template.js.plugins.grid.addons.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* jqGrid methods without support. Use as you wish
* Tony Tomov [email protected]
* http://trirand.com/blog/
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* This list of deprecated methods.
* If you instead want to use them, please include this file after the grid main file.
* Some methods will be then overwritten.
/*global jQuery, $ */
// This is the ols search Filter method used in navigator.
searchGrid : function (p) {
p = $.extend({
recreateFilter: false,
drag: true,
sOper: 'searchOper',
sFilter: 'filters',
loadDefaults: true, // this options activates loading of default filters from grid's postData for Multipe Search only.
beforeShowSearch: null,
afterShowSearch : null,
onInitializeSearch: null,
closeAfterSearch : false,
closeAfterReset: false,
closeOnEscape : false,
multipleSearch : false,
cloneSearchRowOnAdd: true,
// translation
// if you want to change or remove the order change it in sopt
// ['bw','eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','ew','cn']
sopt: null,
// Note: stringResult is intentionally declared "undefined by default".
// you are velcome to define stringResult expressly in the options you pass to searchGrid()
// stringResult is a "safeguard" measure to insure we post sensible data when communicated as form-encoded
// see http://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/issues/#issue/36
// If this value is not expressly defined in the incoming options,
// lower in the code we will infer the value based on value of multipleSearch
stringResult: undefined,
onClose : null,
// useDataProxy allows ADD, EDIT and DEL code to bypass calling $.ajax
// directly when grid's 'dataProxy' property (grid.p.dataProxy) is a function.
// Used for "editGridRow" and "delGridRow" below and automatically flipped to TRUE
// when ajax setting's 'url' (grid's 'editurl') property is undefined.
// When 'useDataProxy' is true, instead of calling $.ajax.call(gridDOMobj, o, i) we call
// gridDOMobj.p.dataProxy.call(gridDOMobj, o, i)
// Behavior is extremely similar to when 'datatype' is a function, but arguments are slightly different.
// Normally the following is fed to datatype.call(a, b, c):
// a = Pointer to grid's table DOM element, b = grid.p.postdata, c = "load_"+grid's ID
// In cases of "edit" and "del" the following is fed:
// a = Pointer to grid's table DOM element (same),
// b = extended Ajax Options including postdata in "data" property. (different object type)
// c = "set_"+grid's ID in case of "edit" and "del_"+grid's ID in case of "del" (same type, different content)
// The major difference is that complete ajax options object, with attached "complete" and "error"
// callback functions is fed instead of only post data.
// This allows you to emulate a $.ajax call (including calling "complete"/"error"),
// while retrieving the data locally in the browser.
useDataProxy: false,
overlay : true
}, $.jgrid.search, p || {});
return this.each(function() {
var $t = this;
if(!$t.grid) {return;}
var fid = "fbox_"+$t.p.id,
showFrm = true;
function applyDefaultFilters(gridDOMobj, filterSettings) {
gridDOMobj = ointer to grid DOM object ( $(#list)[0] )
What we need from gridDOMobj:
gridDOMobj.SearchFilter is the pointer to the Search box, once it's created.
gridDOMobj.p.postData - dictionary of post settings. These can be overriden at grid creation to
contain default filter settings. We will parse these and will populate the search with defaults.
filterSettings - same settings object you (would) pass to $().jqGrid('searchGrid', filterSettings);
// Pulling default filter settings out of postData property of grid's properties.:
var defaultFilters = gridDOMobj.p.postData[filterSettings.sFilter];
// example of what we might get: {"groupOp":"and","rules":[{"field":"amount","op":"eq","data":"100"}]}
// suppose we have imported this with grid import, the this is a string.
if(typeof(defaultFilters) == "string") {
defaultFilters = $.jgrid.parse(defaultFilters);
if (defaultFilters) {
if (defaultFilters.groupOp) {
if (defaultFilters.rules) {
var f, i = 0, li = defaultFilters.rules.length, success = false;
for (; i < li; i++) {
f = defaultFilters.rules[i];
// we are not trying to counter all issues with filter declaration here. Just the basics to avoid lookup exceptions.
if (f.field !== undefined && f.op !== undefined && f.data !== undefined) {
success = gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.setFilter({
if (success) { gridDOMobj.SearchFilter.add(); }
} // end of applyDefaultFilters
function hideFilter(selector) {
var fclm = p.onClose(selector);
if(typeof fclm == 'boolean' && !fclm) { return; }
if(p.overlay === true) {
function showFilter(){
var fl = $(".ui-searchFilter").length;
if(fl > 1) {
var zI = $("#"+fid).css("zIndex");
if(p.overlay === true) {
function searchFilters(filters) {
var hasFilters = (filters !== undefined),
grid = $("#"+$t.p.id),
if(p.multipleSearch===false) {
sdata[p.sField] = filters.rules[0].field;
sdata[p.sValue] = filters.rules[0].data;
sdata[p.sOper] = filters.rules[0].op;
if(sdata.hasOwnProperty(p.sFilter) ) {
delete sdata[p.sFilter];
} else {
sdata[p.sFilter] = filters;
$.each([p.sField, p.sValue, p.sOper], function(i, n){
if(sdata.hasOwnProperty(n)) { delete sdata[n];}
grid[0].p.search = hasFilters;
if(p.closeAfterSearch) { hideFilter($("#"+fid)); }
function resetFilters(op) {
var reload = op && op.hasOwnProperty("reload") ? op.reload : true,
grid = $("#"+$t.p.id),
grid[0].p.search = false;
if(p.multipleSearch===false) {
sdata[p.sField] = sdata[p.sValue] = sdata[p.sOper] = "";
} else {
sdata[p.sFilter] = "";
if(reload) {
if(p.closeAfterReset) { hideFilter($("#"+fid)); }
if($.fn.searchFilter) {
if(p.recreateFilter===true) {$("#"+fid).remove();}
if( $("#"+fid).html() != null ) {
if ( $.isFunction(p.beforeShowSearch) ) {
showFrm = p.beforeShowSearch($("#"+fid));
if(typeof(showFrm) == "undefined") {
showFrm = true;
if(showFrm === false) { return; }
if( $.isFunction(p.afterShowSearch) ) { p.afterShowSearch($("#"+fid)); }
} else {
var fields = [],
colNames = $("#"+$t.p.id).jqGrid("getGridParam","colNames"),
colModel = $("#"+$t.p.id).jqGrid("getGridParam","colModel"),
stempl = ['eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','bw','bn','in','ni','ew','en','cn','nc'],
if (p.sopt !==null) {
for(j=0;j0) {
// Before we create searchFilter we need to decide if we want to get back a string or a JS object.
// see http://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/issues/#issue/36 for background on the issue.
// If p.stringResult is defined, it was explisitly passed to us by user. Honor the choice, whatever it is.
if (p.stringResult===undefined) {
// to provide backward compatibility, inferring stringResult value from multipleSearch
p.stringResult = p.multipleSearch;
// we preserve the return value here to retain access to .add() and other good methods of search form.
$t.SearchFilter = $("#"+fid).searchFilter(fields, { groupOps: p.groupOps, operators: oprtr, onClose:hideFilter, resetText: p.Reset, searchText: p.Find, windowTitle: p.caption, rulesText:p.rulesText, matchText:p.matchText, onSearch: searchFilters, onReset: resetFilters,stringResult:p.stringResult, ajaxSelectOptions: $.extend({},$.jgrid.ajaxOptions,$t.p.ajaxSelectOptions ||{}), clone: p.cloneSearchRowOnAdd });
if($t.p.direction=="rtl") { $(".ui-closer","#"+fid).css("float","left"); }
if (p.drag===true) {
$("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first").css('cursor','move');
if(jQuery.fn.jqDrag) {
$("#"+fid).jqDrag($("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first"));
} else {
try {
$("#"+fid).draggable({handle: $("#"+fid+" table thead tr:first td:first")});
} catch (e) {}
if(p.multipleSearch === false) {
$(".ui-del, .ui-add, .ui-del, .ui-add-last, .matchText, .rulesText", "#"+fid).hide();
if (p.multipleSearch === true && p.loadDefaults === true) {
applyDefaultFilters($t, p);
if ( $.isFunction(p.onInitializeSearch) ) { p.onInitializeSearch( $("#"+fid) ); }
if ( $.isFunction(p.beforeShowSearch) ) {
showFrm = p.beforeShowSearch($("#"+fid));
if(typeof(showFrm) == "undefined") {
showFrm = true;
if(showFrm === false) { return; }
if( $.isFunction(p.afterShowSearch) ) { p.afterShowSearch($("#"+fid)); }
$("#"+fid).keydown( function( e ) {
if( e.which == 27 ) {
if (e.which == 13) {
$(".ui-search", this).click();
// methods taken from grid.custom.
updateGridRows : function (data, rowidname, jsonreader) {
var nm, success=false, title;
var t = this, vl, ind, srow, sid;
if(!t.grid) {return false;}
if(!rowidname) { rowidname = "id"; }
if( data && data.length >0 ) {
srow = this;
ind = t.rows.namedItem(srow[rowidname]);
if(ind) {
sid = srow[rowidname];
if(jsonreader === true){
if(t.p.jsonReader.repeatitems === true) {
if(t.p.jsonReader.cell) {srow = srow[t.p.jsonReader.cell];}
for (var k=0;k span:first",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
} else {
success = true;
return true;
nm = jsonreader===true ? this.jsonmap || this.name :this.name;
if( srow[nm] !== undefined) {
vl = t.formatter( sid, srow[nm], i, srow, 'edit');
title = this.title ? {"title":$.jgrid.stripHtml(vl)} : {};
if(t.p.treeGrid===true && nm == t.p.ExpandColumn) {
$("td:eq("+i+") > span:first",ind).html(vl).attr(title);
} else {
success = true;
return success;
// Form search - sorry for this method. Instead use ne jqFilter method.
filterGrid : function(gridid,p){
p = $.extend({
gridModel : false,
gridNames : false,
gridToolbar : false,
filterModel: [], // label/name/stype/defval/surl/sopt
formtype : "horizontal", // horizontal/vertical
autosearch: true, // if set to false a serch button should be enabled.
formclass: "filterform",
tableclass: "filtertable",
buttonclass: "filterbutton",
searchButton: "Search",
clearButton: "Clear",
enableSearch : false,
enableClear: false,
beforeSearch: null,
afterSearch: null,
beforeClear: null,
afterClear: null,
url : '',
marksearched: true
},p || {});
return this.each(function(){
var self = this;
this.p = p;
if(this.p.filterModel.length === 0 && this.p.gridModel===false) { alert("No filter is set"); return;}
if( !gridid) {alert("No target grid is set!"); return;}
this.p.gridid = gridid.indexOf("#") != -1 ? gridid : "#"+gridid;
var gcolMod = $(this.p.gridid).jqGrid("getGridParam",'colModel');
if(gcolMod) {
if( this.p.gridModel === true) {
var thegrid = $(this.p.gridid)[0];
var sh;
// we should use the options search, edittype, editoptions
// additionally surl and defval can be added in grid colModel
$.each(gcolMod, function (i,n) {
var tmpFil = [];
this.search = this.search === false ? false : true;
if(this.editrules && this.editrules.searchhidden === true) {
sh = true;
} else {
if(this.hidden === true ) {
sh = false;
} else {
sh = true;
if( this.search === true && sh === true) {
if(self.p.gridNames===true) {
tmpFil.label = thegrid.p.colNames[i];
} else {
tmpFil.label = '';
tmpFil.name = this.name;
tmpFil.index = this.index || this.name;
// we support only text and selects, so all other to text
tmpFil.stype = this.edittype || 'text';
if(tmpFil.stype != 'select' ) {
tmpFil.stype = 'text';
tmpFil.defval = this.defval || '';
tmpFil.surl = this.surl || '';
tmpFil.sopt = this.editoptions || {};
tmpFil.width = this.width;
} else {
$.each(self.p.filterModel,function(i,n) {
for(var j=0;j0 ? true : false;
var saveurl;
if(self.p.url) {
saveurl = $(gr).jqGrid("getGridParam",'url');
if(saveurl) {$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});}
var clearSearch = function(){
var sdata={}, v, j=0;
var gr = $(self.p.gridid)[0], nm;
nm = this.index;
v = (this.defval) ? this.defval : "";
switch (this.stype) {
case 'select' :
var v1;
$("select[name="+nm+"] option",self).each(function (i){
if(i===0) { this.selected = true; }
if ($(this).text() == v) {
this.selected = true;
v1 = $(this).val();
return false;
if(v1) {
// post the key and not the text
sdata[nm] = v1;
} else {
try {
delete gr.p.postData[this.index];
} catch (e) {}
case 'text':
if(v) {
sdata[nm] = v;
} else {
try {
delete gr.p.postData[this.index];
} catch (k) {}
var sd = j>0 ? true : false;
var saveurl;
if(self.p.url) {
saveurl = $(gr).jqGrid("getGridParam",'url');
if(saveurl) {$(gr).jqGrid("setGridParam",{url:saveurl});}
var tbl;
var formFill = function(){
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var tr1, sb, cb,tl,td;
tl = document.createElement("td");
td = document.createElement("td");
var $t=this;
if(!this.stype) { this.stype='text';}
switch (this.stype)
case "select":
if(this.surl) {
// data returned should have already constructed html select
if($t.defval) { $("select",this).val($t.defval); }
$("select",this).attr({name:$t.index || $t.name, id: "sg_"+$t.name});
if($t.sopt) { $("select",this).attr($t.sopt); }
if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) {
return false;
} else {
// sopt to construct the values
if($t.sopt.value) {
var oSv = $t.sopt.value;
var elem = document.createElement("select");
$(elem).attr({name:$t.index || $t.name, id: "sg_"+$t.name}).attr($t.sopt);
var so, sv, ov;
if(typeof oSv === "string") {
so = oSv.split(";");
for(var k=0; k ");
if($t.sopt) { $("input",td).attr($t.sopt); }
if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && $t.width) {
if($.browser.msie) {
} else {
var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
if(key == 13){
return false;
return this;
if(self.p.gridToolbar===true && self.p.gridNames===false) {
} else {
} else {
tr1 = document.createElement("tr");
td = document.createElement("td");
if(self.p.enableSearch === true){
sb = "";
return false;
if(self.p.enableClear === true) {
cb = "";
return false;
if(self.p.enableClear === true || self.p.enableSearch === true) {
if(self.p.formtype=='horizontal') {
} else {
tr1 = document.createElement("tr");
$(tr1).append(" ").append(td);
var frm = $("");
tbl =$("
this.triggerSearch = triggerSearch;
this.clearSearch = clearSearch;
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