om.liferay.source.formatter.1.0.1441.source-code.checkstyle-jsp.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Checkstyle//DTD Checkstyle Configuration 1.3//EN" ""> <module name="Checker"> <module name="TreeWalker"> <property name="tabWidth" value="4" /> <module name="ArrayTypeStyleCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks the style of array type definitions." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="misc/arraytypestyle.html" /> </module> <module name="AvoidNestedBlocksCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds nested blocks (blocks that are used freely in the code)." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="blocks/avoidnestedblocks.html" /> </module> <module name="DefaultComesLastCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that the `default` is after all the cases in a `switch` statement." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="coding/defaultcomeslast.html" /> </module> <module name="LocalFinalVariableNameCheck"> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that local final variable names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/localfinalvariablename.html" /> <property name="format" value="^[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Local final variable ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="LocalVariableNameCheck"> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that local, non-final variable names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/localvariablename.html" /> <property name="format" value="^[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Local non-final variable ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="MemberNameCheck"> <property name="applyToPackage" value="false" /> <property name="applyToPrivate" value="false" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that instance variable names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/membername.html" /> <property name="format" value="^[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Protected or public non-static field ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="MemberNameCheck"> <property name="applyToProtected" value="false" /> <property name="applyToPublic" value="false" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that instance variable names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/membername.html" /> <property name="format" value="^_[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Private non-static field ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="MethodNameCheck"> <property name="applyToPackage" value="false" /> <property name="applyToPrivate" value="false" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that method names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/methodname.html" /> <property name="format" value="^[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Protected or public method ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="MethodNameCheck"> <property name="applyToProtected" value="false" /> <property name="applyToPublic" value="false" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that method names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/methodname.html" /> <property name="format" value="^_[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$|readObject|writeObject" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Private method ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="MethodParamPadCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks the padding between the identifier of a method definition, constructor definition, method call, or constructor invocation; and the left parenthesis of the parameter list." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="whitespace/methodparampad.html" /> </module> <module name="ModifierOrderCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that the order of modifiers conforms to the suggestions in the Java Language specification, § 8.1.1, 8.3.1, 8.4.3 and 9.4." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="modifier/modifierorder.html" /> </module> <module name="MultipleVariableDeclarationsCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that each variable declaration is in its own statement and on its own line." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="coding/multiplevariabledeclarations.html" /> </module> <module name="NeedBracesCheck"> <property name="allowEmptyLoopBody" value="true" /> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for braces around code blocks." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="blocks/needbraces.html" /> </module> <module name="NoLineWrapCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that chosen statements are not line-wrapped." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="whitespace/nolinewrap.html" /> </module> <module name="NoWhitespaceAfterCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that there is no whitespace after a token." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="whitespace/nowhitespaceafter.html" /> <property name="tokens" value="ARRAY_DECLARATOR, ARRAY_INIT, BNOT, DEC, DOT, INC, INDEX_OP, LNOT, TYPECAST, UNARY_MINUS, UNARY_PLUS" /> </module> <module name="NoWhitespaceBeforeCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that there is no whitespace before a token." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="whitespace/nowhitespacebefore.html" /> </module> <module name="OneStatementPerLineCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that there is only one statement per line." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="coding/onestatementperline.html" /> </module> <module name="OperatorWrapCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks the policy on how to wrap lines on operators." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="whitespace/operatorwrap.html" /> <property name="option" value="eol" /> <property name="tokens" value="ASSIGN, BAND, BAND_ASSIGN, BOR, BOR_ASSIGN, BSR, BSR_ASSIGN, BXOR, BXOR_ASSIGN, COLON, DIV, DIV_ASSIGN, EQUAL, GE, GT, LAND, LE, LITERAL_INSTANCEOF, LOR, LT, MINUS, MINUS_ASSIGN, MOD, MOD_ASSIGN, NOT_EQUAL, PLUS, PLUS_ASSIGN, QUESTION, SL, SL_ASSIGN, SR, SR_ASSIGN, STAR, STAR_ASSIGN, TYPE_EXTENSION_AND" /> </module> <module name="ParameterNameCheck"> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that method parameter names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/parametername.html" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Parameter ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="StaticVariableNameCheck"> <property name="applyToPackage" value="false" /> <property name="applyToPrivate" value="false" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that static, non-final variable names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/staticvariablename.html" /> <property name="format" value="^[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Protected or public static non-final field ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="StaticVariableNameCheck"> <property name="applyToProtected" value="false" /> <property name="applyToPublic" value="false" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that static, non-final variable names conform to a specified pattern." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="naming/staticvariablename.html" /> <property name="format" value="^_[a-z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$" /> <message key="name.invalidPattern" value="Private static non-final field ''{0}'' must match pattern ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="StringLiteralEqualityCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that string literals are not used with == or !=." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="coding/stringliteralequality.html" /> </module> <module name="UnnecessaryParenthesesCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks if unnecessary parentheses are used in a statement or expression." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="coding/unnecessaryparentheses.html" /> </module> <module name="WhitespaceAfterCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that a token is followed by whitespace, with the exception that it does not check for whitespace after the semicolon of an empty for iterator." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="whitespace/whitespaceafter.html" /> <property name="tokens" value="COMMA, SEMI" /> </module> <module name="WhitespaceAroundCheck"> <property name="allowEmptyTypes" value="true" /> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that a token is surrounded by whitespace." /> <property name="documentationLocation" value="whitespace/whitespacearound.html" /> </module> <!-- Custom checks --> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.AppendCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks instances where literal Strings are appended." /> <message key="end.character.invalid" value="When appending multiple literal strings, only the last literal string can end with ''{0}''" /> <message key="line.break.incorrect" value="Avoid using line break when appending multiple literal strings" /> <message key="literal.string.combine" value="Combine the literal strings ''{0}'' and ''{1}''" /> <message key="literal.string.move" value="Add the string ''{0}'' to the {1} literal string" /> <message key="plus.incorrect" value="Incorrect use of ''+'' inside StringBundler" /> <message key="start.character.invalid" value="When appending multiple literal strings, only the first literal string can start with ''{0}''" /> <message key="string.combine" value="Combine the literal string ''{0}'' with ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ArrayUtilCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for utilization of class `ArrayUtil`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> <message key="" value="Use ''ArrayUtil.isEmpty({0})'' to simplify code" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.CamelCaseNameCheck"> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks variable names for correct use of `CamelCase`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> <message key="following.underscore.incorrect" value="''{0}'' should not be followed by ''_'' for variable ''{1}''" /> <message key="following.uppercase.incorrect" value="''{0}'' should not be followed by an uppercase character for {1} ''{2}''" /> <message key="preceding.underscore.required" value="''{0}'' should be preceded by ''_'' for variable ''{1}''" /> <message key="starting.uppercase.required" value="''{0}'' should start with an uppercase character for {1} ''{2}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ChainingCheck"> <property name="applyToTypeCast" value="true" /> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that method chaining can be used when possible." /> <message key="chaining.avoid.parentheses" value="Avoid chaining on expressions with parentheses" /> <message key="chaining.avoid.type.cast" value="Avoid chaining on Type Cast" /> <message key="chaining.required" value="Chaining on ''{0}'' is preferred" /> <message key="response.unsorted" value="Method calls between ''Response.status'' and '''' should be sorted" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.CompanyIterationCheck"> <property name="category" value="Bug Prevention" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that `CompanyLocalService.forEachCompany` or `CompanyLocalService.forEachCompanyId` is used when iterating over companies." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> <message key="company.local.service.use.for.loop" value="Use ''CompanyLocalService.{0}'' when iterating over ''{1}''" /> <message key="company.local.service.use.sql" value="Use ''CompanyLocalService.forEachCompany'' instead of SQL" /> <message key="portal.instances.use" value="Use ''PortalInstancePool.getCompanyIds'' instead to fetch company IDs" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ConcatCheck"> <property name="category" value="Performance" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for correct use of `StringBundler.concat`." /> <message key="end.character.invalid" value="When concatenating multiple literal strings, only the last literal string can end with ''{0}''" /> <message key="literal.string.combine" value="Combine the literal strings ''{0}'' and ''{1}''" /> <message key="literal.string.move" value="Add the string ''{0}'' to the {1} literal string" /> <message key="plus.incorrect" value="Do not use ''+'' inside ''StringBundler.concat''" /> <message key="start.character.invalid" value="When concatenating multiple literal strings, only the first literal string can start with ''{0}''" /> <message key="string.combine" value="Combine the literal string ''{0}'' with ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ConstantNameCheck"> <property name="camelCaseTypeNames" value="AggregateTestRule,Atomic.*,CodeCoverageAssertor,LiferayIntegrationTestRule,Log,Pattern,TestRule" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that variable names of constants follow correct naming rules." /> <property name="immutableFieldTypes" value="boolean,byte,char,double,float,int,long,short,Boolean,Byte,Character,Class,Double,Float,Int,Long,Number,Short,String" /> <message key="name.invalidConstantPattern" value="{0} constant ''{1}'' must match pattern ''{2}''" /> <message key="name.invalidConstantTypePattern" value="{0} constant ''{1}'' of type ''{2}'' must match pattern ''{3}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ContractionsCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds contractions in Strings (such as `can't` or `you're`)." /> <message key="contraction.avoid" value="Avoid using contraction ''{0}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ExceptionMessageCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Validates messages that are passed to exceptions." /> <message key="message.incorrect" value="Incorrect exception message" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.FactoryCheck"> <property name="category" value="Bug Prevention" /> <property name="description" value="Finds cases where `*Factory` should be used when creating new instances of an object." /> <message key="factory.use" value="Use ''{0}'' to create new instance of ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.GenericTypeCheck"> <property name="category" value="Bug Prevention" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that generics are always specified to provide compile-time checking and removing the risk of `ClassCastException` during runtime." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> <property name="populateTypeNames" value="false" /> <message key="generic.type.parameterize" value="Parameterize the generic {0} for ''{1}'" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.InstanceofOrderCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Check the order of `instanceof` calls." /> <message key="instanceof.order" value="''{0}'' should come before ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.JSONNamingCheck"> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks if variable names follow naming conventions." /> <message key="" value="{0} name ending with ''{1}'' is reserved for object ''{2}''" /> <message key="variable.rename" value="Rename {0} ''{1}'' to ''{2}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.JSONUtilCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for utilization of class `JSONUtil`." /> <message key="json.util.put.all.use" value="Use ''JSONUtil.putAll'' instead of chaining on ''JSONUtil.put''" /> <message key="json.util.put.use" value="Combine calls ''{0}'' ({1}) and ''{2}'' ({3}) into single call ''{4}''" /> <message key="" value="Use ''toString'' instead of ''String.valueOf''" /> <message key="" value="Use ''toString'' instead of ''toJSONString''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.LambdaCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that `lambda` statements are as simple as possible." /> <message key="lambda.simplify" value="Simplify lambda statement with single statement" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ListUtilCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for utilization of class `ListUtil`." /> <message key="array.unneeded" value="Pass arguments directly to ''ListUtil.fromArray'' instead of passing new array" /> <message key="list.util.from.array.use" value="Use ''ListUtil.fromArray'' to simplify code" /> <message key="" value="Use ''ListUtil.isEmpty({0})'' to simplify code" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.LiteralStringEqualsCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds cases where `Objects.equals` should be used." /> <message key="objects.equals.use.1" value="Use ''Objects.equals'' instead of calling ''equals'' on a literal String" /> <message key="objects.equals.use.2" value="Either use ''{0}'' or use ''Objects.equals'' if ''{1}'' can have a ''null'' value, instead of calling ''equals'' on a literal String" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.MapBuilderCheck"> <property name="category" value="Miscellaneous" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that `ConcurrentHashMapBuilder`, `HashMapBuilder`, `LinkedHashMapBuilder` or `TreeMapBuilder` is used when possible." /> <property name="enforceBuilderNames" value="" /> <message key="builder.include" value="Include method call ''{0}'' ({1}) in ''{2}'' ({3})" /> <message key="builder.use" value="Use ''{0}'' ({1}, {2})" /> <message key="builder.use.instead" value="Use ''{0}'' instead of new instance of ''{1}''" /> <message key="null.value.incorrect" value="Null values are not allowed in ''{0}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.MapIterationCheck"> <property name="category" value="Performance" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that there are no unnecessary map iterations." /> <message key="entry.set.use" value="Use Map.entrySet() to retrieve values" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.MethodEqualsCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds cases where `Objects.equals` should be used." /> <message key="objects.equals.use" value="Use ''Objects.equals'' instead of calling ''equals'' on method" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.MethodNamingCheck"> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that method names follow naming conventions." /> <message key="method.rename" value="Rename method ''{0}'' to ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.MissingDiamondOperatorCheck"> <property name="category" value="Bug Prevention" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for missing diamond operator for types that require diamond operator." /> <property name="enforceDiamondOperatorClassNames" value="" /> <message key="diamond.operator.missing" value="Missing diamond operator ''<>'' for type ''{0}''" /> <message key="generic.types.missing" value="Missing generic types ''{0}'' for type ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.MissingEmptyLineCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for missing line breaks around variable declarations." /> <message key="" value="There should be an empty line after ''{0}''" /> <message key="empty.line.missing.after.variable.definition" value="There should be an empty line after variable definition of type ''{0}''" /> <message key="empty.line.missing.after.variable.reference" value="There should be an empty line before line ''{0}'', as we finished referencing variable ''{1}''" /> <message key="empty.line.missing.before.variable.assign" value="There should be an empty line before assigning value to variable ''{0}''" /> <message key="empty.line.missing.before.variable.use" value="There should be an empty line between assigning and using variable ''{0}''" /> <message key="empty.line.missing.line.number" value="There should be an empty line {0} line ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.MissingParenthesesCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds missing parentheses in conditional statement." /> <message key="parentheses.missing.1" value="Missing parentheses between the ''{0}'' operator and the ''{1}'' operator" /> <message key="parentheses.missing.2" value="Missing parentheses around the {0} hand side argument of the ''{1}'' operator" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.NestedIfStatementCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds nested if statements that can be combined." /> <message key="if.statements.combine" value="Combine nested if-statements" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.NumberSuffixCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Verifies that uppercase `D`, `F`, or `L` is used when denoting Double/Float/Long." /> <message key="suffix.incorrect" value="Use uppercase ''{0}'' as suffix for the type ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.OperatorOperandCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Verifies that operand do not go over too many lines and make the operator hard to read." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> <message key="readability.improve" value="Create a new variable for the {0} hand side operand of the ''{1}'' operator for better readability" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ParsePrimitiveTypeCheck"> <property name="category" value="Performance" /> <property name="description" value="Verifies that `GetterUtil.parse*` is used to parse primitive types, when possible." /> <message key="getter.util.method.use" value="Use ''GetterUtil.{0}'' or properly catch ''NumberFormatException'' when calling ''{1}.{2}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.PersistenceCallCheck"> <property name="category" value="Bug Prevention" /> <property name="description" value="Finds illegal persistence calls across component boundaries." /> <message key="" value="Illegal call to class ''{0}'', see LPS-68923" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.PlusStatementCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Performs several checks to statements where `+` is used for concatenation." /> <message key="end.character.invalid" value="When concatenating multiple literal strings using '+', only the last literal string can end with ''{0}''" /> <message key="literal.string.combine" value="Combine the literal strings ''{0}'' and ''{1}''" /> <message key="literal.string.move" value="Add the string ''{0}'' to the {1} literal string" /> <message key="start.character.invalid" value="When concatenating multiple literal strings using '+', only the first literal string can start with ''{0}''" /> <message key="string.combine" value="Combine the literal string ''{0}'' with ''{1}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.PortletURLBuilderCheck"> <property name="category" value="Miscellaneous" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that `PortletURLBuilder` is used when possible." /> <property name="enforceBuilderNames" value="" /> <message key="builder.include" value="Include method call ''{0}'' ({1}) in ''{2}'' ({3})" /> <message key="builder.inline.1" value="Inline variable definition ''{0}'' ({1}) inside ''{2}'' ({3}), possibly by using a lambda function" /> <message key="builder.inline.2" value="Inline variable definition ''{0}'' ({1}) and dependent statements ({2}) inside ''{3}'' ({4}) by using a lambda function" /> <message key="builder.use" value="Use ''{0}'' ({1}, {2})" /> <message key="builder.use.instead" value="Use ''{0}'' instead of new instance of ''{1}''" /> <message key="keyword.reserved" value="Do not use ''{0}'' to set parameter ''{1}'', use ''{2}'' instead" /> <message key="string.cast.unneeded" value="No need to cast parameter to ''String'' when passing to method ''{0}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.SemiColonCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds cases of unnecessary semicolon." /> <message key="semi.colon.unnecessary" value="Unnecessary semi colon" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.SizeIsZeroCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds cases of calls like `list.size() == 0` (use `list.isEmpty()` instead)." /> <message key="method.use" value="Use method ''{0}'' instead" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.StringBundlerNamingCheck"> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks for consistent naming on variables of type 'StringBundler'." /> <message key="" value="StringBundler {0} ''{1}'' should end with either ''sb'' or ''SB''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.StringCastCheck"> <property name="category" value="Performance" /> <property name="description" value="Finds cases where a redundant `toString()` is called on variable type `String`." /> <message key="string.cast.unneeded" value="No need to call ''.toString()'' on type String" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.TernaryOperatorCheck"> <property name="category" value="Styling" /> <property name="description" value="Finds use of ternary operator in `java` files (use if statement instead)." /> <message key="ternary.operator.avoid" value="Use if-else-statement instead of ternary conditional operator for better readability" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.UnnecessaryTypeCastCheck"> <property name="category" value="Performance" /> <property name="description" value="Finds unnecessary Type Casting." /> <message key="type.cast.unnecessary" value="No need to apply Type Cast to method ''{0}''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.ValidatorIsNullCheck"> <property name="category" value="Bug Prevention" /> <property name="description" value="Ensures that only variable of type `Long`, `Serializable` or `String` is passed to method `com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator.isNull`." /> <message key="method.invalidName" value="Avoid using method ''{0}''" /> <message key="method.reserved" value="Method ''{0}'' should only be used for type ''Long'', ''Serializable'' or ''String''" /> </module> <module name="com.liferay.source.formatter.checkstyle.check.VariableNameCheck"> <property name="allowedVariableNames" value="bitMode,metadata,superClass,userName" /> <property name="category" value="Naming Conventions" /> <property name="description" value="Checks that variable names follow naming conventions." /> <property name="enforceTypeNames" value="" /> <message key="variable.incorrect.count" value="Rename variable ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' (and increment counts for other variables ''{0}*'')" /> <message key="variable.incorrect.ending" value="Name of variable with type ''{0}'' should end with ''{1}''" /> <message key="" value="Use format ''curVariableName'' for variable ''{0}''" /> <message key="variable.rename" value="Rename variable ''{0}'' to ''{1}''" /> <message key="variable.typo" value="Typo in variable ''{0}'', expected variable name ''{1}''" /> </module> </module> </module>
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