nkeysintown.jdbc-ssh.1.0.9.source-code.overview.ad Maven / Gradle / Ivy
= Overview
JDBC driver over SSH tunnel.
== Build
If you just want to compile the project without running the tests:
mvn -DskipTests clean install
If you want to run the tests (Derby and H2 in server mode):
mvn -Djdbc.ssh.username="xxx" -Djdbc.ssh.password="xxx" clean install
NOTE: If your SSH server is not running on the default port 22 and/or localhost then you can change those paramaters.
mvn -Djdbc.ssh.username="xxx" -Djdbc.ssh.password="xxx" -Djdbc.ssh.host="" -Djdbc.ssh.port="2222" clean install
At the moment a locally running SSH server is needed for the tests. The embedded SSH server in the unit tests is not yet
ready (authentication works, but port forwarding fails at the moment).
== Maven dependencies
You can find the latest releases here:
https://bintray.com/cheetah/monkeysintown/jdbc-ssh/_latestVersion[ image:https://api.bintray.com/packages/cheetah/monkeysintown/jdbc-ssh/images/download.svg[Download], window="_blank" ]
… or setup your Maven dependencies:
… and configure Bintray's JCenter repository in your pom.xml:
Get automatic notifications about new releases here:
https://bintray.com/cheetah/monkeysintown/jdbc-ssh/view?source=watch[ image:https://www.bintray.com/docs/images/bintray_badge_color.png[Get automatic notifications about new "jdbc-ssh" versions], window="_blank" ]