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/** @type {jQuery} DataTables scrolling container */
dtScroll: null,
/** @type {jQuery} Offset parent element */
offsetParent: null
/* Constructor logic */
$.extend(AutoFill.prototype, {
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Public methods (exposed via the DataTables API below)
enabled: function () {
return this.s.enabled;
enable: function (flag) {
var that = this;
if (flag === false) {
return this.disable();
this.s.enabled = true;
this.dom.handle.on('mousedown', function (e) {
return false;
return this;
disable: function () {
this.s.enabled = false;
return this;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Constructor
* Initialise the RowReorder instance
* @private
_constructor: function () {
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var dtScroll = $('div.dataTables_scrollBody', this.s.dt.table().container());
// Make the instance accessible to the API
dt.settings()[0].autoFill = this;
if (dtScroll.length) {
this.dom.dtScroll = dtScroll;
// Need to scroll container to be the offset parent
if (dtScroll.css('position') === 'static') {
dtScroll.css('position', 'relative');
if (this.c.enable !== false) {
dt.on('destroy.autoFill', function () {
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Private methods
* Display the AutoFill drag handle by appending it to a table cell. This
* is the opposite of the _detach method.
* @param {node} node TD/TH cell to insert the handle into
* @private
_attach: function (node) {
var dt = this.s.dt;
var idx = dt.cell(node).index();
var handle = this.dom.handle;
var handleDim = this.s.handle;
if (!idx || dt.columns(this.c.columns).indexes().indexOf(idx.column) === -1) {
if (!this.dom.offsetParent) {
// We attach to the table's offset parent
this.dom.offsetParent = $(dt.table().node()).offsetParent();
if (!handleDim.height || !handleDim.width) {
// Append to document so we can get its size. Not expecting it to
// change during the life time of the page
handleDim.height = handle.outerHeight();
handleDim.width = handle.outerWidth();
// Might need to go through multiple offset parents
var offset = this._getPosition(node, this.dom.offsetParent);
this.dom.attachedTo = node;
top: + node.offsetHeight - handleDim.height,
left: offset.left + node.offsetWidth - handleDim.width
* Determine can the fill type should be. This can be automatic, or ask the
* end user.
* @param {array} cells Information about the selected cells from the key
* up function
* @private
_actionSelector: function (cells) {
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var actions = AutoFill.actions;
var available = [];
// "Ask" each plug-in if it wants to handle this data
$.each(actions, function (key, action) {
if (action.available(dt, cells)) {
if (available.length === 1 && this.c.alwaysAsk === false) {
// Only one action available - enact it immediately
var result = actions[available[0]].execute(dt, cells);
this._update(result, cells);
else {
// Multiple actions available - ask the end user what they want to do
var list = this.dom.list.children('ul').empty();
// Add a cancel option
$.each(available, function (i, name) {
' +
actions[name].option(dt, cells) +
.on('click', function () {
var result = actions[name].execute(
dt, cells, $(this).closest('li')
that._update(result, cells);
this.dom.list.css('margin-top', this.dom.list.outerHeight() / 2 * -1);
* Remove the AutoFill handle from the document
* @private
_detach: function () {
this.dom.attachedTo = null;
* Draw the selection outline by calculating the range between the start
* and end cells, then placing the highlighting elements to draw a rectangle
* @param {node} target End cell
* @param {object} e Originating event
* @private
_drawSelection: function (target, e) {
// Calculate boundary for start cell to this one
var dt = this.s.dt;
var start = this.s.start;
var startCell = $(this.dom.start);
var end = {
row: this.c.vertical ?
dt.rows({page: 'current'}).nodes().indexOf(target.parentNode) :
column: this.c.horizontal ?
$(target).index() :
var colIndx = dt.column.index('toData', end.column);
var endCell = $(dt.cell(':eq(' + end.row + ')', colIndx).node());
// Be sure that is a DataTables controlled cell
if (!dt.cell(endCell).any()) {
// if target is not in the columns available - do nothing
if (dt.columns(this.c.columns).indexes().indexOf(colIndx) === -1) {
this.s.end = end;
var top, bottom, left, right, height, width;
top = start.row < end.row ? startCell : endCell;
bottom = start.row < end.row ? endCell : startCell;
left = start.column < end.column ? startCell : endCell;
right = start.column < end.column ? endCell : startCell;
top = this._getPosition(top).top;
left = this._getPosition(left).left;
height = this._getPosition(bottom).top + bottom.outerHeight() - top;
width = this._getPosition(right).left + right.outerWidth() - left;
var select =;{
top: top,
left: left,
width: width
top: top,
left: left,
height: height
top: top + height,
left: left,
width: width
top: top,
left: left + width,
height: height
* Use the Editor API to perform an update based on the new data for the
* cells
* @param {array} cells Information about the selected cells from the key
* up function
* @private
_editor: function (cells) {
var dt = this.s.dt;
var editor = this.c.editor;
if (!editor) {
// Build the object structure for Editor's multi-row editing
var idValues = {};
var nodes = [];
var fields = editor.fields();
for (var i = 0, ien = cells.length; i < ien; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jen = cells[i].length; j < jen; j++) {
var cell = cells[i][j];
// Determine the field name for the cell being edited
var col = dt.settings()[0].aoColumns[cell.index.column];
var fieldName = col.editField;
if (fieldName === undefined) {
var dataSrc = col.mData;
// dataSrc is the `` property, but we need to set
// using the field name, so we need to translate from the
// data to the name
for (var k = 0, ken = fields.length; k < ken; k++) {
var field = editor.field(fields[k]);
if (field.dataSrc() === dataSrc) {
fieldName =;
if (!fieldName) {
throw 'Could not automatically determine field data. ' +
'Please see';
if (!idValues[fieldName]) {
idValues[fieldName] = {};
var id = dt.row(cell.index.row).id();
idValues[fieldName][id] = cell.set;
// Keep a list of cells so we can activate the bubble editing
// with them
// Perform the edit using bubble editing as it allows us to specify
// the cells to be edited, rather than using full rows
.bubble(nodes, false)
* Emit an event on the DataTable for listeners
* @param {string} name Event name
* @param {array} args Event arguments
* @private
_emitEvent: function (name, args) {
this.s.dt.iterator('table', function (ctx, i) {
$(ctx.nTable).triggerHandler(name + '.dt', args);
* Attach suitable listeners (based on the configuration) that will attach
* and detach the AutoFill handle in the document.
* @private
_focusListener: function () {
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var namespace = this.s.namespace;
var focus = this.c.focus !== null ?
this.c.focus :
dt.init().keys || dt.settings()[0].keytable ?
'focus' :
// All event listeners attached here are removed in the `destroy`
// callback in the constructor
if (focus === 'focus') {
.on('key-focus.autoFill', function (e, dt, cell) {
.on('key-blur.autoFill', function (e, dt, cell) {
else if (focus === 'click') {
$(dt.table().body()).on('click' + namespace, 'td, th', function (e) {
$(document.body).on('click' + namespace, function (e) {
if (!$( {
else {
.on('mouseenter' + namespace, 'td, th', function (e) {
.on('mouseleave' + namespace, function (e) {
if ($(e.relatedTarget).hasClass('dt-autofill-handle')) {
_focusListenerRemove: function () {
var dt = this.s.dt;'.autoFill');
* Get the position of a node, relative to another, including any scrolling
* offsets.
* @param {Node} node Node to get the position of
* @param {jQuery} targetParent Node to use as the parent
* @return {object} Offset calculation
* @private
_getPosition: function (node, targetParent) {
currNode = $(node),
top = 0,
left = 0;
if (!targetParent) {
targetParent = $($(this.s.dt.table().node())[0].offsetParent);
do {
position = currNode.position();
// jQuery doesn't give a `table` as the offset parent oddly, so use DOM directly
currOffsetParent = $(currNode[0].offsetParent);
top += + currOffsetParent.scrollTop();
left += position.left + currOffsetParent.scrollLeft();
top += parseInt(currOffsetParent.css('margin-top')) * 1;
top += parseInt(currOffsetParent.css('border-top-width')) * 1;
// Emergency fall back. Shouldn't happen, but just in case!
if (currNode.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'body') {
currNode = currOffsetParent; // for next loop
while (currOffsetParent.get(0) !== targetParent.get(0))
return {
top: top,
left: left
* Start mouse drag - selects the start cell
* @param {object} e Mouse down event
* @private
_mousedown: function (e) {
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
this.dom.start = this.dom.attachedTo;
this.s.start = {
row: dt.rows({page: 'current'}).nodes().indexOf($(this.dom.start).parent()[0]),
column: $(this.dom.start).index()
.on('mousemove.autoFill', function (e) {
.on('mouseup.autoFill', function (e) {
var select =;
var offsetParent = $(dt.table().node()).offsetParent();;
this._drawSelection(this.dom.start, e);
this.dom.handle.css('display', 'none');
// Cache scrolling information so mouse move doesn't need to read.
// This assumes that the window and DT scroller will not change size
// during an AutoFill drag, which I think is a fair assumption
var scrollWrapper = this.dom.dtScroll;
this.s.scroll = {
windowHeight: $(window).height(),
windowWidth: $(window).width(),
dtTop: scrollWrapper ? scrollWrapper.offset().top : null,
dtLeft: scrollWrapper ? scrollWrapper.offset().left : null,
dtHeight: scrollWrapper ? scrollWrapper.outerHeight() : null,
dtWidth: scrollWrapper ? scrollWrapper.outerWidth() : null
* Mouse drag - selects the end cell and update the selection display for
* the end user
* @param {object} e Mouse move event
* @private
_mousemove: function (e) {
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var name =;
if (name !== 'td' && name !== 'th') {
this._drawSelection(, e);
* End mouse drag - perform the update actions
* @param {object} e Mouse up event
* @private
_mouseup: function (e) {
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var select =;;
this.dom.handle.css('display', 'block');
// Display complete - now do something useful with the selection!
var start = this.s.start;
var end = this.s.end;
// Haven't selected multiple cells, so nothing to do
if (start.row === end.row && start.column === end.column) {
var startDt = dt.cell(':eq(' + start.row + ')', start.column + ':visible', {page: 'current'});
// If Editor is active inside this cell (inline editing) we need to wait for Editor to
// submit and then we can loop back and trigger the fill.
if ($('div.DTE', startDt.node()).length) {
var editor = dt.editor();
.on('submitSuccess.kt', function () {'.kt');
.on('submitComplete.kt preSubmitCancelled.kt', function () {'.kt');
// Build a matrix representation of the selected rows
var rows = this._range(start.row, end.row);
var columns = this._range(start.column, end.column);
var selected = [];
var dtSettings = dt.settings()[0];
var dtColumns = dtSettings.aoColumns;
// Can't use as IE8 doesn't support it
// Can't use $.map as jQuery flattens 2D arrays
// Need to use a good old fashioned for loop
for (var rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rows.length; rowIdx++) {
$.map(columns, function (column) {
var cell = dt.cell(':eq(' + rows[rowIdx] + ')', column + ':visible', {page: 'current'});
var data =;
var cellIndex = cell.index();
var editField = dtColumns[cellIndex.column].editField;
if (editField !== undefined) {
data = dtSettings.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn(editField)(dt.row(cellIndex.row).data());
return {
cell: cell,
data: data,
index: cellIndex
// Stop shiftScroll
this.s.scrollInterval = null;
* Create an array with a range of numbers defined by the start and end
* parameters passed in (inclusive!).
* @param {integer} start Start
* @param {integer} end End
* @private
_range: function (start, end) {
var out = [];
var i;
if (start <= end) {
for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
else {
for (i = start; i >= end; i--) {
return out;
* Move the window and DataTables scrolling during a drag to scroll new
* content into view. This is done by proximity to the edge of the scrolling
* container of the mouse - for example near the top edge of the window
* should scroll up. This is a little complicated as there are two elements
* that can be scrolled - the window and the DataTables scrolling view port
* (if scrollX and / or scrollY is enabled).
* @param {object} e Mouse move event object
* @private
_shiftScroll: function (e) {
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var scroll = this.s.scroll;
var runInterval = false;
var scrollSpeed = 5;
var buffer = 65;
windowY = e.pageY - document.body.scrollTop,
windowX = e.pageX - document.body.scrollLeft,
windowVert, windowHoriz,
dtVert, dtHoriz;
// Window calculations - based on the mouse position in the window,
// regardless of scrolling
if (windowY < buffer) {
windowVert = scrollSpeed * -1;
else if (windowY > scroll.windowHeight - buffer) {
windowVert = scrollSpeed;
if (windowX < buffer) {
windowHoriz = scrollSpeed * -1;
else if (windowX > scroll.windowWidth - buffer) {
windowHoriz = scrollSpeed;
// DataTables scrolling calculations - based on the table's position in
// the document and the mouse position on the page
if (scroll.dtTop !== null && e.pageY < scroll.dtTop + buffer) {
dtVert = scrollSpeed * -1;
else if (scroll.dtTop !== null && e.pageY > scroll.dtTop + scroll.dtHeight - buffer) {
dtVert = scrollSpeed;
if (scroll.dtLeft !== null && e.pageX < scroll.dtLeft + buffer) {
dtHoriz = scrollSpeed * -1;
else if (scroll.dtLeft !== null && e.pageX > scroll.dtLeft + scroll.dtWidth - buffer) {
dtHoriz = scrollSpeed;
// This is where it gets interesting. We want to continue scrolling
// without requiring a mouse move, so we need an interval to be
// triggered. The interval should continue until it is no longer needed,
// but it must also use the latest scroll commands (for example consider
// that the mouse might move from scrolling up to scrolling left, all
// with the same interval running. We use the `scroll` object to "pass"
// this information to the interval. Can't use local variables as they
// wouldn't be the ones that are used by an already existing interval!
if (windowVert || windowHoriz || dtVert || dtHoriz) {
scroll.windowVert = windowVert;
scroll.windowHoriz = windowHoriz;
scroll.dtVert = dtVert;
scroll.dtHoriz = dtHoriz;
runInterval = true;
else if (this.s.scrollInterval) {
// Don't need to scroll - remove any existing timer
this.s.scrollInterval = null;
// If we need to run the interval to scroll and there is no existing
// interval (if there is an existing one, it will continue to run)
if (!this.s.scrollInterval && runInterval) {
this.s.scrollInterval = setInterval(function () {
// Don't need to worry about setting scroll <0 or beyond the
// scroll bound as the browser will just reject that.
if (scroll.windowVert) {
document.body.scrollTop += scroll.windowVert;
if (scroll.windowHoriz) {
document.body.scrollLeft += scroll.windowHoriz;
// DataTables scrolling
if (scroll.dtVert || scroll.dtHoriz) {
var scroller = that.dom.dtScroll[0];
if (scroll.dtVert) {
scroller.scrollTop += scroll.dtVert;
if (scroll.dtHoriz) {
scroller.scrollLeft += scroll.dtHoriz;
}, 20);
* Update the DataTable after the user has selected what they want to do
* @param {false|undefined} result Return from the `execute` method - can
* be false internally to do nothing. This is not documented for plug-ins
* and is used only by the cancel option.
* @param {array} cells Information about the selected cells from the key
* up function, argumented with the set values
* @private
_update: function (result, cells) {
// Do nothing on `false` return from an execute function
if (result === false) {
var dt = this.s.dt;
var cell;
// Potentially allow modifications to the cells matrix
this._emitEvent('preAutoFill', [dt, cells]);
// Automatic updates are not performed if `update` is null and the
// `editor` parameter is passed in - the reason being that Editor will
// update the data once submitted
var update = this.c.update !== null ?
this.c.update :
this.c.editor ?
false :
if (update) {
for (var i = 0, ien = cells.length; i < ien; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jen = cells[i].length; j < jen; j++) {
cell = cells[i][j];;
this._emitEvent('autoFill', [dt, cells]);
* AutoFill actions. The options here determine how AutoFill will fill the data
* in the table when the user has selected a range of cells. Please see the
* documentation on the DataTables site for full details on how to create plug-
* ins.
* @type {Object}
AutoFill.actions = {
increment: {
available: function (dt, cells) {
var d = cells[0][0].label;
// is numeric test based on jQuery's old `isNumeric` function
return !isNaN(d - parseFloat(d));
option: function (dt, cells) {
return dt.i18n(
'Increment / decrement each cell by: '
execute: function (dt, cells, node) {
var value = cells[0][0].data * 1;
var increment = $('input', node).val() * 1;
for (var i = 0, ien = cells.length; i < ien; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jen = cells[i].length; j < jen; j++) {
cells[i][j].set = value;
value += increment;
fill: {
available: function (dt, cells) {
return true;
option: function (dt, cells) {
return dt.i18n('autoFill.fill', 'Fill all cells with ' + cells[0][0].label + '');
execute: function (dt, cells, node) {
var value = cells[0][0].data;
for (var i = 0, ien = cells.length; i < ien; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jen = cells[i].length; j < jen; j++) {
cells[i][j].set = value;
fillHorizontal: {
available: function (dt, cells) {
return cells.length > 1 && cells[0].length > 1;
option: function (dt, cells) {
return dt.i18n('autoFill.fillHorizontal', 'Fill cells horizontally');
execute: function (dt, cells, node) {
for (var i = 0, ien = cells.length; i < ien; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jen = cells[i].length; j < jen; j++) {
cells[i][j].set = cells[i][0].data;
fillVertical: {
available: function (dt, cells) {
return cells.length > 1 && cells[0].length > 1;
option: function (dt, cells) {
return dt.i18n('autoFill.fillVertical', 'Fill cells vertically');
execute: function (dt, cells, node) {
for (var i = 0, ien = cells.length; i < ien; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jen = cells[i].length; j < jen; j++) {
cells[i][j].set = cells[0][j].data;
// Special type that does not make itself available, but is added
// automatically by AutoFill if a multi-choice list is shown. This allows
// sensible code reuse
cancel: {
available: function () {
return false;
option: function (dt) {
return dt.i18n('autoFill.cancel', 'Cancel');
execute: function () {
return false;
* AutoFill version
* @static
* @type String
AutoFill.version = '2.3.1';
* AutoFill defaults
* @namespace
AutoFill.defaults = {
/** @type {Boolean} Ask user what they want to do, even for a single option */
alwaysAsk: false,
/** @type {string|null} What will trigger a focus */
focus: null, // focus, click, hover
/** @type {column-selector} Columns to provide auto fill for */
columns: '', // all
/** @type {Boolean} Enable AutoFill on load */
enable: true,
/** @type {boolean|null} Update the cells after a drag */
update: null, // false is editor given, true otherwise
/** @type {DataTable.Editor} Editor instance for automatic submission */
editor: null,
/** @type {boolean} Enable vertical fill */
vertical: true,
/** @type {boolean} Enable horizontal fill */
horizontal: true
* Classes used by AutoFill that are configurable
* @namespace
AutoFill.classes = {
/** @type {String} Class used by the selection button */
btn: 'btn'
var Api = $.fn.dataTable.Api;
// Doesn't do anything - Not documented
Api.register('autoFill()', function () {
return this;
Api.register('autoFill().enabled()', function () {
var ctx = this.context[0];
return ctx.autoFill ?
ctx.autoFill.enabled() :
Api.register('autoFill().enable()', function (flag) {
return this.iterator('table', function (ctx) {
if (ctx.autoFill) {
Api.register('autoFill().disable()', function () {
return this.iterator('table', function (ctx) {
if (ctx.autoFill) {
// Attach a listener to the document which listens for DataTables initialisation
// events so we can automatically initialise
$(document).on('preInit.dt.autofill', function (e, settings, json) {
if (e.namespace !== 'dt') {
var init = settings.oInit.autoFill;
var defaults = DataTable.defaults.autoFill;
if (init || defaults) {
var opts = $.extend({}, init, defaults);
if (init !== false) {
new AutoFill(settings, opts);
// Alias for access
DataTable.AutoFill = AutoFill;
DataTable.AutoFill = AutoFill;
return AutoFill;