.messaging_rabbitmq.2.0.1.source-code.RabbitMqClient.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.hexagonkt.messaging.rabbitmq
import com.hexagonkt.core.logging.Logger
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry
import com.hexagonkt.http.parseQueryString
import com.hexagonkt.core.*
import com.rabbitmq.client.*
import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties
import com.rabbitmq.client.impl.StandardMetricsCollector
import java.io.Closeable
import java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime
import java.net.URI
import java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset
import java.util.UUID.randomUUID
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
import java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* Rabbit client.
* * TODO Review if channel handling is still needed in Java 4.1.x version
* * TODO Add metrics
* * TODO Ordered shutdown
class RabbitMqClient(
private val connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory,
private val poolSize: Int = getRuntime().availableProcessors()) : Closeable {
internal companion object {
private fun setVar(value: T?, setter: (T) -> Unit) {
if (value != null)
internal fun createConnectionFactory(uri: URI): ConnectionFactory {
val cf = ConnectionFactory()
val params = parseQueryString(uri.query ?: "").filterNot { it.value.isBlank() }
fun value(name: String): String? = params[name]
val automaticRecovery = value("automaticRecovery")?.toBoolean()
val recoveryInterval = value("recoveryInterval")?.toLong()
val shutdownTimeout = value("shutdownTimeout")?.toInt()
val heartbeat = value("heartbeat")?.toInt()
val metricsCollector = StandardMetricsCollector(MetricRegistry())
setVar(automaticRecovery) { cf.isAutomaticRecoveryEnabled = it }
setVar(recoveryInterval) { cf.networkRecoveryInterval = it }
setVar(shutdownTimeout) { cf.shutdownTimeout = it }
setVar(heartbeat) { cf.requestedHeartbeat = it }
setVar(metricsCollector) { cf.metricsCollector = it }
return cf
private val log: Logger = Logger(this::class)
private val args = hashMapOf()
@Volatile private var count: Int = 0
private val threadPool = newFixedThreadPool(poolSize) { Thread(it, "rabbitmq-" + count++) }
private var connection: Connection? = connectionFactory.newConnection()
private val metrics: Metrics = Metrics(connectionFactory.metricsCollector as StandardMetricsCollector)
private val listener = ConnectionListener()
/** . */
constructor (uri: URI) : this(createConnectionFactory(uri))
/** . */
val connected: Boolean get() = connection?.isOpen ?: false
/** @see Closeable.close */
override fun close() {
(connection as? Recoverable)?.removeRecoveryListener(listener)
connection = null
log.info { "RabbitMQ client closed" }
/** . */
fun declareQueue(name: String) {
args["x-max-length-bytes"] = 1048576 // max queue length
withChannel { it.queueDeclare(name, false, false, false, args) }
/** . */
fun deleteQueue(name: String) {
withChannel { it.queueDelete(name) }
/** . */
fun bindExchange(exchange: String, exchangeType: String, routingKey: String, queue: String) {
withChannel {
it.queueDeclare(queue, false, false, false, null)
it.exchangeDeclare(exchange, exchangeType, false, false, false, null)
it.queueBind(queue, exchange, routingKey)
/** . */
fun consume(
exchange: String, routingKey: String, type: KClass, handler: (T) -> Unit) {
withChannel {
it.queueDeclare(routingKey, false, false, false, null)
it.queueBind(routingKey, exchange, routingKey)
consume(routingKey, type, handler)
fun consume(queueName: String, type: KClass, handler: (T) -> R) {
val channel = createChannel()
val callback = Handler(connectionFactory, channel, threadPool, type, handler)
channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, callback)
log.info { "Consuming messages in $queueName" }
* Tries to get a channel for five times. If it does not succeed it throws an
* IllegalStateException.
* @return A new channel.
private fun createChannel(): Channel =
retry(times = 3, delay = 50) {
if (connection?.isOpen != true) {
connection = connectionFactory.newConnection()
(connection as Recoverable).addRecoveryListener(listener)
log.warn { "Rabbit connection RESTORED" }
val channel = connection?.createChannel() ?: fail
(channel as Recoverable).addRecoveryListener(listener)
private fun withChannel(callback: (Channel) -> T): T {
var channel: Channel? = null
try {
channel = createChannel()
return callback(channel)
finally {
if (channel != null && channel.isOpen)
fun publish(queue: String, message: String, correlationId: String? = null) =
publish("", queue, message, correlationId)
fun publish(
exchange: String,
routingKey: String,
message: String,
correlationId: String? = null) {
withChannel { channel ->
publish(channel, exchange, routingKey, null, message, correlationId, null)
private fun publish(
channel: Channel,
exchange: String,
routingKey: String,
encoding: String?,
message: String,
correlationId: String?,
replyQueueName: String?) {
val builder = BasicProperties.Builder()
if (!correlationId.isNullOrBlank())
if (!replyQueueName.isNullOrBlank())
if (!encoding.isNullOrBlank())
val props = builder.build()
val charset = if (encoding == null) defaultCharset() else charset(encoding)
channel.basicPublish(exchange, routingKey, props, message.toByteArray(charset))
log.debug {
EXCHANGE: $exchange ROUTING KEY: $routingKey
REPLY TO: $replyQueueName CORRELATION ID: $correlationId
fun call(requestQueue: String, message: String): String =
withChannel {
val correlationId = randomUUID().toString()
val replyQueueName = it.queueDeclare().queue
val charset = defaultCharset().name()
publish(it, "", requestQueue, charset, message, correlationId, replyQueueName)
val response = ArrayBlockingQueue(1)
val consumer = object : DefaultConsumer(it) {
override fun handleDelivery(
consumerTag: String?,
envelope: Envelope?,
properties: BasicProperties?,
body: ByteArray?) {
if (properties?.correlationId == correlationId)
response.offer(String(body ?: byteArrayOf()))
override fun handleCancelOk(consumerTag: String) {
log.debug { "Explicit cancel for the consumer $consumerTag" }
val consumerTag = it.basicConsume(replyQueueName, true, consumer)
val result: String = response.take() // Wait until there is an element in the array blocking queue
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