<% if (data.read_more_url) { %> \
Read more<\/a> \
<% } %> \
<\/div> \
<\/div> \
<\/div> \
<\/div> \
groupMarkerTemplate: '
<%= data.groupDisplay %><\/div> \
<\/div> \
<\/div> \
<\/div> \
buttonTemplate: '
active<% } %>" href="#">Expand all<\/span><\/a> \
active<% } %>" href="#">Collapse all<\/span><\/a> \
<\/div> \
active<% } %>" href="#">Newest first<\/span><\/a> \
active<% } %>" href="#">Oldest first<\/span><\/a> \
<\/div> \
<\/div> \
timelineTemplate: '
<\/div> \
<\/div> \
<%= data.posts %> \
<%= data.groups %> \
<\/div> \
loadingTemplate: '
Loading... \
<\/div> \
var groupingFunctions = {};
* Grouping function by Decade.
groupingFunctions.groupSegmentByDecade = function (row, groups, direction) {
var year = row.date.year();
var yearStr = year.toString();
var id = yearStr.slice(0, -1);
var start = moment(id + '0-01-01T00:00:00');
var end = moment(id + '9-12-31T12:59:99');
if (_.isUndefined(groups[id])) {
groups[id] = {
id: id,
groupDisplay: id + '0\'s',
timestamp: (direction == 'newest') ? end.unix() : start.unix(),
timestampStart: start.unix(),
timestampEnd: end.unix()
return groups;
* Grouping function by year.
groupingFunctions.groupSegmentByYear = function (row, groups, direction) {
var year = row.date.year();
var start = moment(year + '-01-01T00:00:00');
var end = moment(year + '-12-31T12:59:99');
if (_.isUndefined(groups[year.toString()])) {
groups[year.toString()] = {
id: year,
groupDisplay: year,
timestamp: (direction == 'newest') ? end.unix() : start.unix(),
timestampStart: start.unix(),
timestampEnd: end.unix()
return groups;
* Grouping function by day.
groupingFunctions.groupSegmentByDay = function (row, groups, direction) {
var month = new Date(row.timestamp).getMonth();
var year = new Date(row.timestamp).getFullYear();
var day = new Date(row.timestamp).getDate();
var _month_str = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
var _time_start = Date.parse(_month_str[month] + ' ' + day + ', ' + year);
var _time_end = Date.parse(_month_str[month] + ' ' + (day + 1) + ', ' + year);
var _id = day + (month + year * 100) * 100;
groups[_id] = {
id: _id,
groupDisplay: _month_str[month] + ' ' + day + ', ' + year,
timestamp: (direction == 'newest') ? _time_end : _time_start,
timestampStart: _time_start,
timestampEnd: _time_end
return groups;
* Base class for timeline
var VerticalTimeline = function (el, options) {
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaultsOptions, options);
// Check to see if grouping function is an option
this.options.groupFunction = (!_.isFunction(this.options.groupFunction) && _.isFunction(groupingFunctions[this.options.groupFunction])) ? groupingFunctions[this.options.groupFunction] : this.options.groupFunction;
// Consistent reference to jquery object
this.$el = $(el);
// Build templates for performance
this.templates = {};
this.templates.post = _.template(this.options.postTemplate);
this.templates.group = _.template(this.options.groupMarkerTemplate);
this.templates.buttons = _.template(this.options.buttonTemplate);
this.templates.timeline = _.template(this.options.timelineTemplate);
this.templates.loading = _.template(this.options.loadingTemplate);
// Use custom events to make things happens
* Methods and properties of class
_.extend(VerticalTimeline.prototype, {
// Events
events: {
'vt.build': ['buildLayout'],
'vt.layoutBuilt': ['getData'],
'vt.gotData': ['parseData'],
'vt.parsedData': ['buildTimeline'],
'vt.builtTimeline': ['loadImages', 'adjustWidth'],
'vt.loadedImages': ['isotopeIt'],
'vt.isotopized': ['adjustWidth', 'adjustSpine', 'domEvents']
// Event delegation
loadEvents: function () {
_.each(this.events, function (ea, ename) {
_.each(ea, function (ehandler) {
if (_.isFunction(this[ehandler])) {
this.$el.on(ename, _.bind(this[ehandler], this));
}, this);
}, this);
// Initial building
buildLayout: function () {
// Add base class for styling
// Add template layout
data: this.options
}) + this.templates.loading({}));
// Get data
// Get data. Data can be from from Google Spreadsheet or JSON
getData: function () {
var thisVT = this;
// Check if data is set and has data
if (_.isArray(this.options.data) && this.options.data.length > 0) {
this.data = this.options.data;
else {
Tabletop.init(_.extend({}, this.options.tabletopOptions, {
key: this.options.key,
wanted: [this.options.sheetName],
callback: function (data, tabletop) {
thisVT.data = data[thisVT.options.sheetName].elements;
thisVT.tabletop = tabletop;
// Process data
parseData: function () {
// Placeholder for groups
this.groups = this.groups || {};
// Go through each row
this.data = _.map(this.data, function (row) {
// Column mapping. Tabletop removes spaces.
_.each(this.options.columnMapping, function (column, key) {
column = column.split(' ').join('');
if (!_.isUndefined(row[column])) {
row[key] = row[column];
// Parse date with moment
row.date = moment(row.date, this.options.dateParse);
row.timestamp = row.date.unix();
// Process into group
this.groups = this.options.groupFunction(row, this.groups, this.options.defaultDirection);
return row;
}, this);
// Trigger done
// Build timline
buildTimeline: function () {
data: {
posts: _.map(this.data, function (d, di) {
return this.templates.post({
data: d,
options: this.options
}, this).join(' '),
groups: _.map(this.groups, function (g, gi) {
return this.templates.group({
data: g
}, this).join(' ')
this.$timeline = this.$el.find('.vertical-timeline-timeline');
// Wait for images to be loaded
loadImages: function () {
this.$el.imagesLoaded(_.bind(function () {
this.$timeline.fadeIn('fast', _.bind(function () {
}, this));
}, this));
// Make isotope layout
isotopeIt: function () {
itemSelector: '.item',
transformsEnabled: true,
layoutMode: 'spineAlign',
spineAlign: {
gutterWidth: this.options.gutterWidth
getSortData: {
timestamp: function ($el) {
return parseFloat($el.data('timestamp'));
sortBy: 'timestamp',
sortAscending: (this.options.defaultDirection === 'newest') ? false : true,
itemPositionDataEnabled: true,
onLayout: _.bind(function ($els, instance) {
}, this),
containerStyle: {
position: 'relative'
// Adjust width of timeline
adjustWidth: function () {
var w = this.options.width;
var containerW = this.$el.width();
var timelineW;
var postW;
if (w === 'auto') {
w = containerW + 'px';
// Set timeline width
this.$timeline.css('width', w);
timelineW = this.$timeline.width();
// Set width on posts
postW = (timelineW / 2) - (this.options.gutterWidth / 2) - 3;
// Adjust the middle line
adjustSpine: function () {
var $lastItem = this.$el.find('.item.last');
var itemPosition = $lastItem.data('isotope-item-position');
var dateHeight = $lastItem.find('.date').height();
var dateOffset = $lastItem.find('.date').position();
var innerMargin = parseInt($lastItem.find('.inner').css('marginTop'), 10);
var top = (dateOffset === undefined) ? 0 : parseInt(dateOffset.top, 10);
var y = (itemPosition && itemPosition.y) ?
parseInt(itemPosition.y, 10) : 0;
var lineHeight = y + innerMargin + top + (dateHeight / 2);
var $line = this.$el.find('.line');
var xOffset = (this.$timeline.width() / 2) - ($line.width() / 2);
.css('left', xOffset + 'px');
// DOM event
domEvents: function () {
if (this.domEventsAdded) {
// Handle click of open close buttons on post
this.$el.find('.item a.open-close').on('click', _.bind(function (e) {
var $thisButton = $(e.currentTarget);
var $post = $thisButton.parents('.post');
var direction = ($post.hasClass('collapsed')) ? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp';
// Slide body
$thisButton.siblings('.body')[direction](_.bind(function () {
// Mark post and poke isotope
}, this));
// Change top buttons
this.$el.find('.expand-collapse-buttons a').removeClass('active');
}, this));
// Handle expand/collapse buttons
this.$el.find('.vertical-timeline-buttons a.expand-all').on('click', _.bind(function (e) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
var thisVT = this;
this.$el.find('.post .body').slideDown(function () {
this.$el.find('.expand-collapse-buttons a').removeClass('active');
}, this));
this.$el.find('.vertical-timeline-buttons a.collapse-all').on('click', _.bind(function (e) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
var thisVT = this;
this.$el.find('.post .body').slideUp(function () {
this.$el.find('.expand-collapse-buttons a').removeClass('active');
}, this));
// Sorting buttons
this.$el.find('.sort-buttons a').on('click', _.bind(function (e) {
var $this = $(e.currentTarget);
// Don't proceed if already selected
if ($this.hasClass('active')) {
return false;
// Mark buttons
this.$el.find('.sort-buttons a').removeClass('active');
// Change sorting
if ($this.hasClass('sort-newest')) {
else {
}, this));
// If jQuery resize plugin is enabled and the option is
// enabled then handle resize
if (this.options.handleResize === true && _.isFunction(this.$el.resize)) {
this.$el.resize(_.throttle(_.bind(function () {
}, this), 200));
// Only need to add these once
this.domEventsAdded = true;
// Updates group markers with the appropriate timestamp
// for isotope layout
updateGroups: function (direction) {
var thisVT = this;
direction = direction || this.options.defaultDirection;
this.$el.find('.group-marker').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var timestamp = (direction !== 'newest') ?
thisVT.groups[$this.data('id')].timestampStart :
$this.data('timestamp', timestamp);
// Poke isotope
.isotope({sortAscending: (direction !== 'newest')});
* Extend Isotope for custom layout: spineAlign
_.extend($.Isotope.prototype, {
_spineAlignReset: function () {
this.spineAlign = {
colA: 0,
colB: 0,
lastY: -60
_spineAlignLayout: function ($elems) {
var instance = this,
props = this.spineAlign,
gutterWidth = Math.round(this.options.spineAlign && this.options.spineAlign.gutterWidth) || 0,
centerX = Math.round(this.element.width() / 2);
$elems.each(function (i, val) {
var $this = $(this);
var x, y;
if (i == $elems.length - 1) {
if ($this.hasClass('group-marker')) {
var width = $this.width();
x = centerX - (width / 2);
if (props.colA >= props.colB) {
y = props.colA;
if (y === 0) {
props.colA += $this.outerHeight(true);
props.colB = props.colA;
else {
y = props.colB;
if (y === 0) {
props.colB += $this.outerHeight(true);
props.colA = props.colB;
else {
var isColA = props.colB >= props.colA;
if (isColA) {
else {
x = isColA ?
centerX - ( $this.outerWidth(true) + gutterWidth / 2 ) : // left side
centerX + (gutterWidth / 2); // right side
y = isColA ? props.colA : props.colB;
if (y - props.lastY <= 60) {
var extraSpacing = 60 - Math.abs(y - props.lastY);
$this.find('.inner').css('marginTop', extraSpacing);
props.lastY = y + extraSpacing;
else {
$this.find('.inner').css('marginTop', 0);
props.lastY = y;
props[( isColA ? 'colA' : 'colB' )] += $this.outerHeight(true);
instance._pushPosition($this, x, y);
_spineAlignGetContainerSize: function () {
var size = {};
size.height = this.spineAlign[( this.spineAlign.colB > this.spineAlign.colA ? 'colB' : 'colA' )];
return size;
_spineAlignResizeChanged: function () {
return true;
* Turn verticalTimeline into jQuery plugin
$.fn.verticalTimeline = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'verticalTimeline')) {
$.data(this, 'verticalTimeline', new VerticalTimeline(this, options));
// Incase someone wants to use the base class, return it
return VerticalTimeline;
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