shgraph.hapi.0.54.2.source-code.token_service.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
syntax = "proto3";
package proto;
* Hedera Network Services Protobuf
* Copyright (C) 2018 - 2021 Hedera Hashgraph, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
option java_package = "";
// <<>> This comment is special code for setting PBJ Compiler java package
import "query.proto";
import "response.proto";
import "transaction_response.proto";
import "transaction.proto";
* Transactions and queries for the Token Service
service TokenService {
* Creates a new Token by submitting the transaction
rpc createToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Updates the account by submitting the transaction
rpc updateToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Mints an amount of the token to the defined treasury account
rpc mintToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Burns an amount of the token from the defined treasury account
rpc burnToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Deletes a Token
rpc deleteToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Wipes the provided amount of tokens from the specified Account ID
rpc wipeTokenAccount (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Freezes the transfer of tokens to or from the specified Account ID
rpc freezeTokenAccount (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Unfreezes the transfer of tokens to or from the specified Account ID
rpc unfreezeTokenAccount (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Flags the provided Account ID as having gone through KYC
rpc grantKycToTokenAccount (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Removes the KYC flag of the provided Account ID
rpc revokeKycFromTokenAccount (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Associates tokens to an account
rpc associateTokens (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Dissociates tokens from an account
rpc dissociateTokens (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Updates the custom fee schedule on a token
rpc updateTokenFeeSchedule (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Retrieves the metadata of a token
rpc getTokenInfo (Query) returns (Response);
* (DEPRECATED) Gets info on NFTs N through M on the list of NFTs associated with a given account
rpc getAccountNftInfos (Query) returns (Response) {
option deprecated = true;
* Retrieves the metadata of an NFT by TokenID and serial number
rpc getTokenNftInfo (Query) returns (Response);
* (DEPRECATED) Gets info on NFTs N through M on the list of NFTs associated with a given Token of type NON_FUNGIBLE
rpc getTokenNftInfos (Query) returns (Response) {
option deprecated = true;
// Pause the token
rpc pauseToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
// Unpause the token
rpc unpauseToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Updates the NFTs in a collection by TokenID and serial number
rpc updateNfts (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Reject one or more tokens.
* This transaction SHALL transfer the full balance of one or more tokens from the requesting
* account to the treasury for each token. This transfer SHALL NOT charge any custom fee or
* royalty defined for the token(s) to be rejected.
* Effects on success
* - If the rejected token is fungible/common, the requesting account SHALL have a balance
* of 0 for the rejected token. The treasury balance SHALL increase by the amount that
* the requesting account decreased.
* - If the rejected token is non-fungible/unique the requesting account SHALL NOT hold
* the specific serialized token that is rejected. The treasury account SHALL hold each
* specific serialized token that was rejected.
rpc rejectToken (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Airdrop one or more tokens to one or more accounts.
* This distributes tokens from the balance of one or more sending account(s) to the balance
* of one or more recipient accounts. Accounts will receive the tokens in one of four ways.
* - An account already associated to the token to be distributed SHALL receive the
* airdropped tokens immediately to the recipient account balance.
* - An account with available automatic association slots SHALL be automatically
* associated to the token, and SHALL immediately receive the airdropped tokens to the
* recipient account balance.
* - An account with "receiver signature required" set SHALL have a "Pending Airdrop"
* created and MUST claim that airdrop with a `claimAirdrop` transaction.
* - An account with no available automatic association slots SHALL have a
* "Pending Airdrop" created and MUST claim that airdrop with a `claimAirdrop`
* transaction.
* Any airdrop that completes immediately SHALL be irreversible. Any airdrop that results in a
* "Pending Airdrop" MAY be canceled via a `cancelAirdrop` transaction.
* All transfer fees (including custom fees and royalties), as well as the rent cost for the
* first auto-renewal period for any automatic-association slot occupied by the airdropped
* tokens, SHALL be charged to the account submitting this transaction.
rpc airdropTokens (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Cancel one or more pending airdrops.
* This transaction MUST be signed by _each_ account *sending* an airdrop to be canceled.
rpc cancelAirdrop (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);
* Claim one or more pending airdrops.
* This transaction MUST be signed by _each_ account **receiving** an
* airdrop to be claimed.
* If a "Sender" lacks sufficient balance to fulfill the airdrop at the
* time the claim is made, that claim SHALL fail.
rpc claimAirdrop (Transaction) returns (TransactionResponse);