.hazelcast-client.3.12.13.source-code.hazelcast-client-full-example.yaml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This is a full example hazelcast-client.yaml that includes all the
# configuration elements of a Hazelcast client.
# To use this, rename it to hazelcast-client.yaml and place it in
# the directory where you start your Hazelcast client.
# To learn how to configure Hazelcast, please see the Reference Manual
# at https://hazelcast.org/documentation/
# You can use import to load different Hazelcast declarative configuration files you prepared.
# You can import as many YAML files as you want and hence compose your Hazelcast configuration
# out of those YAML files. If you want to use import, it should be placed at the top of your
# Hazelcast YAML file right after the "hazelcast-client" root node.
# Below is an example where the configuration files you want to include are located at your
# Hazelcast working directory:
# import:
# - your-client-configuration-file.yaml
# Below are examples showing a classpath or filesystem location:
# import:
# - file:///etc/hazelcast/your-client-configuration-file-1.yaml
# - classpath:your-client-configuration-file-2.yaml
# Below is an example showing property placeholders:
# import:
# - ${environment}-your-client-configuration-file.yaml
- your-client-configuration-YAML-file
# The "config-replacers" allow to use variables (placeholders) within the configuration file and use an external
# class to retrieve correct values (replacements).
# It can be used for masking sensitive strings such as passwords for instance.
# Format of a variable is:
# $ PREFIX { STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED } e.g. $ENC{nnPgTqJCcCQ=:23000:B4y/nlp6M0t3q6YiKImW+w==}
# The PREFIX value depends on the replacer implementation (e.g. "ENC" is used for the EncryptionReplacer)
# The STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED is the value which is provided to replacer implementation.
fail-if-value-missing: false
- class-name: com.hazelcast.config.replacer.EncryptionReplacer
passwordFile: password
passwordUserProperties: false
cipherAlgorithm: DES
keyLengthBits: 64
secretKeyAlgorithm: DES
secretKeyFactoryAlgorithm: PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1
# Specifies the name and password for a cluster group you connect to.
# Cluster groups allow you to create separate sub-clusters with different names.
# The password is only checked when security is enabled on Hazelcast members (Enterprise edition feature).
name: dev
password: dev-pass
# When Hazelcast instances are created, they are put in a global registry with their creation names.
# "instance-name" gives you the ability to get a specific Hazelcast instance from this registry
# by giving the instance's name.
instance-name: CLIENT_NAME
# If you have an Enterprise or Enterprise HD license, you can enter it here.
# You can also set your license key programmatically; please refer to
# http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest/manual/html-single/index.html#setting-the-license-key
# The "properties" mapping lets you add properties to some of the Hazelcast elements used to configure some of
# the Hazelcast client modules.
# You can define the name and value of these properties.
# Please check the source of the ClientProperty class for the complete list of the client properties and their
# documentation.
hazelcast.client.shuffle.member.list: true
hazelcast.client.heartbeat.timeout: 60000
hazelcast.client.heartbeat.interval: 5000
hazelcast.client.event.thread.count: 5
hazelcast.client.event.queue.capacity: 1000000
hazelcast.client.invocation.timeout.seconds: 120
# The "client-labels" sequence lets you define labels in your Java client, similar to the way it can be done for the
# members. Through the client labels, you can assign special roles for your clients and use these roles to perform
# some actions specific to those client connections.
# You can also group your clients using the client labels. These client groups can be blacklisted in the Hazelcast
# Management Center so that they can be prevented from connecting to a cluster. See the related section in the
# Hazelcast Management Center Reference Manual for more information on this topic.
- admin
- foo
# The configuration to build your Hazelcast's network includes configuration for port, interface, discovery
# mechanism, SSL, encryption, etc. The configuration node's name is "network".
# It has the following sub-nodes:
# * "cluster-members":
# This sequence lets you list the members in your cluster the client is connecting to.
# * "outbound-ports":
# By default, Hazelcast lets the system pick up an ephemeral port during socket bind operation.
# But security policies/firewalls may require to restrict outbound ports to be used by
# Hazelcast-enabled applications. To fulfill this requirement, you can configure Hazelcast to use
# only defined outbound ports.
# The outbound ports are listed as a sequence under the "outbound-ports" element.
# * "smart-routing":
# If true, client will route the key based operations to owner of the key at the best effort. Note that it
# uses a cached version of com.hazelcast.core.PartitionService#getPartitions() and doesn't guarantee that
# the operation will always be executed on the owner. The cached table is updated every second.
# * "redo-operation":
# If true, client will redo the operations that were executing on the server and client lost the connection.
# This can be because of network, or simply because the member died. However it is not clear whether the
# application is performed or not. For idempotent operations this is harmless, but for non idempotent ones
# retrying can cause to undesirable effects. Note that the redo can perform on any member. If false, the
# operation will throw a RuntimeException that is wrapping a java.io.IOException.
# * "connection-timeout":
# Connection timeout is the timeout value in milliseconds for members to accept client connection requests.
# The following are the example configurations. Its default value is 5000.
# * "connection-attempt-limit":
# While the client is trying to connect initially to one of the members in the "cluster-members", that
# member might not be available at that moment. Instead of giving up, throwing an exception and stopping
# the client, the client retries as many the times configured by this setting. This is also the case
# when the previously established connection between the client and that member goes down.
# * "connection-attempt-period":
# Connection attempt period is the duration in milliseconds between the connection attempts defined by
# "connection-attempt-limit".
# * "socket-options":
# You can configure the network socket options using this setting. It has the following sub-elements:
# - "tcp-no-delay": Enables/disables the TCP_NODELAY socket option. Its default value is true.
# - "keep-alive": Enables/disables the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option. Its default value is true.
# - "reuse-address": Enables/disables the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. Its default value is true.
# - "linger-seconds":
# Enables/disables SO_LINGER with the specified linger time in seconds.
# Its default value is 3.
# - "buffer-size":
# Sets the SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF options to the specified value in KB for this Socket.
# Its default value is 128.
# * "socket-interceptor":
# Lets you add custom hooks to join and perform connection procedures (like identity checking using
# Kerberos, etc.). This feature is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise. To be able to use it, you
# should first implement the MemberSocketInterceptor (for members joining to a cluster) or
# SocketInterceptor (for clients connecting to a member) class. Its configuration contains the class you
# implemented and socket interceptor properties. By default, it is disabled. The following is an example:
# socket-interceptor:
# enabled: true
# class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.MySocketInterceptor
# properties:
# kerberos-host: kerb-host-name
# kerberos-config-file: kerb.conf
# * "ssl":
# Lets you configure SSL using the SSL context factory. This feature is available only in Hazelcast
# Enterprise. To be able to use it, encryption should NOT be enabled and you should first implement
# your SSLContextFactory class. Its configuration contains the factory class and SSL properties.
# By default, it is disabled. The following is an example:
# ssl:
# enabled: true
# factory-class-name: com.hazelcast.nio.ssl.BasicSSLContextFactory
# properties:
# keyStore: keyStore
# keyStorePassword: keyStorePassword
# keyManagerAlgorithm: SunX509
# trustManagerAlgorithm: SunX509
# protocol: TLS
# mutualAuthentication: REQUIRED
# * "aws":
# Set its "enabled" sub-element to true for discovery within Amazon EC2.
# Please refer to https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-aws/#configuration for the configuration details.
# * "gcp":
# Set its "enabled" sub-element to true for discovery within the Google Cloud Platform.
# Please refer to https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-gcp/#configuration for the configuration details.
# * "azure":
# Set its "enabled" sub-element to true for discovery within Microsoft Azure.
# Please refer to https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-azure/#configuring-at-hazelcast-side for
# the configuration details.
# * "kubernetes":
# Set its "enabled" sub-element to true for discovery in the Kubernetes environment.
# Please refer to https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-kubernetes#hazelcast-configuration for
# the configuration details.
# * "eureka":
# Set its "enabled" sub-element to true for discovery with using Eureka Service Registry.
# Please refer to https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-eureka#hazelcast-configuration for
# the configuration details.
# * "hazelcast-cloud":
# Set its "enabled" sub-element to true for cluster discovery in the Hazelcast Cloud infrastructure. You need to
# define the mandatory "discovery-token" sub-node used by the discovery mechanism.
# * "discovery-strategies":
# Set its "enabled" sub-element to true for discovery in various cloud infrastructures. You also need to set the
# value of "hazelcast.discovery.enabled" property to true. See the description of the "properties" element
# to learn how to do this.
# You can define multiple discovery strategies using the "discovery-strategy" sub-element and its
# properties. Please refer to
# http://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/latest/manual/html-single/index.html#discovering-cluster-members
# to see the properties you can use.
# The following is an example for EC2 cloud.
# discovery-strategies:
# - enabled: true
# class: com.hazelcast.jclouds.JCloudsDiscoveryStrategy
# properties:
# provider: aws-ec2
# identity: AWS_IDENTITY
# credential: AWS_CREDENTIAL
# * "icmp-ping":
# ICMP can be used in addition to the other detectors. It operates at OSI layer 3 and detects network
# and hardware issues more quickly. This detector needs to be turned on by setting the "enabled" attribute
# to true. It is turned off by default.
# It has the following sub-elements:
# * "timeout-milliseconds":
# Number of milliseconds until a ping attempt is considered failed if there was no reply.
# Its default value is 1000 milliseconds.
# * "interval-milliseconds":
# Interval, in milliseconds, between each ping attempt. 1000ms (1 sec) is also the minimum interval allowed.
# Its default value is 1000 milliseconds.
# * "max-attempts":
# Maximum number of ping attempts before the member gets suspected by the detector. Its default value is 3.
# * "ttl":
# Maximum number of hops the packets should go through. Its default value is 255. You can set to 0 to use
# your system’s default TTL.
# * "echo-fail-fast-on-startup":
# Cluster Member will fail to start if it is unable to action an ICMP ping command when ICMP is enabled.
# Failure is usually due to OS level restrictions.
- 34600
- 34700-34710
smart-routing: true
redo-operation: true
connection-timeout: 60000
connection-attempt-period: 3000
connection-attempt-limit: 2
tcp-no-delay: false
keep-alive: true
reuse-address: true
linger-seconds: 3
buffer-size: 128
enabled: true
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.MySocketInterceptor
foo: bar
enabled: false
factory-class-name: com.hazelcast.nio.ssl.BasicSSLContextFactory
protocol: TLS
trustStore: /opt/hazelcast-client.truststore
trustStorePassword: secret.123456
trustStoreType: JKS
# Following properties are only needed when the mutual authentication is used.
keyStore: /opt/hazelcast-client.keystore
keyStorePassword: keystorePassword123
keyStoreType: JKS
enabled: true
connection-timeout-seconds: 11
inside-aws: true
access-key: TEST_ACCESS_KEY
secret-key: TEST_SECRET_KEY
region: us-east-1
host-header: ec2.amazonaws.com
security-group-name: hazelcast-sg
tag-key: type
tag-value: hz-nodes
enabled: false
zones: us-east1-b,us-east1-c
enabled: false
client-id: CLIENT_ID
client-secret: CLIENT_SECRET
tenant-id: TENANT_ID
subscription-id: SUB_ID
cluster-id: HZLCAST001
group-name: GROUP-NAME
enabled: false
service-name: MY-SERVICE-NAME
service-label-name: MY-SERVICE-LABEL-NAME
service-label-value: MY-SERVICE-LABEL-VALUE
enabled: false
self-registration: true
namespace: hazelcast
enabled: false
timeout-milliseconds: 2000
interval-milliseconds: 3000
ttl: 100
max-attempts: 5
echo-fail-fast-on-startup: false
enabled: false
discovery-token: EXAMPLE_TOKEN
class: DummyFilterClass
- class: DummyDiscoveryStrategy1
enabled: true
key-string: foo
key-int: 123
key-boolean: true
# The "executor-pool-size" scalar lets you configure the pool size for an internal executor service
# (different from the data structure Executor Service) that has threads and queues to perform internal operations
# such as handling responses. This parameter specifies the size of the pool of threads which perform these
# operations laying in the executor’s queue. If not configured, this parameter has the value of 5 x core size of
# the client, i.e., it is 20 for a machine that has 4 cores.
executor-pool-size: 40
# This feature is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise. Configuration element's name is "security".
# It has the following sub-nodes:
# * "credentials":
# The name of the class implementing Hazelcast's Credentials interface.
# * "credentials-factory":
# Specifies the name and properties of your class that you developed by implementing Hazelcast's Credentials
# interface.
# This element has a mandatory "class-name" attribute where you should define the factory class implementing
# ICredentialsFactory used to create Credentials objects.
# With the "properties" sub-element, you can define properties for the factory class. The properties can be
# defined as a mapping where the key is the name of the property.
credentials: com.hazelcast.security.UsernamePasswordCredentials
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.MyCredentialsFactory
property: value
# Configuration used to register the listeners that you created by implementing Hazelcast's
# MembershipListener, InstanceListener and MigrationListener interfaces.
- com.hazelcast.examples.MembershipListener
- com.hazelcast.examples.InstanceListener
- com.hazelcast.examples.MigrationListener
# Configuration element's name is "serialization".
# It has the following sub-elements:
# * "portable-version":
# Version of the portable serialization. Portable version is used to differentiate two
# of the same classes that have changes such as a new field or a new field type.
# * "use-native-byte-order":
# Set as true if you want to use the native byte order of the underlying platform. Its default value is false.
# * "byte-order":
# Specifies the byte order that the serialization will use. Its default value is BIG_ENDIAN. Available values
# * "enable-compression":
# Set as true to enable compression when default Java serialization is used. Its default value is false.
# * "enable-shared-object":
# Set as true to enable shared object when default Java serialization is used. Its default value is false.
# * "allow-unsafe":
# Set as true to allow the usage of unsafe. Its default value is false.
# * "data-serializable-factories":
# Lists your class implementations of Hazelcast's DataSerializableFactory. Each factory has the required
# "factory-id" attribute that you should give as the ID of your factory.
# * "portable-factories":
# Lists your class implementations of Hazelcast's PortableFactory. Each factory has the required "factory-id"
# attribute that you should give as the ID of your factory.
# * "global-serializer":
# Global serializer should be defined with "global-serializer" element. It has an optional boolean
# "override-java-serialization" attribute. If you set it as true, the Java serialization step will be handled by the
# global serializer, not by the Java Serializable or Externalizable
# * "serializers":
# Lists the serializers (classes) that you implement using Hazelcast's StreamSerializer, ByteArraySerializer etc.
# The serializer sub-elements has two required attributes:
# - class-name: Full class name of the serializer you implemented.
# - type-class: Type of your serializer class implementation.
# * "check-class-def-errors":
# If set to true, serialization system will check the class definitions error at the start of serialization process
# and throw a Serialization Exception with the error definition.
# * "java-serialization-filter":
# Allows to configure blacklisting and whitelisting for deserialized classes when Java serialization is used.
portable-version: 3
use-native-byte-order: true
byte-order: BIG_ENDIAN
enable-compression: false
enable-shared-object: true
allow-unsafe: false
- factory-id: 1
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.DataSerializableFactory
- factory-id: 2
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.PortableFactory
override-java-serialization: true
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.GlobalSerializerFactory
- type-class: com.hazelcast.examples.DummyType
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.SerializerFactory
check-class-def-errors: true
- com.acme.app.BeanComparator
- java.lang.String
- example.Foo
- com.acme.app
- com.acme.app.subpkg
- java
- "["
- com.
# This feature is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD. Configuration element's name is
# "native-memory".
# It has the following attributes:
# - enabled:
# Set as true to enable the High-Density Memory Store usage. Its default value is false.
# - allocator-type:
# Type of the memory allocator. Its default value is POOLED. Available values are as follows:
# * STANDARD: Allocates/frees the memory using default OS memory manager.
# * POOLED: Manages memory blocks in thread local pools.
# It has the following sub-elements:
# - "size":
# Size of the total native memory to allocate. You can give the size using its "value" attribute and the unit
# using its "unit" attribute. Unit can be bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. Default value is 128 and
# default unit is MEGABYTES.
# - "min-block-size":
# Minimum size of the blocks in bytes to split and fragment a page block to assign to an allocation request.
# It is used only by the POOLED memory allocator. The value has to be power of two. Default value is 16.
# - "page-size":
# Size of the page in bytes to allocate memory as a block. It is used only by the POOLED memory allocator. Its
# default value is 1 << 22 (about 4 MB).
# - "metadata-space-percentage":
# Percentage of the allocated native memory that is used for the metadata such as indexes, offsets, etc. It is
# used only by the POOLED memory allocator. Its default value is 12.5.
enabled: false
allocator-type: POOLED
value: 128
min-block-size: 1
page-size: 1
metadata-space-percentage: 40.5
# The client proxy factories can be defined under the "proxy-factories" sequence. Each node in the sequence is
# a mapping, with the following sub-nodes:
# * "class-name": The name of the client proxy factory class.
# * "service": The name of the service.
- class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.ProxyXYZ1
service: sampleService1
- class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.ProxyXYZ2
service: sampleService1
- class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.ProxyXYZ3
service: sampleService3
# The load balancer can be configured with the "load-balancer" mapping.
# It has a scalar sub-node called "type". The valid values for the type of the load balancer are:
# * "random": The member the operations to be sent to is chosen randomly.
# * "round-robin": The member the operations to be sent to is chosen in a round-robin fashion.
# * "custom": The member the operations to be sent to is chosen by provided load balancer implementation.
# The implementation class name is specified in additional "class-name" key.
type: random
# Configuration element's name is "near-cache".
# It has the following attribute:
# - name: You can give a name for your Near Cache. It is optional and its default value is "default".
# It has the following sub-nodes:
# - "max-size":
# Maximum size of the Near Cache. When this is reached, Near Cache is evicted based on the policy defined.
# Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means Integer.MAX_VALUE. Its default value is 0.
# - "time-to-live-seconds":
# Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the Near Cache. Entries that are older than this
# period are automatically evicted from the Near Cache. Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE.
# 0 means infinite. Its default value is 0.
# - "max-idle-seconds":
# Maximum number of seconds each entry can stay in the Near Cache as untouched (not read). Entries that
# are not read more than this period are removed from the Near Cache. Any integer between 0 and
# Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means Integer.MAX_VALUE. Its default value is 0.
# - "eviction-policy":
# Eviction policy configuration. Its default values is NONE. Available values are as follows:
# - NONE:
# No items will be evicted and the property max-size will be ignored. You still
# can combine it with time-to-live-seconds and max-idle-seconds.
# - LRU: Least Recently Used.
# - LFU: Least Frequently Used.
# - "invalidate-on-change":
# Specifies whether the cached entries are evicted when the entries are updated or removed. Its default
# value is true.
# - "in-memory-format":
# Specifies in which format data will be stored in your Near Cache. Note that a map's in-memory format
# can be different from that of its Near Cache.
# Available values are as follows:
# Data will be stored in serialized binary format. It is the default option.
# Data will be stored in deserialized form.
# Data will be stored in the Near Cache that uses Hazelcast's High-Density Memory Store feature.
# This option is available only in Hazelcast Enterprise HD. Note that a map and its Near Cache
# can independently use High-Density Memory Store. For example, while your map does not use
# High-Density Memory Store, its Near Cache can use it.
# - "cache-local-entries":
# Specifies whether the local entries will be cached. It can be useful when in-memory format for
# Near Cache is different from that of the map. By default, it is disabled.
# - "invalidate-on-change":
# Specifies whether the cached entries are evicted when the entries are updated or removed.
# Its default value is true.
# - "serialize-keys":
# Specifies if the keys of a Near Cache entry should be serialized or not. Serializing the keys has
# a big impact on the read performance of the Near Cache. It should just be activated when you have
# mutable keys, which are changed after use for the Near Cache. Its default value is false.
# - "eviction":
# Configuration for the eviction when the in-memory format of the Near Cache is NATIVE. It has the
# following attributes:
# - size: Maximum size (entry count) of the Near Cache.
# - max-size-policy: Maximum size policy for eviction of the Near Cache. Available values are as follows:
# * ENTRY_COUNT: Maximum entry count per member.
# * USED_NATIVE_MEMORY_SIZE: Maximum used native memory size in megabytes.
# * USED_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE: Maximum used native memory percentage.
# * FREE_NATIVE_MEMORY_SIZE: Minimum free native memory size to trigger cleanup.
# * FREE_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE: Minimum free native memory percentage to trigger cleanup.
# - eviction-policy: See the "eviction-policy" element above.
# Note that the Near Cache eviction configuration is different for NATIVE in-memory format.
# Proper eviction configuration example for NATIVE in-memory can be seen under 'NearCacheEvictionConfigExample'.
max-size: 2000
time-to-live-seconds: 90
max-idle-seconds: 100
eviction-policy: LFU
invalidate-on-change: true
cache-local-entries: true
in-memory-format: OBJECT
serialize-keys: true
local-update-policy: INVALIDATE
enabled: true
directory: directory
store-initial-delay-seconds: 50
store-interval-seconds: 10
eviction-policy: LRU
max-size-policy: ENTRY_COUNT
size: 10000
comparator-class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.MyEvictionComparator
# Configuration element's name is "flake-id-generator". The name of the Flake ID generator is defined by the name
# of the key right under the "flake-id-generator" node.
# It has the following sub-ndoes:
# * "prefetch-count":
# Sets how many IDs are pre-fetched on the background when one call to
# FlakeIdGenerator.newId() is made. Value must be in the range 1..100,000, default
# is 100.
# This setting pertains only to newId() calls made on the member that configured it.
# * "prefetch-validity-millis":
# Sets for how long the pre-fetched IDs can be used. If this time elapses, a new batch of IDs
# will be fetched. Time unit is milliseconds, default is 600,000 (10 minutes).
# The IDs contain timestamp component, which ensures rough global ordering of IDs. If an
# ID is assigned to an object that was created much later, it will be much out of order. If you
# don't care about ordering, set this value to 0.
# This setting pertains only to newId() calls made on the member that configured it.
prefetch-count: 100
prefetch-validity-millis: 600000
# Configuration element's name is "query-caches".
# You can create your query caches by defining mappings with the key used as the name of the query cache.
# It has the following sub-elements:
# * "map-name": Specifies the name of the map the query cache is used for.
# * "predicate":
# Predicate to filter events which will be applied to the query cache.
# * "entry-listeners":
# Adds listeners (listener classes) for your query cache entries. See "entry-listeners" in the map configuration above.
# * "include-value":
# Set to true if you want to cache the value too. Its default value is true.
# * "batch-size":
# Batch size used to determine the number of events sent in a batch to your query cache. Its default value is 1.
# * "buffer-size":
# Maximum number of events which can be stored in a partition buffer. Its default value is 16.
# * "delay-seconds":
# Minimum time in seconds that an event waits in the member's buffer. Its default value is 0.
# * "in-memory-format":
# Type of the data to be stored in your query cache. See "in-memory-format" in the map configuration above.
# * "coalesce":
# Set to true if you want to enable the coalescing of your query cache. Its default value is false.
# * "populate":
# Set to true if you want to enable the initial population of your query cache. Its default value is true.
# * "eviction":
# Configuration for the eviction of your query cache.
# It has the following attributes:
# - size: Maximum size (entry count) of the Near Cache.
# - max-size-policy: Maximum size policy for eviction of the Near Cache. Available values are as follows:
# * ENTRY_COUNT: Maximum entry count per member.
# * USED_NATIVE_MEMORY_SIZE: Maximum used native memory size in megabytes.
# * USED_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE: Maximum used native memory percentage.
# * FREE_NATIVE_MEMORY_SIZE: Minimum free native memory size to trigger cleanup.
# * FREE_NATIVE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE: Minimum free native memory percentage to trigger cleanup.
# - eviction-policy: Eviction policy configuration. Its default values is NONE. Available values are as follows:
# - NONE:
# No items will be evicted and the property max-size will be ignored. You still
# can combine it with time-to-live-seconds and max-idle-seconds.
# - LRU: Least Recently Used.
# - LFU: Least Frequently Used.
# - comparator-class-name: The comparator to be used while comparing entries to be evicted.
# * "indexes":
# You can define indexes for your map using the "indexes" mapping. Each "index" is defined as a mapping under "indexes"
# where the key of the mapping is the name of the index. For the indexes you can define the boolean "ordered" scalar.
# For example, if you will have a ranged query for a field of a map entry, then "ordered" should be set to true. But
# if the field has a boolean value, then it should be set to false. Its default value is false.
map-name: map-name
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.ExamplePredicate
- include-value: true
local: false
class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.EntryListener
include-value: true
batch-size: 1
buffer-size: 16
delay-seconds: 0
in-memory-format: BINARY
coalesce: false
populate: true
eviction-policy: LRU
max-size-policy: ENTRY_COUNT
size: 10000
comparator-class-name: com.hazelcast.examples.MyEvictionComparator
ordered: false
map-name: map-name
sql: "%age=40"
# Configuration node's name is "connection-strategy".
# It has the following sub-nodes:
# - "async-start": If set to true, creating Hazelcast client doesn't not wait for connecting to the cluster.
# - "reconnect-mode": Defines the reconnection mode. The valid values are:
# - "ON":
# Enables reconnection in a blocking manner where all the waiting invocations are blocked until a
# cluster connection is established or failed. This is the default value.
# - "OFF": Disables the reconnection.
# - "ASYNC":
# Enables reconnection in a non-blocking manner where all the waiting invocations receive a
# HazelcastClientOfflineException.
# - "connection-retry":
# Defines the configuration used when retrying to connect to the cluster.
# It has the following sub-nodes:
# * "enabled": Specifies if retrying is enabled
# * "initial-backoff-millis":
# Specifies how long to wait (backoff) after the first failure before retrying in milliseconds.
# Its default value is 1000 ms.
# * "max-backoff-millis": Specifies the upper limit for the backoff in milliseconds. Its default value is 30000 ms.
# * "multiplier": Factor to multiply the backoff after a failed retry. Its default value is 2.
# * "fail-on-max-backoff":
# Specifies whether to fail when the max-backoff-millis has reached or continue waiting max-backoff-millis
# at each iteration. Its default value is false.
# * "jitter": Specifies by how much to randomize backoffs. Its default value is 0.2.
async-start: true
reconnect-mode: ASYNC
enabled: true
initial-backoff-millis: 2000
max-backoff-millis: 60000
multiplier: 3
fail-on-max-backoff: true
jitter: 0.5
# Reliable Topic uses the same ITopic interface. The main difference is that it is backed up by
# Hazelcast Ringbuffer data structure. Reliable Topic messages are stored in the Ringbuffer
# Configuration element's name is "reliable-topic". It has the optional attribute "name" with which you
# can specify the name of your Reliable Topic, which is the same name you give to your Ringbuffer.
# This attribute's default value is "default".
# It has the following sub-elements:
# * "read-batch-size":
# Sets the read batch size.
# The ReliableTopic tries to read a batch of messages from the ringbuffer.
# It will get at least one, but if there are more available, then it will
# try to get more to increase throughput. The maximum read batch size can
# be influenced using the read batch size.
# Apart from influencing the number of messages to retrieve, the
# readBatchSize also determines how many messages will be processed
# by the thread running the MessageListener before it returns back
# to the pool to look for other MessageListeners that need to be
# processed. The problem with returning to the pool and looking for new work
# is that interacting with an executor is quite expensive due to contention
# on the work-queue. The more work that can be done without retuning to the
# pool, the smaller the overhead.
# If the readBatchSize is 10 and there are 50 messages available,
# 10 items are retrieved and processed consecutively before the thread goes
# back to the pool and helps out with the processing of other messages.
# If the readBatchSize is 10 and there are 2 items available,
# 2 items are retrieved and processed consecutively.
# If the readBatchSize is an issue because a thread will be busy
# too long with processing a single MessageListener and it can't
# help out other MessageListeners, increase the size of the
# threadpool so the other MessageListeners don't need to wait for
# a thread, but can be processed in parallel.
# * "topic-overload-policy":
# A policy to deal with an overloaded topic; so topic where there is no place to store new messages.
# This policy can only be used in combination with the
# com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance#getReliableTopic(String).
# The reliable topic uses a com.hazelcast.ringbuffer.Ringbuffer to
# store the messages. A ringbuffer doesn't track where readers are, so
# it has no concept of a slow consumers. This provides many advantages like
# high performance reads, but it also gives the ability to the reader to
# re-read the same message multiple times in case of an error.
# A ringbuffer has a limited, fixed capacity. A fast producer may overwrite
# old messages that are still being read by a slow consumer. To prevent
# this, we may configure a time-to-live on the ringbuffer (see
# com.hazelcast.config.RingbufferConfig#setTimeToLiveSeconds(int).
# Once the time-to-live is configured, the TopicOverloadPolicy
# controls how the publisher is going to deal with the situation that a
# ringbuffer is full and the oldest item in the ringbuffer is not old
# enough to get overwritten.
# Keep in mind that this retention period (time-to-live) can keep messages
# from being overwritten, even though all readers might have already completed reading.
# Its default value is BLOCK. Available values are as follows:
# Using this policy, a message that has not expired can be overwritten.
# No matter the retention period set, the overwrite will just overwrite
# the item.
# This can be a problem for slow consumers because they were promised a
# certain time window to process messages. But it will benefit producers
# and fast consumers since they are able to continue. This policy sacrifices
# the slow producer in favor of fast producers/consumers.
# Message that was to be published is discarded.
# - BLOCK:
# The caller will wait until there is space in the Ringbuffer.
# - ERROR:
# The publish call fails immediately.
read-batch-size: 100
topic-overload-policy: DISCARD_NEWEST
# Configuration element's name is "user-code-deployment".
# It has the following sub-nodes:
# * "enabled": If set to true, user code deployment is enabled.
# * "jarPaths": Sequence lists the jar files containing the classes to load.
# * "classNames": Sequence lists the classes available in the client class path to load.
enabled: true
- /User/test/sample.jar
- https://hazelcast.com/
- file://User/test/sample.jar
- test.sampleClassName