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* Copyright 2016 The Closure Compiler Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Provides methods to polyfill native objects.
* @suppress {uselessCode}
'require util/defineproperty';
'require util/defines';
'require util/global';
'require util/shouldpolyfill';
/** @const {!Object} map from classes (Map) to polyfills*/
$jscomp.polyfills = {};
/** @const {!Object} */
$jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol = {};
/** @const {string} */
$jscomp.POLYFILL_PREFIX = '$jscp$';
* Returns a polyfilled version of the given property if present, otherwise
* returns the actual property.
* This is a variable instead of a $jscomp.* property to make it simpler for
* the compiler to avoid prematurely deleting it during optimizations.
* @param {*} target the receiver for the property access, e.g. `my.str`
* @param {string} key the name of the property, e.g. `includes`
* @return {?} if a polyfill is present, that polyfill property. otherwise
* the result of target[key]
* @noinline prevent inlining so IsolatePolyfills can find this declaration.
* @suppress {reportUnknownTypes}
var $jscomp$lookupPolyfilledValue = function(target, key) {
/** @const */
var polyfilledKey = $jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol[key];
if (polyfilledKey == null) {
return target[key];
// NOTE: this will throw if `target` is null or undefined.
/** @const */
var polyfill = target[polyfilledKey];
// Checking `polyfill !== undefined` is sufficient because $jscomp.polyfill
// never installs nullish polyfills. Otherwise we'd have to check something
// like `key in target`.
return polyfill !== undefined ? polyfill : target[key];
* @param {string} target Qualified name of the class or method to polyfill,
* e.g. 'Array.prototype.includes' or 'Map'.
* @param {?function(*): *} polyfill A function that takes the current browser
* implementation of the target and returns an optional new polyfill
* implementation. If null is returned, then no polyfill will be added. A
* null argument for this parameter indicates that the function will not be
* polyfilled, and is only useful for `build_polyfill_table.js` bookkeeping.
* @param {string} fromLang The language level in which the target is expected
* to already be present in the browser. The compiler requires that
* `languageOut < fromLang` before injecting a polyfill (i.e. if the
* specified output language already includes the feature then there's no
* need to polyfill it).
* @param {string} toLang The language level required by the polyfill
* implementation. The compiler will issue an error if a polyfill is
* required, but `languageOut < toLang`. Additionally, the
* `build_polyfill_table.js` script audits the polyfill dependency tree to
* ensure that no polyfill with a lower `toLang` depends on one with a
* higher `toLang`.
* @noinline
* NOTE: We prevent inlining so RemoveUnusedPolyfills can always recognize this
* call.
$jscomp.polyfill = function(target, polyfill, fromLang, toLang) {
if (!polyfill) return;
if ($jscomp.ISOLATE_POLYFILLS) {
$jscomp.polyfillIsolated(target, polyfill, fromLang, toLang);
} else {
$jscomp.polyfillUnisolated(target, polyfill, fromLang, toLang);
* @param {string} target Qualified name of the class or method to polyfill,
* @param {function(*): *} polyfill A function that takes the current browser
* implementation of the target and returns an optional new polyfill
* implementation.
* @param {string} fromLang The language level in which the target is expected
* to already be present in the browser.
* @param {string} toLang The language level required by the polyfill
* implementation.
* @suppress {reportUnknownTypes}
* @see $jscomp.polyfill for more documentation
$jscomp.polyfillUnisolated = function(target, polyfill, fromLang, toLang) {
var obj = $;
var split = target.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) {
var key = split[i];
if (!(key in obj)) return;
obj = obj[key];
var property = split[split.length - 1];
var orig = obj[property];
var impl = polyfill(orig);
if (impl == orig || impl == null) return;
obj, property, {configurable: true, writable: true, value: impl});
* Defines a polyfill for the given class or method under an obfuscated name.
* The main differences between this method and $jscomp.polyfillUnisolated are:
* - classes are defined on $jscomp.polyfills, not window.
* - methods (Array.prototype.includes) are defined on Array.prototype under
* an obfuscated name Array.prototype.$jscp$includes or a Symbol, if native.
* - this method installs our polyfill even when an existing implementation is
* found, as it might be an untrusted polyfill. The exception is that if
* Symbol is detected to be native, we assume any implementations of ES6
* classes/methods are also native and not polyfills.
* @param {string} target Qualified name of the class or method to polyfill,
* @param {function(*): *} polyfill A function that takes the current browser
* implementation of the target and returns an optional new polyfill
* implementation.
* @param {string} fromLang The language level in which the target is expected
* to already be present in the browser.
* @param {string} toLang The language level required by the polyfill
* implementation.
* @suppress {reportUnknownTypes}
* @see $jscomp.polyfill for more parameter documentation
$jscomp.polyfillIsolated = function(target, polyfill, fromLang, toLang) {
var split = target.split('.');
var isNativeClass = split.length === 1;
var root = split[0];
// Look up the parent object. For classes this is just $
// For methods/properties this may be a polyfill (Promise) or may a native
// object (Array.prototype).
var obj;
if (!isNativeClass && root in $jscomp.polyfills) {
// Handle Symbol.asyncIterator and Promise.prototype.finally
obj = $jscomp.polyfills;
} else {
// Handle Promise, Array.of, and String.prototype.startsWith
obj = $;
for (var i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) {
var key = split[i];
if (!(key in obj)) return;
obj = obj[key];
var property = split[split.length - 1];
// If Symbol is native and the target is in the ES6 spec, use the native imp.
// We assume the method/class was not polyfilled since polyfills typically
// back off in the presence of an existing implementation.
var nativeImpl =
$jscomp.IS_SYMBOL_NATIVE && fromLang === 'es6' ? obj[property] : null;
var impl = polyfill(nativeImpl);
if (impl == null) {
if (isNativeClass) {
// Note: `impl` may be the actual native class instead of a
// polyfill. Add it to $jscomp.polyfills anyway. The IsolatePolyfills pass
// unconditionally replaces `Symbol` with `$jscomp.polyfills['Symbol']`.
$jscomp.polyfills, property,
{configurable: true, writable: true, value: impl});
} else if (impl !== nativeImpl) {
// Skip installing an obfuscated property if we have found a native version
// of the method we're polyfilling. $jscomp$lookupPolyfilledValue will fall
// back to the native version anyway.
$jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol[property] = $jscomp.IS_SYMBOL_NATIVE ?
// use bracket access to avoid injecting the Symbol polyfill
$['Symbol'](property) :
$jscomp.POLYFILL_PREFIX + property;
property = $jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol[property];
obj, property, {configurable: true, writable: true, value: impl});