tebear.jcmdline.2.0.1.source-code.strings.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# errors.properties
# error messages for the util.jcmdline class.
# Author Lynne Lawrence
# Version $Id: strings.properties,v 1.2 2009/08/06 14:31:35 lglawrence Exp $
# Version: MPL 1.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Java jcmdline (command line management) package.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lynne Lawrence.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Lynne Lawrence
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# AbstractParameter messages
AbstractParameter.descTooShort: \
Description for {0} must be at least 5 characters.
AbstractParameter.emptyTag: A tag may not be an empty string.
AbstractParameter.illegalCharInTag: \
Parameter tag <{0}> contains illegal character <{1}>.\n\
Valid characters are letters, numbers, '_', and '-'.
AbstractParameter.specifiedMoreThanOnce: \
<{0}> may only be specified once.
Parameter.valNotAcceptableVal: \
Invalid value "{0}" specified for <{1}>, expecting one of: {2}
# BasicCmdLineHandler messages
BasicCmdLineHandler.cmdDescTooShort: Command description must be specified.
BasicCmdLineHandler.cmdNameTooShort: Command name must be specified.
BasicCmdLineHandler.duplicateOption: An option ({0}) is defined more than once.
BasicCmdLineHandler.missingRequiredArg: \
Required argument <{0}> has not been specified.
BasicCmdLineHandler.missingRequiredOpt: \
Required option <{0}> has not been specified.
BasicCmdLineHandler.multiValueArgNotLast: \
Multi-valued argument <{0}> must be the last specified because it will \
absorb all command line parameters.
BasicCmdLineHandler.nullArgNotAllowed: Argument parameter may not be null.
BasicCmdLineHandler.requiredArgAfterOptArg: \
Required argument ({0}) may not be specified after optional argument ({1}).
# BooleanParam messages
BooleanParam.false: false
BooleanParam.no: no
BooleanParam.setValueProgError: \
Programming error: can't set BooleanParam value to "false".
BooleanParam.true: true
BooleanParam.yes: yes
BooleanParameter.conversionErr: \
Invalid value "{0}" specified for <{1}>, expecting one of (case not sensitive): \n {2}
# DateParam messages
DateParam.dateFormat: MM/dd/yy
DateParam.invalidDate: \
Invalid date specified for <{0}>, expecting {1}
DateParam.invalidHours: \
Invalid hours value specified ({0}) must be between 0 and 23, inclusive.
DateParam.invalidMinutes: \
Invalid minutes value specified ({0}) must be between 0 and 59, inclusive.
DateParam.invalidSeconds: \
Invalid seconds value specified ({0}) must be between 0 and 59, inclusive.
DateParam.invalidMilliSeconds: \
Invalid milliseconds value specified ({0}) must be between 0 and 999, \
# DateTimeParam messages
DateTimeParam.dateFormat: MM/dd/yy
DateTimeParam.invalidDate: \
Invalid date specified for <{0}>, expecting {1}
# DefaultCmdLineHandler messages
DefaultCmdLineHandler.logOptTag: log
DefaultCmdLineHandler.logOptDesc: sets the log level
DefaultCmdLineHandler.helpOptTag: help
DefaultCmdLineHandler.helpOptDesc: prints help information to stdout; exits
DefaultCmdLineHandler.versionOptTag: version
DefaultCmdLineHandler.versionOptDesc: prints program version to stdout; exits
DefaultCmdLineHandler.usageOptTag1: h
DefaultCmdLineHandler.usageOptTag2: ?
DefaultCmdLineHandler.usageOptDesc: prints usage to stdout; exits
DefaultCmdLineHandler.hiddenUsageOptTag: h!
DefaultCmdLineHandler.hiddenUsageOptDesc: \
prints usage (including hidden options) to stdout; exits
DefaultCmdLineHandler.params: , params:
DefaultCmdLineHandler.classDescTooShort: \
Invalid class description passed to DefaultCmdLineHandler constructor, \n\
must be at least 1 character long.
DefaultCmdLineHandler.classNameTooShort: \
Invalid class name passed to DefaultCmdLineHandler constructor, must be at \
\nleast 1 character long.
DefaultCmdLineHandler.helpMissingArg: \
Help text contains no reference to the <{0}> argument. Help text:\n\
DefaultCmdLineHandler.helpMissingOption: \
Help text contains no reference to the <{0}> option. Help text:\n\
DefaultCmdLineHandler.helpTooShort: \
Invalid help text passed to DefaultCmdLineHandler constructor, must be at \n\
least 1 character long.
DefaultCmdLineHandler.optionError: {0}
DefaultCmdLineHandler.versionTooShort: \
Invalid version passed to DefaultCmdLineHandler constructor, must be at \n\
least 1 character long.
# FileParam messages
FileParam.a: a
FileParam.an_existing: an existing
FileParam.a_not_existing: a non-existing
FileParam.directory: directory
FileParam.file: file
FileParam.file_dir: file or directory
FileParam.illegalValue: \
Invalid name ({3}) specified for <{4}>, must be {0}{2} {1}.
FileParam.invalidAttributes: \
Invalid attributes specified: <{0}>, please use static final literals.
FileParam.readable: , readable,
FileParam.readable_writeable: , readable, writeable,
FileParam.valueNotSet: There is no value set for <{0}>.
FileParam.writeable: , writeable,
# HelpCmdLineHandler messages
HelpCmdLineHandler.help.tag: help
HelpCmdLineHandler.help.desc: displays verbose help information
HelpCmdLineHandler.helpEmptyError: \
a non-empty help text must be specified to the HelpCmdLineHandler constructor
HelpCmdLineHandler.helpHidden.tag: help!
HelpCmdLineHandler.helpHidden.desc: \
displays verbose help information, including hidden parameters
# IntParam messages
IntParam.maxLessThanMin: \
Minimum acceptable value ({0}) must not be greater than the maximum ({1})
IntParam.validValues: \
The value for <{0}> must be a number between {1} and {2}, inclusive.
IntParam.valueNotSet: \
There is no value set for <{0}>.
# LoggerCmdLineHandler messages
LoggerCmdLineHandler.logFormatterNullError: \
The Formatter passed to setlogFormatter() must not be null
LoggerCmdLineHandler.logOpt.tag: log
LoggerCmdLineHandler.logOpt.desc: \
set the default logging level \
(one of {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, or {8})
LoggerCmdLineHandler.streamNullError: \
The stream specified to the LoggerCmdLineHandler may not be null.
# PosixCmdLineParser messages
PosixCmdLineParser.ambiguousOption: Option <{0}> is ambiguous.
PosixCmdLineParser.extraArg: Extra argument specified: <{0}>
PosixCmdLineParser.invalidOption: Option <{0}> is not a valid option.
PosixCmdLineParser.missingOptionValue: Option <{0}> requires a value.
PosixCmdLineParser.optionNoTag: Option "-" is invalid.
# StringFormatHelper messages
StringFormatHelper.labelDescriptionError: \
The number of labels ({0}) passed to formatLabelledList does not match \
the number of descriptions ({1})
StringFormatHelper.lineLenLessThanIndent: \
maximum line length must be greater than indent
StringFormatHelper.lineLenZero: maximum line length must be greater than 0
# StringParam messages
StringParam.maxTooSmall: Maximum length for {0} must not be less than 0.
StringParam.minTooSmall: Minimum length for {0} must not be less than 0.
StringParam.maxLessThanMin: \
Maximum length for {0} must not be less than the minimum length.
StringParam.valTooLong: \
Parameter for {0} is longer than the maximum allowed length ({1}).
StringParam.valTooShort: \
Parameter for {0} is shorter than the minimum allowed length ({1}).
# Strings messages
Strings.missingKey: Missing string property for key:
# TextUsageFormatter messages
TextUsageFormatter.errorPrefix: ERROR:
TextUsageFormatter.hidden: hidden
TextUsageFormatter.optional: optional
TextUsageFormatter.optIntroNoArgs: where options are:
TextUsageFormatter.optIntroWArgs: and options are:
TextUsageFormatter.required: required
TextUsageFormatter.stdOptionHelp: \
Option tags are not case sensitive, and \
may be truncated as long as they remain unambiguous. Option \
tags must be separated from their corresponding values by \
whitespace, or by an equal sign. Boolean options (options that \
require no associated value) may be specified alone (=true), or as \
'tag=value' where value is 'true' or 'false'.
TextUsageFormatter.usage: Usage:
TextUsageFormatter.usageWOReqOpt: [options]
TextUsageFormatter.usageWReqOpt: options
TextUsageFormatter.where: where:
# TimeParam messages
TimeParam.invalidTimeFormat: Invalid time format ({0}), expecting "{1}"
TimeParam.invalidSeconds: \
Invalid seconds value specified ({0}) must be between 0 and 59, inclusive.
TimeParam.invalidMilliSeconds: \
Invalid milliseconds value specified ({0}) must be between 0 and 999, \
# VersionCmdLineHandler messages
VersionCmdLineHandler.version.desc: displays command's version
VersionCmdLineHandler.version.tag: version
VersionCmdLineHandler.versionEmptyError: \
A version of non-zero length must be specified.
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