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template.js.base.grid.jqueryui.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* jqGrid addons using jQuery UI
* Author: Mark Williams
* Changed by Oleg Kiriljuk, [email protected]
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* depends on jQuery UI
/*jshint evil:true, eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
/*global jQuery, define, exports, module, require */
/*jslint browser: true, devel: true, eqeq: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, unparam: true, vars: true, white: true */
(function (global, factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
], function ($) {
return factory($, global, global.document);
} else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if (!root) {
root = window;
if ($ === undefined) {
// require("jquery") returns a factory that requires window to
// build a jQuery instance, we normalize how we use modules
// that require this pattern but the window provided is a noop
// if it's defined (how jquery works)
$ = typeof window !== "undefined" ?
require("jquery") :
factory($, root, root.document);
return $;
} else {
// Browser globals
factory(jQuery, global, global.document);
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function ($, window, document) {
"use strict";
var jgrid = $.jgrid, jqID = jgrid.jqID;
// begin module grid.jqueryui
var $UiMultiselect = $.ui != null ? $.ui.multiselect : null,
reorderSelectedColumns = function (iColItem) {
/* Background information:
* Multiselect contains the list of selected items this.selectedList,
* which is jQuery wrapper of element. The items of this.selectedList
* are elements, which represent visible (hidden:false) and movable
* (hidedlg:false) columns of the grid.
* Additionally there are exist hidden .
* Every of the corresponds the column of the grid.
* The visible columns (hidden:false) are selected. The value of the
* contains the column index (iCol) in colModel. elements of
* this.selectedLis have data with the "optionLink" pointed to the corresponding
* option of the hidden select.
* this.grid is the DOM of the grid and this.newColOrder is the array with
* ALL column names in the order, which should be applied after reordering
* the grid. Additionally contains the COPY of p.groupHeader.groupHeaders.
* It's important that startColumnName property of elements of
* p.groupHeader.groupHeaders could be changed during reordering of the columns.
* On the other side the user can't click Cancel button of columnChooser for
* breaking reordering. Because of that contains the COPY of
* p.groupHeader.groupHeaders and the original p.groupHeader.groupHeaders will be
* not changed in the reorderSelectedColumns function.
* An important implementation problem: reorderSelectedColumns function will be
* called after ONE reordering of the columns. On the other side, the user can
* reorder the columns MULTIPLE TIMES before saving the new order. Thus, one
* have to take in consideration not only the original order of columns in
* colModel, but THE CURRENT order of the columns saved only internally in
* the dialog in this.newColOrder.
if (this.grid != null && this.grid.p != null) {
var that = this, p = this.grid.p, iCol, j, iGrp, ghItem,
gh =, selectedList = this.selectedList, inGroup = this.inGroup,
items = selectedList.find("li"), optionLink,
indexOfAddedItem = items.length - 1,
enumSelected = function (callback, startIndex, reverse) {
var i, opt, items = selectedList.find("li");
if (startIndex === undefined) {
startIndex = reverse ? items.length - 1 : 0;
for (i = startIndex; !reverse ? i < items.length : i >= 0; !reverse ? i++ : i--) {
opt = $(items[i]).data("optionLink");
if (opt &&[i], parseInt(opt.val(), 10), i)) {
return i;
updateNewColOrder = function () {
// !!! the function set additionally indexOfAddedItem and update items
// remove iColItem from this.newColOrder
j = $.inArray(p.colModel[iColItem].name, that.newColOrder);
if (j >= 0) {
that.newColOrder.splice(j, 1);
// refill items
items = selectedList.find("li");
// iCol will be the index in newColOrder. The order of columns in items
// should be mostly THE SAME like in selectedList, but newColOrder
// contains additional elements (hidden and hidedlg). The array items
// on the other side contains just inserted iColItem element.
// we need find indexOfAddedItem - the index of with iColItem
// in the list of this.selectedList.find("li") elements
iCol = 0;
function (iColOld, index) {
if (iColOld === iColItem) {
indexOfAddedItem = index;
// if iColItem is in the same header group as p.colModel[iCol] or
// both belongs no header group then the column could be NOT in
// selectedList. I find better to insert the item AFTER the hidden
// or non-movable columns (like "rn", "subgrid" column or other)
while (iCol >= 0 && iCol < p.colModel.length && iCol !== iColItem &&
(p.colModel[iCol].hidden || p.colModel[iCol].hidedlg) &&
(inGroup == null ||
//inGroup[iCol] !== undefined && inGroup[iColItem] !== undefined &&
inGroup[iCol] === inGroup[iColItem])) {
that.newColOrder.splice(iCol, 0, p.colModel[iColItem].name);
return true; // stop enumeration
// selectedList contains SUBSET of columns from colModel, but newColOrder
// contains ALL columns. It's important that all columns from selectedList
// exist in newColOrder IN THE SAME order. Thus iCol will be the current
// index in newColOrder array with p.colModel[iColOld].name column name.
iCol = $.inArray(p.colModel[iColOld].name, that.newColOrder, iCol);
if (iCol < 0) {
// to be sure that the code works in case of some errors too
iCol = $.inArray(p.colModel[iColOld].name, that.newColOrder);
enumPreviousAndInsertAfter = function (iCol) {
if (inGroup[iCol] === inGroup[iColItem]) {
return true; // stop enumeration
enumNextAndInsertBefore = function (iCol) {
if (inGroup[iCol] === inGroup[iColItem]) {
return true; // stop enumeration
updateStartColumn = function (iCol) {
if (inGroup[iCol] === inGroup[iColItem] && inGroup[iCol] !== undefined) {
gh[inGroup[iCol]].startColumnName = p.colModel[iCol].name;
return true; // stop enumeration
// Fix potition of added/moved item iColItem in that.newColOrder array.
// We syncronize only the initial state of newColOrder. The position of
// iColItem item can be changed later in both selectedList and newColOrder
if (gh && gh[inGroup[iColItem]] !== undefined) {
// the item belong to some group
ghItem = gh[inGroup[iColItem]];
for (j = 0; j < ghItem.numberOfColumns; j++) {
iCol = p.iColByName[ghItem.startColumnName] + j;
if (!p.colModel[iCol].hidden && !p.colModel[iCol].hidedlg) {
// the columns are displayed in the selectedList
// We need to enumerate items in reverse order and to find the index of the item
// in the array items comparing the items by $(items[j]).data("optionLink").val()
// If the item is found then append prevously found item AFTER this one.
// We can use j variable bacause the outer loop will be exit (see break below)
indexOfAddedItem - 1,
true // enum in reverse order
// If step 2 didn't find the group then we need examin NEXT items and find
// the items from the same group. We should test the items in sequential order
// after the item found. If the item is found then apend prevously found
// item BEFORE this one.
indexOfAddedItem + 1
// fix the name of the first column in the group
break; // !!!
} else if (gh) {
// The item from no group is added/moved.
// We have to verify that the item is not dropped inside of some header group
// find the index of added/moved element in this.selectedList.find("li")
items = selectedList.find("li");
j = enumSelected(function (iCol) {
if (iCol === iColItem) {
return true;
if (j + 1 >= items.length || j < 0) {
optionLink = $(items[j + 1]).data("optionLink");
if (optionLink) {
iGrp = inGroup[parseInt(optionLink.val(), 10)];
if (iGrp !== undefined) {
optionLink = $(items[j - 1]).data("optionLink");
if (optionLink && inGroup[parseInt(optionLink.val(), 10)] === iGrp) {
// The next and the previous items are in the same group, but
// the added/moved item in NOT in the group.
// We have to move the item items[j] AFTER the last item of the group.
var iColNotInTheGroup = enumSelected(
function (iCol) {
if (inGroup[iCol] !== iGrp) {
return true; // stop enumeration
j + 1 // start enumeration with the index
$(items[iColNotInTheGroup === undefined || iColNotInTheGroup >= items.length ? items.length - 1 : iColNotInTheGroup - 1])
if (jgrid.msie && jgrid.msiever() === 8) {
$.expr[":"].hidden = function (elem) {
return elem.offsetWidth === 0 || elem.offsetHeight === 0 || === "none";
// requiere load multiselect before grid
jgrid._multiselect = false;
if ($UiMultiselect) {
if ($UiMultiselect.prototype._setSelected) {
var setSelected = $UiMultiselect.prototype._setSelected;
$UiMultiselect.prototype._setSelected = function (item, selected) {
// the method will be called if the user clicks "+" button on the item of "available" list
// or if the user clicks "-" button on the item of "selected" list.
// The parameter "selected" is equal true on click on the item of "selected" list
// and false on click on the item of "available" list.
var ret =, item, selected), elt = this.element,
iColItem = parseInt("optionLink").val(), 10);
if (selected && this.selectedList) {
// reorder items of selectedList
// all items of selectedList from one group have to be together
// all items of availableList from one group have to be together, iColItem);
// apply the new sort order to the original selectbox
this.selectedList.find("li").each(function () {
if ($(this).data("optionLink")) {
return ret;
if ($UiMultiselect.prototype.destroy) {
$UiMultiselect.prototype.destroy = function () {
var self = this;;
if ($.Widget === undefined) {
$.widget.prototype.destroy.apply(self, arguments);
} else {
$.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply(self, arguments);
jgrid._multiselect = true;
sortableColumns: function (tblrow) {
return this.each(function () {
var ts = this, p = ts.p, tid = jqID(;
if (!p || !p.sortable || !$.isFunction($.fn.sortable)) { return; }
function start() { p.disableClick = true; }
var sortableOpts = {
tolerance: "pointer",
axis: "x",
scrollSensitivity: "1",
items: ">th:not(:has(#jqgh_" + tid + "_cb" + ",#jqgh_" + tid + "_rn" + ",#jqgh_" + tid + "_subgrid),:hidden)",
placeholder: {
element: function (item) {
var el = $(document.createElement(item[0].nodeName))
.addClass(item[0].className + " ui-sortable-placeholder ui-state-highlight")
return el;
update: function (self, o) {
o.height(self.currentItem.innerHeight() - parseInt(self.currentItem.css("paddingTop") || 0, 10) - parseInt(self.currentItem.css("paddingBottom") || 0, 10));
o.width(self.currentItem.innerWidth() - parseInt(self.currentItem.css("paddingLeft") || 0, 10) - parseInt(self.currentItem.css("paddingRight") || 0, 10));
start: function () {
ts.grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = ts.grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
update: function (event, ui) {
var th = $(">th", $(ui.item).parent()), tid1 = + "_", permutation = [];
th.each(function () {
var id = $(">div", this).get(0).id.replace(/^jqgh_/, "").replace(tid1, ""),
iCol = p.iColByName[id];
if (iCol !== undefined) {
$(ts).jqGrid("remapColumns", permutation, true, true);
if ($.isFunction(p.sortable.update)) {
setTimeout(function () { p.disableClick = false; }, 50);
if (p.sortable.options) {
$.extend(sortableOpts, p.sortable.options);
} else if ($.isFunction(p.sortable)) {
p.sortable = { "update": p.sortable };
if (sortableOpts.start) {
var s = sortableOpts.start;
sortableOpts.start = function (e, ui) {
start();, e, ui);
} else {
sortableOpts.start = start;
if (p.sortable.exclude) {
sortableOpts.items += ":not(" + p.sortable.exclude + ")";
var $e = tblrow.sortable(sortableOpts), dataObj = $"sortable") || $"uiSortable") || $"ui-sortable");
if (dataObj != null) {
dataObj.floating = true;
columnChooser: function (opts) {
var $self = this, self = $self[0], p = self.p, selector, select, dopts, mopts,
$dialogContent, multiselectData, listHeight,
colModel = p.colModel, nCol = colModel.length, colNames = p.colNames,
getMultiselectWidgetData = function ($elem) {
return ($UiMultiselect && $UiMultiselect.prototype && $$UiMultiselect.prototype.widgetFullName || $UiMultiselect.prototype.widgetName)) ||
$"ui-multiselect") || $"multiselect");
if ($("#colchooser_" + jqID( { return; }
selector = $('');
select = $("select", selector);
function call(fn, obj) {
if (!fn) { return; }
if (typeof fn === "string") {
if ($.fn[fn]) {
$.fn[fn].apply(obj, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2));
} else if ($.isFunction(fn)) {
fn.apply(obj, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(2));
function resize_select() {
var widgetData = getMultiselectWidgetData(select),
$thisDialogContent = widgetData.container.closest(".ui-dialog-content");
if ($thisDialogContent.length > 0 && typeof $thisDialogContent[0].style === "object") {
$thisDialogContent[0].style.width = "";
} else {
$thisDialogContent.css("width", ""); // or just remove width style
widgetData.selectedList.height(Math.max(widgetData.selectedContainer.height() - widgetData.selectedActions.outerHeight() -1, 1));
widgetData.availableList.height(Math.max(widgetData.availableContainer.height() - widgetData.availableActions.outerHeight() -1, 1));
opts = $.extend({
width: 400,
height: 240,
classname: null,
done: function (perm) {
if (perm) {
$self.jqGrid("remapColumns", perm, true);
/* msel is either the name of a ui widget class that
extends a multiselect, or a function that supports
creating a multiselect object (with no argument,
or when passed an object), and destroying it (when
passed the string "destroy"). */
msel: "multiselect",
/* "msel_opts" : {}, */
/* dlog is either the name of a ui widget class that
behaves in a dialog-like way, or a function, that
supports creating a dialog (when passed dlog_opts)
or destroying a dialog (when passed the string
dlog: "dialog",
dialog_opts: {
minWidth: 470,
dialogClass: "ui-jqdialog"
/* dlog_opts is either an option object to be passed
to "dlog", or (more likely) a function that creates
the options object.
The default produces a suitable options object for
ui.dialog */
dlog_opts: function (options) {
var buttons = {};
buttons[options.bSubmit] = function () {
buttons[options.bCancel] = function () {
return $.extend(true, {
buttons: buttons,
close: function () {
modal: options.modal || false,
resizable: options.resizable || true,
width: options.width + 70,
resize: resize_select
}, options.dialog_opts || {});
/* Function to get the permutation array, and pass it to the
"done" function */
apply_perm: function () {
var perm = new Array(p.colModel.length), i, gHead,
showHideColOptions = {
notSkipFrozen: opts.notSkipFrozen === undefined ? false : opts.notSkipFrozen,
skipSetGridWidth: true,
skipSetGroupHeaders: true
// we can use remapColumnsByName instead of remapColumns in general,
// but we try to hold the compatibility with old version. Thus we
// fill perm based on multiselectData.newColOrder
for (i = 0; i < p.colModel.length; i++) {
perm[i] = p.iColByName[multiselectData.newColOrder[i]];
$("option", select).each(function () {
if ($(this).is(":selected")) {
$self.jqGrid("showCol", colModel[this.value].name, showHideColOptions);
} else {
$self.jqGrid("hideCol", colModel[this.value].name, showHideColOptions);
if (opts.done) {$self, perm);
if (p.groupHeader && (typeof p.groupHeader === "object" || $.isFunction(p.groupHeader))) {
$self.jqGrid("destroyGroupHeader", false);
p.groupHeader.groupHeaders =; // use modified groupHeader
if (p.pivotOptions != null && p.pivotOptions.colHeaders != null && p.pivotOptions.colHeaders.length > 1) {
gHead = p.pivotOptions.colHeaders;
for (i = 0; i < gHead.length; i++) {
// Multiple calls of setGroupHeaders for one grid are wrong,
// but there are produces good results in case of usage
// useColSpanStyle: false option. The rowspan values
// needed be increased in case of usage useColSpanStyle: true
if (gHead[i] && gHead[i].groupHeaders.length) {
$self.jqGrid("setGroupHeaders", gHead[i]);
} else {
$self.jqGrid("setGroupHeaders", p.groupHeader);
var newWidth = !p.autowidth && (p.widthOrg === undefined || p.widthOrg === "auto" || p.widthOrg === "100%") ? p.tblwidth : p.width;
if (newWidth !== p.width) {
$self.jqGrid("setGridWidth", newWidth, p.shrinkToFit);
/* Function to cleanup the dialog, and select. Also calls the
done function with no permutation (to indicate that the
columnChooser was aborted */
cleanup: function (calldone) {
call(opts.dlog, selector, "destroy");
call(opts.msel, select, "destroy");
if (calldone && opts.done) {$self);
msel_opts: {}
$self.jqGrid("getGridRes", "col"),
jgrid.col, opts || {});
if ($.ui) {
if ($UiMultiselect && $UiMultiselect.defaults) {
if (!jgrid._multiselect) {
// should be in language file
(jgrid.defaults != null && $.isFunction(jgrid.defaults.fatalError) ? jgrid.defaults.fatalError : alert)("Multiselect plugin loaded after jqGrid. Please load the plugin before the jqGrid!");
// ??? the next line uses $.ui.multiselect.defaults which will be typically undefined
opts.msel_opts = $.extend($UiMultiselect.defaults, opts.msel_opts);
if (opts.caption) {
selector.attr("title", opts.caption);
if (opts.classname) {
if (opts.width) {
$(">div", selector).css({ width: opts.width, margin: "0 auto" });
select.css("width", opts.width);
if (opts.height) {
$(">div", selector).css("height", opts.height);
select.css("height", opts.height - 10);
var gh = p.groupHeader != null ? p.groupHeader.groupHeaders : 0,
colHeader = {}, k, j, iCol, ghItem;
// fill colHeader for columns which have column header
if (gh) {
for (k = 0; k < gh.length; k++) {
ghItem = gh[k];
for (j = 0; j < ghItem.numberOfColumns; j++) {
iCol = p.iColByName[ghItem.startColumnName] + j;
colHeader[iCol] = $.isFunction(opts.buildItemText) ?$self[0], {
iCol: iCol,
cm: colModel[iCol],
cmName: colModel[iCol].name,
colName: colNames[iCol],
groupTitleText: ghItem.titleText
}) :
$.jgrid.stripHtml(ghItem.titleText) + ": " +
$.jgrid.stripHtml(colNames[iCol] === "" ? colModel[iCol].name : colNames[iCol]);
// fill colHeader for all other columns
for (iCol = 0; iCol < nCol; iCol++) {
if (colHeader[iCol] === undefined) {
colHeader[iCol] = $.isFunction(opts.buildItemText) ?$self[0], {
iCol: iCol,
cm: colModel[iCol],
cmName: colModel[iCol].name,
colName: colNames[iCol],
groupTitleText: null
}) :
$.each(colModel, function (i) {
if (!this.hidedlg) {
select.append("" + colHeader[i] + " ");
dopts = $.isFunction(opts.dlog_opts) ?$self, opts) : opts.dlog_opts;
call(opts.dlog, selector, dopts);
mopts = $.isFunction(opts.msel_opts) ?$self, opts) : opts.msel_opts;
call(opts.msel, select, mopts);
// fix height of elements of the multiselect widget
$dialogContent = $("#colchooser_" + jqID(;
$dialogContent.css({ margin: "auto" });
$dialogContent.find(">div").css({ width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: "auto" });
multiselectData = getMultiselectWidgetData(select);
if (multiselectData) {
// grid property will be used to access the grid inside of _setSelected
multiselectData.grid = self;
if (gh) {
// make deep copy of groupHeaders to be able to hold changes of startColumnName,
// but to apply the changes only after the user click OK button (not Cancel) = $.extend(true, [], gh);
// filling the helper array inGroup. It contains
// an item for every column. The value is undefined if the column
// not belongs to a header group and it is 0-based index of the
// header group (the index in gh array) if the column belongs to
// a header group. The array inGroup helps us to detect whether
// two columns belong to the same group or not.
multiselectData.inGroup = new Array(p.colModel.length); // allocate array with undefined values
var iGrp, headerItem;
for (iGrp = 0; iGrp < gh.length; iGrp++) {
headerItem = gh[iGrp];
for (iCol = 0; iCol < headerItem.numberOfColumns; iCol++) {
multiselectData.inGroup[p.iColByName[headerItem.startColumnName] + iCol] = iGrp;
multiselectData.newColOrder = $.map(colModel, function (cm) { return; });
multiselectData.container.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: "auto" });
multiselectData.selectedContainer.css({ width: multiselectData.options.dividerLocation * 100 + "%", height: "100%", margin: "auto", boxSizing: "border-box" });
multiselectData.availableContainer.css({ width: (100 - multiselectData.options.dividerLocation * 100) + "%", height: "100%", margin: "auto", boxSizing: "border-box" });
// set height for both selectedList and availableList
multiselectData.selectedList.css("height", "auto");
multiselectData.availableList.css("height", "auto");
listHeight = Math.max(multiselectData.selectedList.height(), multiselectData.availableList.height());
listHeight = Math.min(listHeight, $(window).height());
multiselectData.selectedList.css("height", listHeight);
multiselectData.availableList.css("height", listHeight);
if (multiselectData.options != null && multiselectData.options.sortable) {
multiselectData.selectedList.on("sortupdate", function (e, ui) {
// remove fixed inline style values of width and height
// added during gragging
parseInt("optionLink").val(), 10)
ui.item.css({ width: "", height: "" });
if ($.isFunction(opts.sortUpdate)) {, e, ui);
if ($.isFunction(opts.init)) {, multiselectData);
sortableRows: function (opts) {
// Can accept all sortable options and events
return this.each(function () {
var $t = this, grid = $t.grid, p = $t.p;
if (!grid) { return; }
// Currently we disable a treeGrid sortable
if (p.treeGrid) { return; }
if ($.fn.sortable) {
opts = $.extend({
cursor: "move",
axis: "y",
items: ">tbody>.jqgrow"
opts || {});
if (opts.start && $.isFunction(opts.start)) {
opts._start_ = opts.start;
delete opts.start;
} else { opts._start_ = false; }
if (opts.update && $.isFunction(opts.update)) {
opts._update_ = opts.update;
delete opts.update;
} else { opts._update_ = false; }
opts.start = function (ev, ui) {
$(ui.item).css("border-width", "0");
$("td", ui.item).each(function (i) { = grid.cols[i].style.width;
if (p.subGrid) {
var subgid = $(ui.item).attr("id");
try {
$($t).jqGrid("collapseSubGridRow", subgid);
} catch (ignore) { }
if (opts._start_) {
opts._start_.apply(this, [ev, ui]);
opts.update = function (ev, ui) {
$(ui.item).css("border-width", "");
if (p.rownumbers === true) {
$("td.jqgrid-rownum", $t.rows).each(function (i) {
$(this).html(i + 1 + (parseInt(, 10) - 1) * parseInt(p.rowNum, 10));
if (opts._update_) {
opts._update_.apply(this, [ev, ui]);
/*if ($.isFunction($.fn.disableSelection)) {
// The method disableSelection exists starting with jQuery UI 1.6,
// but it's declared as deprecated since jQuery UI 1.9
// see
// so we use disableSelection only if it exists
var jQueryUiVersion = $.ui != null && typeof $.ui.version === "string" ?
$.ui.version.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)/) : [];
// jQuery UI version is: jQueryUiVersion[1].jQueryUiVersion[2].jQueryUiVersion[3]
if (jQueryUiVersion.length === 4 && jQueryUiVersion[1] === "1" &&
jQueryUiVersion[2] > 5 && jQueryUiVersion[2] < 9) {
// disable selection only for old jQuery UI
gridDnD: function (opts) {
return this.each(function () {
var $t = this, j, cn;
if (!$t.grid) { return; }
// Currently we disable a treeGrid drag and drop
if ($t.p.treeGrid) { return; }
if (!$.fn.draggable || !$.fn.droppable) { return; }
function updateDnD() {
var datadnd = $.data($t, "dnd");
$("tr.jqgrow:not(.ui-draggable)", $t).draggable($.isFunction(datadnd.drag) ?$($t), datadnd) : datadnd.drag);
var appender = "";
if ($("#jqgrid_dnd")[0] === undefined) {
if (typeof opts === "string" && opts === "updateDnD" && $t.p.jqgdnd === true) {
opts = $.extend({
drag: function (opts1) {
return $.extend({
start: function (ev, ui) {
var i, subgid;
// if we are in subgrid mode try to collapse the node
if ($t.p.subGrid) {
subgid = $(ui.helper).attr("id");
try {
$($t).jqGrid("collapseSubGridRow", subgid);
} catch (ignore) { }
// hack
// drag and drop does not insert tr in table, when the table has no rows
// we try to insert new empty row on the target(s)
for (i = 0; i < $.data($t, "dnd").connectWith.length; i++) {
if ($($.data($t, "dnd").connectWith[i]).jqGrid("getGridParam", "reccount") === 0) {
$($.data($t, "dnd").connectWith[i]).jqGrid("addRowData", "jqg_empty_row", {});
$("td", ui.helper).each(function (iCol) { = $t.grid.headers[iCol].width + "px";
if (opts1.onstart && $.isFunction(opts1.onstart)) {$($t), ev, ui); }
stop: function (ev, ui) {
var i, ids;
if (ui.helper.dropped && !opts1.dragcopy) {
ids = $(ui.helper).attr("id");
if (ids === undefined) { ids = $(this).attr("id"); }
$($t).jqGrid("delRowData", ids);
// if we have a empty row inserted from start event try to delete it
for (i = 0; i < $.data($t, "dnd").connectWith.length; i++) {
$($.data($t, "dnd").connectWith[i]).jqGrid("delRowData", "jqg_empty_row");
if (opts1.onstop && $.isFunction(opts1.onstop)) {$($t), ev, ui); }
}, opts1.drag_opts || {});
drop: function (opts1) {
return $.extend({
accept: function (d) {
if (!$(d).hasClass("jqgrow")) { return d; }
var tid = $(d).closest("table.ui-jqgrid-btable");
if (tid.length > 0 && $.data(tid[0], "dnd") !== undefined) {
var cn1 = $.data(tid[0], "dnd").connectWith;
return $.inArray("#" + jqID(, cn1) !== -1 ? true : false;
return false;
drop: function (ev, ui) {
if (!$(ui.draggable).hasClass("jqgrow")) { return; }
var rowid = $(ui.draggable).attr("id"),
$srcGrid = ui.draggable.parent().parent(),
getdata = $srcGrid.jqGrid("getRowData", rowid);
if (!opts1.dropbyname) {
var tmpdata = {}, iSrc, iDest, srcName, destName,
srcColModel = $srcGrid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel"),
destColModel = $("#" + jqID("getGridParam", "colModel");
try {
for (iSrc = 0, iDest = 0; iSrc < srcColModel.length && iDest < destColModel.length; iSrc++) {
srcName = srcColModel[iSrc].name;
if (!(srcName === "cb" || srcName === "rn" || srcName === "subgrid")) {
// src column found, which need be copied
for (; iDest < destColModel.length; iDest++) {
destName = destColModel[iDest].name;
if (!(destName === "cb" || destName === "rn" || destName === "subgrid")) {
tmpdata[destName] = getdata[srcName];
getdata = tmpdata;
} catch (ignore) { }
ui.helper.dropped = true;
if (opts1.beforedrop && $.isFunction(opts1.beforedrop)) {
//parameters to this callback - event, element, data to be inserted, sender, reciever
// should return object which will be inserted into the reciever
var datatoinsert =, ev, ui, getdata, $("#" + jqID($, $(this));
if (datatoinsert !== undefined && datatoinsert !== null && typeof datatoinsert === "object") { getdata = datatoinsert; }
if (ui.helper.dropped) {
var grid;
if (opts1.autoid) {
if ($.isFunction(opts1.autoid)) {
grid =, getdata, {
rowid: rowid,
ev: ev,
ui: ui
} else {
grid = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000);
grid = opts1.autoidprefix + grid;
// NULL is interpreted as undefined while null as object
$("#" + jqID("addRowData", grid, getdata, opts1.droppos);
getdata[$] = grid;
if (opts1.ondrop && $.isFunction(opts1.ondrop)) {, ev, ui, getdata); }
}, opts1.drop_opts || {});
onstart: null,
onstop: null,
beforedrop: null,
ondrop: null,
drop_opts: {
//activeClass: "ui-state-active",
//hoverClass: "ui-state-hover"
drag_opts: {
revert: "invalid",
helper: "clone",
cursor: "move",
appendTo: "#jqgrid_dnd",
zIndex: 5000
dragcopy: false,
dropbyname: false,
droppos: "first",
autoid: true,
autoidprefix: "dnd_"
}, opts || {});
if (!opts.connectWith) { return; }
opts.connectWith = opts.connectWith.split(",");
opts.connectWith = $.map(opts.connectWith, function (n) { return $.trim(n); });
$.data($t, "dnd", opts);
if ($t.p.reccount !== 0 && !$t.p.jqgdnd) {
$t.p.jqgdnd = true;
for (j = 0; j < opts.connectWith.length; j++) {
cn = opts.connectWith[j];
$(cn).droppable($.isFunction(opts.drop) ?$($t), opts) : opts.drop);
gridResize: function (opts) {
return this.each(function () {
var $t = this, grid = $t.grid, p = $t.p, bdivSelector = p.gView + ">.ui-jqgrid-bdiv", onlyHorizontal = false, sel, gridHeight = p.height;
if (!grid || !$.fn.resizable) { return; }
opts = $.extend({}, opts || {});
if (opts.alsoResize) {
opts._alsoResize_ = opts.alsoResize;
delete opts.alsoResize;
} else {
opts._alsoResize_ = false;
if (opts.stop && $.isFunction(opts.stop)) {
opts._stop_ = opts.stop;
delete opts.stop;
} else {
opts._stop_ = false;
opts.stop = function (ev, ui) {
$($t).jqGrid("setGridWidth", ui.size.width, opts.shrinkToFit);
$(p.gView + ">.ui-jqgrid-titlebar").css("width", "");
if (!onlyHorizontal) {
$($t).jqGrid("setGridParam", { height: $(bdivSelector).height() });
} else {
$(sel).each(function () {
$(this).css("height", "");
if (gridHeight === "auto" || gridHeight === "100%") {
$(grid.bDiv).css("height", gridHeight);
if ($t.fixScrollOffsetAndhBoxPadding) {
if (opts._stop_) {$t, ev, ui); }
sel = bdivSelector;
if ((gridHeight === "auto" || gridHeight === "100%") && opts.handles === undefined) {
opts.handles = "e,w";
if (opts.handles) {
// test for "e, w"
var ar = $.map(String(opts.handles).split(","), function (item) {
return $.trim(item);
if (ar.length === 2 && ((ar[0] === "e" && ar[1] === "w") || (ar[1] === "e" && ar[1] === "w"))) {
sel = p.gView + ">div:not(.frozen-div)";
onlyHorizontal = true;
if (p.pager) {
sel += "," + p.pager;
if (opts._alsoResize_) {
opts.alsoResize = sel + "," + opts._alsoResize_;
} else {
opts.alsoResize = sel;
delete opts._alsoResize_;
// end module grid.jqueryui