portal.default.redbox.jaffa.widgets.anzsrc-SelectionReportCriteria.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
var AnzsrcSelectionReportCriteriaWidgetBuilder = function($, jaffa) {
var dropDownClass = jaffa.widgets.baseWidget.extend({
field: null,
labelField: null,
oldField: null,
oldLabelField: null,
dropDownData: {},
dropDownDataMapped: null,
deleteWidget: function() {
if (this.labelField != null) {
// Identity has been altered, adjust the DOM for all fields
domUpdate: function(from, to, depth) {
this._super(from, to, depth);
// Store, we'll need them to notify Jaffa later
this.oldField = this.field;
// Replace the portion of the ID that changed
this.field = this.oldField.domUpdate(from, to, depth);
// Update DOM but constrain searches to container, since there may
// be very temporary duplicate IDs as sort orders swap
var container = this.getContainer();
container.find("input[id=\""+this.oldField+"\"]").attr("id", this.field+"");
container.find("input[id=\""+this.oldField+"code\"]").attr("id", this.field+"code");
container.find("select[id=\""+this.oldField+".top.dropdown\"]").attr("id", this.field+".top.dropdown");
container.find("span[id=\""+this.oldField+".top\"]").attr("id", this.field+".top");
container.find("select[id=\""+this.oldField+".middle.dropdown\"]").attr("id", this.field+".middle.dropdown");
container.find("span[id=\""+this.oldField+".middle\"]").attr("id", this.field+".middle");
container.find("select[id=\""+this.oldField+".bottom.dropdown\"]").attr("id", this.field+".bottom.dropdown");
container.find("span[id=\""+this.oldField+".bottom\"]").attr("id", this.field+".bottom");
// Tell Jaffa to ignore the field's this widget used to manage
// TODO: Testing
// Do it all again for labels if they are stored
if (this.labelField != null) {
this.oldLabelField = this.labelField;
this.labelField = this.oldLabelField.domUpdate(from, to, depth);
container.find("input[id=\""+this.oldLabelField+"\"]").attr("id", this.labelField);
// Notify Jaffa that field <=> widget relations need to be updated
// This is called separately from above to avoid duplicate IDs that
// may occur whilst DOM alterations are occuring
jaffaUpdate: function() {
// Only synch if an update has effected this widget
if (this.oldField != null || this.oldLabelField != null) {
if (this.oldField != null) {
jaffa.form.addField(this.field, this.id());
this.oldField = null;
if (this.oldLabelField != null) {
jaffa.form.addField(this.labelField, this.id());
this.oldLabelField = null;
// TODO: Validation alterations
// Whereas init() is the constructor, this method is called after Jaffa
// knows about us and needs us to build UI elements and modify the form.
buildUi: function() {
var ui = this.getContainer();
var label = this.getConfig("label");
if (label != null) {
this.field = this.getConfig("field");
if (this.field == null) {
// TODO: Testing
jaffa.logError("No field name provided for widget '"+ this.field() +"'. This is mandatory!");
var jsonDataUrl = this.getConfig("json-data-url");
var topCombo= {};
topCombo["field"] = this.field+".top.dropdown";
topCombo["json-data-url"] = jsonDataUrl;
topCombo["data-top-level-id"] = 'top';
topCombo["data-id-key"] = 'rdf:about';
topCombo["data-label-key"] = 'skos:prefLabel';
topCombo["data-list-key"] = 'results';
topCombo["default-value"] = 'skos:narrower';
topCombo["class-list"] = 'widgetListBranding';
var field = this.field;
var comboValue = $(this).val();
if(comboValue != "") {
var labelValue = $(this).find("option:selected").text()
var nextCombo= {};
nextCombo["field"] = field+".middle.dropdown";
nextCombo["json-data-url"] = jsonDataUrl;
nextCombo["data-top-level-id"] = comboValue;
nextCombo["data-id-key"] = 'rdf:about';
nextCombo["data-label-key"] = 'skos:prefLabel';
nextCombo["data-list-key"] = 'results';
nextCombo["default-value"] = jaffa.serverData[field+'.middle.dropdown'];;
nextCombo["class-list"] = 'widgetListBranding';
if(comboValue == "") {
var comboValue = $(this).val();
if(comboValue != "") {
var labelValue = $(this).find("option:selected").text();
var nextCombo= {};
nextCombo["field"] = field+".bottom.dropdown";
nextCombo["json-data-url"] = jsonDataUrl;
nextCombo["data-top-level-id"] = comboValue;
nextCombo["data-id-key"] = 'rdf:about';
nextCombo["data-label-key"] = 'skos:prefLabel';
nextCombo["data-list-key"] = 'results';
nextCombo["default-value"] = jaffa.serverData[field+'.bottom.dropdown'];;
nextCombo["class-list"] = 'widgetListBranding';
if(comboValue == "") {
//Set the top dropdown box's value and hide the bottom dropdown
comboValue = $("[id='"+field+".top.dropdown']").val();
var labelValue = $("[id='"+field+".top.dropdown']").find("option:selected").text();
var comboValue = $(this).val();
if(comboValue != "") {
var labelValue = $(this).find("option:selected").text()
// Add help content
// Activating a change trigger will synch
// all fields and the managed data
// Add some validation
var mandatory = this.getConfig("mandatory");
var mandatoryOnSave = this.getConfig("mandatory-on-save");
if (mandatory === true || mandatoryOnSave === true) {
// Error message creation
var validationText = this.getConfig("validation-text") || "This field is mandatory";
var validationMessage = $(""+validationText+"");
// Error message toggling
function invalid(fieldId, testsFailed) {
function valid(fieldId, testsPassed) {
// Notify Jaffa about what we want
if (mandatory === true) {
jaffa.valid.setSubmitRules(this.field, ["required"], valid, invalid);
if (mandatoryOnSave === true) {
jaffa.valid.setSaveRules(this.field, ["required"], valid, invalid);
// Add our custom classes
// If any of the fields we told Jaffa we manage
// are changed it will call this.
change: function(fieldName, isValid) {
// To avoid double handling, just pay attention to the actual value field
if (fieldName == this.field) {
// Update our label field if we have one
if (this.labelField != null) {
var label = jaffa.form.field(fieldName).find(":selected").text();
jaffa.form.value(this.labelField, label);
// Complex relations, we want to look like a jQuery automcomplete
// to leverage the same methods on the base widget
var lookupParser = this.getConfig("lookup-parser");
if (lookupParser != null) {
// Because we have a static data source, we only need to map once
if (this.dropDownDataMapped == null) {
var thisWidget = this;
function mapWrap(item) {
return thisWidget.perItemMapping(item);
this.dropDownDataMapped = $.map(this.dropDownData, mapWrap);
// Find our currently selected item and 'select' it
var len = this.dropDownDataMapped.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var value = this.dropDownDataMapped[i].value;
if (value == jaffa.form.value(fieldName)) {
// A fake UI element the handler is expecting
var ui = {item: this.dropDownDataMapped[i]};
this.onSelectItemHandling(null, ui);
// Constructor... any user provided config and the
// jQuery container this was called against.
init: function(config, container) {
this._super(config, container);
// *****************************************
// Let Jaffa know how things hang together. 'jaffaAnzsrcSelection' is how the
// developer can create a widget, eg: $("#id").jaffaAnzsrcSelection();
// And the class links to the above variable that is a valid widget
// implementation, extending the Jaffa bas widget.
jaffa.widgets.registerWidget("jaffaAnzsrcSelectionReportCriteria", dropDownClass);
var AnzsrcSelectionReportCriteriaRepeatableWidgetBuilder = function($, jaffa) {
var dropDownRepeatableClass = jaffa.widgets.listWidget.extend({
init: function(config, container) {
this._super(config, container);
// Make sure 'listWidget' knows how to create each element
jaffa.widgets.registerWidget("jaffaAnzsrcSelectionReportCriteriaRepeatable", dropDownRepeatableClass);
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