explain-given_3.0.1.0.source-code.explain-given.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.kubuszok.explain_given
object ExplainGiven {
transparent inline def apply[A](using inline a: A) = $ {implementation('a, printHint = true, printRuntime = true)}
transparent inline def withHint[A](using inline a: A) = $ {implementation('a, printHint = true, printRuntime = false)}
transparent inline def withPrintln[A](using inline a: A) = $ {implementation('a, printHint = false, printRuntime = true)}
import scala.quoted.*
def implementation[A: Type](a: Expr[A], printHint: Boolean, printRuntime: Boolean)(using q: Quotes): Expr[A] = {
import q.*, q.reflect.*
val msg = s"given of type ${TypeRepr.of[A].show(using Printer.TypeReprAnsiCode)} resolved to:\n${a.asTerm.show(using Printer.TreeAnsiCode)}"
if (printHint) {
report.info(msg, a)
if (printRuntime) {
println(${ Expr(msg) })
${ a }
} else a