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template.js.plugins.grid.formedit.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 5.0.6
Show newest version
 * jqGrid extension for form editing Grid Data
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Tony Tomov, [email protected],
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Oleg Kiriljuk, [email protected]
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:

/*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
/*jslint browser: true, eqeq: true, plusplus: true, unparam: true, vars: true, nomen: true, continue: true, white: true, todo: true */
/*global jQuery, define, exports, module, require */
(function (global, factory) {
	"use strict";
	if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
		// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
		//console.log("grid.formedit AMD");
		], function ($) {
			//console.log("grid.formedit AMD: define callback");
			return factory($, global, global.document);
	} else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
		// Node/CommonJS
		//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS, typeof define=" + typeof define + ", define=" + define);
		module.exports = function (root, $) {
			//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS: in module.exports");
			if (!root) {
				root = window;
			//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS: before require('jquery')");
			if ($ === undefined) {
				// require("jquery") returns a factory that requires window to
				// build a jQuery instance, we normalize how we use modules
				// that require this pattern but the window provided is a noop
				// if it's defined (how jquery works)
				$ = typeof window !== "undefined" ?
						require("jquery") :
			//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS: before require('./grid.base')");
			//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS: before require('./jquery.fmatter')");
			//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS: before require('./grid.common')");
			//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS: before require('./grid.filter')");
			//console.log("grid.formedit CommonJS: before factory");
			factory($, root, root.document);
			return $;
	} else {
		// Browser globals
		//console.log("grid.formedit Browser: before factory");
		factory(jQuery, global, global.document);
}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function ($, window, document) {
	"use strict";
	var jgrid = $.jgrid, jqID = jgrid.jqID, base = $.fn.jqGrid, getGuiStyles = base.getGuiStyles,
		mergeCssClasses = jgrid.mergeCssClasses, hasOneFromClasses = jgrid.hasOneFromClasses;

	// begin module grid.formedit
	var jgridFeedback =, fullBoolFeedback = jgrid.fullBoolFeedback, builderFmButon = jgrid.builderFmButon,
		addFormIcon = function ($fmButton, iconInfos, commonIcon) {
			var iconspan;
			if (iconInfos[0] === true) {
				iconspan = "";
				if (iconInfos[1] === "right") {
				} else {
		getGuiStateStyles = function (path) {
			return, "states." + path);
		hideRowsWithoutVissibleCells = function ($tb) {
			$tb.find("tr[data-rowpos]").each(function () {
				var vissible = 0;
				$(this).children("td").each(function () {
					if ($(this).css("visibility") !== "hidden") {
				if (!vissible) {
		isEmptyString = function (htmlStr) {
			return htmlStr === " " || htmlStr === " " || (htmlStr.length === 1 && htmlStr.charCodeAt(0) === 160);
		searchGrid: function (oMuligrid) {
			// if one uses jQuery wrapper with multiple grids, then oMuligrid specify the object with common options
			return this.each(function () {
				var $t = this, $self = $($t), p = $t.p;
				if (!$t.grid || p == null) { return; }
				// make new copy of the options and use it for ONE specific grid.
				// p.searching can contains grid specific options
				// we will don't modify the input options oMuligrid
				var o = $.extend(true,
						drag: true,
						sField: "searchField",
						sValue: "searchString",
						sOper: "searchOper",
						sFilter: p.prmNames.filters,
						loadDefaults: true, // this options activates loading of default filters from grid's postData for Multipe Search only.
						beforeShowSearch: null,
						afterShowSearch: null,
						onInitializeSearch: null,
						afterRedraw: null,
						afterChange: null,
						closeAfterSearch: false,
						closeAfterReset: false,
						closeOnEscape: false,
						searchOnEnter: false,
						multipleSearch: false,
						multipleGroup: false,
						// we can't use srort names like resetIcon because of conflict with existing "x" of filterToolbar
						top: 0,
						left: 0,
						removemodal: true,
						//jqModal : true,
						//modal: false,
						resize: true,
						width: 450,
						height: "auto",
						dataheight: "auto",
						showQuery: false,
						errorcheck: true,
						sopt: null,
						stringResult: undefined,
						onClose: null,
						onSearch: null,
						onReset: null,
						//toTop : false,
						//overlay : 30,
						columns: [],
						tmplNames: null,
						tmplFilters: null,
						tmplLabel: " Template: ",
						showOnLoad: false,
						layer: null,
						operands: {
							eq: "=",
							ne: "<>",
							lt: "<",
							le: "<=",
							gt: ">",
							ge: ">=",
							bw: "LIKE",
							bn: "NOT LIKE",
							"in": "IN",
							ni: "NOT IN",
							ew: "LIKE",
							en: "NOT LIKE",
							cn: "LIKE",
							nc: "NOT LIKE",
							nu: "IS NULL",
							nn: "IS NOT NULL"
					},$self, "search"), || {},
					p.searching || {},
					oMuligrid || {});

				var fid = "fbox_" +, commonIconClass = o.commonIconClass,
					ids = { themodal: "searchmod" + fid, modalhead: "searchhd" + fid, modalcontent: "searchcnt" + fid, resizeAlso: fid },
					themodalSelector = "#" + jqID(ids.themodal), gboxSelector = p.gBox, gviewSelector = p.gView, each = $.each,
					defaultFilters = p.postData[o.sFilter],
					searchFeedback = function () {
						var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
						return jgridFeedback.apply($t, args);
					hideModel = function () {
						jgrid.hideModal(themodalSelector, {
							gb: gboxSelector,
							jqm: o.jqModal,
							onClose: o.onClose,
							removemodal: o.removemodal
				if (typeof defaultFilters === "string") {
					defaultFilters = $.trim(defaultFilters) !== "" ? $.parseJSON(defaultFilters) : undefined;
				function showFilter($filter) {
					if (searchFeedback("beforeShow", $filter)) {
						$(themodalSelector).data("onClose", o.onClose);$t, themodalSelector, {
							gbox: gboxSelector,
							jqm: o.jqModal,
							overlay: o.overlay,
							modal: o.modal,
							overlayClass: o.overlayClass,
							toTop: o.toTop,
							onHide: function (h) {
								if (h.o) { h.o.remove(); }
						searchFeedback("afterShow", $filter);
				if ($(themodalSelector)[0] !== undefined) {
					showFilter($("#fbox_" + jqID(;
				} else {
					var fil = $("
").insertBefore(gviewSelector); if (p.direction === "rtl") { fil.attr("dir", "rtl"); } var bQ = "", tmpl = "", colnm, found = false, bt, cmi = -1, columns = $.extend([], p.colModel), bS =$t, fid + "_search", o.Find, mergeCssClasses(commonIconClass, o.findDialogIcon), "right"), bC =$t, fid + "_reset", o.Reset, mergeCssClasses(commonIconClass, o.resetDialogIcon), "left"); if (o.showQuery) { bQ =$t, fid + "_query", "Query", mergeCssClasses(commonIconClass, o.queryDialogIcon), "left") + " "; } if (o.searchForAdditionalProperties) { each(p.additionalProperties, function () { var cm = typeof this === "string" ? { name: this } : this; if (!cm.label) { cm.label =; } cm.isAddProp = true, columns.push(cm); }); } if (!o.columns.length) { each(columns, function (i, n) { if (!n.label) { n.label = n.isAddProp ? : p.colNames[i]; } // find first searchable column and set it if no default filter if (!found) { var searchable = ( === undefined) ? true :, hidden = (n.hidden === true), ignoreHiding = (n.searchoptions && n.searchoptions.searchhidden === true); if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) { found = true; colnm = n.index ||; cmi = i; } } }); } else { columns = o.columns; cmi = 0; colnm = columns[0].index || columns[0].name; } // old behaviour if ((!defaultFilters && colnm) || o.multipleSearch === false) { var cmop = "eq"; if (cmi >= 0 && columns[cmi].searchoptions && columns[cmi].searchoptions.sopt) { cmop = columns[cmi].searchoptions.sopt[0]; } else if (o.sopt && o.sopt.length) { cmop = o.sopt[0]; } defaultFilters = { groupOp: "AND", rules: [{ field: colnm, op: cmop, data: "" }] }; } found = false; if (o.tmplNames && o.tmplNames.length) { found = true; tmpl = o.tmplLabel; tmpl += ""; } bt = "

" + bC + tmpl + "" + bQ + bS + "
"; fid = jqID(fid); o.gbox = gboxSelector; //"#gbox_" + fid; o.height = "auto"; fid = "#" + fid; $(fid).jqFilter({ columns: columns, filter: o.loadDefaults ? defaultFilters : null, showQuery: o.showQuery, errorcheck: o.errorcheck, sopt: o.sopt, groupButton: o.multipleGroup, ruleButtons: o.multipleSearch, afterRedraw: o.afterRedraw, ops: o.odata, cops: p.customSortOperations, operands: o.operands, ajaxSelectOptions: p.ajaxSelectOptions, groupOps: o.groupOps, onChange: function (filterOptions, filterDiv) { if (filterOptions.showQuery) { $(".query", filterDiv).text(filterDiv.toUserFriendlyString()); }$t, o.afterChange, "jqGridFilterAfterChange", $(fid), o, filterOptions, filterDiv); }, direction: p.direction, id: }); fil.append(bt); if (found && o.tmplFilters && o.tmplFilters.length) { $(".ui-template", fil).on("change", function () { var curtempl = $(this).val(); if (curtempl === "default") { $(fid).jqFilter("addFilter", defaultFilters); } else { $(fid).jqFilter("addFilter", o.tmplFilters[parseInt(curtempl, 10)]); } return false; }); } if (o.multipleGroup === true) { o.multipleSearch = true; } searchFeedback("onInitialize", $(fid)); if (o.layer) {$t, ids, fil, o, gviewSelector, $(gboxSelector)[0], "#" + jqID(o.layer), { position: "relative" }); } else {$t, ids, fil, o, gviewSelector, $(gboxSelector)[0]); } if (o.searchOnEnter || o.closeOnEscape) { $(themodalSelector).keydown(function (e) { var $target = $(; if (o.searchOnEnter && e.which === 13 && // 13 === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER !$target.hasClass("add-group") && !$target.hasClass("add-rule") && !$target.hasClass("delete-group") && !$target.hasClass("delete-rule") && (!$target.hasClass("fm-button") || !$"[id$=_query]"))) { $(fid + "_search").click(); return false; } if (o.closeOnEscape && e.which === 27) { // 27 === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE $("#" + jqID(ids.modalhead)).find(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close").click(); return false; } }); } if (bQ) { $(fid + "_query").on("click", function () { $(".queryresult", fil).toggle(); return false; }); } if (o.stringResult === undefined) { // to provide backward compatibility, inferring stringResult value from multipleSearch o.stringResult = o.multipleSearch; } $(fid + "_search").on("click", function () { var sdata = {}, res = "", filters, fl = $(fid), $inputs = fl.find(".input-elm"); if ($inputs.filter(":focus")) { $inputs = $inputs.filter(":focus"); } $inputs.change(); filters = fl.jqFilter("filterData"); if (o.errorcheck) { fl[0].hideError(); if (!o.showQuery) { fl.jqFilter("toSQLString"); } if (fl[0].p.error) { fl[0].showError(); return false; } } if (o.stringResult || p.datatype === "local") { try { res = JSON.stringify(filters); } catch (ignore) { } if (typeof res === "string") { sdata[o.sFilter] = res; each([o.sField, o.sValue, o.sOper], function () { sdata[this] = ""; }); } } else { if (o.multipleSearch) { sdata[o.sFilter] = filters; each([o.sField, o.sValue, o.sOper], function () { sdata[this] = ""; }); } else { sdata[o.sField] = filters.rules[0].field; sdata[o.sValue] = filters.rules[0].data; sdata[o.sOper] = filters.rules[0].op; sdata[o.sFilter] = ""; } } $.extend(p.postData, sdata); if ($t, o.onSearch, "jqGridFilterSearch", p.filters)) { = true; $self.trigger("reloadGrid", [$.extend({ page: 1 }, o.reloadGridSearchOptions || {})]); } if (o.closeAfterSearch) { hideModel(); } return false; }); $(fid + "_reset").on("click", function () { var sdata = {}, fl1 = $(fid); = false; p.resetsearch = true; if (o.multipleSearch === false) { sdata[o.sField] = sdata[o.sValue] = sdata[o.sOper] = ""; } else { sdata[o.sFilter] = ""; } fl1[0].resetFilter(); if (found) { $(".ui-template", fil).val("default"); } $.extend(p.postData, sdata); if ($t, o.onReset, "jqGridFilterReset")) { $self.trigger("reloadGrid", [$.extend({ page: 1 }, o.reloadGridResetOptions || {})]); } if (o.closeAfterReset) { hideModel(); } return false; }); showFilter($(fid)); var hoverClasses =$t, "hover"); // !!! The next row will not work if "states.disabled" is defined using more as one CSS class $(".fm-button:not(." +$t, "disabled").split(" ").join(".") + ")", fil).hover( function () { $(this).addClass(hoverClasses); }, function () { $(this).removeClass(hoverClasses); } ); } }); }, editGridRow: function (rowid, oMuligrid) { // if one uses jQuery wrapper with multiple grids, then oMultiple specify the object with common options return this.each(function () { var $t = this, $self = $($t), p = $t.p; if (!$t.grid || p == null || !rowid) { return; } // make new copy of the options oMuligrid and use it for ONE specific grid. // p.formEditing can contains grid specific options // we will don't modify the input options oMuligrid var gridId =, getGridRes = base.getGridRes, setSelection = base.setSelection, o = $.extend(true, { top: 0, left: 0, width: 300, datawidth: "auto", height: "auto", dataheight: "auto", //modal: false, //toTop : false, //overlay : 30, drag: true, resize: true, url: null, mtype: "POST", clearAfterAdd: true, closeAfterEdit: false, reloadAfterSubmit: true, onInitializeForm: null, beforeInitData: null, beforeShowForm: null, afterShowForm: null, beforeSubmit: null, afterSubmit: null, onclickSubmit: null, afterComplete: null, onclickPgButtons: null, afterclickPgButtons: null, editData: {}, //jqModal : true, closeOnEscape: false, addedrow: "first", topinfo: "", bottominfo: "", labelswidth: "", savekey: [false, 13], navkeys: [false, 38, 40], checkOnSubmit: false, checkOnUpdate: false, _savedData: {}, processing: false, onClose: null, ajaxEditOptions: {}, serializeEditData: null, viewPagerButtons: true, overlayClass:, "overlay"), removemodal: true, skipPostTypes: ["image", "file"], saveui: "enable", savetext:$self, "defaults.savetext") || "Saving..." },$self, "edit"), jgrid.edit, p.formEditing || {}, oMuligrid || {}); var frmgr = "FrmGrid_" + gridId, frmgrId = frmgr, frmtborg = "TblGrid_" + gridId, frmtb = "#" + jqID(frmtborg), frmtb2 = frmtb + "_2", ids = { themodal: "editmod" + gridId, modalhead: "edithd" + gridId, modalcontent: "editcnt" + gridId, resizeAlso: frmgr }, themodalSelector = "#" + jqID(ids.themodal), gboxSelector = p.gBox, colModel = p.colModel, iColByName = p.iColByName, maxCols = 1, maxRows = 0, postdata, diff, editOrAdd, commonIconClass = o.commonIconClass, hideModal = function () { jgrid.hideModal(themodalSelector, { gb: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, onClose: o.onClose, removemodal: o.removemodal }); }, errcap =$self, "errors.errcap"), editFeedback = function () { var args = $.makeArray(arguments); args.unshift(""); args.unshift("AddEdit"); args.unshift(o); return jgridFeedback.apply($t, args); }, hoverClasses =$t, "hover"), disabledClass =$t, "disabled"), highlightClass =$t, "select"), activeClass =$t, "active"), errorClass =$t, "error"); $(themodalSelector).remove(); frmgr = "#" + jqID(frmgr); if (rowid === "new") { rowid = "_empty"; editOrAdd = "add"; o.caption = o.addCaption; } else { o.caption = o.editCaption; editOrAdd = "edit"; } var closeovrl = true; if (o.checkOnUpdate && (o.jqModal === true || o.jqModal === undefined) && !o.modal) { closeovrl = false; } function getFormData() { $(frmtb + " > tbody > tr > td .FormElement").each(function () { var $celm = $(".customelement", this), nm = $celm.length ? $celm.attr("name") :, iCol = iColByName[nm], cm = iCol !== undefined ? colModel[iCol] || {} : {}, editoptions = cm.editoptions || {}, formatoptions, newformat, type; if ($celm.length && $.isFunction(editoptions.custom_value)) { try { postdata[nm] =$t, $("#" + jqID(nm), frmtb), "get"); if (postdata[nm] === undefined) { throw "e1"; } } catch (e) { if (e === "e1") {$t, errcap, "function 'custom_value' " + o.msg.novalue, o.bClose); } else {$t, errcap, e.message, o.bClose); } } return true; } else { type = $(this)[0].type; switch (type) { case "checkbox": var checkBoxValues = typeof editoptions.value === "string" ? editoptions.value.split(":") : ["Yes", "No"]; postdata[nm] = $(this).is(":checked") ? checkBoxValues[0] : checkBoxValues[1]; break; case "select-one": postdata[nm] = $("option:selected", this).val(); break; case "select-multiple": postdata[nm] = $(this).val(); postdata[nm] = postdata[nm] ? postdata[nm].join(",") : ""; var selectedText = []; $("option:selected", this).each( function (i, selected) { selectedText[i] = $(selected).text(); } ); break; case "date": postdata[nm] = $(this).val(); if (String(postdata[nm]).split("-").length === 3) { formatoptions = cm.formatoptions || {}; newformat = formatoptions.newformat ||$self, ""); postdata[nm] =$self[0], "Y-m-d", postdata[nm], newformat); } break; default: if (type !== undefined && $.inArray(type, o.skipPostTypes) < 0) { postdata[nm] = $(this).val(); } break; } } }); return true; } function createData(rowid1, tb, maxcols) { var cnt = 0, retpos = [], ind = false, $tb = $(tb), labelsWidth = String(o.labelswidth) + (!o.labelswidth || isNaN(o.labelswidth) ? "" : "px"), tdtmpl = "  ", tmpl = "", i; //*2 for (i = 1; i <= maxcols; i++) { tmpl += tdtmpl; } if (rowid1 !== "_empty") { ind =$self, rowid1); } $(colModel).each(function (iCol) { var cm = this, nm =, $td, hc, trdata, tmp, elc, editable = cm.editable, disabled = false, readonly = false, mode = rowid1 === "_empty" ? "addForm" : "editForm"; if ($.isFunction(editable)) { editable =$t, { rowid: rowid1, iCol: iCol, iRow: ind, // can be false for Add operation cmName: nm, cm: cm, mode: mode }); } // hidden fields are included in the form if (cm.editrules && cm.editrules.edithidden === true) { hc = false; } else { hc = cm.hidden === true || editable === "hidden" ? true : false; } switch (String(editable).toLowerCase()) { case "hidden": editable = true; break; case "disabled": editable = true; disabled = true; break; case "readonly": editable = true; readonly = true; break; } if (nm !== "cb" && nm !== "subgrid" && editable === true && nm !== "rn") { if (ind === false) { tmp = ""; } else { $td = $($t.rows[ind].cells[iCol]); // $("td[role=gridcell]:eq(" + i + ")", $t.rows[ind]) try { tmp = $$t, $td, { rowId: rowid1, colModel: cm }, iCol); } catch (_) { tmp = (cm.edittype && cm.edittype === "textarea") ? $td.text() : $td.html(); } if (isEmptyString(tmp)) { tmp = ""; } } var opt = $.extend({}, cm.editoptions || {}, { id: nm, name: nm, rowId: rowid1, mode: mode, cm: cm, iCol: iCol }), frmopt = $.extend({}, { elmprefix: "", elmsuffix: "", rowabove: false, rowcontent: "" }, cm.formoptions || {}), rp = parseInt(frmopt.rowpos, 10) || cnt + 1, cp = parseInt((parseInt(frmopt.colpos, 10) || 1) * 2, 10); if (rowid1 === "_empty" && opt.defaultValue) { tmp = $.isFunction(opt.defaultValue) ?$t) : opt.defaultValue; } if (!cm.edittype) { cm.edittype = "text"; } if (p.autoEncodeOnEdit) { tmp = jgrid.oldDecodePostedData(tmp); } elc =$t, cm.edittype, opt, tmp, false, $.extend({}, jgrid.ajaxOptions, p.ajaxSelectOptions || {})); //if(tmp === "" && cm.edittype == "checkbox") {tmp = $(elc).data("offval");} //if(tmp === "" && cm.edittype == "select") {tmp = $("option:eq(0)",elc).text();} if (o.checkOnSubmit || o.checkOnUpdate) { o._savedData[nm] = tmp; } $(elc).addClass("FormElement"); if ($.inArray(cm.edittype, ["text", "textarea", "checkbox", "password", "select"]) > -1) { $(elc).addClass($t, "dialog.dataField")); } trdata = $tb.find("tr[data-rowpos=" + rp + "]"); if (frmopt.rowabove) { var newdata = $("" + frmopt.rowcontent + ""); $tb.append(newdata); newdata[0].rp = rp; } if (trdata.length === 0) { trdata = $("").addClass("FormData").attr("id", "tr_" + nm); $(trdata).append(tmpl); $tb.append(trdata); trdata[0].rp = rp; } var $label = $("td:eq(" + (cp - 2) + ")", trdata[0]), $data = $("td:eq(" + (cp - 1) + ")", trdata[0]); $label.html(frmopt.label === undefined ? p.colNames[iCol] : frmopt.label || " "); var $dataCell = $data[isEmptyString($data.html()) ? "html" : "append"](frmopt.elmprefix); $dataCell.append(elc).append(frmopt.elmsuffix); if (elc.tagName.toUpperCase() === "INPUT" && cm.createColumnIndex && opt.generateDatalist) { var $datalist = $self.jqGrid("generateDatalistFromColumnIndex",; if ($datalist != null && $datalist.length > 0) { $(elc).attr("list", "dl_" +; $dataCell.append($datalist.attr("id", "dl_" +; } } if (disabled) { $label.addClass(disabledClass); $data.addClass(disabledClass); $(elc).prop("readonly", true); $(elc).prop("disabled", true); } else if (readonly) { $(elc).prop("readonly", true); } if (cm.edittype === "custom" && $.isFunction(opt.custom_value)) {$t, $("#" + jqID(nm), frmgr), "set", tmp); }$t, elc, opt); if (hc) { $label.add($data).css("visibility", "hidden"); } retpos[cnt] = iCol; cnt++; } }); hideRowsWithoutVissibleCells($tb); if (cnt > 0) { var idrow = $(" "); idrow[0].rp = cnt + 999; $tb.append(idrow); if (o.checkOnSubmit || o.checkOnUpdate) { o._savedData[gridId + "_id"] = rowid1; } } return retpos; } function fillData(rowid1, fmid) { var nm, cnt = 0, fld, opt, vl, vlc; if (o.checkOnSubmit || o.checkOnUpdate) { o._savedData = {}; o._savedData[gridId + "_id"] = rowid1; } var cm = p.colModel; if (rowid1 === "_empty") { $(cm).each(function () { nm =; opt = $.extend({}, this.editoptions || {}); fld = $("#" + jqID(nm), fmid); if (fld && fld.length && fld[0] !== null) { vl = ""; if (this.edittype === "custom" && $.isFunction(opt.custom_value)) {$t, fld, "set", vl); } else if (opt.defaultValue) { vl = $.isFunction(opt.defaultValue) ?$t) : opt.defaultValue; if (fld[0].type === "checkbox") { vlc = vl.toLowerCase(); if (|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i) < 0 && vlc !== "") { fld[0].checked = true; fld[0].defaultChecked = true; fld[0].value = vl; } else { fld[0].checked = false; fld[0].defaultChecked = false; } } else { fld.val(vl); } } else { if (fld[0].type === "checkbox") { fld[0].checked = false; fld[0].defaultChecked = false; vl = $(fld).data("offval"); } else if (fld[0].type && fld[0].type.substr(0, 6) === "select") { fld[0].selectedIndex = 0; } else { fld.val(vl); } } if (o.checkOnSubmit === true || o.checkOnUpdate) { o._savedData[nm] = vl; } } }); $("#id_g", fmid).val(rowid1); return; } var tre =$self, rowid1, true); if (!tre) { return; } //$("td[role=gridcell]", tre) $(tre.cells).filter("td[role=gridcell]").each(function (i) { var tmp; nm = cm[i].name; // hidden fields are included in the form if (nm !== "cb" && nm !== "subgrid" && nm !== "rn" && cm[i].editable === true) { try { tmp = $$t, $(this), { rowId: rowid1, colModel: cm[i] }, i); } catch (_) { tmp = cm[i].edittype === "textarea" ? $(this).text() : $(this).html(); } if (p.autoEncodeOnEdit) { tmp = jgrid.oldDecodePostedData(tmp); } if (o.checkOnSubmit === true || o.checkOnUpdate) { o._savedData[nm] = tmp; } nm = "#" + jqID(nm); switch (cm[i].edittype) { case "password": case "text": case "button": case "image": case "textarea": if (isEmptyString(tmp)) { tmp = ""; } $(nm, fmid).val(tmp); break; case "select": var valuesToSelect = tmp.split(","); valuesToSelect = $.map(valuesToSelect, function (n) { return $.trim(n); }); // first of all we try to select options testing the valuesToSelect, // we will remove the values from valuesToSelect, which will be found by value // In the next step we go through all options once more time and select the options // testing there by text. In other words selection by text will be used only for // values from valuesToSelect, which not exist as option by value $(nm + " option", fmid).each(function () { var selOpt = this, $selOpt = $(selOpt), optVal = $.trim($selOpt.val()), iVal; if (!cm[i].editoptions.multiple && valuesToSelect[0] === optVal) { valuesToSelect.splice(0, 1); selOpt.selected = true; } else if (cm[i].editoptions.multiple) { iVal = $.inArray(optVal, valuesToSelect); if (iVal > -1) { valuesToSelect.splice(iVal, 1); selOpt.selected = true; } else { selOpt.selected = false; } } else { selOpt.selected = false; } if (valuesToSelect.length === 0) { return false; } }); if (valuesToSelect.length > 0) { $(nm + " option", fmid).each(function () { var selOpt = this, $selOpt = $(selOpt), optText = $.trim($selOpt.text()), iVal; if (!cm[i].editoptions.multiple && ($.trim(tmp) === optText || valuesToSelect[0] === optText)) { valuesToSelect.splice(0, 1); selOpt.selected = true; } else if (cm[i].editoptions.multiple) { iVal = $.inArray(optText, valuesToSelect); if (iVal > -1) { valuesToSelect.splice(iVal, 1); selOpt.selected = true; } } if (valuesToSelect.length === 0) { return false; } }); } break; case "checkbox": tmp = String(tmp); // tmp will be set below (in the if-else) to Boolean true or false if (cm[i].editoptions && cm[i].editoptions.value) { tmp = cm[i].editoptions.value.split(":")[0] === tmp; } else { tmp = tmp.toLowerCase(); tmp =|f|0|no|n|off|undefined)/i) < 0 && tmp !== ""; } $(nm, fmid).prop({ checked: tmp, defaultChecked: tmp }); break; case "custom": try { if (cm[i].editoptions && $.isFunction(cm[i].editoptions.custom_value)) { cm[i]$t, $(nm, fmid), "set", tmp); } else { throw "e1"; } } catch (e) { if (e === "e1") {$t, errcap, "function 'custom_value' " + o.msg.nodefined, o.bClose); } else {$t, errcap, e.message, o.bClose); } } break; } cnt++; } }); if (cnt > 0) { $("#id_g", frmtb).val(rowid1); } } function setNullsOrUnformat() { var url = o.url || p.editurl; $.each(colModel, function (i, cm) { var cmName =; if (postdata.hasOwnProperty(cmName)) { if (cm.formatter === "date" && (cm.formatoptions == null || cm.formatoptions.sendFormatted !== true)) { // TODO: call all other predefined formatters!!! Not only formatter: "date" have the problem. // Floating point separator for example postdata[cmName] = $$t, postdata[cmName], cm); } if (url !== "clientArray" && cm.editoptions && cm.editoptions.NullIfEmpty === true && postdata[cmName] === "") { postdata[cmName] = "null"; } } }); } function postIt() { var successResult = [true, "", ""], ret = successResult, onClickSubmitResult = {}, opers = p.prmNames, idname, oper, key, selr, i, url, itm, iCol, iRow =$self, rowid), tr = iRow === false ? null : $t.rows[iRow], retvals = $self.triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeCheckValues", [postdata, $(frmgr), editOrAdd]); if (retvals && typeof retvals === "object") { postdata = retvals; } iRow = iRow === false ? -1 : iRow; if ($.isFunction(o.beforeCheckValues)) { retvals =$t, postdata, $(frmgr), editOrAdd); if (retvals && typeof retvals === "object") { postdata = retvals; } } for (key in postdata) { if (postdata.hasOwnProperty(key)) { iCol = p.iColByName[key]; ret =$t, postdata[key], key, undefined, undefined, { oldValue: rowid === "_empty" ? null :$self, rowid, iCol), newValue: postdata[key], cmName: key, rowid: rowid, cm: colModel[iCol], iCol: iCol, iRow: iRow, tr: tr, td: tr == null ? null : tr.cells[iCol], mode: rowid === "_empty" ? "addForm" : "editForm" }); if (ret == null || ret === true) { ret = successResult; } if (ret[0] === false) { break; } } } setNullsOrUnformat(); if (ret[0]) { onClickSubmitResult = $self.triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditClickSubmit", [o, postdata, editOrAdd]); if (onClickSubmitResult === undefined && $.isFunction(o.onclickSubmit)) { onClickSubmitResult =$t, o, postdata, editOrAdd) || {}; } ret = $self.triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditBeforeSubmit", [postdata, $(frmgr), editOrAdd]); if (ret == null || ret === true) { ret = successResult; } if (ret[0] && $.isFunction(o.beforeSubmit)) { ret =$t, postdata, $(frmgr), editOrAdd); if (ret == null || ret === true) { ret = successResult; } } } if (ret[0] && !o.processing) { o.processing = true; $("#sData", frmtb2).addClass(activeClass); url = o.url || p.editurl; oper = opers.oper; idname = url === "clientArray" && p.keyName !== false ? p.keyName :; // we add to pos data array the action - the name is oper postdata[oper] = ($.trim(postdata[gridId + "_id"]) === "_empty") ? opers.addoper : opers.editoper; if (postdata[oper] !== opers.addoper) { postdata[idname] = postdata[gridId + "_id"]; } else { // check to see if we have allredy this field in the form and if yes lieve it if (postdata[idname] === undefined) { postdata[idname] = postdata[gridId + "_id"]; } } delete postdata[gridId + "_id"]; postdata = $.extend(postdata, o.editData, onClickSubmitResult); if (p.treeGrid === true) { if (postdata[oper] === opers.addoper) { selr = p.selrow; var parentIdField = p.treeGridModel === "adjacency" ? p.treeReader.parent_id_field : "parent_id"; postdata[parentIdField] = selr; } for (i in p.treeReader) { if (p.treeReader.hasOwnProperty(i)) { itm = p.treeReader[i]; if (postdata.hasOwnProperty(itm)) { if (postdata[oper] === opers.addoper && i === "parent_id_field") { continue; } delete postdata[itm]; } } } } postdata[idname] = jgrid.stripPref(p.idPrefix, postdata[idname]); if (p.autoEncodeOnEdit) { $.each(postdata, function (n, v) { if (!$.isFunction(v)) { postdata[n] = jgrid.oldEncodePostedData(v); } }); } var ajaxOptions = $.extend({ url: $.isFunction(url) ?$t, postdata[idname], editOrAdd, postdata, o) : url, type: $.isFunction(o.mtype) ?$t, editOrAdd, o, postdata[idname], postdata) : o.mtype, //data: $.isFunction(o.serializeEditData) ?$t,postdata) : postdata, data:$t, $.isFunction(o.serializeEditData) ? o.serializeEditData : p.serializeEditData, "jqGridAddEditSerializeEditData", postdata), complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) { $self.jqGrid("progressBar", { method: "hide", loadtype: o.saveui }); $("#sData", frmtb2).removeClass(activeClass); postdata[idname] = $("#id_g", frmtb).val(); if ((jqXHR.status >= 300 && jqXHR.status !== 304) || (jqXHR.status === 0 && jqXHR.readyState === 4)) { ret[0] = false; ret[1] = $self.triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditErrorTextFormat", [jqXHR, editOrAdd]); if ($.isFunction(o.errorTextFormat)) { ret[1] =$t, jqXHR, editOrAdd); } else { ret[1] = textStatus + " Status: '" + jqXHR.statusText + "'. Error code: " + jqXHR.status; } } else { // data is posted successful // execute aftersubmit with the returned data from server ret = $self.triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterSubmit", [jqXHR, postdata, editOrAdd]); if (ret == null || ret === true) { ret = successResult; } if (ret[0] && $.isFunction(o.afterSubmit)) { ret =$t, jqXHR, postdata, editOrAdd); if (ret == null || ret === true) { ret = successResult; } } } if (ret[0] === false) { $("#FormError>td", frmtb).html(ret[1]); $("#FormError", frmtb).show(); } else { if (p.autoEncodeOnEdit) { $.each(postdata, function (n, v) { postdata[n] = jgrid.oldDecodePostedData(v); }); } //o.reloadAfterSubmit = o.reloadAfterSubmit && $t.o.datatype != "local"; // the action is add var reloadGridOptions = [$.extend({}, o.reloadGridOptions || {})]; if (postdata[oper] === opers.addoper) { //id processing // user not set the id ret[2] if (!ret[2]) { ret[2] = jgrid.randId(); } if (postdata[idname] == null || postdata[idname] === "_empty" || postdata[oper] === opers.addoper) { postdata[idname] = ret[2]; } else { ret[2] = postdata[idname]; } if (o.reloadAfterSubmit) { $self.trigger("reloadGrid", reloadGridOptions); } else { if (p.treeGrid === true) {$self, ret[2], selr, postdata); } else {$self, ret[2], postdata, o.addedrow); } } if (o.closeAfterAdd) { if (p.treeGrid !== true) {$self, ret[2]); } hideModal(); } else if (o.clearAfterAdd) { fillData("_empty", frmgr); } } else { // the action is update if (o.reloadAfterSubmit) { $self.trigger("reloadGrid", reloadGridOptions); if (!o.closeAfterEdit) { setTimeout(function () {$self, postdata[idname]); }, 1000); } } else { if (p.treeGrid === true) {$self, postdata[idname], postdata); } else {$self, postdata[idname], postdata); } } if (o.closeAfterEdit) { hideModal(); } } if ($.isFunction(o.afterComplete)) { var copydata = jqXHR; setTimeout(function () { $self.triggerHandler("jqGridAddEditAfterComplete", [copydata, postdata, $(frmgr), editOrAdd]);$t, copydata, postdata, $(frmgr), editOrAdd); copydata = null; }, 50); } if (o.checkOnSubmit || o.checkOnUpdate) { $(frmgr).data("disabled", false); if (o._savedData[gridId + "_id"] !== "_empty") { var key1; for (key1 in o._savedData) { if (o._savedData.hasOwnProperty(key1) && postdata[key1]) { o._savedData[key1] = postdata[key1]; } } } } } o.processing = false; try { $(frmgr).find("input,textarea,select,button,object,*[tabindex]") .filter(":input:visible:not(:disabled)") .first() .focus(); } catch (ignore) { } } }, jgrid.ajaxOptions, o.ajaxEditOptions); if (!ajaxOptions.url && !o.useDataProxy) { if ($.isFunction(p.dataProxy)) { o.useDataProxy = true; } else { ret[0] = false; ret[1] += " " + jgrid.errors.nourl; } } if (ret[0]) { $self.jqGrid("progressBar", { method: "show", loadtype: o.saveui, htmlcontent: o.savetext }); if (o.useDataProxy) { var dpret =$t, ajaxOptions, "set_" + gridId); if (dpret === undefined) { dpret = [true, ""]; } if (dpret[0] === false) { ret[0] = false; ret[1] = dpret[1] || "Error deleting the selected row!"; } else { if ( === opers.addoper && o.closeAfterAdd) { hideModal(); } if ( === opers.editoper && o.closeAfterEdit) { hideModal(); } } } else { if (ajaxOptions.url === "clientArray") { o.reloadAfterSubmit = false; postdata =; ajaxOptions.complete({ status: 200, statusText: "" }, ""); } else { $.ajax(ajaxOptions); } } } } if (ret[0] === false) { $("#FormError>td", frmtb).html(ret[1]); $("#FormError", frmtb).show(); // return; } } function compareData(nObj, oObj) { var ret = false, key; for (key in nObj) { if (nObj.hasOwnProperty(key) && String(nObj[key]) !== String(oObj[key])) { ret = true; break; } } return ret; } function checkUpdates() { var stat = true; $("#FormError", frmtb).hide(); if (o.checkOnUpdate) { postdata = {}; getFormData(); diff = compareData(postdata, o._savedData); if (diff) { $(frmgr).data("disabled", true); $(".confirm", themodalSelector).show(); stat = false; } } return stat; } function restoreInline() { var editingInfo =$t, rowid); if (editingInfo != null) { if (editingInfo.mode === "inlineEditing") {$self, rowid); } else { var savedRowInfo = editingInfo.savedRow, tr = $t.rows[];$self,, savedRowInfo.ic); // remove highlighting of the cell $(tr.cells[savedRowInfo.ic]).removeClass("edit-cell " + highlightClass); $(tr).addClass(highlightClass).attr({ "aria-selected": "true", "tabindex": "0" }); } } } function updateNav(cr, posarr) { var totr = posarr[1].length - 1; if (cr === 0) { $("#pData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else if (posarr[1][cr - 1] !== undefined && hasOneFromClasses($("#" + jqID(posarr[1][cr - 1])), disabledClass)) { $("#pData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else { $("#pData", frmtb2).removeClass(disabledClass); } if (cr === totr) { $("#nData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else if (posarr[1][cr + 1] !== undefined && hasOneFromClasses($("#" + jqID(posarr[1][cr + 1])), disabledClass)) { $("#nData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else { $("#nData", frmtb2).removeClass(disabledClass); } } function getCurrPos() { var rowsInGrid =$self), selrow = $("#id_g", frmtb).val(), pos = $.inArray(selrow, rowsInGrid); return [pos, rowsInGrid]; } var dh = isNaN(o.dataheight) ? o.dataheight : o.dataheight + "px", dw = isNaN(o.datawidth) ? o.datawidth : o.datawidth + "px", frm = $("
").data("disabled", false), tbl = $("
"); $(colModel).each(function () { var fmto = this.formoptions; maxCols = Math.max(maxCols, fmto ? fmto.colpos || 0 : 0); maxRows = Math.max(maxRows, fmto ? fmto.rowpos || 0 : 0); }); $(frm).append(tbl); var flr = $(" "); flr[0].rp = 0; $(tbl).append(flr); //topinfo flr = $("" + (o.topinfo || " ") + ""); flr[0].rp = 0; $(tbl).append(flr); if (!editFeedback("beforeInitData", frm, editOrAdd)) { return; } restoreInline(); // set the id. // use carefull only to change here colproperties. // create data var rtlb = p.direction === "rtl" ? true : false, bp = rtlb ? "nData" : "pData", bn = rtlb ? "pData" : "nData"; createData(rowid, tbl, maxCols); // buttons at footer var bP =$t, bp, "", mergeCssClasses(commonIconClass, o.prevIcon), "", "left"), bN =$t, bn, "", mergeCssClasses(commonIconClass, o.nextIcon), "", "right"), bS =$t, "sData", o.bSubmit), bC =$t, "cData", o.bCancel), bt = "
"; bt += ""; bt += "

" + bS + " " + bC + "
"; if (maxRows > 0) { var sd = []; $.each($(tbl)[0].rows, function (i, r) { sd[i] = r; }); sd.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.rp > b.rp) { return 1; } if (a.rp < b.rp) { return -1; } return 0; }); $.each(sd, function (index, row) { $("tbody", tbl).append(row); }); } o.gbox = gboxSelector; var cle = false; if (o.closeOnEscape === true) { o.closeOnEscape = false; cle = true; } var tms = $("
").append(frm)).append(bt);$t, ids, tms, o, p.gView, $(gboxSelector)[0]); // TODO: remove the call of jgrid.bindEv and probably call of opt.custom_value from createData // and place the calls here AFTER the form are placed on the HTML page if (o.topinfo) { $(".tinfo", frmtb).show(); } if (o.bottominfo) { $(".binfo", frmtb2).show(); } tms = null; bt = null; $(themodalSelector).keydown(function (e) { var wTagName = ( || "").toUpperCase(), $focused, idFocused; if ($(frmgr).data("disabled") === true) { return false; }//?? if (e.which === 13) { if (wTagName !== "TEXTAREA") { $focused = $(frmtb2).find(":focus"); idFocused = $focused.attr("id"); if ($focused.length > 0 && $.inArray(idFocused, ["pData", "nData", "cData"]) >= 0) { $focused.trigger("click"); return false; } if (o.savekey[0] === true && o.savekey[1] === 13) { $("#sData", frmtb2).trigger("click"); return false; } } } if (o.savekey[0] === true && e.which === o.savekey[1]) { // save if (wTagName !== "TEXTAREA") { $("#sData", frmtb2).trigger("click"); return false; } } if (e.which === 27) { if (!checkUpdates()) { return false; } if (cle) { hideModal(); } return false; } if (o.navkeys[0] === true) { if ($("#id_g", frmtb).val() === "_empty") { return true; } if (e.which === o.navkeys[1]) { //up $("#pData", frmtb2).trigger("click"); return false; } if (e.which === o.navkeys[2]) { //down $("#nData", frmtb2).trigger("click"); return false; } } }); if (o.checkOnUpdate) { $("a.ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close span", themodalSelector).removeClass("jqmClose"); $("a.ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close", themodalSelector).off("click") .click(function () { if (!checkUpdates()) { return false; } hideModal(); return false; }); } addFormIcon($("#sData", frmtb2), o.saveicon, commonIconClass); addFormIcon($("#cData", frmtb2), o.closeicon, commonIconClass); if (o.checkOnSubmit || o.checkOnUpdate) { bS =$t, "sNew", o.bYes); bN =$t, "nNew", o.bNo); bC =$t, "cNew", o.bExit); var zI = o.zIndex || 999; zI++; $("
" + o.saveData + "

" + bS + bN + bC + "
").insertAfter(frmgr); $("#sNew", themodalSelector).click(function () { // if the form will be hidden at the first usage and it will be shown at the next usage // then the execution context click handler and all other functions like postIt() // will contains the variables (like rowid, postdata and so on) from THE FIRST call // of editGridRow. One should be very careful in the code of postIt() postIt(); $(frmgr).data("disabled", false); $(".confirm", themodalSelector).hide(); return false; }); $("#nNew", themodalSelector).click(function () { $(".confirm", themodalSelector).hide(); $(frmgr).data("disabled", false); setTimeout(function () { $(frmgr).find("input,textarea,select,button,object,*[tabindex]") .filter(":input:visible:not(:disabled)") .first() .focus(); }, 0); return false; }); $("#cNew", themodalSelector).click(function () { // if the form will be hidden at the first usage and it will be shown at the next usage // then the execution context click handler and all other functions like postIt() // will contains the variables (like o) from THE FIRST call $(".confirm", themodalSelector).hide(); $(frmgr).data("disabled", false); hideModal(); return false; }); } // here initform - only once editFeedback("onInitializeForm", $(frmgr), editOrAdd); if (rowid === "_empty" || !o.viewPagerButtons) { $("#pData,#nData", frmtb2).hide(); } else { $("#pData,#nData", frmtb2).show(); } editFeedback("beforeShowForm", $(frmgr), editOrAdd); $(themodalSelector).data("onClose", o.onClose);$t, themodalSelector, { gbox: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, overlay: o.overlay, modal: o.modal, overlayClass: o.overlayClass, toTop: o.toTop, onHide: function (h) { h.w.remove(); if (h.o) { h.o.remove(); } } }); if (!closeovrl) { $("." + jqID(o.overlayClass)).click(function () { if (!checkUpdates()) { return false; } hideModal(); return false; }); } $(".fm-button", themodalSelector).hover( function () { $(this).addClass(hoverClasses); }, function () { $(this).removeClass(hoverClasses); } ); $("#sData", frmtb2).click(function () { postdata = {}; $("#FormError", frmtb).hide(); // all depend on ret array //ret[0] - succes //ret[1] - msg if not succes //ret[2] - the id that will be set if reload after submit false getFormData(); if (postdata[gridId + "_id"] === "_empty") { postIt(); } else if (o.checkOnSubmit === true) { diff = compareData(postdata, o._savedData); if (diff) { $(frmgr).data("disabled", true); $(".confirm", themodalSelector).show(); } else { postIt(); } } else { postIt(); } return false; }); $("#cData", frmtb2).click(function () { if (!checkUpdates()) { return false; } hideModal(); return false; }); $("#nData", frmtb2).click(function () { if (!checkUpdates()) { return false; } $("#FormError", frmtb).hide(); var npos = getCurrPos(); npos[0] = parseInt(npos[0], 10); if (npos[0] !== -1 && npos[1][npos[0] + 1]) { if (!editFeedback("onclickPgButtons", "next", $(frmgr), npos[1][npos[0]])) { return false; } fillData(npos[1][npos[0] + 1], frmgr);$self, npos[1][npos[0] + 1]); editFeedback("afterclickPgButtons", "next", $(frmgr), npos[1][npos[0] + 1]); updateNav(npos[0] + 1, npos); } return false; }); $("#pData", frmtb2).click(function () { if (!checkUpdates()) { return false; } $("#FormError", frmtb).hide(); var ppos = getCurrPos(); if (ppos[0] !== -1 && ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1]) { if (!editFeedback("onclickPgButtons", "prev", $(frmgr), ppos[1][ppos[0]])) { return false; } if (hasOneFromClasses($("#" + jqID(ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1])), disabledClass)) { return false; } fillData(ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1], frmgr);$self, ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1]); editFeedback("afterclickPgButtons", "prev", $(frmgr), ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1]); updateNav(ppos[0] - 1, ppos); } return false; }); editFeedback("afterShowForm", $(frmgr), editOrAdd); var posInit = getCurrPos(); updateNav(posInit[0], posInit); }); }, viewGridRow: function (rowid, oMuligrid) { return this.each(function () { var $t = this, $self = $($t), p = $t.p; if (!$t.grid || p == null || !rowid) { return; } // make new copy of the options oMuligrid and use it for ONE specific grid. // p.formViewing can contains grid specific options // we will don't modify the input options oMuligrid var gridId =, o = $.extend(true, { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, datawidth: "auto", height: "auto", dataheight: "auto", //modal: false, //toTop : false, //overlay: 30, drag: true, resize: true, //jqModal: true, closeOnEscape: false, labelswidth: "", //"30%", navkeys: [false, 38, 40], onClose: null, beforeShowForm: null, beforeInitData: null, viewPagerButtons: true, removemodal: true },$self, "view"), jgrid.view || {}, p.formViewing || {}, oMuligrid || {}); var frmgr = "#ViewGrid_" + jqID(gridId), frmtb = "#ViewTbl_" + jqID(gridId), frmtb2 = frmtb + "_2", frmgrId = "ViewGrid_" + gridId, frmtbId = "ViewTbl_" + gridId, commonIconClass = o.commonIconClass, ids = { themodal: "viewmod" + gridId, modalhead: "viewhd" + gridId, modalcontent: "viewcnt" + gridId, resizeAlso: frmgrId }, themodalSelector = "#" + jqID(ids.themodal), gboxSelector = p.gBox, colModel = p.colModel, maxCols = 1, maxRows = 0, viewFeedback = function () { var args = $.makeArray(arguments); args.unshift(""); args.unshift("View"); args.unshift(o); return jgridFeedback.apply($t, args); }, hideModal = function () { jgrid.hideModal(themodalSelector, { gb: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, onClose: o.onClose, removemodal: o.removemodal }); }, hoverClasses =$t, "hover"), disabledClass =$t, "disabled"); function focusaref() { //Sfari 3 issues if (o.closeOnEscape === true || o.navkeys[0] === true) { setTimeout(function () { $("#cData").focus(); }, 0); } } function createData(rowid1, tb, maxcols) { var nm, hc, $trdata, cnt = 0, tmp, retpos = [], ind =$self, rowid1), i, viewDataClasses =$t, "dialog.viewData"), $tb = $(tb), viewLabelClasses =$t, "dialog.viewLabel"), labelsWidth = String(o.labelswidth) + (!o.labelswidth || isNaN(o.labelswidth) ? "" : "px"), tdtmpl = "  ", tmpl = "", fmtnum = ["integer", "number", "currency"], max1 = 0, max2 = 0, maxw, setme, viewfld; for (i = 0; i < maxcols; i++) { tmpl += tdtmpl; } // find max number align right with property formatter $(colModel).each(function () { var cm = this; if (cm.editrules && cm.editrules.edithidden === true) { hc = false; } else { hc = cm.hidden === true ? true : false; } if (!hc && cm.align === "right") { if (cm.formatter && $.inArray(cm.formatter, fmtnum) !== -1) { max1 = Math.max(max1, parseInt(cm.width, 10)); } else { max2 = Math.max(max2, parseInt(cm.width, 10)); } } }); maxw = max1 !== 0 ? max1 : max2 !== 0 ? max2 : 0; $(colModel).each(function (iCol) { var cm = this; nm =; setme = false; // hidden fields are included in the form if (cm.editrules && cm.editrules.edithidden === true) { hc = false; } else { hc = cm.hidden === true ? true : false; } viewfld = (typeof cm.viewable !== "boolean") ? true : cm.viewable; if (nm !== "cb" && nm !== "subgrid" && nm !== "rn" && viewfld) { tmp = ind === false ? "" :$t, $t.rows[ind], iCol).html(); setme = cm.align === "right" && maxw !== 0 ? true : false; var frmopt = $.extend({}, { rowabove: false, rowcontent: "" }, cm.formoptions || {}), rp = parseInt(frmopt.rowpos, 10) || cnt + 1, cp = parseInt((parseInt(frmopt.colpos, 10) || 1) * 2, 10); if (frmopt.rowabove) { var newdata = $("" + frmopt.rowcontent + ""); $tb.append(newdata); newdata[0].rp = rp; } $trdata = $tb.find("tr[data-rowpos=" + rp + "]"); if ($trdata.length === 0) { $trdata = $("") .addClass("FormData") .attr("id", "trv_" + nm); $trdata.append(tmpl); $tb.append($trdata); $trdata[0].rp = rp; } var labelText = (frmopt.label === undefined ? p.colNames[iCol] : frmopt.label), $data = $("td:eq(" + (cp - 1) + ")", $trdata[0]), $label = $("td:eq(" + (cp - 2) + ")", $trdata[0]); $label.html(""); $data[isEmptyString($data.html()) ? "html" : "append"]("" : ">") + (tmp || " ") + "").attr("id", "v_" + nm); if (setme) { $("td:eq(" + (cp - 1) + ") span", $trdata[0]).css({ "text-align": "right", width: maxw + "px" }); } if (hc) { $label.add($data).css("visibility", "hidden"); } retpos[cnt] = iCol; cnt++; } }); hideRowsWithoutVissibleCells($tb); if (cnt > 0) { var idrow = $(" "); idrow[0].rp = cnt + 99; $tb.append(idrow); } return retpos; } function fillData(rowid1) { var nm, cnt = 0, trv =$self, rowid1, true), cm; if (!trv) { return; } $("td", trv).each(function (i) { cm = colModel[i]; nm =; if (nm !== "cb" && nm !== "subgrid" && nm !== "rn") { nm = jqID("v_" + nm); $("#" + nm + " span", frmtb).html($t, trv, i).html()); cnt++; } }); //hideRowsWithoutVissibleCells($(frmtb)); if (cnt > 0) { $("#id_g", frmtb).val(rowid1); } } function updateNav(cr, posarr) { var totr = posarr[1].length - 1; if (cr === 0) { $("#pData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else if (posarr[1][cr - 1] !== undefined && hasOneFromClasses($("#" + jqID(posarr[1][cr - 1])), disabledClass)) { $("#pData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else { $("#pData", frmtb2).removeClass(disabledClass); } if (cr === totr) { $("#nData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else if (posarr[1][cr + 1] !== undefined && hasOneFromClasses($("#" + jqID(posarr[1][cr + 1])), disabledClass)) { $("#nData", frmtb2).addClass(disabledClass); } else { $("#nData", frmtb2).removeClass(disabledClass); } } function getCurrPos() { var rowsInGrid =$self), selrow = $("#id_g", frmtb).val(), pos = $.inArray(selrow, rowsInGrid); return [pos, rowsInGrid]; } var dh = isNaN(o.dataheight) ? o.dataheight : o.dataheight + "px", dw = isNaN(o.datawidth) ? o.datawidth : o.datawidth + "px", frmDiv = $("
"), frm = frmDiv.children("form.FormGrid"), tbl = $("
"); $(themodalSelector).remove(); $(colModel).each(function () { var fmto = this.formoptions; maxCols = Math.max(maxCols, fmto ? fmto.colpos || 0 : 0); maxRows = Math.max(maxRows, fmto ? fmto.rowpos || 0 : 0); }); // set the id. frm.append(tbl); if (!viewFeedback("beforeInitData", frm)) { return; } createData(rowid, tbl, maxCols); var rtlb = p.direction === "rtl" ? true : false, bp = rtlb ? "nData" : "pData", bn = rtlb ? "pData" : "nData", // buttons at footer bP =$t, bp, "", mergeCssClasses(commonIconClass, o.prevIcon), "", "left"), bN =$t, bn, "", mergeCssClasses(commonIconClass, o.nextIcon), "", "right"), bC =$t, "cData", o.bClose); if (maxRows > 0) { var sd = []; $.each($(tbl)[0].rows, function (i, r) { sd[i] = r; }); sd.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.rp > b.rp) { return 1; } if (a.rp < b.rp) { return -1; } return 0; }); $.each(sd, function (index, row) { $("tbody", tbl).append(row); }); } o.gbox = gboxSelector; var bt = $("
" + bC + "
");$t, ids, bt, o, p.gView, $(p.gView)[0]); if (!o.viewPagerButtons) { $("#pData, #nData", frmtb2).hide(); } bt = null; $(themodalSelector).keydown(function (e) { var $focused, idFocused; if ($(frmgr).data("disabled") === true) { return false; }//?? if (e.which === 13) { $focused = $(frmtb2).find(":focus"); idFocused = $focused.attr("id"); if ($focused.length > 0 && $.inArray(idFocused, ["pData", "nData", "cData"]) >= 0) { $focused.trigger("click"); return false; } } if (e.which === 27) { if (o.closeOnEscape) { hideModal(); } return false; } if (o.navkeys[0] === true) { if (e.which === o.navkeys[1]) { //up $("#pData", frmtb2).trigger("click"); return false; } if (e.which === o.navkeys[2]) { //down $("#nData", frmtb2).trigger("click"); return false; } } }); addFormIcon($("#cData", frmtb2), o.closeicon, commonIconClass); viewFeedback("beforeShowForm", $(frmgr));$t, themodalSelector, { gbox: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, overlay: o.overlay, toTop: o.toTop, modal: o.modal, onHide: function (h) { h.w.remove(); if (h.o) { h.o.remove(); } } }); $(".fm-button:not(." + disabledClass.split(" ").join(".") + ")", frmtb2).hover( function () { $(this).addClass(hoverClasses); }, function () { $(this).removeClass(hoverClasses); } ); focusaref(); $("#cData", frmtb2).click(function () { hideModal(); return false; }); $("#nData", frmtb2).click(function () { $("#FormError", frmtb).hide(); var npos = getCurrPos(); npos[0] = parseInt(npos[0], 10); if (npos[0] !== -1 && npos[1][npos[0] + 1]) { if (!viewFeedback("onclickPgButtons", "next", $(frmgr), npos[1][npos[0]])) { return false; } fillData(npos[1][npos[0] + 1]);$self, npos[1][npos[0] + 1]); viewFeedback("afterclickPgButtons", "next", $(frmgr), npos[1][npos[0] + 1]); updateNav(npos[0] + 1, npos); } focusaref(); return false; }); $("#pData", frmtb2).click(function () { $("#FormError", frmtb).hide(); var ppos = getCurrPos(); if (ppos[0] !== -1 && ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1]) { if (!viewFeedback("onclickPgButtons", "prev", $(frmgr), ppos[1][ppos[0]])) { return false; } fillData(ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1]);$self, ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1]); viewFeedback("afterclickPgButtons", "prev", $(frmgr), ppos[1][ppos[0] - 1]); updateNav(ppos[0] - 1, ppos); } focusaref(); return false; }); var posInit = getCurrPos(); updateNav(posInit[0], posInit); }); }, delGridRow: function (rowids, oMuligrid) { return this.each(function () { var $t = this, p = $t.p, $self = $($t); if (!$t.grid || p == null || !rowids) { return; } // make new copy of the options oMuligrid and use it for ONE specific grid. // p.formDeleting can contains grid specific options // we will don't modify the input options oMuligrid var gridId =, o = $.extend(true, { top: 0, left: 0, width: 240, removemodal: true, height: "auto", dataheight: "auto", datawidth: "auto", //modal: false, //toTop: false, //overlay: 30, drag: true, resize: true, url: "", mtype: "POST", reloadAfterSubmit: true, beforeShowForm: null, beforeInitData: null, afterShowForm: null, beforeSubmit: null, onclickSubmit: null, afterSubmit: null, //jqModal : true, closeOnEscape: false, delData: {}, idSeparator: ",", onClose: null, ajaxDelOptions: {}, processing: false, serializeDelData: null, useDataProxy: false, delui: "disable", // "enable", "enable" or "block" deltext:$self, "defaults.deltext") || "Deleting..." },$self, "del"), jgrid.del || {}, p.formDeleting || {}, oMuligrid || {}); var dtblId = "DelTbl_" + gridId, dtbl = "#DelTbl_" + jqID(gridId), postd, idname, opers, oper, ids = { themodal: "delmod" + gridId, modalhead: "delhd" + gridId, modalcontent: "delcnt" + gridId, resizeAlso: dtblId }, themodalSelector = "#" + jqID(ids.themodal), gboxSelector = p.gBox, commonIconClass = o.commonIconClass, deleteFeedback = function () { var args = $.makeArray(arguments); args.unshift(""); args.unshift("Delete"); args.unshift(o); return jgridFeedback.apply($t, args); }, hoverClasses =$t, "hover"), activeClass =$t, "active"), errorClass =$t, "error"); if (!$.isArray(rowids)) { rowids = [String(rowids)]; } if ($(themodalSelector)[0] !== undefined) { if (!deleteFeedback("beforeInitData", $(dtbl))) { return; } $("#DelData>td", dtbl).text(rowids.join(o.idSeparator)).data("rowids", rowids); $("#DelError", dtbl).hide(); if (o.processing === true) { o.processing = false; $("#dData", dtbl).removeClass(activeClass); } deleteFeedback("beforeShowForm", $(dtbl));$t, themodalSelector, { gbox: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, jqM: false, overlay: o.overlay, toTop: o.toTop, modal: o.modal }); deleteFeedback("afterShowForm", $(dtbl)); } else { var dh = isNaN(o.dataheight) ? o.dataheight : o.dataheight + "px", dw = isNaN(o.datawidth) ? o.datawidth : o.datawidth + "px", tbl = "
"; tbl += ""; // error data tbl += ""; tbl += ""; tbl += ""; // buttons at footer tbl += "
" + o.msg + "
"; var bS =$t, "dData", o.bSubmit), bC =$t, "eData", o.bCancel); tbl += "

" + bS + " " + bC + "
"; o.gbox = gboxSelector;$t, ids, tbl, o, p.gView, $(p.gView)[0]); $("#DelData>td", dtbl).data("rowids", rowids); if (!deleteFeedback("beforeInitData", $(tbl))) { return; } $(".fm-button", dtbl + "_2").hover( function () { $(this).addClass(hoverClasses); }, function () { $(this).removeClass(hoverClasses); } ); addFormIcon($("#dData", dtbl + "_2"), o.delicon, commonIconClass); addFormIcon($("#eData", dtbl + "_2"), o.cancelicon, commonIconClass); $("#dData", dtbl + "_2").click(function () { var ret = [true, ""], pk, $delData = $("#DelData>td", dtbl), postdata = $delData.text(), //the pair is name=val1,val2,... formRowIds = $"rowids"), cs = {}; if ($.isFunction(o.onclickSubmit)) { cs =$t, o, postdata, formRowIds) || {}; } if ($.isFunction(o.beforeSubmit)) { ret =$t, postdata, formRowIds) || ret; } if (ret[0] && !o.processing) { o.processing = true; opers = p.prmNames; postd = $.extend({}, o.delData, cs); oper = opers.oper; postd[oper] = opers.deloper; idname =; postdata = formRowIds.slice(); if (!postdata.length) { return false; } for (pk in postdata) { if (postdata.hasOwnProperty(pk)) { postdata[pk] = jgrid.stripPref(p.idPrefix, postdata[pk]); } } postd[idname] = postdata.join(o.idSeparator); $(this).addClass(activeClass); var url = o.url || p.editurl, ajaxOptions = $.extend({ url: $.isFunction(url) ?$t, postd[idname], postd, o, formRowIds) : url, type: o.mtype, data: $.isFunction(o.serializeDelData) ?$t, postd, formRowIds) : postd, complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) { var i; $self.jqGrid("progressBar", { method: "hide", loadtype: o.delui }); $("#dData", dtbl + "_2").removeClass(activeClass); if ((jqXHR.status >= 300 && jqXHR.status !== 304) || (jqXHR.status === 0 && jqXHR.readyState === 4)) { ret[0] = false; if ($.isFunction(o.errorTextFormat)) { ret[1] =$t, jqXHR); } else { ret[1] = textStatus + " Status: '" + jqXHR.statusText + "'. Error code: " + jqXHR.status; } } else { // data is posted successful // execute aftersubmit with the returned data from server if ($.isFunction(o.afterSubmit)) { ret =$t, jqXHR, postd, formRowIds) || [true]; } } if (ret[0] === false) { $("#DelError>td", dtbl).html(ret[1]); $("#DelError", dtbl).show(); } else { if (p.datatype === "local" || p.treeGrid === true || !o.reloadAfterSubmit) { if (p.treeGrid === true) { try {$self, formRowIds[0]); } catch (ignore) { } } else { formRowIds = formRowIds.slice(); // make copy for save deleting for (i = 0; i < formRowIds.length; i++) {$self, formRowIds[i]); } } } if (o.reloadAfterSubmit) { $self.trigger("reloadGrid", [$.extend({}, o.reloadGridOptions || {})]); } setTimeout(function () { deleteFeedback("afterComplete", jqXHR, postdata, $(dtbl), formRowIds); }, 50); } o.processing = false; if (ret[0]) { jgrid.hideModal(themodalSelector, { gb: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, onClose: o.onClose, removemodal: o.removemodal }); } } }, jgrid.ajaxOptions, o.ajaxDelOptions); if (!ajaxOptions.url && !o.useDataProxy) { if ($.isFunction(p.dataProxy)) { o.useDataProxy = true; } else { ret[0] = false; ret[1] += " " + jgrid.errors.nourl; } } if (ret[0]) { $self.jqGrid("progressBar", { method: "show", loadtype: o.delui, htmlcontent: o.deltext }); if (o.useDataProxy) { var dpret =$t, ajaxOptions, "del_" + gridId); if (dpret === undefined) { dpret = [true, ""]; } if (dpret[0] === false) { ret[0] = false; ret[1] = dpret[1] || "Error deleting the selected row!"; } else { jgrid.hideModal(themodalSelector, { gb: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, onClose: o.onClose, removemodal: o.removemodal }); } } else { if (ajaxOptions.url === "clientArray") { postd =; ajaxOptions.complete({ status: 200, statusText: "" }, ""); } else { $.ajax(ajaxOptions); } } } } if (ret[0] === false) { $("#DelError>td", dtbl).html(ret[1]); $("#DelError", dtbl).show(); } return false; }); $("#eData", dtbl + "_2").click(function () { jgrid.hideModal(themodalSelector, { gb: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, onClose: o.onClose, removemodal: o.removemodal }); return false; }); deleteFeedback("beforeShowForm", $(dtbl));$t, themodalSelector, { gbox: gboxSelector, jqm: o.jqModal, overlay: o.overlay, toTop: o.toTop, modal: o.modal }); deleteFeedback("afterShowForm", $(dtbl)); } if (o.closeOnEscape === true) { setTimeout(function () { $(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close", "#" + jqID(ids.modalhead)) .attr("tabindex", "-1") .focus(); }, 0); } }); }, navGrid: function (elem, oMuligrid, pEdit, pAdd, pDel, pSearch, pView) { if (typeof elem === "object") { // the option pager are skipped pView = pSearch; pSearch = pDel; pDel = pAdd; pAdd = pEdit; pEdit = oMuligrid; oMuligrid = elem; elem = undefined; } pAdd = pAdd || {}; pEdit = pEdit || {}; pView = pView || {}; pDel = pDel || {}; pSearch = pSearch || {}; return this.each(function () { var $t = this, p = $t.p, $self = $($t); if (!$t.grid || p == null || ($t.nav && $(elem).find(".navtable").length > 0)) { return; // error or the navigator bar already exists } // make new copy of the options oMuligrid and use it for ONE specific grid. // p.navOptions can contains grid specific options // we will don't modify the input options oMuligrid var gridId =, o = $.extend( { edit: true, add: true, del: true, search: true, refresh: true, refreshstate: "firstpage", view: false, closeOnEscape: true, beforeRefresh: null, afterRefresh: null, cloneToTop: false, hideEmptyPagerParts: true, //jqModal: true, alertwidth: 200, alertheight: "auto", alerttop: null, //alertToTop: false, removemodal: true, alertleft: null, alertzIndex: null, iconsOverText: false },$self, "nav"), jgrid.nav || {}, p.navOptions || {}, oMuligrid || {} ); // set default position depend of RTL/LTR direction of the grid o.position = o.position || (p.direction === "rtl" ? "right" : "left"); var twd, tdw, gridIdEscaped = p.idSel, gboxSelector = p.gBox, commonIconClass = o.commonIconClass, alertIDs = { themodal: "alertmod_" + gridId, modalhead: "alerthd_" + gridId, modalcontent: "alertcnt_" + gridId }, createModalAlert = function () { return function () { var documentElement = document.documentElement, w = window, left = 1024, top = 768, offsetGbox = $self.closest(".ui-jqgrid").offset(); if ($("#" + jqID(alertIDs.themodal))[0] === undefined) { if (!o.alerttop && !o.alertleft) { if (w.innerWidth !== undefined) { left = w.innerWidth; top = w.innerHeight; } else if (documentElement != null && documentElement.clientWidth !== undefined && documentElement.clientWidth !== 0) { left = documentElement.clientWidth; top = documentElement.clientHeight; } left = left / 2 - parseInt(o.alertwidth, 10) / 2 - offsetGbox.left + ((w.pageXOffset !== undefined) ? w.pageXOffset : (documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollLeft); top = top / 2 - 25 - + ((w.pageYOffset !== undefined) ? w.pageYOffset : (documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop); }$t, alertIDs, "
" + o.alerttext + "
", { gbox: gboxSelector, jqModal: o.jqModal, drag: true, resize: true, caption: o.alertcap, top: o.alerttop != null ? o.alerttop : top, left: o.alertleft != null ? o.alertleft : left, width: o.alertwidth, height: o.alertheight, closeOnEscape: o.closeOnEscape, zIndex: o.alertzIndex, removemodal: o.removemodal }, p.gView, $(gboxSelector)[0], false); }$t, "#" + jqID(alertIDs.themodal), { gbox: gboxSelector, toTop: o.alertToTop, jqm: o.jqModal }); var $close = $("#" + jqID(alertIDs.modalhead)).find(".ui-jqdialog-titlebar-close"); $close.attr({ tabindex: "0", href: "#", role: "button" }); setTimeout(function () { $close.focus(); }, 50); }; }, viewModalAlert = createModalAlert(), navtbl, clickOnEnter = function (e) { var $focused; if (e.which === 13) { $focused = $(this).find(".ui-pg-button").filter(":focus"); if ($focused.length > 0) { // $focused[0].id == "view_list" or "view_list_top" var focusedId = $focused[0].id, actionName = focusedId.substr(0, $(this).closest(".ui-jqgrid-toppager").length > 0 ? focusedId.length - gridId.length - 5 : // "_" + "_top" focusedId.length - gridId.length - 1), // view "_" gialogId = actionName + "mod" +, // "viewmodlist" visibleDailogIds = $(".ui-jqdialog").filter(":visible").map(function () { return; }); if ($.inArray(gialogId, visibleDailogIds) < 0) { // simulate click only if the dialog is not already opened $focused.trigger("click"); return false; } } } }, hoverClasses =$t, "hover"), disabledClass =$t, "disabled"), navButtonClass =$t, "navButton", "ui-pg-button"); if (!$t.grid) { return; // error } // set modalAlert which can be used inside of $t.modalAlert = viewModalAlert; if (elem === undefined) { if (p.pager) { elem = p.pager; if (p.toppager) { o.cloneToTop = true; // add buttons to both pagers } } else if (p.toppager) { elem = p.toppager; } } var clone = 1, i, tbd, pgid, elemids, iPart, pagerTable, $pagerPart, pagerParts = ["left", "center", "right"], navButtonDisabledClass =$t, "navButton", "ui-pg-button" + " " +$t, "disabled")), sep = "", onHoverIn = function () { if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { $(this).addClass(hoverClasses); } }, onHoverOut = function () { $(this).removeClass(hoverClasses); }, onAdd = function () { if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { if ($.isFunction(o.addfunc)) {$t, pAdd); } else {$self, "new", pAdd); } } return false; }, editOrViewOfSelectedRow = function (func, methodName, param) { if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { var sr = p.selrow; if (sr) { if ($.isFunction(func)) {$t, sr, param); } else { base[methodName].call($self, sr, param); } } else { viewModalAlert(); } } return false; }, onEdit = function () { return, o.editfunc, "editGridRow", pEdit); }, onView = function () { return, o.viewfunc, "viewGridRow", pView); }, onDel = function () { var dr; if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { if (p.multiselect) { dr = p.selarrrow; if (dr.length === 0) { dr = null; } } else { dr = p.selrow; } if (dr) { if ($.isFunction(o.delfunc)) {$t, dr, pDel); } else {$self, dr, pDel); } } else { viewModalAlert(); } } return false; }, onSearch = function () { if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { if ($.isFunction(o.searchfunc)) {$t, pSearch); } else {$self, pSearch); } } return false; }, onRefresh = function () { if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { if ($.isFunction(o.beforeRefresh)) {$t); } = false; p.resetsearch = true; try { if (o.refreshstate !== "currentfilter") { p.postData.filters = ""; try { $("#fbox_" + gridIdEscaped).jqFilter("resetFilter"); } catch (ignore) { } if ($.isFunction($t.clearToolbar)) { $t.clearToolbar(false); } } } catch (ignore) { } switch (o.refreshstate) { case "firstpage": $self.trigger("reloadGrid", [$.extend({}, o.reloadGridOptions || {}, { page: 1 })]); break; case "current": case "currentfilter": $self.trigger("reloadGrid", [$.extend({}, o.reloadGridOptions || {}, { current: true })]); break; } if ($.isFunction(o.afterRefresh)) {$t); } } return false; }, stdButtonActivation = function (name, id, onClick) { var $button = $(""), iconClass = o[name + "icon"], iconText = $.trim(o[name + "text"]); $button.append("
" + (iconText ? "" + iconText + "" : "") + "
"); $(navtbl).append($button); $button.attr({ "title": o[name + "title"] || "", id: id || name + "_" + elemids }) .click(onClick) .hover(onHoverIn, onHoverOut); return $button; }; if (o.cloneToTop && p.toppager) { clone = 2; } for (i = 0; i < clone; i++) { // we can set aria-activedescendant="idOfFirstButton" later navtbl = $("
"); if (i === 0) { pgid = elem; elemids = gridId; if (pgid === p.toppager) { elemids += "_top"; clone = 1; } } else { pgid = p.toppager; elemids = gridId + "_top"; } if (o.add) { stdButtonActivation("add",, onAdd); } if (o.edit) { stdButtonActivation("edit",, onEdit); } if (o.view) { stdButtonActivation("view",, onView); } if (o.del) { stdButtonActivation("del",, onDel); } if (o.add || o.edit || o.del || o.view) { $(navtbl).append(sep); } if ( { tbd = stdButtonActivation("search",, onSearch); if (pSearch.showOnLoad && pSearch.showOnLoad === true) { $(tbd, navtbl).click(); } } if (o.refresh) { stdButtonActivation("refresh", "", onRefresh); } // TODO use setWidthOfPagerTdWithPager or remove at all and use div structure with wrapping tdw = $(".ui-jqgrid>.ui-jqgrid-view").css("font-size") || "11px"; $("body").append(""); twd = $(navtbl).clone().appendTo("#testpg2").width(); $("#testpg2").remove(); $(pgid + "_" + o.position, pgid).append(navtbl); if (o.hideEmptyPagerParts) { for (iPart = 0; iPart < pagerParts.length; iPart++) { if (pagerParts[iPart] !== o.position) { $pagerPart = $(pgid + "_" + pagerParts[iPart], pgid); if ($pagerPart.length === 0 || $pagerPart[0].childNodes.length === 0) { $pagerPart.hide(); } else if ($pagerPart[0].childNodes.length === 1) { pagerTable = $pagerPart[0].firstChild; if ($(pagerTable).is("table.ui-pg-table") && (pagerTable.rows === 0 || pagerTable.rows[0].cells.length === 0)) { $pagerPart.hide(); } } } } } if (p._nvtd) { if (twd > p._nvtd[0]) { $(pgid + "_" + o.position, pgid).width(twd); p._nvtd[0] = twd; } p._nvtd[1] = twd; } $t.nav = true; navtbl.on("keydown.jqGrid", clickOnEnter); } $self.triggerHandler("jqGridResetFrozenHeights"); }); }, navButtonAdd: function (elem, oMuligrid) { if (typeof elem === "object") { oMuligrid = elem; elem = undefined; } return this.each(function () { var $t = this, p = $t.p; if (!$t.grid) { return; } var o = $.extend( { caption: "newButton", title: "", onClickButton: null, position: "last", iconsOverText: false },$($t), "nav"), jgrid.nav || {}, p.navOptions || {}, oMuligrid || {} ), id =, hoverClasses =$t, "hover"), disabledClass =$t, "disabled"), navButtonClass =$t, "navButton", "ui-pg-button"); if (elem === undefined) { if (p.pager) {$($t), p.pager, o); if (p.toppager) { elem = p.toppager; if (id) { id += "_top"; } } else { return; } } else if (p.toppager) { elem = p.toppager; } } if (typeof elem === "string" && elem.indexOf("#") !== 0) { elem = "#" + jqID(elem); } var findnav = $(".navtable", elem), commonIconClass = o.commonIconClass; if (findnav.length > 0) { if (id && findnav.find("#" + jqID(id)).length > 0) { return; } var tbd = $("
"); if (o.buttonicon.toString().toUpperCase() === "NONE") { $(tbd).addClass(navButtonClass).append("
" + (o.caption ? "" + o.caption + "" : "") + "
"); } else { $(tbd).addClass(navButtonClass).append("
" + "" + (o.caption ? "" + o.caption + "" : "") + "
"); } if (id) { $(tbd).attr("id", id); } if (o.position === "first" && findnav.children("div.ui-pg-button").length > 0) { findnav.children("div.ui-pg-button").first().before(tbd); } else { findnav.append(tbd); } $(tbd, findnav) .attr("title", o.title || "") .click(function (e) { if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { if ($.isFunction(o.onClickButton)) {$t, o, e); } } return false; }) .hover( function () { if (!hasOneFromClasses(this, disabledClass)) { $(this).addClass(hoverClasses); } }, function () { $(this).removeClass(hoverClasses); } ); $($t).triggerHandler("jqGridResetFrozenHeights"); } }); }, navSeparatorAdd: function (elem, o) { o = $.extend({ sepclass: "ui-separator", sepcontent: "", position: "last" }, o || {}); return this.each(function () { if (!this.grid) { return; } var $t = this, p = $t.p, navButtonClass =$t, "navButton", "ui-pg-button" + " " +$t, "disabled")); if (elem === undefined) { if (p.pager) {$($t), p.pager, o); if (p.toppager) { elem = p.toppager; } else { return; } } else if (p.toppager) { elem = p.toppager; } } if (typeof elem === "string" && elem.indexOf("#") !== 0) { elem = "#" + jqID(elem); } var $nav = $(".navtable", elem); if ($nav.length > 0) { var sep = ""; if (o.position === "first") { if ($nav.children("div.ui-pg-button").length === 0) { $nav.append(sep); } else { $nav.children("div.ui-pg-button").first().before(sep); } } else { $nav.append(sep); } } }); }, GridToForm: function (rowid, formid) { return this.each(function () { var $t = this, i, $field, iField, $fieldi; if (!$t.grid) { return; } var rowdata =$($t), rowid); if (rowdata) { for (i in rowdata) { if (rowdata.hasOwnProperty(i)) { $field = $("[name=" + jqID(i) + "]", formid); if ($"input:radio") || $"input:checkbox")) { for (iField = 0; iField < $field.length; iField++) { $fieldi = $($field[iField]); $fieldi.prop("checked", $fieldi.val() === String(rowdata[i])); } } else { // this is very slow on big table and form. $field.val(isEmptyString(rowdata[i]) ? "" : rowdata[i]); } } } } }); }, FormToGrid: function (rowid, formid, mode, position) { return this.each(function () { var $t = this; if (!$t.grid) { return; } if (!mode) { mode = "set"; } if (!position) { position = "first"; } var fields = $(formid).serializeArray(); var griddata = {}; $.each(fields, function (i, field) { griddata[] = field.value; }); if (mode === "add") {$($t), rowid, griddata, position); } else if (mode === "set") {$($t), rowid, griddata); } }); } }); // end module grid.formedit }));

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