gradle-plugins.changelog.0.1.0-rc.4.source-code.AddChangelogItem.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import org.gradle.api.tasks.options.Option
abstract class AddChangelogItem : DefaultTask() {
@set:Option(option = "added", description = "Add an item to the `added` section")
var added: String? = null
@set:Option(option = "changed", description = "Add an item to the `changed` section")
var changed: String? = null
@set:Option(option = "deprecated", description = "Add an item to the `deprecated` section")
var deprecated: String? = null
@set:Option(option = "removed", description = "Add an item to the `removed` section")
var removed: String? = null
@set:Option(option = "fixed", description = "Add an item to the `fixed` section")
var fixed: String? = null
@set:Option(option = "updated", description = "Add an item to the `updated` section")
var updated: String? = null
option = "renovate",
description = "Extract dependencies from the table in the PR body",
var renovate: String? = null
option = "renovatePath",
description = "Extract dependencies from the table in the PR body from a file",
var renovatePath: String? = null
option = "renovateCommitTable",
description =
Extract dependencies from the table in the commit body
Add `"commitBodyTable": true` to the Renovate config
var renovateCommitTable: Boolean = false
init {
group = "changelog"
fun run() {
check(project.changelogFile.exists()) { " file doesn't found" }
setupSection("### Added", added)
setupSection("### Changed", changed)
setupSection("### Deprecated", deprecated)
setupSection("### Removed", removed)
setupSection("### Fixed", fixed)
setupSection("### Updated", updated)
private val Project.changelog: String
get() = changelogFile.readText()
private fun AddChangelogItem.setupSection(header: String, item: String?) =
with(project) {
item?.let { item ->
logger.lifecycle("- $item")
changelogFile.writeText(changelog.addChanges(header, listOf(item)))
private fun AddChangelogItem.setupRenovate(): Unit =
with(project) {
val dependenciesFromPullRequest: List =
dependenciesFromRenovatePullRequestBody(renovate, renovatePath)
val dependenciesFromCommit: List =
if (renovateCommitTable) dependenciesFromRenovateCommit() else emptyList()
val updatedLabel = "### Updated"
when {
dependenciesFromPullRequest.isNotEmpty() -> {
for (dependencyFromPullRequest in dependenciesFromPullRequest) {
logger.lifecycle("- $dependencyFromPullRequest")
changelog.addChanges(updatedLabel, dependenciesFromPullRequest),
dependenciesFromCommit.isNotEmpty() -> {
for (dependencyFromCommit in dependenciesFromCommit) {
logger.lifecycle("- $dependencyFromCommit")
changelogFile.writeText(changelog.addChanges(updatedLabel, dependenciesFromCommit))
private fun String.addChanges(header: String, changes: List): String =
buildList {
val firstVersionIndex =
lines().indexOfFirst {
it.startsWith("## [") && it.contains("[Unreleased]", true).not()
var shouldAddUpdate = true
lines().onEach { line ->
if (line.startsWith(header) && shouldAddUpdate) {
shouldAddUpdate = false
for (change in changes) {
if (lines().subList(0, firstVersionIndex).none { it.contains(change) }) {
add("- $change")
} else {
runCatching {
forEachIndexed { index: Int, line ->
val updateRegex = """(- `)(.*)( )(->)( )(.*)(`)"""
if (Regex(updateRegex).matches(line)) {
val module =
.replaceAfter("->", "")
.replace("->", "")
for (j in index + 1 until firstVersionIndex) {
val lineToRemove = this[j]
if (lineToRemove.contains(module) &&
) {
private fun Project.dependenciesFromRenovatePullRequestBody(
body: String?,
path: String?
): List {
val renovateLines: List =
when {
body != null && body.isNotBlank() -> body.split("""\n""")
path != null -> File("$rootDir/$path").readText().split("\n")
else -> emptyList()
return renovateLines
.map { it.replace("""\n""", "\n") }
.dropWhile { it.startsWith("| Package | Change |").not() }
.dropWhile { it.startsWith("|---").not() }
.takeWhile { it.startsWith("| ") }
.flatMap { it.split("|") }
.map { it.replace(" ", "") }
.map { if (it.startsWith("`").not()) it else it.replace("`", "").split("->")[1] }
.filter { it.startsWith("[!").not() }
.map { if (it.startsWith("[")) it.drop(1).takeWhile { char -> char != ']' } else it }
.zipWithNext { a: String, b: String ->
if (a.first().run { isLetter() || this == '[' }) "`$a -> $b`" else null
private fun Project.dependenciesFromRenovateCommit(): List {
val gitFolder = File("${rootProject.rootDir}").walkTopDown().first { == ".git" }
val repository: Repository =
val head = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD).name
val commits: List =
val latestCommit: RevCommit =
commits.first { commit ->
listOf("datasource", "package", "from", "to").all { keyword ->
keyword in commit.fullMessage
return latestCommit
.dropWhile { it.startsWith("| ----").not() }
.dropLastWhile { it.startsWith("|").not() && it.endsWith("|").not() }
.map {
val data = it.filterNot(Char::isWhitespace).split("|").drop(2).dropLast(1)
"`${data.first()} -> ${data.last()}`"
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