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template.js.plugins.grid.formedit.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 5.0.6
Show newest version
 * jqGrid extension for form editing Grid Data
 * Tony Tomov [email protected]
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
(function (b) {
    var a = {};
    b.jgrid.extend({searchGrid: function (c) {
        c = b.extend(true, {recreateFilter: false, drag: true, sField: "searchField", sValue: "searchString", sOper: "searchOper", sFilter: "filters", loadDefaults: true, beforeShowSearch: null, afterShowSearch: null, onInitializeSearch: null, afterRedraw: null, afterChange: null, closeAfterSearch: false, closeAfterReset: false, closeOnEscape: false, searchOnEnter: false, multipleSearch: false, multipleGroup: false, top: 0, left: 0, jqModal: true, modal: false, resize: true, width: 450, height: "auto", dataheight: "auto", showQuery: false, errorcheck: true, sopt: null, stringResult: undefined, onClose: null, onSearch: null, onReset: null, toTop: true, overlay: 30, columns: [], tmplNames: null, tmplFilters: null, tmplLabel: " Template: ", showOnLoad: false, layer: null, operands: {eq: "=", ne: "<>", lt: "<", le: "<=", gt: ">", ge: ">=", bw: "LIKE", bn: "NOT LIKE", "in": "IN", ni: "NOT IN", ew: "LIKE", en: "NOT LIKE", cn: "LIKE", nc: "NOT LIKE", nu: "IS NULL", nn: "ISNOT NULL"}},, c || {});
        return this.each(function () {
            var t = this;
            if (!t.grid) {
            var d = "fbox_" +, i = true, m = true, f = {themodal: "searchmod" + d, modalhead: "searchhd" + d, modalcontent: "searchcnt" + d, scrollelm: d}, g = t.p.postData[c.sFilter];
            if (typeof g === "string") {
                g = b.jgrid.parse(g)
            if (c.recreateFilter === true) {
                b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal)).remove()
            function h(x) {
                i = b(t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterBeforeShow", [x]);
                if (i === undefined) {
                    i = true
                if (i && b.isFunction(c.beforeShowSearch)) {
                    i =, x)
                if (i) {
                    b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(d), jqm: c.jqModal, modal: c.modal, overlay: c.overlay, toTop: c.toTop});
                    b(t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterAfterShow", [x]);
                    if (b.isFunction(c.afterShowSearch)) {
              , x)

            if (b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal))[0] !== undefined) {
                h(b("#fbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(
            } else {
                var u = b("
").insertBefore("#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, s = "left", j = ""; if (t.p.direction === "rtl") { s = "right"; j = " style='text-align:left'"; u.attr("dir", "rtl") } var e = b.extend([], t.p.colModel), p = "" + c.Find + "", w = "" + c.Reset + "", r = "", k = "", n, o = false, v, q = -1; if (c.showQuery) { r = "Query" } if (!c.columns.length) { b.each(e, function (y, B) { if (!B.label) { B.label = t.p.colNames[y] } if (!o) { var x = ( === undefined) ? true :, A = (B.hidden === true), z = (B.searchoptions && B.searchoptions.searchhidden === true); if ((z && x) || (x && !A)) { o = true; n = B.index ||; q = y } } }) } else { e = c.columns; q = 0; n = e[0].index || e[0].name } if ((!g && n) || c.multipleSearch === false) { var l = "eq"; if (q >= 0 && e[q].searchoptions && e[q].searchoptions.sopt) { l = e[q].searchoptions.sopt[0] } else { if (c.sopt && c.sopt.length) { l = c.sopt[0] } } g = {groupOp: "AND", rules: [ {field: n, op: l, data: ""} ]} } o = false; if (c.tmplNames && c.tmplNames.length) { o = true; k = c.tmplLabel; k += "" } v = "

" + w + k + "" + r + p + "
"; d = b.jgrid.jqID(d); b("#" + d).jqFilter({columns: e, filter: c.loadDefaults ? g : null, showQuery: c.showQuery, errorcheck: c.errorcheck, sopt: c.sopt, groupButton: c.multipleGroup, ruleButtons: c.multipleSearch, afterRedraw: c.afterRedraw, ops: c.odata, operands: c.operands, ajaxSelectOptions: t.p.ajaxSelectOptions, groupOps: c.groupOps, onChange: function () { if (this.p.showQuery) { b(".query", this).html(this.toUserFriendlyString()) } if (b.isFunction(c.afterChange)) {, b("#" + d), c) } }, direction: t.p.direction, id:}); u.append(v); if (o && c.tmplFilters && c.tmplFilters.length) { b(".ui-template", u).bind("change", function () { var x = b(this).val(); if (x === "default") { b("#" + d).jqFilter("addFilter", g) } else { b("#" + d).jqFilter("addFilter", c.tmplFilters[parseInt(x, 10)]) } return false }) } if (c.multipleGroup === true) { c.multipleSearch = true } b(t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterInitialize", [b("#" + d)]); if (b.isFunction(c.onInitializeSearch)) {, b("#" + d)) } c.gbox = "#gbox_" + d; if (c.layer) { b.jgrid.createModal(f, u, c, "#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, b("#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID([0], "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(c.layer), {position: "relative"}) } else { b.jgrid.createModal(f, u, c, "#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, b("#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID([0]) } if (c.searchOnEnter || c.closeOnEscape) { b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal)).keydown(function (y) { var x = b(; if (c.searchOnEnter && y.which === 13 && !x.hasClass("add-group") && !x.hasClass("add-rule") && !x.hasClass("delete-group") && !x.hasClass("delete-rule") && (!x.hasClass("fm-button") || !"[id$=_query]"))) { b("#" + d + "_search").focus().click(); return false } if (c.closeOnEscape && y.which === 27) { b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.modalhead)).find(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close").focus().click(); return false } }) } if (r) { b("#" + d + "_query").bind("click", function () { b(".queryresult", u).toggle(); return false }) } if (c.stringResult === undefined) { c.stringResult = c.multipleSearch } b("#" + d + "_search").bind("click", function () { var A = b("#" + d), y = {}, x, z = A.jqFilter("filterData"); if (c.errorcheck) { A[0].hideError(); if (!c.showQuery) { A.jqFilter("toSQLString") } if (A[0].p.error) { A[0].showError(); return false } } if (c.stringResult) { try { x = xmlJsonClass.toJson(z, "", "", false) } catch (C) { try { x = JSON.stringify(z) } catch (B) { } } if (typeof x === "string") { y[c.sFilter] = x; b.each([c.sField, c.sValue, c.sOper], function () { y[this] = "" }) } } else { if (c.multipleSearch) { y[c.sFilter] = z; b.each([c.sField, c.sValue, c.sOper], function () { y[this] = "" }) } else { y[c.sField] = z.rules[0].field; y[c.sValue] = z.rules[0].data; y[c.sOper] = z.rules[0].op; y[c.sFilter] = "" } } = true; b.extend(t.p.postData, y); m = b(t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterSearch"); if (m === undefined) { m = true } if (m && b.isFunction(c.onSearch)) { m =, t.p.filters) } if (m !== false) { b(t).trigger("reloadGrid", [ {page: 1} ]) } if (c.closeAfterSearch) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, jqm: c.jqModal, onClose: c.onClose}) } return false }); b("#" + d + "_reset").bind("click", function () { var x = {}, y = b("#" + d); = false; if (c.multipleSearch === false) { x[c.sField] = x[c.sValue] = x[c.sOper] = "" } else { x[c.sFilter] = "" } y[0].resetFilter(); if (o) { b(".ui-template", u).val("default") } b.extend(t.p.postData, x); m = b(t).triggerHandler("jqGridFilterReset"); if (m === undefined) { m = true } if (m && b.isFunction(c.onReset)) { m = } if (m !== false) { b(t).trigger("reloadGrid", [ {page: 1} ]) } if (c.closeAfterReset) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, jqm: c.jqModal, onClose: c.onClose}) } return false }); h(b("#" + d)); b(".fm-button:not(.ui-state-disabled)", u).hover(function () { b(this).addClass("ui-state-hover") }, function () { b(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover") }) } }) }, editGridRow: function (c, d) { d = b.extend(true, {top: 0, left: 0, width: 300, datawidth: "auto", height: "auto", dataheight: "auto", modal: false, overlay: 30, drag: true, resize: true, url: null, mtype: "POST", clearAfterAdd: true, closeAfterEdit: false, reloadAfterSubmit: true, onInitializeForm: null, beforeInitData: null, beforeShowForm: null, afterShowForm: null, beforeSubmit: null, afterSubmit: null, onclickSubmit: null, afterComplete: null, onclickPgButtons: null, afterclickPgButtons: null, editData: {}, recreateForm: false, jqModal: true, closeOnEscape: false, addedrow: "first", topinfo: "", bottominfo: "", saveicon: [], closeicon: [], savekey: [false, 13], navkeys: [false, 38, 40], checkOnSubmit: false, checkOnUpdate: false, _savedData: {}, processing: false, onClose: null, ajaxEditOptions: {}, serializeEditData: null, viewPagerButtons: true, overlayClass: "ui-widget-overlay"}, b.jgrid.edit, d || {}); a[b(this)[0]] = d; return this.each(function () { var e = this; if (!e.grid || !c) { return } var B =, y = "FrmGrid_" + B, S = "TblGrid_" + B, v = "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(S), j = {themodal: "editmod" + B, modalhead: "edithd" + B, modalcontent: "editcnt" + B, scrollelm: y}, C = b.isFunction(a[].beforeShowForm) ? a[].beforeShowForm : false, K = b.isFunction(a[].afterShowForm) ? a[].afterShowForm : false, J = b.isFunction(a[].beforeInitData) ? a[].beforeInitData : false, p = b.isFunction(a[].onInitializeForm) ? a[].onInitializeForm : false, V = true, F = 1, r = 0, D, A, E; y = b.jgrid.jqID(y); if (c === "new") { c = "_empty"; E = "add"; d.caption = a[].addCaption } else { d.caption = a[].editCaption; E = "edit" } if (d.recreateForm === true && b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal))[0] !== undefined) { b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).remove() } var m = true; if (d.checkOnUpdate && d.jqModal && !d.modal) { m = false } function U() { b(v + " > tbody > tr > td > .FormElement").each(function () { var ab = b(".customelement", this); if (ab.length) { var Z = ab[0], X = b(Z).attr("name"); b.each(e.p.colModel, function () { if ( === X && this.editoptions && b.isFunction(this.editoptions.custom_value)) { try { D[X] =, b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(X), v), "get"); if (D[X] === undefined) { throw"e1" } } catch (ac) { if (ac === "e1") { b.jgrid.info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, "function 'custom_value' " + b.jgrid.edit.msg.novalue, b.jgrid.edit.bClose) } else { b.jgrid.info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, ac.message, b.jgrid.edit.bClose) } } return true } }) } else { switch (b(this).get(0).type) { case"checkbox": if (b(this).is(":checked")) { D[] = b(this).val() } else { var Y = b(this).attr("offval"); D[] = Y } break; case"select-one": D[] = b("option:selected", this).val(); break; case"select-multiple": D[] = b(this).val(); if (D[]) { D[] = D[].join(",") } else { D[] = "" } var aa = []; b("option:selected", this).each(function (ac, ad) { aa[ac] = b(ad).text() }); break; case"password": case"text": case"textarea": case"button": D[] = b(this).val(); break } if (e.p.autoencode) { D[] = b.jgrid.htmlEncode(D[]) } } }); return true } function t(Z, ag, ad, ab) { var an, ah, Y, ac = 0, af, am, X, aj = [], aa = false, ai = "  ", al = "", ae; for (ae = 1; ae <= ab; ae++) { al += ai } if (Z !== "_empty") { aa = b(ag).jqGrid("getInd", Z) } b(ag.p.colModel).each(function (aq) { an =; if (this.editrules && this.editrules.edithidden === true) { ah = false } else { ah = this.hidden === true ? true : false } am = ah ? "style='display:none'" : ""; if (an !== "cb" && an !== "subgrid" && this.editable === true && an !== "rn") { if (aa === false) { af = "" } else { if (an === ag.p.ExpandColumn && ag.p.treeGrid === true) { af = b("td[role='gridcell']:eq(" + aq + ")", ag.rows[aa]).text() } else { try { af =, b("td[role='gridcell']:eq(" + aq + ")", ag.rows[aa]), {rowId: Z, colModel: this}, aq) } catch (ao) { af = (this.edittype && this.edittype === "textarea") ? b("td[role='gridcell']:eq(" + aq + ")", ag.rows[aa]).text() : b("td[role='gridcell']:eq(" + aq + ")", ag.rows[aa]).html() } if (!af || af === " " || af === " " || (af.length === 1 && af.charCodeAt(0) === 160)) { af = "" } } } var ap = b.extend({}, this.editoptions || {}, {id: an, name: an}), av = b.extend({}, {elmprefix: "", elmsuffix: "", rowabove: false, rowcontent: ""}, this.formoptions || {}), ar = parseInt(av.rowpos, 10) || ac + 1, au = parseInt((parseInt(av.colpos, 10) || 1) * 2, 10); if (Z === "_empty" && ap.defaultValue) { af = b.isFunction(ap.defaultValue) ? : ap.defaultValue } if (!this.edittype) { this.edittype = "text" } if (e.p.autoencode) { af = b.jgrid.htmlDecode(af) } X =, this.edittype, ap, af, false, b.extend({}, b.jgrid.ajaxOptions, ag.p.ajaxSelectOptions || {})); if (a[].checkOnSubmit || a[].checkOnUpdate) { a[]._savedData[an] = af } b(X).addClass("FormElement"); if (b.inArray(this.edittype, ["text", "textarea", "password", "select"]) > -1) { b(X).addClass("ui-widget-content ui-corner-all") } Y = b(ad).find("tr[rowpos=" + ar + "]"); if (av.rowabove) { var at = b("" + av.rowcontent + ""); b(ad).append(at); at[0].rp = ar } if (Y.length === 0) { Y = b("").addClass("FormData").attr("id", "tr_" + an); b(Y).append(al); b(ad).append(Y); Y[0].rp = ar } b("td:eq(" + (au - 2) + ")", Y[0]).html(av.label === undefined ? ag.p.colNames[aq] : av.label); b("td:eq(" + (au - 1) + ")", Y[0]).append(av.elmprefix).append(X).append(av.elmsuffix); if (this.edittype === "custom" && b.isFunction(ap.custom_value)) {, b("#" + an, "#" + y), "set", af) }, X, ap); aj[ac] = aq; ac++ } }); if (ac > 0) { var ak = b(""); ak[0].rp = ac + 999; b(ad).append(ak); if (a[].checkOnSubmit || a[].checkOnUpdate) { a[]._savedData[ + "_id"] = Z } } return aj } function q(X, ae, aa) { var ai, ab = 0, af, ad, Y, ac, ag; if (a[].checkOnSubmit || a[].checkOnUpdate) { a[]._savedData = {}; a[]._savedData[ + "_id"] = X } var ah = ae.p.colModel; if (X === "_empty") { b(ah).each(function () { ai =; Y = b.extend({}, this.editoptions || {}); ad = b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(ai), "#" + aa); if (ad && ad.length && ad[0] !== null) { ac = ""; if (this.edittype === "custom" && b.isFunction(Y.custom_value)) {, b("#" + ai, "#" + aa), "set", ac) } else { if (Y.defaultValue) { ac = b.isFunction(Y.defaultValue) ? : Y.defaultValue; if (ad[0].type === "checkbox") { ag = ac.toLowerCase(); if (|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i) < 0 && ag !== "") { ad[0].checked = true; ad[0].defaultChecked = true; ad[0].value = ac } else { ad[0].checked = false; ad[0].defaultChecked = false } } else { ad.val(ac) } } else { if (ad[0].type === "checkbox") { ad[0].checked = false; ad[0].defaultChecked = false; ac = b(ad).attr("offval") } else { if (ad[0].type && ad[0].type.substr(0, 6) === "select") { ad[0].selectedIndex = 0 } else { ad.val(ac) } } } } if (a[].checkOnSubmit === true || a[].checkOnUpdate) { a[]._savedData[ai] = ac } } }); b("#id_g", "#" + aa).val(X); return } var Z = b(ae).jqGrid("getInd", X, true); if (!Z) { return } b('td[role="gridcell"]', Z).each(function (am) { ai = ah[am].name; if (ai !== "cb" && ai !== "subgrid" && ai !== "rn" && ah[am].editable === true) { if (ai === ae.p.ExpandColumn && ae.p.treeGrid === true) { af = b(this).text() } else { try { af =, b(this), {rowId: X, colModel: ah[am]}, am) } catch (al) { af = ah[am].edittype === "textarea" ? b(this).text() : b(this).html() } } if (e.p.autoencode) { af = b.jgrid.htmlDecode(af) } if (a[].checkOnSubmit === true || a[].checkOnUpdate) { a[]._savedData[ai] = af } ai = b.jgrid.jqID(ai); switch (ah[am].edittype) { case"password": case"text": case"button": case"image": case"textarea": if (af === " " || af === " " || (af.length === 1 && af.charCodeAt(0) === 160)) { af = "" } b("#" + ai, "#" + aa).val(af); break; case"select": var ak = af.split(","); ak =, function (ao) { return b.trim(ao) }); b("#" + ai + " option", "#" + aa).each(function () { if (!ah[am].editoptions.multiple && (b.trim(af) === b.trim(b(this).text()) || ak[0] === b.trim(b(this).text()) || ak[0] === b.trim(b(this).val()))) { this.selected = true } else { if (ah[am].editoptions.multiple) { if (b.inArray(b.trim(b(this).text()), ak) > -1 || b.inArray(b.trim(b(this).val()), ak) > -1) { this.selected = true } else { this.selected = false } } else { this.selected = false } } }); break; case"checkbox": af = String(af); if (ah[am].editoptions && ah[am].editoptions.value) { var aj = ah[am].editoptions.value.split(":"); if (aj[0] === af) { b("#" + ai, "#" + aa)[e.p.useProp ? "prop" : "attr"]({checked: true, defaultChecked: true}) } else { b("#" + ai, "#" + aa)[e.p.useProp ? "prop" : "attr"]({checked: false, defaultChecked: false}) } } else { af = af.toLowerCase(); if (|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i) < 0 && af !== "") { b("#" + ai, "#" + aa)[e.p.useProp ? "prop" : "attr"]("checked", true); b("#" + ai, "#" + aa)[e.p.useProp ? "prop" : "attr"]("defaultChecked", true) } else { b("#" + ai, "#" + aa)[e.p.useProp ? "prop" : "attr"]("checked", false); b("#" + ai, "#" + aa)[e.p.useProp ? "prop" : "attr"]("defaultChecked", false) } } break; case"custom": try { if (ah[am].editoptions && b.isFunction(ah[am].editoptions.custom_value)) { ah[am], b("#" + ai, "#" + aa), "set", af) } else { throw"e1" } } catch (an) { if (an === "e1") { b.jgrid.info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, "function 'custom_value' " + b.jgrid.edit.msg.nodefined, b.jgrid.edit.bClose) } else { b.jgrid.info_dialog(b.jgrid.errors.errcap, an.message, b.jgrid.edit.bClose) } } break } ab++ } }); if (ab > 0) { b("#id_g", v).val(X) } } function Q() { b.each(e.p.colModel, function (X, Y) { if (Y.editoptions && Y.editoptions.NullIfEmpty === true) { if (D.hasOwnProperty( && D[] === "") { D[] = "null" } } }) } function k() { var ah, ag = [true, "", ""], X = {}, ac = e.p.prmNames, af, aa, ak, ad, ab; var ae = b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeCheckValues", [b("#" + y), E]); if (ae && typeof ae === "object") { D = ae } if (b.isFunction(a[].beforeCheckValues)) { ae = a[], D, b("#" + y), E); if (ae && typeof ae === "object") { D = ae } } for (ak in D) { if (D.hasOwnProperty(ak)) { ag =, D[ak], ak); if (ag[0] === false) { break } } } Q(); if (ag[0]) { X = b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickSubmit", [a[], D, E]); if (X === undefined && b.isFunction(a[].onclickSubmit)) { X = a[], a[], D, E) || {} } ag = b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeSubmit", [D, b("#" + y), E]); if (ag === undefined) { ag = [true, "", ""] } if (ag[0] && b.isFunction(a[].beforeSubmit)) { ag = a[], D, b("#" + y), E) } } if (ag[0] && !a[].processing) { a[].processing = true; b("#sData", v + "_2").addClass("ui-state-active"); aa = ac.oper; af =; D[aa] = (b.trim(D[ + "_id"]) === "_empty") ? ac.addoper : ac.editoper; if (D[aa] !== ac.addoper) { D[af] = D[ + "_id"] } else { if (D[af] === undefined) { D[af] = D[ + "_id"] } } delete D[ + "_id"]; D = b.extend(D, a[].editData, X); if (e.p.treeGrid === true) { if (D[aa] === ac.addoper) { ad = b(e).jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow"); var Y = e.p.treeGridModel === "adjacency" ? e.p.treeReader.parent_id_field : "parent_id"; D[Y] = ad } for (ab in e.p.treeReader) { if (e.p.treeReader.hasOwnProperty(ab)) { var aj = e.p.treeReader[ab]; if (D.hasOwnProperty(aj)) { if (D[aa] === ac.addoper && ab === "parent_id_field") { continue } delete D[aj] } } } } D[af] = b.jgrid.stripPref(e.p.idPrefix, D[af]); var Z = b.extend({url: a[].url || b(e).jqGrid("getGridParam", "editurl"), type: a[].mtype, data: b.isFunction(a[].serializeEditData) ? a[], D) : D, complete: function (an, al) { var am; D[af] = e.p.idPrefix + D[af]; if (an.status >= 300 && an.status !== 304) { ag[0] = false; ag[1] = b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditErrorTextFormat", [an, E]); if (b.isFunction(a[].errorTextFormat)) { ag[1] = a[], an, E) } else { ag[1] = al + " Status: '" + an.statusText + "'. Error code: " + an.status } } else { ag = b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterSubmit", [an, D, E]); if (ag === undefined) { ag = [true, "", ""] } if (ag[0] && b.isFunction(a[].afterSubmit)) { ag = a[], an, D, E) } } if (ag[0] === false) { b("#FormError>td", v).html(ag[1]); b("#FormError", v).show() } else { if (e.p.autoencode) { b.each(D, function (aq, ap) { D[aq] = b.jgrid.htmlDecode(ap) }) } if (D[aa] === ac.addoper) { if (!ag[2]) { ag[2] = b.jgrid.randId() } D[af] = ag[2]; if (a[].reloadAfterSubmit) { b(e).trigger("reloadGrid") } else { if (e.p.treeGrid === true) { b(e).jqGrid("addChildNode", ag[2], ad, D) } else { b(e).jqGrid("addRowData", ag[2], D, d.addedrow) } } if (a[].closeAfterAdd) { if (e.p.treeGrid !== true) { b(e).jqGrid("setSelection", ag[2]) } b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}) } else { if (a[].clearAfterAdd) { q("_empty", e, y) } } } else { if (a[].reloadAfterSubmit) { b(e).trigger("reloadGrid"); if (!a[].closeAfterEdit) { setTimeout(function () { b(e).jqGrid("setSelection", D[af]) }, 1000) } } else { if (e.p.treeGrid === true) { b(e).jqGrid("setTreeRow", D[af], D) } else { b(e).jqGrid("setRowData", D[af], D) } } if (a[].closeAfterEdit) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}) } } if (b.isFunction(a[].afterComplete)) { ah = an; setTimeout(function () { b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterComplete", [ah, D, b("#" + y), E]); a[], ah, D, b("#" + y), E); ah = null }, 500) } if (a[].checkOnSubmit || a[].checkOnUpdate) { b("#" + y).data("disabled", false); if (a[]._savedData[ + "_id"] !== "_empty") { for (am in a[]._savedData) { if (a[]._savedData.hasOwnProperty(am) && D[am]) { a[]._savedData[am] = D[am] } } } } } a[].processing = false; b("#sData", v + "_2").removeClass("ui-state-active"); try { b(":input:visible", "#" + y)[0].focus() } catch (ao) { } }}, b.jgrid.ajaxOptions, a[].ajaxEditOptions); if (!Z.url && !a[].useDataProxy) { if (b.isFunction(e.p.dataProxy)) { a[].useDataProxy = true } else { ag[0] = false; ag[1] += " " + b.jgrid.errors.nourl } } if (ag[0]) { if (a[].useDataProxy) { var ai =, Z, "set_" +; if (ai === undefined) { ai = [true, ""] } if (ai[0] === false) { ag[0] = false; ag[1] = ai[1] || "Error deleting the selected row!" } else { if ( === ac.addoper && a[].closeAfterAdd) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}) } if ( === ac.editoper && a[].closeAfterEdit) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}) } } } else { b.ajax(Z) } } } if (ag[0] === false) { b("#FormError>td", v).html(ag[1]); b("#FormError", v).show() } } function H(aa, X) { var Y = false, Z; for (Z in aa) { if (aa.hasOwnProperty(Z) && aa[Z] != X[Z]) { Y = true; break } } return Y } function h() { var X = true; b("#FormError", v).hide(); if (a[].checkOnUpdate) { D = {}; U(); A = H(D, a[]._savedData); if (A) { b("#" + y).data("disabled", true); b(".confirm", "#" + j.themodal).show(); X = false } } return X } function T() { var X; if (c !== "_empty" && e.p.savedRow !== undefined && e.p.savedRow.length > 0 && b.isFunction(b.fn.jqGrid.restoreRow)) { for (X = 0; X < e.p.savedRow.length; X++) { if (e.p.savedRow[X].id == c) { b(e).jqGrid("restoreRow", c); break } } } } function G(Y, X) { var Z = X[1].length - 1; if (Y === 0) { b("#pData", v + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { if (X[1][Y - 1] !== undefined && b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(X[1][Y - 1])).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { b("#pData", v + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { b("#pData", v + "_2").removeClass("ui-state-disabled") } } if (Y === Z) { b("#nData", v + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { if (X[1][Y + 1] !== undefined && b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(X[1][Y + 1])).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { b("#nData", v + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { b("#nData", v + "_2").removeClass("ui-state-disabled") } } } function W() { var Y = b(e).jqGrid("getDataIDs"), X = b("#id_g", v).val(), Z = b.inArray(X, Y); return[Z, Y] } if (b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal))[0] !== undefined) { V = b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeInitData", [b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(y)), E]); if (V === undefined) { V = true } if (V && J) { V =, b("#" + y), E) } if (V === false) { return } T(); b(".ui-jqdialog-title", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.modalhead)).html(d.caption); b("#FormError", v).hide(); if (a[].topinfo) { b(".topinfo", v).html(a[].topinfo); b(".tinfo", v).show() } else { b(".tinfo", v).hide() } if (a[].bottominfo) { b(".bottominfo", v + "_2").html(a[].bottominfo); b(".binfo", v + "_2").show() } else { b(".binfo", v + "_2").hide() } q(c, e, y); if (c === "_empty" || !a[].viewPagerButtons) { b("#pData, #nData", v + "_2").hide() } else { b("#pData, #nData", v + "_2").show() } if (a[].processing === true) { a[].processing = false; b("#sData", v + "_2").removeClass("ui-state-active") } if (b("#" + y).data("disabled") === true) { b(".confirm", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).hide(); b("#" + y).data("disabled", false) } b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeShowForm", [b("#" + y), E]); if (C) {, b("#" + y), E) } b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).data("onClose", a[].onClose); b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, jqM: false, overlay: d.overlay, modal: d.modal, overlayClass: d.overlayClass}); if (!m) { b("." + b.jgrid.jqID(d.overlayClass)).click(function () { if (!h()) { return false } b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}); return false }) } b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterShowForm", [b("#" + y), E]); if (K) {, b("#" + y), E) } } else { var s = isNaN(d.dataheight) ? d.dataheight : d.dataheight + "px", g = isNaN(d.datawidth) ? d.datawidth : d.datawidth + "px", P = b("
").data("disabled", false), z = b("
"); V = b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeInitData", [b("#" + y), E]); if (V === undefined) { V = true } if (V && J) { V =, b("#" + y), E) } if (V === false) { return } T(); b(e.p.colModel).each(function () { var X = this.formoptions; F = Math.max(F, X ? X.colpos || 0 : 0); r = Math.max(r, X ? X.rowpos || 0 : 0) }); b(P).append(z); var I = b(""); I[0].rp = 0; b(z).append(I); I = b("" + a[].topinfo + ""); I[0].rp = 0; b(z).append(I); var f = e.p.direction === "rtl" ? true : false, O = f ? "nData" : "pData", R = f ? "pData" : "nData"; t(c, e, z, F); var l = "", n = "", i = "" + d.bSubmit + "", u = "" + d.bCancel + ""; var M = ""; M += ""; M += "

" + i + u + "
"; if (r > 0) { var x = []; b.each(b(z)[0].rows, function (X, Y) { x[X] = Y }); x.sort(function (Y, X) { if (Y.rp > X.rp) { return 1 } if (Y.rp < X.rp) { return -1 } return 0 }); b.each(x, function (X, Y) { b("tbody", z).append(Y) }) } d.gbox = "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B); var o = false; if (d.closeOnEscape === true) { d.closeOnEscape = false; o = true } var L = b("
").append(P).append(M); b.jgrid.createModal(j, L, d, "#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, b("#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID([0]); if (f) { b("#pData, #nData", v + "_2").css("float", "right"); b(".EditButton", v + "_2").css("text-align", "left") } if (a[].topinfo) { b(".tinfo", v).show() } if (a[].bottominfo) { b(".binfo", v + "_2").show() } L = null; M = null; b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).keydown(function (X) { var Y =; if (b("#" + y).data("disabled") === true) { return false } if (a[].savekey[0] === true && X.which === a[].savekey[1]) { if (Y.tagName !== "TEXTAREA") { b("#sData", v + "_2").trigger("click"); return false } } if (X.which === 27) { if (!h()) { return false } if (o) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: d.gbox, jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}) } return false } if (a[].navkeys[0] === true) { if (b("#id_g", v).val() === "_empty") { return true } if (X.which === a[].navkeys[1]) { b("#pData", v + "_2").trigger("click"); return false } if (X.which === a[].navkeys[2]) { b("#nData", v + "_2").trigger("click"); return false } } }); if (d.checkOnUpdate) { b("a.ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close span", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).removeClass("jqmClose"); b("a.ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).unbind("click").click(function () { if (!h()) { return false } b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}); return false }) } d.saveicon = b.extend([true, "left", "ui-icon-disk"], d.saveicon); d.closeicon = b.extend([true, "left", "ui-icon-close"], d.closeicon); if (d.saveicon[0] === true) { b("#sData", v + "_2").addClass(d.saveicon[1] === "right" ? "fm-button-icon-right" : "fm-button-icon-left").append("") } if (d.closeicon[0] === true) { b("#cData", v + "_2").addClass(d.closeicon[1] === "right" ? "fm-button-icon-right" : "fm-button-icon-left").append("") } if (a[].checkOnSubmit || a[].checkOnUpdate) { i = "" + d.bYes + ""; n = "" + d.bNo + ""; u = "" + d.bExit + ""; var w = d.zIndex || 999; w++; b("
" + d.saveData + "

" + i + n + u + "
").insertAfter("#" + y); b("#sNew", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).click(function () { k(); b("#" + y).data("disabled", false); b(".confirm", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).hide(); return false }); b("#nNew", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).click(function () { b(".confirm", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).hide(); b("#" + y).data("disabled", false); setTimeout(function () { b(":input:visible", "#" + y)[0].focus() }, 0); return false }); b("#cNew", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).click(function () { b(".confirm", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).hide(); b("#" + y).data("disabled", false); b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}); return false }) } b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditInitializeForm", [b("#" + y), E]); if (p) {, b("#" + y), E) } if (c === "_empty" || !a[].viewPagerButtons) { b("#pData,#nData", v + "_2").hide() } else { b("#pData,#nData", v + "_2").show() } b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeShowForm", [b("#" + y), E]); if (C) {, b("#" + y), E) } b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).data("onClose", a[].onClose); b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, overlay: d.overlay, modal: d.modal, overlayClass: d.overlayClass}); if (!m) { b("." + b.jgrid.jqID(d.overlayClass)).click(function () { if (!h()) { return false } b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}); return false }) } b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterShowForm", [b("#" + y), E]); if (K) {, b("#" + y), E) } b(".fm-button", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).hover(function () { b(this).addClass("ui-state-hover") }, function () { b(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover") }); b("#sData", v + "_2").click(function () { D = {}; b("#FormError", v).hide(); U(); if (D[ + "_id"] === "_empty") { k() } else { if (d.checkOnSubmit === true) { A = H(D, a[]._savedData); if (A) { b("#" + y).data("disabled", true); b(".confirm", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).show() } else { k() } } else { k() } } return false }); b("#cData", v + "_2").click(function () { if (!h()) { return false } b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(B), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}); return false }); b("#nData", v + "_2").click(function () { if (!h()) { return false } b("#FormError", v).hide(); var Y = W(); Y[0] = parseInt(Y[0], 10); if (Y[0] !== -1 && Y[1][Y[0] + 1]) { b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickPgButtons", ["next", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0]]]); var X; if (b.isFunction(d.onclickPgButtons)) { X =, "next", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0]]); if (X !== undefined && X === false) { return false } } if (b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(Y[1][Y[0] + 1])).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { return false } q(Y[1][Y[0] + 1], e, y); b(e).jqGrid("setSelection", Y[1][Y[0] + 1]); b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterClickPgButtons", ["next", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0]]]); if (b.isFunction(d.afterclickPgButtons)) {, "next", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0] + 1]) } G(Y[0] + 1, Y) } return false }); b("#pData", v + "_2").click(function () { if (!h()) { return false } b("#FormError", v).hide(); var Y = W(); if (Y[0] !== -1 && Y[1][Y[0] - 1]) { b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickPgButtons", ["prev", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0]]]); var X; if (b.isFunction(d.onclickPgButtons)) { X =, "prev", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0]]); if (X !== undefined && X === false) { return false } } if (b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(Y[1][Y[0] - 1])).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { return false } q(Y[1][Y[0] - 1], e, y); b(e).jqGrid("setSelection", Y[1][Y[0] - 1]); b(e).triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterClickPgButtons", ["prev", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0]]]); if (b.isFunction(d.afterclickPgButtons)) {, "prev", b("#" + y), Y[1][Y[0] - 1]) } G(Y[0] - 1, Y) } return false }) } var N = W(); G(N[0], N) }) }, viewGridRow: function (c, d) { d = b.extend(true, {top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, datawidth: "auto", height: "auto", dataheight: "auto", modal: false, overlay: 30, drag: true, resize: true, jqModal: true, closeOnEscape: false, labelswidth: "30%", closeicon: [], navkeys: [false, 38, 40], onClose: null, beforeShowForm: null, beforeInitData: null, viewPagerButtons: true, recreateForm: false}, b.jgrid.view, d || {}); a[b(this)[0]] = d; return this.each(function () { var y = this; if (!y.grid || !c) { return } var s =, C = "ViewGrid_" + b.jgrid.jqID(s), u = "ViewTbl_" + b.jgrid.jqID(s), v = "ViewGrid_" + s, o = "ViewTbl_" + s, j = {themodal: "viewmod" + s, modalhead: "viewhd" + s, modalcontent: "viewcnt" + s, scrollelm: C}, B = b.isFunction(a[].beforeInitData) ? a[].beforeInitData : false, m = true, h = 1, g = 0; if (d.recreateForm === true && b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal))[0] !== undefined) { b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal)).remove() } function k() { if (a[].closeOnEscape === true || a[].navkeys[0] === true) { setTimeout(function () { b(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.modalhead)).focus() }, 0) } } function p(M, S, Q, Y) { var I, L, T, W = 0, ab, ac, aa = [], R = false, X, N = "  ", P = "", J = "  ", O = ["integer", "number", "currency"], V = 0, U = 0, K, H, Z; for (X = 1; X <= Y; X++) { P += X === 1 ? N : J } b(S.p.colModel).each(function () { if (this.editrules && this.editrules.edithidden === true) { L = false } else { L = this.hidden === true ? true : false } if (!L && this.align === "right") { if (this.formatter && b.inArray(this.formatter, O) !== -1) { V = Math.max(V, parseInt(this.width, 10)) } else { U = Math.max(U, parseInt(this.width, 10)) } } }); K = V !== 0 ? V : U !== 0 ? U : 0; R = b(S).jqGrid("getInd", M); b(S.p.colModel).each(function (ae) { I =; H = false; if (this.editrules && this.editrules.edithidden === true) { L = false } else { L = this.hidden === true ? true : false } ac = L ? "style='display:none'" : ""; Z = (typeof this.viewable !== "boolean") ? true : this.viewable; if (I !== "cb" && I !== "subgrid" && I !== "rn" && Z) { if (R === false) { ab = "" } else { if (I === S.p.ExpandColumn && S.p.treeGrid === true) { ab = b("td:eq(" + ae + ")", S.rows[R]).text() } else { ab = b("td:eq(" + ae + ")", S.rows[R]).html() } } H = this.align === "right" && K !== 0 ? true : false; var ai = b.extend({}, {rowabove: false, rowcontent: ""}, this.formoptions || {}), af = parseInt(ai.rowpos, 10) || W + 1, ah = parseInt((parseInt(ai.colpos, 10) || 1) * 2, 10); if (ai.rowabove) { var ag = b("" + ai.rowcontent + ""); b(Q).append(ag); ag[0].rp = af } T = b(Q).find("tr[rowpos=" + af + "]"); if (T.length === 0) { T = b("").addClass("FormData").attr("id", "trv_" + I); b(T).append(P); b(Q).append(T); T[0].rp = af } b("td:eq(" + (ah - 2) + ")", T[0]).html("" + (ai.label === undefined ? S.p.colNames[ae] : ai.label) + ""); b("td:eq(" + (ah - 1) + ")", T[0]).append("" + ab + "").attr("id", "v_" + I); if (H) { b("td:eq(" + (ah - 1) + ") span", T[0]).css({"text-align": "right", width: K + "px"}) } aa[W] = ae; W++ } }); if (W > 0) { var ad = b(""); ad[0].rp = W + 99; b(Q).append(ad) } return aa } function n(K, M) { var H, N, J = 0, I, L; L = b(M).jqGrid("getInd", K, true); if (!L) { return } b("td", L).each(function (O) { H = M.p.colModel[O].name; if (M.p.colModel[O].editrules && M.p.colModel[O].editrules.edithidden === true) { N = false } else { N = M.p.colModel[O].hidden === true ? true : false } if (H !== "cb" && H !== "subgrid" && H !== "rn") { if (H === M.p.ExpandColumn && M.p.treeGrid === true) { I = b(this).text() } else { I = b(this).html() } H = b.jgrid.jqID("v_" + H); b("#" + H + " span", "#" + u).html(I); if (N) { b("#" + H, "#" + u).parents("tr:first").hide() } J++ } }); if (J > 0) { b("#id_g", "#" + u).val(K) } } function q(I, H) { var J = H[1].length - 1; if (I === 0) { b("#pData", "#" + u + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { if (H[1][I - 1] !== undefined && b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(H[1][I - 1])).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { b("#pData", u + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { b("#pData", "#" + u + "_2").removeClass("ui-state-disabled") } } if (I === J) { b("#nData", "#" + u + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { if (H[1][I + 1] !== undefined && b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(H[1][I + 1])).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { b("#nData", u + "_2").addClass("ui-state-disabled") } else { b("#nData", "#" + u + "_2").removeClass("ui-state-disabled") } } } function i() { var I = b(y).jqGrid("getDataIDs"), H = b("#id_g", "#" + u).val(), J = b.inArray(H, I); return[J, I] } if (b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal))[0] !== undefined) { if (B) { m =, b("#" + C)); if (m === undefined) { m = true } } if (m === false) { return } b(".ui-jqdialog-title", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.modalhead)).html(d.caption); b("#FormError", "#" + u).hide(); n(c, y); if (b.isFunction(a[].beforeShowForm)) { a[], b("#" + C)) } b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(s), jqm: d.jqModal, jqM: false, overlay: d.overlay, modal: d.modal}); k() } else { var A = isNaN(d.dataheight) ? d.dataheight : d.dataheight + "px", t = isNaN(d.datawidth) ? d.datawidth : d.datawidth + "px", E = b("
"), l = b("
"); if (B) { m =, b("#" + C)); if (m === undefined) { m = true } } if (m === false) { return } b(y.p.colModel).each(function () { var H = this.formoptions; h = Math.max(h, H ? H.colpos || 0 : 0); g = Math.max(g, H ? H.rowpos || 0 : 0) }); b(E).append(l); p(c, y, l, h); var z = y.p.direction === "rtl" ? true : false, G = z ? "nData" : "pData", f = z ? "pData" : "nData", w = "", x = "", F = "" + d.bClose + ""; if (g > 0) { var e = []; b.each(b(l)[0].rows, function (H, I) { e[H] = I }); e.sort(function (I, H) { if (I.rp > H.rp) { return 1 } if (I.rp < H.rp) { return -1 } return 0 }); b.each(e, function (H, I) { b("tbody", l).append(I) }) } d.gbox = "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(s); var D = b("
" + F + "
"); b.jgrid.createModal(j, D, d, "#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, b("#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID([0]); if (z) { b("#pData, #nData", "#" + u + "_2").css("float", "right"); b(".EditButton", "#" + u + "_2").css("text-align", "left") } if (!d.viewPagerButtons) { b("#pData, #nData", "#" + u + "_2").hide() } D = null; b("#" + j.themodal).keydown(function (H) { if (H.which === 27) { if (a[].closeOnEscape) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: d.gbox, jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: d.onClose}) } return false } if (d.navkeys[0] === true) { if (H.which === d.navkeys[1]) { b("#pData", "#" + u + "_2").trigger("click"); return false } if (H.which === d.navkeys[2]) { b("#nData", "#" + u + "_2").trigger("click"); return false } } }); d.closeicon = b.extend([true, "left", "ui-icon-close"], d.closeicon); if (d.closeicon[0] === true) { b("#cData", "#" + u + "_2").addClass(d.closeicon[1] === "right" ? "fm-button-icon-right" : "fm-button-icon-left").append("") } if (b.isFunction(d.beforeShowForm)) {, b("#" + C)) } b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(s), jqm: d.jqModal, overlay: d.overlay, modal: d.modal}); b(".fm-button:not(.ui-state-disabled)", "#" + u + "_2").hover(function () { b(this).addClass("ui-state-hover") }, function () { b(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover") }); k(); b("#cData", "#" + u + "_2").click(function () { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(j.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(s), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: d.onClose}); return false }); b("#nData", "#" + u + "_2").click(function () { b("#FormError", "#" + u).hide(); var H = i(); H[0] = parseInt(H[0], 10); if (H[0] !== -1 && H[1][H[0] + 1]) { if (b.isFunction(d.onclickPgButtons)) {, "next", b("#" + C), H[1][H[0]]) } n(H[1][H[0] + 1], y); b(y).jqGrid("setSelection", H[1][H[0] + 1]); if (b.isFunction(d.afterclickPgButtons)) {, "next", b("#" + C), H[1][H[0] + 1]) } q(H[0] + 1, H) } k(); return false }); b("#pData", "#" + u + "_2").click(function () { b("#FormError", "#" + u).hide(); var H = i(); if (H[0] !== -1 && H[1][H[0] - 1]) { if (b.isFunction(d.onclickPgButtons)) {, "prev", b("#" + C), H[1][H[0]]) } n(H[1][H[0] - 1], y); b(y).jqGrid("setSelection", H[1][H[0] - 1]); if (b.isFunction(d.afterclickPgButtons)) {, "prev", b("#" + C), H[1][H[0] - 1]) } q(H[0] - 1, H) } k(); return false }) } var r = i(); q(r[0], r) }) }, delGridRow: function (c, d) { d = b.extend(true, {top: 0, left: 0, width: 240, height: "auto", dataheight: "auto", modal: false, overlay: 30, drag: true, resize: true, url: "", mtype: "POST", reloadAfterSubmit: true, beforeShowForm: null, beforeInitData: null, afterShowForm: null, beforeSubmit: null, onclickSubmit: null, afterSubmit: null, jqModal: true, closeOnEscape: false, delData: {}, delicon: [], cancelicon: [], onClose: null, ajaxDelOptions: {}, processing: false, serializeDelData: null, useDataProxy: false}, b.jgrid.del, d || {}); a[b(this)[0]] = d; return this.each(function () { var s = this; if (!s.grid) { return } if (!c) { return } var w = b.isFunction(a[].beforeShowForm), j = b.isFunction(a[].afterShowForm), u = b.isFunction(a[].beforeInitData) ? a[].beforeInitData : false, k =, m = {}, i = true, g = "DelTbl_" + b.jgrid.jqID(k), r, p, l, n, e = "DelTbl_" + k, f = {themodal: "delmod" + k, modalhead: "delhd" + k, modalcontent: "delcnt" + k, scrollelm: g}; if (b.isArray(c)) { c = c.join() } if (b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal))[0] !== undefined) { if (u) { i =, b("#" + g)); if (i === undefined) { i = true } } if (i === false) { return } b("#DelData>td", "#" + g).text(c); b("#DelError", "#" + g).hide(); if (a[].processing === true) { a[].processing = false; b("#dData", "#" + g).removeClass("ui-state-active") } if (w) { a[], b("#" + g)) } b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(k), jqm: a[].jqModal, jqM: false, overlay: a[].overlay, modal: a[].modal}); if (j) { a[], b("#" + g)) } } else { var t = isNaN(a[].dataheight) ? a[].dataheight : a[].dataheight + "px", o = isNaN(d.datawidth) ? d.datawidth : d.datawidth + "px", h = "
"; h += ""; h += ""; h += ""; h += '"; h += "
' + a[].msg + "
"; var q = "" + d.bSubmit + "", v = "" + d.bCancel + ""; h += "

" + q + " " + v + "
"; d.gbox = "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(k); b.jgrid.createModal(f, h, d, "#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, b("#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID([0]); if (u) { i =, b("#" + g)); if (i === undefined) { i = true } } if (i === false) { return } b(".fm-button", "#" + g + "_2").hover(function () { b(this).addClass("ui-state-hover") }, function () { b(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover") }); d.delicon = b.extend([true, "left", "ui-icon-scissors"], a[].delicon); d.cancelicon = b.extend([true, "left", "ui-icon-cancel"], a[].cancelicon); if (d.delicon[0] === true) { b("#dData", "#" + g + "_2").addClass(d.delicon[1] === "right" ? "fm-button-icon-right" : "fm-button-icon-left").append("") } if (d.cancelicon[0] === true) { b("#eData", "#" + g + "_2").addClass(d.cancelicon[1] === "right" ? "fm-button-icon-right" : "fm-button-icon-left").append("") } b("#dData", "#" + g + "_2").click(function () { var z = [true, ""], B, A = b("#DelData>td", "#" + g).text(); m = {}; if (b.isFunction(a[].onclickSubmit)) { m = a[], a[], A) || {} } if (b.isFunction(a[].beforeSubmit)) { z = a[], A) } if (z[0] && !a[].processing) { a[].processing = true; l = s.p.prmNames; r = b.extend({}, a[].delData, m); n = l.oper; r[n] = l.deloper; p =; A = String(A).split(","); if (!A.length) { return false } for (B in A) { if (A.hasOwnProperty(B)) { A[B] = b.jgrid.stripPref(s.p.idPrefix, A[B]) } } r[p] = A.join(); b(this).addClass("ui-state-active"); var x = b.extend({url: a[].url || b(s).jqGrid("getGridParam", "editurl"), type: a[].mtype, data: b.isFunction(a[].serializeDelData) ? a[], r) : r, complete: function (E, C) { var D; if (E.status >= 300 && E.status !== 304) { z[0] = false; if (b.isFunction(a[].errorTextFormat)) { z[1] = a[], E) } else { z[1] = C + " Status: '" + E.statusText + "'. Error code: " + E.status } } else { if (b.isFunction(a[].afterSubmit)) { z = a[], E, r) } } if (z[0] === false) { b("#DelError>td", "#" + g).html(z[1]); b("#DelError", "#" + g).show() } else { if (a[].reloadAfterSubmit && s.p.datatype !== "local") { b(s).trigger("reloadGrid") } else { if (s.p.treeGrid === true) { try { b(s).jqGrid("delTreeNode", s.p.idPrefix + A[0]) } catch (F) { } } else { for (D = 0; D < A.length; D++) { b(s).jqGrid("delRowData", s.p.idPrefix + A[D]) } } s.p.selrow = null; s.p.selarrrow = [] } if (b.isFunction(a[].afterComplete)) { setTimeout(function () { a[], E, A) }, 500) } } a[].processing = false; b("#dData", "#" + g + "_2").removeClass("ui-state-active"); if (z[0]) { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(k), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}) } }}, b.jgrid.ajaxOptions, a[].ajaxDelOptions); if (!x.url && !a[].useDataProxy) { if (b.isFunction(s.p.dataProxy)) { a[].useDataProxy = true } else { z[0] = false; z[1] += " " + b.jgrid.errors.nourl } } if (z[0]) { if (a[].useDataProxy) { var y =, x, "del_" +; if (y === undefined) { y = [true, ""] } if (y[0] === false) { z[0] = false; z[1] = y[1] || "Error deleting the selected row!" } else { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(k), jqm: d.jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}) } } else { b.ajax(x) } } } if (z[0] === false) { b("#DelError>td", "#" + g).html(z[1]); b("#DelError", "#" + g).show() } return false }); b("#eData", "#" + g + "_2").click(function () { b.jgrid.hideModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gb: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(k), jqm: a[].jqModal, onClose: a[].onClose}); return false }); if (w) { a[], b("#" + g)) } b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.themodal), {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(k), jqm: a[].jqModal, overlay: a[].overlay, modal: a[].modal}); if (j) { a[], b("#" + g)) } } if (a[].closeOnEscape === true) { setTimeout(function () { b(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close", "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(f.modalhead)).focus() }, 0) } }) }, navGrid: function (f, h, e, g, d, c, i) { h = b.extend({edit: true, editicon: "ui-icon-pencil", add: true, addicon: "ui-icon-plus", del: true, delicon: "ui-icon-trash", search: true, searchicon: "ui-icon-search", refresh: true, refreshicon: "ui-icon-refresh", refreshstate: "firstpage", view: false, viewicon: "ui-icon-document", position: "left", closeOnEscape: true, beforeRefresh: null, afterRefresh: null, cloneToTop: false, alertwidth: 200, alertheight: "auto", alerttop: null, alertleft: null, alertzIndex: null}, b.jgrid.nav, h || {}); return this.each(function () { if (this.nav) { return } var j = {themodal: "alertmod_" +, modalhead: "alerthd_" +, modalcontent: "alertcnt_" +}, m = this, p, k; if (!m.grid || typeof f !== "string") { return } if (b("#" + j.themodal)[0] === undefined) { if (!h.alerttop && !h.alertleft) { if (window.innerWidth !== undefined) { h.alertleft = window.innerWidth; h.alerttop = window.innerHeight } else { if (document.documentElement !== undefined && document.documentElement.clientWidth !== undefined && document.documentElement.clientWidth !== 0) { h.alertleft = document.documentElement.clientWidth; h.alerttop = document.documentElement.clientHeight } else { h.alertleft = 1024; h.alerttop = 768 } } h.alertleft = h.alertleft / 2 - parseInt(h.alertwidth, 10) / 2; h.alerttop = h.alerttop / 2 - 25 } b.jgrid.createModal(j, "
" + h.alerttext + "
", {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, jqModal: true, drag: true, resize: true, caption: h.alertcap, top: h.alerttop, left: h.alertleft, width: h.alertwidth, height: h.alertheight, closeOnEscape: h.closeOnEscape, zIndex: h.alertzIndex}, "#gview_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, b("#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID([0], true) } var q = 1, n, o = function () { if (!b(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { b(this).addClass("ui-state-hover") } }, r = function () { b(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover") }; if (h.cloneToTop && m.p.toppager) { q = 2 } for (n = 0; n < q; n++) { var s, u = b(""), v = "", l, t; if (n === 0) { l = f; t =; if (l === m.p.toppager) { t += "_top"; q = 1 } } else { l = m.p.toppager; t = + "_top" } if (m.p.direction === "rtl") { b(u).attr("dir", "rtl").css("float", "right") } if (h.add) { g = g || {}; s = b(""); b(s).append("
" + h.addtext + "
"); b("tr", u).append(s); b(s, u).attr({title: h.addtitle || "", id: || "add_" + t}).click(function () { if (!b(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { if (b.isFunction(h.addfunc)) { } else { b(m).jqGrid("editGridRow", "new", g) } } return false }).hover(o, r); s = null } if (h.edit) { s = b(""); e = e || {}; b(s).append("
" + h.edittext + "
"); b("tr", u).append(s); b(s, u).attr({title: h.edittitle || "", id: || "edit_" + t}).click(function () { if (!b(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { var w = m.p.selrow; if (w) { if (b.isFunction(h.editfunc)) {, w) } else { b(m).jqGrid("editGridRow", w, e) } } else { b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + j.themodal, {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, jqm: true}); b("#jqg_alrt").focus() } } return false }).hover(o, r); s = null } if (h.view) { s = b(""); i = i || {}; b(s).append("
" + h.viewtext + "
"); b("tr", u).append(s); b(s, u).attr({title: h.viewtitle || "", id: || "view_" + t}).click(function () { if (!b(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { var w = m.p.selrow; if (w) { if (b.isFunction(h.viewfunc)) {, w) } else { b(m).jqGrid("viewGridRow", w, i) } } else { b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + j.themodal, {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, jqm: true}); b("#jqg_alrt").focus() } } return false }).hover(o, r); s = null } if (h.del) { s = b(""); d = d || {}; b(s).append("
" + h.deltext + "
"); b("tr", u).append(s); b(s, u).attr({title: h.deltitle || "", id: || "del_" + t}).click(function () { if (!b(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { var w; if (m.p.multiselect) { w = m.p.selarrrow; if (w.length === 0) { w = null } } else { w = m.p.selrow } if (w) { if (b.isFunction(h.delfunc)) {, w) } else { b(m).jqGrid("delGridRow", w, d) } } else { b.jgrid.viewModal("#" + j.themodal, {gbox: "#gbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(, jqm: true}); b("#jqg_alrt").focus() } } return false }).hover(o, r); s = null } if (h.add || h.edit || h.del || h.view) { b("tr", u).append(v) } if ( { s = b(""); c = c || {}; b(s).append("
" + h.searchtext + "
"); b("tr", u).append(s); b(s, u).attr({title: h.searchtitle || "", id: || "search_" + t}).click(function () { if (!b(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { if (b.isFunction(h.searchfunc)) {, c) } else { b(m).jqGrid("searchGrid", c) } } return false }).hover(o, r); if (c.showOnLoad && c.showOnLoad === true) { b(s, u).click() } s = null } if (h.refresh) { s = b(""); b(s).append("
" + h.refreshtext + "
"); b("tr", u).append(s); b(s, u).attr({title: h.refreshtitle || "", id: "refresh_" + t}).click(function () { if (!b(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { if (b.isFunction(h.beforeRefresh)) { } = false; try { var x =; m.p.postData.filters = ""; try { b("#fbox_" + b.jgrid.jqID(x)).jqFilter("resetFilter") } catch (w) { } if (b.isFunction(m.clearToolbar)) {, false) } } catch (y) { } switch (h.refreshstate) { case"firstpage": b(m).trigger("reloadGrid", [ {page: 1} ]); break; case"current": b(m).trigger("reloadGrid", [ {current: true} ]); break } if (b.isFunction(h.afterRefresh)) { } } return false }).hover(o, r); s = null } k = b(".ui-jqgrid").css("font-size") || "11px"; b("body").append(""); p = b(u).clone().appendTo("#testpg2").width(); b("#testpg2").remove(); b(l + "_" + h.position, l).append(u); if (m.p._nvtd) { if (p > m.p._nvtd[0]) { b(l + "_" + h.position, l).width(p); m.p._nvtd[0] = p } m.p._nvtd[1] = p } k = null; p = null; u = null; this.nav = true } }) }, navButtonAdd: function (c, d) { d = b.extend({caption: "newButton", title: "", buttonicon: "ui-icon-newwin", onClickButton: null, position: "last", cursor: "pointer"}, d || {}); return this.each(function () { if (!this.grid) { return } if (typeof c === "string" && c.indexOf("#") !== 0) { c = "#" + b.jgrid.jqID(c) } var e = b(".navtable", c)[0], g = this; if (e) { if ( && b("#" + b.jgrid.jqID(, e)[0] !== undefined) { return } var f = b(""); if (d.buttonicon.toString().toUpperCase() === "NONE") { b(f).addClass("ui-pg-button ui-corner-all").append("
" + d.caption + "
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" + d.caption + "
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