template.js.struts2.jquery.struts2.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* @preserve
* jquery.struts2.js
* Integration of jquery and jquery ui with struts 2
* for ajax, widget and interactions support in struts 2
* Requires use of jQuery.
* Tested with jQuery 2.1 and jQuery UI 1.11
* Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Chijioke (obinna a-t g mail dot c o m)
* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015 Johannes Geppert http://www.jgeppert.com
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
/*global jQuery, document, window, StrutsUtils */
/*jslint evil: true */
"use strict";
(function( $, undefined ) {
* Bind Struts2 Components for jQuery AJAX and UI functions
$.struts2_jquery = {
debug :false,
debugPrefix :'[struts2_jquery] ',
ajaxhistory :false,
loadAtOnce :false,
local :"en",
gridLocal :"en",
timeLocal :"en",
datatablesLocal :"en",
minSuffix :".min",
historyelements : {},
forms : {},
scriptCache : {},
styleCache : {},
defaults : {
indicator :'',
loadingText :null,
errorText :null
handler : {
load :'_s2j_container_load',
form :'_s2j_form_submit',
effect :'_s2j_effects'
currentXhr :{},
* helper function for debug logging
* set debug to true in the head tag to enable debug logging
* */
log : function(message) {
if (this.debug) {
var msg = this.debugPrefix + message;
if (window.console && window.console.log) {
else if (window.opera && window.opera.postError) {
/** Escape Ids */
escId : function(id) {
return '#' + id.replace(/(:|\.)/g, '\\$1');
/**Add Parameter to URL */
addParam : function(url, param) {
if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) {
return url+"&"+param;
return url + "?" + param;
/**Change Parameter Value in URL */
changeParam : function(url, param, value) {
var ua = url.split("?"), // split url
pa = ua[1].split("&"), // split query
ia = [],
for (i=0; i < pa.length; i++) {
ia = pa[i].split("="); // split name/value
if (ia[0] === param) {
pa[i] = ia[0] + "=" + value;
return ua[0] + "?" + pa.join("&");
/** Load required JavaScript Resourcess */
require : function(files, callBack, basePath) {
var self = this, successFunction, path;
successFunction = callBack || function() {
path = basePath || null;
if (path === null && !$.scriptPath) {
path = "";
else if (path === null && $.scriptPath) {
path = $.scriptPath;
if (typeof files === "string") {
files = files.split(",");
$.each(files, function(i, file) {
file = self.addParam(file, "s2j="+$.struts2_jquery.version);
if (!$.struts2_jquery.scriptCache[file]) {
self.log('load require script ' + (path + file));
$.ajax( {
type :"GET",
url :path + file,
success :successFunction,
dataType :"script",
cache :true,
async :false
$.struts2_jquery.scriptCache[file] = true;
/** Load required CSS Files */
requireCss : function(cssFile, basePath) {
if (!this.styleCache[cssFile]) {
var path, cssref;
path = basePath || null;
if (path === null && !$.scriptPath) {
path = '';
else if (path === null && $.scriptPath) {
path = $.scriptPath;
this.log('load require css ' + (path + cssFile));
cssref = document.createElement("link");
cssref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
cssref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
cssref.setAttribute("href", (path + cssFile));
this.styleCache[cssFile] = true;
/** Helper function to hide indicator */
hideIndicator : function(indi) {
if (indi) {
if (this.defaults.indicator !== '') {
/** Helper function to show indicator */
showIndicator : function(indi) {
if (indi) {
if (this.defaults.indicator !== '') {
/** Abort current requests */
abortReq : function(id) {
var xhr = this.currentXhr[id];
if(xhr && xhr !== null){
if(xhr.readyState < 4) {
/** Helper function to validate Forms */
validateForm : function(form, o) {
var self = this,
submit = true,
params = {};
if (!self.loadAtOnce) {
self.require("js/plugins/jquery.form" + self.minSuffix + ".js");
params.type = "POST";
params.data = {
"struts.enableJSONValidation": true,
"struts.validateOnly": true
if (o.href && o.href !== '#') {
params.url = o.href;
else {
params.url = form[0].action;
if (o.hrefparameter) {
params.url = params.url + '?' + o.hrefparameter;
params.cache = false;
//params.forceSync = true;
params.async = false;
params.complete = function(request, status) {
var f = $(form[0]),
et = request.responseText,
if ($.isFunction(o.validateFunction)) {
if (et && et.length > 10) {
submit = false;
if(et.substring(0,2) === "/*") {
// Handle Validation Errors for all Struts2 versions until
errors = $.parseJSON(et.substring(2, et.length - 2));
else {
errors = $.parseJSON(et);
o.validateFunction(f, errors);
else if (StrutsUtils !== undefined) {
// get errors from response
if(et.substring(0,2) === "/*") {
errors = StrutsUtils.getValidationErrors(et);
else {
errors = StrutsUtils.getValidationErrors($.parseJSON(et));
// show errors, if any
if (errors.fieldErrors || errors.errors) {
StrutsUtils.showValidationErrors(form[0], errors);
submit = false;
self.log('form validation : ' + submit);
return submit;
addForms : function(forms, url) {
var self = this;
if (forms) {
if (!self.loadAtOnce) {
self.require("js/plugins/jquery.form" + self.minSuffix + ".js");
$.each(forms.split(','), function(i, f) {
var q = $(self.escId(f)).formSerialize();
url = self.addParam(url, q);
return url;
/** Helper function to publish UI topics */
pubTops : function($elem, always, topics) {
var self = this;
if (topics) {
return function(event, ui) {
var data = {};
data.event = event;
data.ui = ui;
self.publishTopic($elem, topics, data);
self.publishTopic($elem, always, data);
return null;
/** Helper function to subscribe topics */
subscribeTopics : function(elem, topics, handler, o) {
if (topics && elem) {
$.each(topics.split(','), function(i, t) {
if (elem.isSubscribed(t)) {
elem.subscribe(t, handler, o);
/** Helper function to publish topics */
publishTopic : function(elem, topics, data) {
var self = this;
if (topics) {
$.each(topics.split(','), function(i, to) {
self.log('publish topic : ' + to);
elem.publish(to, elem, data);
/** publish Success topics
* handle AJAX result, insert it into container or build select box, radiobutton, checkboxes etc.
* */
pubSuc : function(cid, always, stopics, indi, modus, o) {
var self = this,
c = $(cid),
i,idv,element = null,
x = 0,
isMap = false;
return function(data, status, request) {
var orginal = {};
orginal.data = data;
orginal.status = status;
orginal.request = request;
// Handle HTML Result for Divs, Submit and Anchor
if (modus === 'html' && !$.isArray(data) && !$.isPlainObject(data)) {
// Handle Text Result for Textarea or Textfield
else if (modus === 'value') {
// Hanlde Result for Select, Radiobuttons and Checkboxes
else if (modus === 'select' || modus === 'radio' || modus === 'checkbox') {
if (modus === 'select') {
c[0].length = 0;
else {
if ($.isPlainObject(data) || $.isArray(data)) {
i = -1;
if (modus === 'select') {
// Header Option
if (o.headerkey && o.headervalue) {
element = $('');
if (o.value === o.headervalue) {
element.prop("selected", true);
// Is Empty Option set to true
if (o.emptyoption) {
// Loop over Elements
if (data[o.list] !== null) {
if (!$.isArray(data[o.list])) {
isMap = true;
$.each(data[o.list], function(j, val) {
var option = {};
if (modus === 'radio' || modus === 'checkbox') {
option.name = o.name;
if (isMap) {
option.text = val;
option.value = j;
else {
if (o.listkey !== undefined && o.listvalue !== undefined) {
option.text = val[o.listvalue];
option.value = val[o.listkey];
if (o.listtitle !== undefined) {
option.listtitle = val[o.listtitle];
else {
option.text = data[o.list][x];
option.value = data[o.list][x];
if (o.value !== undefined && o.value == option.value) {
option.selected = true;
if (modus === 'select') {
element = $('');
if (option.selected) {
element.prop("selected", true);
if (option.listtitle !== undefined) {
element.prop("title", option.listtitle);
else {
idv = ++i;
// This way is needed to avoid Bug in IE6/IE7
if (modus === 'radio') {
element = $('');
else if (modus === 'checkbox') {
element = $('');
if (option.selected) {
element.prop("checked", true);
if (stopics) {
self.publishTopic(c, stopics, orginal);
self.publishTopic(c, always, orginal);
/** publish complete topics */
pubCom : function(cid, always, ctopics, targets, indi, o) {
var self = this,
ui = $.struts2_jquery_ui,
c = $(cid);
return function(request, status) {
var orginal = {};
orginal.request = request;
orginal.status = status;
self.publishTopic(c, ctopics, orginal);
self.publishTopic(c, always, orginal);
if (!targets) {
targets = o.id;
if (targets) {
$.each(targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
var effect_elem = $(self.escId(target));
effect_elem.publish("_sj_div_effect_" + target + o.id, o);
if (ui && o.resizable) {
ui.resizable(c, o);
/** publish error topics */
pubErr : function(cid, always, etopics, etext, modus) {
var self = this,
c = $(cid);
if (etopics || etext) {
return function(request, status, error) {
var orginal = {};
orginal.request = request;
orginal.status = status;
orginal.error = error;
if (modus === 'html' || modus === 'value') {
if (etext && etext !== "false") {
else if (self.defaults.errorText !== null) {
self.publishTopic(c, etopics, orginal);
self.publishTopic(c, always, orginal);
return null;
* pre-binding function of the type function(element){}. called before binding the element
* returning false will prevent the binding of this element
preBind :null,
/** post-binding function of the type function(element){}. called before binding the element */
postBind :null,
/** bind a html element to an struts2 jquery action */
bind : function(el, o) {
var self = this, $el, tag;
if (el) {
$el = $(el);
el = $el[0];
tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
o.tagname = tag;
// extension point to allow custom pre-binding processing
if (typeof (self.preBind) !== "function" || self.preBind($el)) {
if (!o.jqueryaction) {
o.jqueryaction = tag;
self.log('bind ' + o.jqueryaction + ' on ' + o.id);
self[o.jqueryaction]($el, o);
// extension point to allow custom post-binding processing
if (self.postBind && (typeof (self.postBind) === "function")) { return self.postBind(el); }
/** register a specific struts2 jquery action */
jqueryaction : function(name, binder) {
var self = this;
if (name && binder) {
self[name] = binder;
/** handle ajax history */
history : function($elem, topic, target) {
var self = this,
params = {};
params.target = target;
params.topic = topic;
$elem.bind('click', params, function(event) {
self.historyelements[event.data.target] = event.data.topic;
self.lasttopic = topic;
return false;
$(window).bind('hashchange', params, function(e) {
var topic = e.getState(e.data.target) || '';
$.each(e.fragment.split('&'), function(i, f) {
var fragment = f.split('=');
if(self.historyelements[fragment[0]] !== fragment[1] && fragment[1] !== self.lasttopic ) {
self.lasttopic = topic;
$.publish(fragment[1], e.data.options);
/** Handles remote and effect actions */
action : function($elem, o, loadHandler, type) {
var self = this,
actionTopic = '_sj_action_' + o.id,
href = o.href,
effect = {};
o.actionTopic = actionTopic;
if (href === null || href === "") {
href = "#";
o.href = href;
effect.effect = o.effect;
effect.effectoptions = o.effectoptions;
effect.effectmode = o.effectmode;
effect.oneffect = o.oneffect;
effect.effectduration = o.effectduration;
// Set dummy target when datatype is json
if(o.datatype && !o.targets) {
if(o.datatype === "json") {
o.targets = "false";
// subscribe all targets to this action's custom execute topic
if (o.targets) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
effect.targets = target;
var tarelem = $(self.escId(target));
//when no target is found (e.g. a json call)
// the action was subscribed to the publisher
if(tarelem.length === 0){
tarelem = $elem;
self.subscribeTopics(tarelem, actionTopic + target, loadHandler, o);
self.subscribeTopics(tarelem, "_sj_div_effect_" + target + o.id, self.handler.effect, effect);
if (self.ajaxhistory) {
self.history($elem, actionTopic + target, target);
else { // if no targets, then the action can still execute ajax request and will handle itself (no loading result into container
effect.targets = o.id;
self.subscribeTopics($(self.escId(o.id)), "_sj_div_effect_" + o.id + o.id, self.handler.effect, effect);
// bind event topic listeners
if (o.onbef || o.oncom || o.onsuc || o.onerr) {
self.subscribeTopics($elem, actionTopic, loadHandler, o);
if (type === "a") {
$elem.click( function() {
if(o.targets) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
$elem.publish(actionTopic + target);
if(o.preventAction) {
return false;
/** Handle all Container Elements Divs, Textarea, Textfield */
container : function($elem, o) {
var self = this,
divTopic = '_s2j_div_load_' + o.id,
divEffectTopic = '_s2j_div_effect_' + o.id,
ui = $.struts2_jquery_ui,
effect = {},
bindel = $elem,
eventsStr = 'click';
self.log('container : ' + o.id);
self.action($elem, o, self.handler.load, 'div');
// load div using ajax only when href is specified or form is defined
if ((o.formids && !o.type) || (o.href && o.href !== '#')) {
if (o.href !== '#') {
self.subscribeTopics($elem, o.reloadtopics, self.handler.load, o);
self.subscribeTopics($elem, o.listentopics, self.handler.load, o);
// publishing not triggering to prevent event propagation issues
self.subscribeTopics($elem, divTopic, self.handler.load, o);
if (o.bindon) {
if (o.events) {
$.each(o.events.split(','), function(i, event) {
$('#' + o.bindon).publishOnEvent(event, divTopic, o);
else {
$('#' + o.bindon).publishOnEvent('click', divTopic, o);
else if (o.formids) {
if (!self.loadAtOnce) {
self.require("js/plugins/jquery.form" + self.minSuffix + ".js");
o.targets = o.id;
self.formsubmit($elem, o, divTopic);
if (!o.deferredloading) {
setTimeout(function() { $elem.publish(divTopic, o); }, o.delay);
} else {
$elem.publish(divTopic, o);
setTimeout(function() { setInterval(function() { $elem.publish(divTopic, o); }, o.updatefreq); }, o.delay);
} else {
setInterval(function() { $elem.publish(divTopic, o); }, o.updatefreq);
else {
if (o.id && o.effect) {
effect.targets = o.id;
effect.effect = o.effect;
effect.effectoptions = o.effectoptions;
effect.effectduration = o.effectduration;
self.subscribeTopics($elem, divEffectTopic + o.id + o.id, self.handler.effect, effect);
if (o.events || o.bindon) {
if (o.bindon) {
bindel = $(self.escId(o.bindon));
if (o.events) {
eventsStr = o.events;
$.each(eventsStr.split(','), function(i, event) {
if (o.onbef) {
$.each(o.onbef.split(','), function(i, btopic) {
bindel.publishOnEvent(event, btopic);
bindel.publishOnEvent(event, divEffectTopic + o.id + o.id, o);
if (o.oncom) {
$.each(o.oncom.split(','), function(i, ctopic) {
bindel.publishOnEvent(event, ctopic);
else {
if (o.onbef) {
$.each(o.onbef.split(','), function(i, bts) {
$elem.publish(bts, o);
$elem.publish(divEffectTopic + o.id + o.id, o);
if (o.oncom) {
$.each(o.oncom.split(','), function(i, cts) {
$elem.publish(cts, o);
if (ui && o.resizable) {
ui.resizable($elem, o);
if (ui && o.draggable) {
ui.draggable($elem, o);
if (ui && o.droppable) {
ui.droppable($elem, o);
if (ui && o.selectable) {
ui.selectable($elem, o);
if (ui && o.sortable) {
ui.sortable($elem, o);
if (o.onblurtopics) {
$.each(o.onblurtopics.split(','), function(i, topic) {
$elem.blur( function() {
self.publishTopic($elem, topic, {});
if (o.onfocustopics) {
$.each(o.onfocustopics.split(','), function(i, topic) {
$elem.focus( function() {
self.publishTopic($elem, topic, {});
if (o.oncha) {
if (o.type) {
if (o.type === 'text') {
$elem.keyup( function() {
self.publishTopic($elem, o.oncha, {});
else if (o.type === 'select') {
$elem.change( function() {
self.publishTopic($elem, o.oncha, {});
$elem.select( function() {
self.publishTopic($elem, o.onselecttopics, {});
/** Handle the Anchor Element */
anchor : function($elem, o) {
var self = this,
formTopic = '_s2j_form_topic_' + o.id;
self.log('anchor : ' + o.id);
if (o.onclick) {
$.each(o.onclick.split(','), function(i, topic) {
$elem.publishOnEvent('click', topic, o);
if (o.opendialog) {
$.struts2_jquery_ui.opendialog($elem, o);
if (o.button) {
$.struts2_jquery_ui.jquerybutton($elem, o);
if ((!o.href || o.href==='#') && o.formids) {
self.formsubmit($elem, o, formTopic);
else {
self.action($elem, o, self.handler.load, 'a');
if(o.targets && (o.reloadtopic || o.listentopics)) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, t) {
var te = $(self.escId(t));
self.subscribeTopics(te, o.reloadtopics, self.handler.load, o);
self.subscribeTopics(te, o.listentopics, self.handler.load, o);
/** Handle dynamic Select Boxes */
select : function($elem, o) {
var self = this,
selectTopic = '_s2j_topic_load_' + o.id;
self.log('select : ' + o.id);
if (!self.loadAtOnce) {
self.require("js/plugins/jquery.form" + self.minSuffix + ".js");
if (o.href && o.href !== '#') {
self.subscribeTopics($elem, o.reloadtopics, self.handler.load, o);
self.subscribeTopics($elem, o.listentopics, self.handler.load, o);
self.subscribeTopics($elem, selectTopic, self.handler.load, o);
if (!o.deferredloading) {
$elem.publish(selectTopic, o);
if (o.oncha) {
$.each(o.oncha.split(','), function(i, cts) {
$elem.publishOnEvent('change', cts);
if (o.autocomplete) {
if (!self.loadAtOnce) {
self.require( [ "js/base/widget" + self.minSuffix + ".js", "js/base/position" + self.minSuffix + ".js", "js/base/menu" + self.minSuffix + ".js", "js/base/button" + self.minSuffix + ".js", "js/base/autocomplete" + self.minSuffix + ".js" ]);
self.require([ "js/plugins/jquery.combobox" + self.minSuffix + ".js" ]);
/** Handle the Submit Button */
button : function($elem, o) {
var self = this,
formTopic = '_s2j_form_topic_' + o.id,
o.preventAction = true;
if (o.opendialog) {
$.struts2_jquery_ui.opendialog($elem, o);
if (o.button) {
$.struts2_jquery_ui.jquerybutton($elem, o);
if ((!o.href || o.href === "#") || o.formids !== undefined) {
self.formsubmit($elem, o, formTopic);
else {
if(o.href && o.href !== "#"){
self.action($elem, o, self.handler.load, 'a');
if(o.targets) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, t) {
self.subscribeTopics($(self.escId(t)), o.reloadtopics, self.handler.load, o);
self.subscribeTopics($(self.escId(t)), o.listentopics, self.handler.load, o);
else {
cform = $elem.parents('form:first')[0];
if (cform !== undefined) {
cf = $(cform);
formid = cf.attr("id");
if (formid !== undefined) {
o.formids = formid;
else {
randomid = 's2jqform' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
cf.attr('id', randomid);
o.formids = randomid;
self.formsubmit($elem, o, formTopic);
else {
self.action($elem, o, self.handler.load, 'a');
if(o.targets) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, t) {
self.subscribeTopics($(self.escId(t)), o.reloadtopics, self.handler.load, o);
self.subscribeTopics($(self.escId(t)), o.listentopics, self.handler.load, o);
if (o.onclick) {
$.each(o.onclick.split(','), function(i, topic) {
$elem.publishOnEvent('click', topic);
/** Handle all AJAX Forms submitted from Anchor or Submit Button */
formsubmit : function($elem, o, topic) {
var self = this,
params = {};
o.actionTopic = topic;
self.log('formsubmit : ' + o.id);
if (!self.loadAtOnce) {
self.require("js/plugins/jquery.form" + self.minSuffix + ".js");
if (o.targets) {
self.subscribeTopics($elem, o.reloadtopics, self.handler.form, o);
self.subscribeTopics($elem, o.listentopics, self.handler.form, o);
self.subscribeTopics($elem, topic, self.handler.form, o);
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
self.subscribeTopics($(self.escId(target)), "_sj_div_effect_" + target + o.id, self.handler.effect, o);
if (self.ajaxhistory) {
self.history($elem, topic, target);
$.each(o.formids.split(','), function(i, f) {
$(self.escId(f)).bind("submit", function(e) {
$elem.click( function() {
return false;
else {
// Submit Forms without AJAX
$elem.click( function(e) {
var form = $(self.escId(o.formids)),
orginal = {};
orginal.formvalidate = true;
if (o.validate) {
orginal.formvalidate = self.validateForm(form, o);
if (o.onaftervalidation) {
$.each(o.onaftervalidation.split(','), function(i, topic) {
$elem.publish(topic, $elem, orginal);
if(orginal.formvalidate) {
if ( o.href && o.href != "#") {
form[0].action = o.href;
return false;
if(o.listentopics) {
params.formids = o.formids;
params.validate = o.validate;
$elem.subscribe(o.listentopics, function(event) {
var form = $(self.escId(event.data.formids)),
orginal = {formvalidate : true};
if (event.data.validate) {
orginal.formvalidate = self.validateForm(form, o);
if (o.onaftervalidation) {
$.each(o.onaftervalidation.split(','), function(i, topic) {
$elem.publish(topic, $elem, orginal);
if(orginal.formvalidate) {
if ( o.href && o.href != "#") {
form[0].action = o.href;
}, params);
* Container logic
* Register handler to load a container
* */
$.subscribeHandler($.struts2_jquery.handler.load, function(event, data) {
var s2j = $.struts2_jquery,
container = $(event.target),
o = {},
isDisabled = false,
indi, always,
modus = 'html',
params = {};
if (data) {
$.extend(o, data);
if (event.data) {
$.extend(o, event.data);
s2j.lasttopic = o.actionTopic;
indi = o.indicatorid;
always = o.onalw;
isDisabled = o.disabled === null ? isDisabled : o.disabled;
isDisabled = container.prop('disabled');
if (event.originalEvent) { // means that container load is being triggered by other action (link button/link click) need to see if that button/link is disabled
isDisabled = $(event.originalEvent.currentTarget).prop("disabled");
if (isDisabled !== true) {
// Show indicator element (if any)
if (o) {
if (o.type) {
if (o.type === 'text') {
modus = 'value';
else if (o.type === 'select') {
modus = 'select';
else if (o.type === 'checkbox') {
modus = 'checkbox';
else if (o.type === 'radio') {
modus = 'radio';
if (modus === 'html' || modus === 'value') {
// Set pre-loading text (if any)
if(!o.datatype || o.datatype !== "json") {
if (o.loadingtext && o.loadingtext !== "false") {
if (modus === 'html') {
else {
else if (s2j.defaults.loadingText !== null) {
if (modus === 'html') {
else {
params.success = s2j.pubSuc(event.target, always, o.onsuc, indi, modus, o);
params.complete = s2j.pubCom(event.target, always, o.oncom, o.targets, indi, o);
params.error = s2j.pubErr(event.target, always, o.onerr, o.errortext, modus);
// load container using ajax
if (o.href) {
params.url = o.href;
params.data = '';
if (o.hrefparameter) {
params.data = o.hrefparameter;
if (o.requesttype) {
params.type = o.requesttype;
else {
params.type = "POST";
if (o.formids) {
if (!s2j.loadAtOnce) {
s2j.require("js/plugins/jquery.form" + s2j.minSuffix + ".js");
$.each(o.formids.split(','), function(i, fid) {
var query = $(s2j.escId(fid)).formSerialize();
if (params.data !== '') {
params.data = params.data + '&' + query;
else {
params.data = query;
if (o.datatype) {
params.dataType = o.datatype;
else {
params.dataType = 'html';
// fix 'issue' wherein IIS will reject post without data
if (!params.data) {
params.data = {};
o.options = params;
o.options.submit = true;
// publish all 'before' and 'always' topics
s2j.publishTopic(container, always, o);
s2j.publishTopic(container, o.onbef, o);
// Execute Ajax Request
cid = container.attr('id');
s2j.currentXhr[cid] = $.ajax(params);
* Form logic
* Handler to submit a form with jquery.form.js plugin
* */
$.subscribeHandler($.struts2_jquery.handler.form, function(event, data) {
var s2j = $.struts2_jquery,
elem = $(event.target),
o = {},
params = {},
// need to also make use of original attributes registered with the container (such as onCompleteTopics)
if (data) {
$.extend(o, data);
if (event.data) {
$.extend(o, event.data);
s2j.lasttopic = o.actionTopic;
indi = o.indicatorid;
always = o.onalw;
if (o.href && o.href !== '#') {
params.url = o.href;
if (o.hrefparameter) {
params.url = params.url + '?' + o.hrefparameter;
if (o.clearform) {
params.clearForm = true;
if (o.iframe) {
params.iframe = true;
if (o.resetform) {
params.resetForm = true;
if (o.replaceTarget) {
params.replaceTarget = true;
if (o.timeout) {
params.timeout = parseInt(o.timeout, 10);
if (o.datatype) {
params.dataType = o.datatype;
else {
params.dataType = null;
params.target = '';
if (o.targets) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
elem = $(s2j.escId(target));
if (params.target === '') {
params.target = s2j.escId(target);
else {
params.target = params.target + ',#' + s2j.escId(target);
params.beforeSubmit = function(formData, form, formoptions) {
var orginal = {};
orginal.formData = formData;
orginal.form = form;
orginal.options = formoptions;
orginal.options.submit = true;
s2j.publishTopic(elem, always, orginal);
if (o.onbef) {
$.each(o.onbef.split(','), function(i, topic) {
elem.publish(topic, elem, orginal);
if (o.validate && orginal.options.submit) {
orginal.options.submit = s2j.validateForm(form, o);
orginal.formvalidate = orginal.options.submit;
if (o.onaftervalidation) {
$.each(o.onaftervalidation.split(','), function(i, topic) {
elem.publish(topic, elem, orginal);
if (orginal.options.submit) {
if(!o.datatype || o.datatype !== "json") {
if (o.loadingtext && o.loadingtext !== "false") {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
else if (s2j.defaults.loadingText !== null) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
return orginal.options.submit;
params.success = s2j.pubSuc(elem, always, o.onsuc, indi, 'form', o);
params.complete = s2j.pubCom(elem, always, o.oncom, o.targets, indi, o);
params.error = s2j.pubErr(elem, always, o.onerr, o.errortext, 'html');
$.each(o.formids.split(','), function(i, fid) {
s2j.log('submit form : ' + fid);
return false;
* Effects
* Register handler for effects
* */
$.subscribeHandler($.struts2_jquery.handler.effect, function(event, data) {
var s2j = $.struts2_jquery,
o = {},
eo = {},
duration = 2000,
callback = null,
tar = null;
$.extend(o, event.data);
if (o.targets && o.effect) {
if (o.effectoptions) {
eo = o.effectoptions;
if (o.effectduration) {
duration = o.effectduration;
if(o.oneffect) {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
$.subscribe($(s2j.escId(target)), o.oneffect, o);
callback = function () {
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
s2j.publishTopic($(s2j.escId(target)), o.oneffect, o);
if (!s2j.loadAtOnce) {
var jsFiles = [ "js/base/effect" + s2j.minSuffix + ".js", "js/base/effect-" + o.effect + s2j.minSuffix + ".js" ];
if (o.effect === "scale" || o.effect === "puff"){
jsFiles.push("js/base/effect-size" + s2j.minSuffix + ".js");
if (o.effect === "puff"){
jsFiles.push("js/base/effect-scale" + s2j.minSuffix + ".js");
s2j.log('effect ' + o.effect + ' for ' + o.targets);
$.each(o.targets.split(','), function(i, target) {
tar = $(s2j.escId(target));
if(!o.effectmode || o.effectmode === 'none' ) {
tar.effect(o.effect, eo, duration, callback);
else if (o.effectmode === 'show') {
tar.show(o.effect, eo, duration, callback);
else if (o.effectmode === 'hide') {
tar.hide(o.effect, eo, duration, callback);
else if (o.effectmode === 'toggle') {
tar.toggle(o.effect, eo, duration, callback);
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