //this.log(this.$; var parentRect = this.$; this.log("parentRect: ",parentRect); var rect = this.targetId.getBoundingClientRect(); this.log("rect: ",rect); // estado por defecto var bpbZidx = "200"; var saZidx = "199"; var tZidx =; if (tZidx && !isNaN(tZidx)) { this.log("zIndex: ",tZidx); bpbZidx = "" + (parseInt(tZidx) + 2); saZidx = "" + (parseInt(tZidx) + 1); } this.log("sticky zIndex: ",bpbZidx); var popupButtonTop =; var popupButtonLeft = rect.right; switch (this.alignTo) { case "TOP_RIGHT": // console.log("TOP_RIGHT: "":"+rect.right); popupButtonTop = + this.y_offset -; popupButtonLeft = rect.right + this.x_offset - parentRect.left; break; case "BOTTOM_RIGHT": popupButtonTop = rect.bottom + this.y_offset -; popupButtonLeft = rect.right + this.x_offset - parentRect.left; break; case "BOTTOM_LEFT": popupButtonTop = rect.bottom + this.y_offset -; popupButtonLeft = rect.left + this.x_offset - parentRect.left; break; case "TOP_LEFT": popupButtonTop = + this.y_offset -; popupButtonLeft = rect.left + this.x_offset - parentRect.left; break; } // console.log("pos: "+popupTop+","+popupLeft); var w = document.body.getBoundingClientRect().width; var q = this.$.boardPopupButton.getBoundingClientRect(); if (popupButtonLeft + q.width > w && w - q.width > 0) popupButtonLeft = w - q.width; this.$ = popupButtonTop + "px"; this.$ = popupButtonLeft + "px"; this.$ = bpbZidx; this.$ = popupButtonTop + "px"; this.$ = popupButtonLeft + "px"; this.$ = saZidx; this.log("^^^^^"); } toggleBoard() { this.$.stickyArea.classList.toggle("show"); this.$server.toggleBoard(); } mutationEvent(mutationRecord) { this.log(mutationRecord); this.updatePosition(); } init(_targetId,_alignTo,_xOffset,_yOffset) { console.log("init object"); console.log(_targetId,_alignTo,_xOffset,_yOffset); this.targetId = _targetId; this.alignTo = _alignTo; this.x_offset = _xOffset; this.y_offset = _yOffset; = new MutationObserver((event)=>{this.mutationEvent(event);});,{childList: false, subtree: false, attributes: true}); console.log("^^^^^"); } //---- Close event --- closeNote(event) { console.log("closeNote"); console.log("this",this); console.log("event:",event); console.log(this.$.stickyArea); var confirmDialog = event.path[1].querySelector("#confirmDialog"); confirmDialog.classList.add("show"); } closeConfirm(event) { console.log("close confirm:", event); event.path[3].remove(); } closeCancel(event) { console.log("close cancel:", event); event.path[1].classList.remove("show"); } //------------------ internalAddNote(title, noteText, bgColor) { var noteList = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#noteList"); // console.log(noteList); // como la referencia es desde 0, se puede usar la cantidad // dado que ya apunta al siguiente elemento. var nodeIdx = noteList.childElementCount; //console.log("nodeIdx:",nodeIdx); var bgStyle = "mistyrose"; switch(nodeIdx%3) { case 0: bgStyle = "mistyrose"; break; case 1: bgStyle = "skyblue"; break; case 2: bgStyle = "snow"; break; } // agregar el li a la lista noteList.appendChild(this.noteTemplate().content.cloneNode(true)); var lis = noteList.getElementsByTagName("li"); //console.log("li list:",lis); // obtener la referencia var newNote = lis[nodeIdx]; var bg = newNote.querySelector("#note"); if (bgColor) { = bgColor; } else { = bgStyle; } if (title) { var t = newNote.querySelector("#noteTitle"); t.innerHTML = title; // .replace(/

    <\/div>/g) // .replace(/
    /g,"\n") // .replace(/<\/div>/g,"") // .replace(/
    /g,"\n"); } if (noteText) { var nt = newNote.querySelector("#noteText"); nt.innerHTML = noteText; // .replace(/

    <\/div>/g) // .replace(/
    /g,"\n") // .replace(/<\/div>/g,"") // .replace(/
    /g,"\n"); } var cb = newNote.querySelector("#closeButton"); cb.addEventListener("click",(event)=>{this.closeNote(event);},false); var closeConfirm = newNote.querySelector("#confirm"); closeConfirm.addEventListener("click",(event)=>{this.closeConfirm(event);},false); var closeCancel = newNote.querySelector("#cancel"); closeCancel.addEventListener("click",(event)=>{this.closeCancel(event);},false); } addNote(event) { event.stopPropagation(); this.internalAddNote(); } // ready() { // super.ready(); // console.log("ready....."); // let fragmentsTemplate = this.$.boardPopupButton; // // fragmentsTemplate.addEventListener('dom-change', () => { // this.updatePosition(); // }); // console.log("^^^^^"); // } // // afterServerUpdate() { // console.log("afterServerUpdate..."); // console.log(this); // this.updatePosition(); // console.log("^^^^^"); // } // save() { this.log("save content"); this.log(this.$.noteList); this.log(this.$.noteList.children); var lis = this.$.noteList.getElementsByTagName("li"); this.log("lis:",lis); var saveNoteData = []; for (var noteItem of this.$.noteList.children ) { console.log("for",noteItem); var nTitle = noteItem.querySelector("#noteTitle").innerHTML .replace(/

    <\/div>/g,"\n") .replace(/
    /g,"\n") .replace(/<\/div>/g,"") .replace(/
    /g,"\n"); var nText = noteItem.querySelector("#noteText").innerHTML .replace(/

    <\/div>/g,"\n") .replace(/
    /g,"\n") .replace(/<\/div>/g,"") .replace(/
    /g,"\n"); var nBgColor = noteItem.querySelector("#note").style.background; saveNoteData.push({ title: nTitle, noteText: nText, background: nBgColor }); } this.log(saveNoteData); this.log("^^^^^ save ^^^^^"); return saveNoteData; } load(data) { var notesData = JSON.parse(data); for (var note of notesData) { this.log(note,"t: ",note.title,"note text:",note.noteText); this.internalAddNote(note.title, note.noteText, note.background); } } }; customElements.define(, StickyBoard);

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