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static.js.joblog.index.1.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 1.2.1
Show newest version
$(function() {

	// jobGroup change, job list init and select
	$("#jobGroup").on("change", function () {
		var jobGroup = $(this).children('option:selected').val();
			type : 'POST',
            async: false,   // async, avoid js invoke pagelist before jobId data init
			url : base_url + '/joblog/getJobsByGroup',
			data : {"jobGroup":jobGroup},
			dataType : "json",
			success : function(data){
				if (data.code == 200) {
					$("#jobId").html( '' );
					$.each(data.content, function (n, value) {
                    if ($("#jobId").attr("paramVal")){
                        $("#jobId").find("option[value='" + $("#jobId").attr("paramVal") + "']").attr("selected",true);
				} else {{
						title: I18n.system_tips ,
                        btn: [ I18n.system_ok ],
						content: (data.msg || I18n.system_api_error ),
						icon: '2'
	if ($("#jobGroup").attr("paramVal")){
		$("#jobGroup").find("option[value='" + $("#jobGroup").attr("paramVal") + "']").attr("selected",true);

	// filter Time
    var rangesConf = {};
    rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_recent_hour] = [moment().subtract(1, 'hours'), moment()];
    rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_today] = [moment().startOf('day'), moment().endOf('day')];
    rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_yesterday] = [moment().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day'), moment().subtract(1, 'days').endOf('day')];
    rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_this_month] = [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')];
    rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_last_month] = [moment().subtract(1, 'months').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'months').endOf('month')];
    rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_recent_week] = [moment().subtract(1, 'weeks').startOf('day'), moment().endOf('day')];
    rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_recent_month] = [moment().subtract(1, 'months').startOf('day'), moment().endOf('day')];

        showDropdowns:false,        // 是否显示年月选择条件
		timePicker: true, 			// 是否显示小时和分钟选择条件
		timePickerIncrement: 10, 	// 时间的增量,单位为分钟
        timePicker24Hour : true,
        opens : 'left', //日期选择框的弹出位置
		ranges: rangesConf,
        locale : {
            format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss',
            separator : ' - ',
            customRangeLabel : I18n.daterangepicker_custom_name ,
            applyLabel : I18n.system_ok ,
            cancelLabel : I18n.system_cancel ,
            fromLabel : I18n.daterangepicker_custom_starttime ,
            toLabel : I18n.daterangepicker_custom_endtime ,
            daysOfWeek : I18n.daterangepicker_custom_daysofweek.split(',') ,        // '日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'
            monthNames : I18n.daterangepicker_custom_monthnames.split(',') ,        // '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'
            firstDay : 1
        startDate: rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_today][0],
        endDate: rangesConf[I18n.daterangepicker_ranges_today][1]

	// init date tables
	var logTable = $("#joblog_list").dataTable({
		"deferRender": true,
		"processing" : true, 
	    "serverSide": true,
		"ajax": {
	        url: base_url + "/joblog/pageList" ,
	        data : function ( d ) {
	        	var obj = {};
	        	obj.jobGroup =$('#jobGroup').val() != null?$('#jobGroup').val():2147483647;
	        	obj.jobId = $('#jobId').val();
                obj.logStatus = $('#logStatus').val();
				obj.filterTime = $('#filterTime').val();
	        	obj.start = d.start;
	        	obj.length = d.length;
                return obj;
	    "searching": false,
	    "ordering": false,
	    //"scrollX": false,
	    "columns": [
						"data": 'jobId',
						"visible" : true,
						"render": function ( data, type, row ) {

							var jobhandler = '';
                            if (row.executorHandler) {
                                jobhandler = "
JobHandler:" + row.executorHandler; } var temp = ''; temp += I18n.joblog_field_executorAddress + ':' + (row.executorAddress?row.executorAddress:''); temp += jobhandler; temp += '
'+ I18n.jobinfo_field_executorparam +':' + row.executorParam; return ''+ row.jobId +''+ temp +''; } }, { "data": 'jobGroup', "visible" : false}, { "data": 'triggerTime', "width":'16%', "render": function ( data, type, row ) { return data?moment(new Date(data)).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"):""; } }, { "data": 'triggerCode', "width":'12%', "render": function ( data, type, row ) { var html = data; if (data == 200) { html = ''+ I18n.system_success +''; } else if (data == 500) { html = ''+ I18n.system_fail +''; } else if (data == 0) { html = ''; } return html; } }, { "data": 'triggerMsg', "width":'12%', "render": function ( data, type, row ) { return data?''+ I18n.system_show +''+ data +'':I18n.system_empty; } }, { "data": 'handleTime', "width":'16%', "render": function ( data, type, row ) { return data?moment(new Date(data)).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"):""; } }, { "data": 'handleCode', "width":'12%', "render": function ( data, type, row ) { var html = data; if (data == 200) { html = ''+ I18n.joblog_handleCode_200 +''; } else if (data == 500) { html = ''+ I18n.joblog_handleCode_500 +''; } else if (data == 502) { html = ''+ I18n.joblog_handleCode_502 +''; } else if (data == 0) { html = ''; } return html; } }, { "data": 'handleMsg', "width":'12%', "render": function ( data, type, row ) { return data?''+ I18n.system_show +''+ data +'':I18n.system_empty; } }, { "data": 'handleMsg' , "bSortable": false, "width":'10%', "render": function ( data, type, row ) { // better support expression or string, not function return function () { if (row.triggerCode == 200 || row.handleCode != 0){ var temp = ''+ I18n.joblog_rolling_log +''; if(row.handleCode == 0){ temp += '
'+ I18n.joblog_kill_log +''; } return temp; } return null; } } } ], "language" : { "sProcessing" : I18n.dataTable_sProcessing , "sLengthMenu" : I18n.dataTable_sLengthMenu , "sZeroRecords" : I18n.dataTable_sZeroRecords , "sInfo" : I18n.dataTable_sInfo , "sInfoEmpty" : I18n.dataTable_sInfoEmpty , "sInfoFiltered" : I18n.dataTable_sInfoFiltered , "sInfoPostFix" : "", "sSearch" : I18n.dataTable_sSearch , "sUrl" : "", "sEmptyTable" : I18n.dataTable_sEmptyTable , "sLoadingRecords" : I18n.dataTable_sLoadingRecords , "sInfoThousands" : ",", "oPaginate" : { "sFirst" : I18n.dataTable_sFirst , "sPrevious" : I18n.dataTable_sPrevious , "sNext" : I18n.dataTable_sNext , "sLast" : I18n.dataTable_sLast }, "oAria" : { "sSortAscending" : I18n.dataTable_sSortAscending , "sSortDescending" : I18n.dataTable_sSortDescending } } }); // logTips alert $('#joblog_list').on('click', '.logTips', function(){ var msg = $(this).find('span').html();; }); // search Btn $('#searchBtn').on('click', function(){ logTable.fnDraw(); }); // logDetail look $('#joblog_list').on('click', '.logDetail', function(){ var _id = $(this).attr('_id'); + '/joblog/logDetailPage?id=' + _id); return; }); /** * log Kill */ $('#joblog_list').on('click', '.logKill', function(){ var _id = $(this).attr('_id'); layer.confirm( (I18n.system_ok + I18n.joblog_kill_log + '?'), { icon: 3, title: I18n.system_tips , btn: [ I18n.system_ok, I18n.system_cancel ] }, function(index){ layer.close(index); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : base_url + '/joblog/logKill', data : {"id":_id}, dataType : "json", success : function(data){ if (data.code == 200) {{ title: I18n.system_tips, btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: I18n.system_opt_suc , icon: '1', end: function(layero, index){ logTable.fnDraw(); } }); } else {{ title: I18n.system_tips, btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: (data.msg || I18n.system_opt_fail ), icon: '2' }); } }, }); }); }); /** * clear Log */ $('#clearLog').on('click', function(){ var jobGroup = $('#jobGroup').val(); var jobId = $('#jobId').val(); var jobGroupText = $("#jobGroup").find("option:selected").text(); var jobIdText = $("#jobId").find("option:selected").text(); $('#clearLogModal input[name=jobGroup]').val(jobGroup); $('#clearLogModal input[name=jobId]').val(jobId); $('#clearLogModal .jobGroupText').val(jobGroupText); $('#clearLogModal .jobIdText').val(jobIdText); $('#clearLogModal').modal('show'); }); $("#clearLogModal .ok").on('click', function(){ $.post(base_url + "/joblog/clearLog", $("#clearLogModal .form").serialize(), function(data, status) { if (data.code == "200") { $('#clearLogModal').modal('hide');{ title: I18n.system_tips , btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: (I18n.joblog_clean_log + I18n.system_success) , icon: '1', end: function(layero, index){ logTable.fnDraw(); } }); } else {{ title: I18n.system_tips , btn: [ I18n.system_ok ], content: (data.msg || (I18n.joblog_clean_log + I18n.system_fail) ), icon: '2' }); } }); }); $("#clearLogModal").on('', function () { $("#clearLogModal .form")[0].reset(); }); }); // Com Alert by Tec theme var ComAlertTec = { html:function(){ var html = ''; return html; }, show:function(msg, callback){ // dom init if ($('#ComAlertTec').length == 0){ $('body').append(ComAlertTec.html()); } // init com alert $('#ComAlertTec .alert').html(msg); $('#ComAlertTec').modal('show'); $('#ComAlertTec .ok').click(function(){ $('#ComAlertTec').modal('hide'); if(typeof callback == 'function') { callback(); } }); } };

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