om.liferay.source.formatter.1.0.1464.source-code.sourcechecks.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0"?> <source-formatter> <source-processor name="all"> <check name="CDNCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the URL in `` files." /> </check> <check name="GoogleFontsCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Checks that we do not use Google fonts." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="IncorrectFileLocationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that `/src/*/java/` only contains `.java` files." /> </check> <check name="IncorrectFilePathCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that file path contains illegal characters." /> </check> <check name="JSCompatibilityCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for JavaScript compatibility." /> </check> <check name="NonbreakingSpaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds `no break space` (`\u00a0`) characters." /> </check> <check name="SlantedQuotesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds `slanted quote` (`\u201a`, `\u201b`, `\u201c`, `\u201d`, `\u201e`, `\u201f`, `\u2018` or `\u2019`) characters." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="BNDRunSourceProcessor"> <check name="BNDRunInstructionsOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts definition keys alphabetically." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="BNDSourceProcessor"> <check name="BNDBundleCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates `Liferay-Releng-*` properties." /> </check> <check name="BNDCapabilityCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and applies logic to fix line breaks to property values for `Provide-Capability` and `Require-Capability`." /> </check> <check name="BNDDefinitionKeysCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates definition keys in `.bnd` files." /> </check> <check name="BNDDeprecatedAppBNDsCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Checks for redundant `app.bnd` in deprecated or archived modules." /> </check> <check name="BNDLineBreaksCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary line breaks in `.bnd` files." /> </check> <check name="BNDMultipleAppBNDsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for duplicate `app.bnd` (when both `/apps/` and `/apps/dxp/` contain the same module)." /> </check> <check name="BNDRangeCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for use or range expressions." /> </check> <check name="BNDSchemaVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for incorrect use of property `Liferay-Require-SchemaVersion`." /> </check> <check name="BNDStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="BNDWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.bnd` files." /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="BNDBreakingChangeCommitMessageCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that commit message should contain the schematized breaking changes." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="BNDExportsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that modules not ending with `-api`, `-client`, `-spi`, `-taglib`, `-test-util` do not export packages." /> </check> <check name="BNDImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts class names and checks for use of wildcards in property values for `-conditionalpackage`, `-exportcontents` and `Export-Package`." /> </check> <check name="BNDSuiteCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Checks that deprecated apps are moved to the `archived` folder." /> </check> <!-- Module Source Checks --> <check name="BNDBundleActivatorCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates property value for `Bundle-Activator`." /> </check> <check name="BNDBundleInformationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates property values for `Bundle-Version`, `Bundle-Name` and `Bundle-SymbolicName`." /> </check> <check name="BNDDirectoryNameCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks if the directory names of the submodules match the parent module name." /> </check> <check name="BNDIncludeResourceCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for unnecessary including of `test-classes/integration`." /> <property name="checkTestIncludeResource" value="true" /> </check> <check name="BNDLiferayEnterpriseAppCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for correct use of property `Liferay-Enterprise-App`." /> </check> <check name="BNDLiferayRelengBundleCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks if `.lfrbuild-release-src` file exists for DXP module with `Liferay-Releng-Bundle: true`." /> </check> <check name="BNDLiferayRelengCategoryCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates `Liferay-Releng-Category` properties." /> </check> <check name="BNDWebContextPathCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks if the property value for `Web-ContextPath` matches the module directory." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="CIMergeAndGitRepoSourceProcessor"> <check name="CIMergeAndGitRepoFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that `ci-merge` and `.gitrepo` files can not be added or modified." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="CodeownersSourceProcessor"> <check name="CodeownersFileLocationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that `CODEOWNERS` files are located in `.github` directory." /> </check> <check name="CodeownersWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `CODEOWNERS` files." /> <property name="allowLeadingSpaces" value="true" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="ConfigSourceProcessor"> <check name="ConfigDefinitionKeysCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts definition keys in `.config` files." /> </check> <check name="ConfigWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="CQLSourceProcessor"> <check name="CQLKeywordCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that Cassandra keywords are upper case." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> <property name="allowLeadingSpaces" value="true" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="CSSSourceProcessor"> <check name="CSSCommentsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Validates comments in `.css` files." /> </check> <check name="CSSImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.css` files." /> </check> <check name="CSSPropertiesOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts properties in `.css` files." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="DockerfileSourceProcessor"> <check name="DockerfileEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="DockerfileInstructionCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Performs styling rules on instructions in `Dockerfile` files." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> <property name="allowLeadingSpaces" value="true" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="DTDSourceProcessor"> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> <property name="allowLeadingSpaces" value="true" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="FTLSourceProcessor"> <check name="CSPComplianceCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks code to prevent common CSP related pitfalls." /> </check> <check name="FTLEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="FTLIfStatementCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of parentheses in statement." /> </check> <check name="FTLImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.ftl` files." /> </check> <check name="FTLLiferayVariableOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts assign statement of `liferay_*` variables." /> </check> <check name="FTLStringRelationalOperatorCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases of `==` or `!=` where `stringUtil.equals`, `validator.isNotNull` or `validator.isNull` can be used instead." /> </check> <check name="FTLStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="FTLTagAttributesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and formats attributes values in tags." /> </check> <check name="FTLTagCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases where consecutive `#assign` can be combined." /> </check> <check name="FTLWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.ftl` files." /> </check> <check name="IllegalTaglibsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases of incorrect use of certain deprecated taglibs in modules." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="GradleSourceProcessor"> <check name="GradleBlockOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts logic in gradle build files." /> </check> <check name="GradleBodyCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in the body of gradle build files." /> </check> <check name="GradleDependenciesCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks that modules are not depending on other modules." /> <property name="checkTestIntegrationCompileDependencies" value="false" /> </check> <check name="GradleDependencyArtifactsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that value `default` is not used for attribute `version`." /> </check> <check name="GradleDependencyConfigurationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the scope of dependencies in build gradle files." /> </check> <check name="GradleDependencyVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the version for dependencies in gradle build files." /> </check> <check name="GradleExportedPackageDependenciesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates dependencies in gradle build files." /> </check> <check name="GradleImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.gradle` files." /> </check> <check name="GradleIndentationCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds incorrect indentation in gradle build files." /> </check> <check name="GradleJavaVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks values of properties `sourceCompatibility` and `targetCompatibility` in gradle build files." /> </check> <check name="GradleMissingDependenciesForUpgradeJava21Check"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks missing dependencies for upgrade Java 21 in gradle build files." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="GradleMissingJarManifestTaskCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing `jarManifest` task when using `jarPatched` task in gradle build files." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="GradlePropertiesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates property values in gradle build files." /> </check> <check name="GradleProvidedDependenciesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the scope of dependencies in build gradle files." /> </check> <check name="GradleRequiredDependenciesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the dependencies in `/required-dependencies/required-dependencies/build.gradle`." /> </check> <check name="GradleRestClientDependenciesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the project dependencies `.*-rest-client` can only be used for `testIntegrationImplementation`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="GradleStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="GradleTaskCreationCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that a task is declared on a separate line before the closure." /> </check> <check name="GradleTestDependencyVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the version for dependencies in gradle build files." /> <property name="allowedDependencyNames" value="com.liferay.arquillian.arquillian-container-liferay" /> <property name="allowedDependencyNames" value="com.liferay.arquillian.arquillian-deployment-generator-bnd" /> <property name="allowedDependencyNames" value="com.liferay.arquillian.extension.junit.bridge" /> <property name="allowedDependencyNames" value="com.liferay.portal.cache.test.util" /> </check> <check name="GradleTestUtilDeployDirCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for incorrect use of `deployDir`." /> </check> <check name="GradleUpgradeReleaseDXPCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Remove and replaced dependencies in `build.gradle` that are already in `release.dxp.api` with `released.dxp.api` dependency." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> <!-- Module Source Checks --> <check name="GradleCommerceDependenciesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the modules that are outside of Commerce are not allowed to depend on Commerce modules." /> </check> <check name="GradlePetraModuleDependenciesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that dependencies in `petra` moudule can only contains `petra` dependencies." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="GroovySourceProcessor"> <check name="GroovyImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.groovy` files." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="HTMLSourceProcessor"> <check name="HTMLEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="HTMLWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.html` files." /> </check> <check name="XMLTagAttributesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on tag attributes." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="JavaSourceProcessor"> <check name="ArrayCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks if performance can be improved by using different methods that can be used by collections." /> </check> <check name="EmptyCollectionCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `Collections.EMPTY_LIST`, `Collections.EMPTY_MAP` or `Collections.EMPTY_SET`." /> </check> <check name="GetterUtilCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases where the default value is passed to `GetterUtil.get*` or `ParamUtil.get*`." /> </check> <check name="IfStatementCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds empty if-statements and consecutive if-statements with identical bodies." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="Java2HTMLCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of `.java.html` in `.jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JavaAbstractMethodCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds incorrect `abstract` methods in `interface`." /> </check> <check name="JavaAggregateTestRuleParameterOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of parameters in `new AggregateTestRule` calls." /> </check> <check name="JavaAnnotationDefaultAttributeCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases where the default value is passed to annotations in package `*.bnd.annotations` or `*.bind.annotations`." /> </check> <check name="JavaAnnotationsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on annotations." /> </check> <check name="JavaAssertEqualsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Validates `Assert.assertEquals` calls." /> </check> <check name="JavaBooleanStatementCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on variable declaration of type `Boolean`." /> </check> <check name="JavaBooleanUsageCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of passing boolean values in `setAttribute` calls." /> </check> <check name="JavaClassNameCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Checks if class names follow naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="JavaCollapseImportsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Collapses imports that use wildcard." /> </check> <check name="JavaCollatorUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for correct use of `Collator`." /> </check> <check name="JavaConfigurationAdminCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for correct use of `location == ?` when calling ``." /> </check> <check name="JavaConfigurationCategoryCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the value of `category` in `@ExtendedObjectClassDefinition` matches the `categoryKey` of the corresponding class in `configuration-admin-web`." /> </check> <check name="JavaConstructorParametersCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that the order of variable assignments matches the order of the parameters in the constructor signature." /> </check> <check name="JavaConstructorSuperCallCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds unnecessary call to no-argument constructor of the superclass." /> </check> <check name="JavaDeserializationSecurityCheck"> <category name="Security" /> <description name="Finds Java serialization vulnerabilities." /> </check> <check name="JavaDiamondOperatorCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds cases where Diamond Operator is not used." /> </check> <check name="JavaDuplicateVariableCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds variables where a variable with the same name already exists in an extended class." /> </check> <check name="JavaElseStatementCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds unnecessary `else` statements (when the `if` statement ends with a `return` statement)." /> </check> <check name="JavaEmptyLineAfterSuperCallCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds missing empty line after a `super` call." /> </check> <check name="JavaEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="JavaEntityModelToEntityFieldsMapCallCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts parameters in EntityModel.toEntityFieldsMap call." /> </check> <check name="JavaExceptionCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Checks that variable names of exceptions in `catch` statements follow naming conventions." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaFinalVariableCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases of unneeded `final` modifiers for variables and parameters." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaForLoopCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks if a Enhanced For Loop can be used instead of a Simple For Loop." /> </check> <check name="JavaHibernateSQLCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds calls to `com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session.createSQLQuery` (use `Session.createSynchronizedSQLQuery` instead)." /> </check> <check name="JavaImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.java` files." /> </check> <check name="JavaIndexableCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the type gets returned when using annotation `@Indexable`." /> </check> <check name="JavaInnerClassImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases where inner classes are imported." /> <property name="upperCasePackageNames" value="" /> </check> <check name="JavaInterfaceCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that `interface` is not `static`." /> </check> <check name="JavaIOExceptionCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Validates use of `IOException`." /> </check> <check name="JavaLocalSensitiveComparisonCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that `java.text.Collator` is used when comparing localized values." /> </check> <check name="JavaLongLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds lines that are longer than the specified maximum line length." /> </check> <check name="JavaMapBuilderGenericsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing or unnecessary generics on `*MapBuilder.put` calls." /> </check> <check name="JavaMetaAnnotationsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for correct use of attributes `description` and `name` in annotation `@aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.Meta`." /> <property name="checkConfigurationName" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaModifiedServiceMethodCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing empty lines before `removedService` or `addingService` calls." /> </check> <check name="JavaNewProblemInstantiationParametersCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `new Problem` can be simplified." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaPackagePathCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the package name matches the file location." /> <property name="checkServicePath" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaProcessCallableCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that a class implementing `ProcessCallable` assigns a `serialVersionUID`." /> </check> <check name="JavaRedundantConstructorCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds unnecessary empty constructor." /> </check> <check name="JavaResultSetCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for correct use `java.sql.ResultSet.getInt(int)`." /> </check> <check name="JavaReturnStatementCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds unnecessary `else` statement (when `if` and `else` statement both end with `return` statement)." /> </check> <check name="JavaSeeAnnotationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for nested annotations inside `@see`." /> </check> <check name="JavaServiceImplCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Ensures that `afterPropertiesSet` and `destroy` methods in `*ServiceImpl` always call the method with the same name in the superclass." /> </check> <check name="JavaSessionCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds unnecessary calls to `Session.flush()` (calls that are followed by `Session.clear()`)." /> </check> <check name="JavaStaticBlockCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `static` blocks." /> </check> <check name="JavaStaticImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that there are no static imports." /> </check> <check name="JavaStaticMethodCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where methods are unnecessarily declared static." /> </check> <check name="JavaStaticVariableDependencyCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that static variables in the same class that depend on each other are correctly defined." /> </check> <check name="JavaStopWatchCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for potential NullPointerException when using `StopWatch`." /> </check> <check name="JavaStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="JavaSystemExceptionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds unnecessary SystemExceptions." /> </check> <check name="JavaTermDividersCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing or unnecessary empty lines between javaterms." /> </check> <check name="JavaTermOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of javaterms." /> </check> <check name="JavaTermStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeModelPermissionsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace setGroupPermissions and setGuestPermissions by new implementation." /> </check> <check name="MethodCallsOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts method calls for certain object (for example, `put` calls in `java.util.HashMap`)." /> </check> <check name="PrimitiveWrapperInstantiationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `new Type` is used for primitive types (use `Type.valueOf` instead)." /> </check> <check name="PrincipalExceptionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds calls to `PrincipalException.class.getName()` (use `PrincipalException.getNestedClasses()` instead)." /> </check> <check name="SessionKeysCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Checks that messages send to `SessionsErrors` or `SessionMessages` follow naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="UnparameterizedClassCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds `Class` instantiation without generic type." /> </check> <check name="ValidatorEqualsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `Validator.equals(Object, Object)`." /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="CopyrightCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Validates `copyright` header." /> </check> <check name="IllegalImportsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases of incorrect use of certain classes." /> <property name="enforceJavaUtilFunctionImports" value="true" /> </check> <check name="JavaAnonymousInnerClassCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on anonymous classes." /> </check> <check name="JavaBaseUpgradeCallableCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that BaseUpgradeCallable is used instead of Callable or Runnable in Upgrade and Verify classes." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaCleanUpMethodSuperCleanUpCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that `cleanUp` method in `*Tag` class with `@Override` annotation calls the `cleanUp` method of the superclass." /> </check> <check name="JavaCleanUpMethodVariablesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that variables in `Tag` classes get cleaned up properly." /> </check> <check name="JavaComponentActivateCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Checks if methods with annotation `@Activate` or `@Deactivate` follow naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="JavaComponentAnnotationsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on classes with `@Component` annotation." /> <property name="checkConfigurationPidAttribute" value="true" /> <property name="checkConfigurationPolicyAttribute" value="false" /> <property name="checkHasMultipleConfigurationPids" value="false" /> <property name="checkHasMultipleServiceTypes" value="false" /> <property name="checkMismatchedServiceAttribute" value="false" /> <property name="checkResourceImpl" value="false" /> <property name="checkSelfRegistration" value="false" /> <property name="checkUsesInternalService" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaDeprecatedJavadocCheck"> <category name="Javadoc" /> <description name="Checks if the `@deprecated` javadoc is pointing to the correct version." /> </check> <check name="JavaDeprecatedKernelClassesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds calls to deprecated classes `com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.CharPool` and `com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringPool`." /> </check> <check name="JavaFeatureFlagManagerUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `FeatureFlagManagerUtil.isEnabled` should be used." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaFeatureFlagsAndTestInfoAnnotationCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts the values in `@FeatureFlags` and `@TestInfo` annotation." /> </check> <check name="JavaFinderCacheCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the method `BasePersistenceImpl.fetchByPrimaryKey` is overridden, when using `FinderPath`." /> </check> <check name="JavaFinderImplCustomSQLCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that hardcoded SQL values in `*FinderImpl` classes match the SQL in the `.xml` file in the `custom-sql` directory." /> </check> <check name="JavaHelperUtilCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of `*Helper` or `*Util` classes." /> </check> <check name="JavaIgnoreAnnotationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds methods with `@Ignore` annotation in test classes." /> </check> <check name="JavaInitialRequestPortalInstanceLifecycleListenerCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `InitialRequestPortalInstanceLifecycleListener` subclasses." /> </check> <check name="JavaInjectAnnotationsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on classes with `@Inject` annotations." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaInternalPackageCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on class in `internal` package." /> </check> <check name="JavaJSPDynamicIncludeCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `*JSPDynamicInclude` class." /> </check> <check name="JavaLogClassNameCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the name of the class that is passed in `LogFactoryUtil.getLog`." /> </check> <check name="JavaLogLevelCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the correct log messages are printed." /> </check> <check name="JavaMissingOverrideCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing @Override annotations." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaMissingXMLPublicIdsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing public IDs for check XML files." /> </check> <check name="JavaMultiPlusConcatCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks that we do not concatenate more than 3 String objects." /> </check> <check name="JavaProviderTypeAnnotationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on classes with `@ProviderType` annotation." /> </check> <check name="JavaReferenceAnnotationsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on classes with `@Reference` annotations." /> </check> <check name="JavaReleaseInfoCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates information in ``." /> </check> <check name="JavaRunSqlStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="JavaServiceObjectCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks for correct use of `*.is*` instead of `*.get*` when calling methods generated by ServiceBuilder." /> </check> <check name="JavaServiceTrackerFactoryCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to deprecated method ``." /> </check> <check name="JavaServiceUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `*ServiceImpl` from a `*ServiceUtil` class." /> </check> <check name="JavaSignatureParametersCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of parameters." /> </check> <check name="JavaSourceFormatterDocumentationCheck"> <category name="Documentation" /> <description name="Finds SourceFormatter checks that have no documentation." /> </check> <check name="JavaStagedModelDataHandlerCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing method `setMvccVersion` in class extending `BaseStagedModelDataHandler` in module that has `mvcc-enabled=true` in `service.xml`." /> </check> <check name="JavaStringBundlerConcatCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds calls to `StringBundler.concat` with less than 3 parameters." /> </check> <check name="JavaStringBundlerInitialCapacityCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks the initial capacity of new instances of `StringBundler`." /> </check> <check name="JavaStringStartsWithSubstringCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for uses of `contains` followed by `substring`, which should be `startsWith` instead." /> </check> <check name="JavaSwitchCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that `if/else` statement is used instead of `switch` statement." /> </check> <check name="JavaSystemEventAnnotationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing method `setDeletionSystemEventStagedModelTypes` in class with annotation @SystemEvent." /> </check> <check name="JavaTaglibMethodCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that a `*Tag` class has a `set*` and `get*` or `is*` method for each attribute." /> </check> <check name="JavaTestMethodAnnotationsCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Checks if methods with test annotations follow the naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="JavaToJSONArrayCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace on `toJSONArray` calls." /> </check> <check name="JavaTransactionBoundaryCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds direct `add*` or `get*` calls in `*ServiceImpl` (those should use the `*service` global variable instead)." /> </check> <check name="JavaUnsafeCastingCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for potential ClassCastException." /> </check> <check name="JavaUnusedSourceFormatterChecksCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds `*Check` classes that are not configured." /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeAlterCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `alter` calls in Upgrade classes." /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeAlterColumnCallsOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts method calls for altering table columns." /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeClassCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on Upgrade classes." /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeConnectionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `DataAccess.getConnection` is used (instead of using the available global variable `connection`)." /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeDropTableCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `DROP_TABLE_IF_EXISTS` should be used (instead of `drop table if exists`)." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines in upgrade classes." /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeIndexCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where the service builder indexes are updated manually in Upgrade classes. This is not needed because Liferay takes care of it." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeMissingCTCollectionIdDuringUpdateCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing `ctCollectionId` in where clause during update." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeMissingTestCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing integration tests for upgrade classes." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaUpgradeVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Verifies that the correct upgrade versions are used in classes that implement `UpgradeStepRegistrator`." /> </check> <check name="JavaVariableTypeCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on the modifiers on variables." /> <property name="checkVolatileFields" value="false" /> <property name="immutableFieldTypes" value="boolean,byte,char,double,float,int,long,short,Boolean,Byte,Character,Class,Double,Float,Int,Long,Number,Short,String" /> </check> <check name="JavaVerifyUpgradeConnectionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `DataAccess.getConnection` is used (instead of using the available global variable `connection`)." /> </check> <check name="JavaXMLSecurityCheck"> <category name="Security" /> <description name="Finds possible XXE or Quadratic Blowup security vulnerabilities." /> </check> <check name="LanguageKeysCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing language keys in ``." /> </check> <check name="LocaleUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.LocaleUtil` should be used (instead of `java.util.Locale`)." /> </check> <check name="LogParametersCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the values of parameters passed to `_log.*` calls." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="ResourceBundleCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle`." /> </check> <check name="SetUtilMethodsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds cases of inefficient SetUtil operations." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="StringMethodsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks if performance can be improved by using different String operation methods." /> </check> <check name="SubstringCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds cases like `s.substring(1, s.length())` (use `s.substring(1)` instead)." /> </check> <!-- Module Source Checks --> <check name="JavaLocalServiceImplErcUsageCheck"> <category name="Productivity" /> <description name="Automatically generates and ensures that `externalReferenceCode` is properly used in local `*ServiceImpl` add method." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleClassGetResourceCallCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that dependencies files are located in the correct directory." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleComponentCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on classes with or without `@Component` annotation." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleExposureCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for exposure of `SPI` types in `API`." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleIllegalImportsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases of incorrect use of certain classes in modules." /> <property name="checkRegistryInTestClasses" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleInheritableVariableAccessModifierCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for cases where visibility of variable can be increased." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleInternalImportsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where a module imports an `internal` class from another class." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleJavaxPortletInitParamTemplatePathCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the value of `javax.portlet.init-param.template-path`." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleServiceReferenceCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `@BeanReference` annotation should be used instead of `@ServiceReference` annotation." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleTestCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks package names in tests." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleTestUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks package name for `*`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleUniqueUpgradeStepRegistratorCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that a module can not have more than 1 upgrade step registrator class (class implements UpgradeStepRegistrator)." /> </check> <check name="JavaModuleUniqueVerifyProcessCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that a module can not have more than 1 verify process class (class extends VerifyProcess)." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JavaOSGiReferenceCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on classes with `@Component` annotation." /> </check> <check name="JavaServiceImplErcUsageCheck"> <category name="Productivity" /> <description name="Automatically generates and ensures that `externalReferenceCode` is properly used in remote `*ServiceImpl` add method." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <!-- Plugin Source Checks --> <check name="CompatClassImportsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that classes are imported from `compat` modules, when possible." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="JSONSourceProcessor"> <check name="JSONStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="JSONUpgradeLiferayThemePackageJSONCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Upgrade the `package.json` of a Liferay Theme to make it compatible with Liferay 7.4." /> </check> <check name="JSONValidationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates content of `.json` files." /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="JSONBatchEngineDataFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Remove elements in `*.batch-engine-data.json` files." /> </check> <check name="JSONDeprecatedPackagesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of deprecated packages in `package.json` files." /> <property name="deprecatedPackageNames" value="@clayui/checkbox,liferay-module-config-generator,metal-cli" /> </check> <check name="JSONPackageJSONBNDVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the version for dependencies in `package.json` files." /> </check> <check name="JSONPackageJSONCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks content of `package.json` files." /> </check> <check name="JSONPackageJSONDependencyVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the version for dependencies in `package.json` files." /> </check> <check name="JSONPageFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts by `roleName` in `page.json` files." /> </check> <check name="JSONReplacementsFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts by `issueKey`, `from` and `to` in `replacements.json` file." /> </check> <check name="JSONResourcePermissionsFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts by `resourceName` and `roleName` in `resource-permissions.json` files." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="JSPSourceProcessor"> <check name="ArrayCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks if performance can be improved by using different methods that can be used by collections." /> </check> <check name="CSPComplianceCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks code to prevent common CSP related pitfalls." /> </check> <check name="EmptyCollectionCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `Collections.EMPTY_LIST`, `Collections.EMPTY_MAP` or `Collections.EMPTY_SET`." /> </check> <check name="GetterUtilCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases where the default value is passed to `GetterUtil.get*` or `ParamUtil.get*`." /> </check> <check name="IfStatementCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds empty if-statements and consecutive if-statements with identical bodies." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="IllegalImportsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases of incorrect use of certain classes." /> <property name="enforceJavaUtilFunctionImports" value="true" /> </check> <check name="IllegalTaglibsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases of incorrect use of certain taglibs." /> </check> <check name="JSPArrowFunctionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that there are no array functions." /> </check> <check name="JSPDefineObjectsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks for unnecessary duplication of code that already exists in `defineObjects`." /> </check> <check name="JSPEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="JSPExceptionOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of exceptions in `.jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPExpressionTagCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="JSPFileNameCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Checks if the file name of `.jsp` or `.jspf` follows the naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="JSPGetStaticResourceURLCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks calls to `PortalUtil.getStaticResourceURL` and `getContextPath` without `getPathProxy`." /> </check> <check name="JSPIllegalSyntaxCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of `System.out.print`, `console.log` or `debugger.*` in `.jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPIncludeCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates values of `include` in `.jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPIndentationCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds incorrect indentation in `.jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPInlineVariableCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases where variables can be inlined." /> </check> <check name="JSPJavaParserCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Performs JavaParser on `.java` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPLanguageUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of `LanguageUtil.get` in `.jsp` files." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JSPLineBreakCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary line breaks in `.jsp` lines." /> </check> <check name="JSPLogFileNameCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the value that is passed to `LogFactoryUtil.getLog` in `.jsp`." /> </check> <check name="JSPMethodCallsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that type `LiferayPortletResponse` is used to call `getNamespace()`." /> </check> <check name="JSPParenthesesCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of parentheses in statement." /> </check> <check name="JSPRedirectBackURLCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Validates values of variable `redirect`." /> </check> <check name="JSPSessionKeysCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that messages send to `SessionsErrors` or `SessionMessages` follow naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="JSPStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="JSPTagAttributesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on tag attributes." /> </check> <check name="JSPTaglibMissingAttributesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for missing taglib attributes." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JSPTaglibVariableCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Checks if variable names follow naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="JSPUnusedTermsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds taglibs, variables and imports that are unused." /> </check> <check name="JSPUpgradeRemovedTagsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Finds removed tags when upgrading." /> </check> <check name="JSPVariableOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks if variable names are in alphabetical order." /> </check> <check name="JSPWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPXSSVulnerabilitiesCheck"> <category name="Security" /> <description name="Finds xss vulnerabilities." /> </check> <check name="MethodCallsOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts method calls for certain object (for example, `put` calls in `java.util.HashMap`)." /> </check> <check name="PrimitiveWrapperInstantiationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `new Type` is used for primitive types (use `Type.valueOf` instead)." /> </check> <check name="PrincipalExceptionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds calls to `PrincipalException.class.getName()` (use `PrincipalException.getNestedClasses()` instead)." /> </check> <check name="UnparameterizedClassCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds `Class` instantiation without generic type." /> </check> <check name="ValidatorEqualsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `Validator.equals(Object, Object)`." /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="CopyrightCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Validates `copyright` header." /> </check> <check name="JSPCoreTaglibCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds cases where a `c:choose` or `c:if` tag can be used instead of an if-statement." /> </check> <check name="JSPFunctionNameCheck"> <category name="Naming Conventions" /> <description name="Check if the names of functions in `.jsp` files follow naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="JSPLanguageKeysCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing language keys in ``." /> </check> <check name="JSPMissingTaglibsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for missing taglibs." /> </check> <check name="JSPSendRedirectCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect` from `jsp` files." /> </check> <check name="JSPUnusedJSPFCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds `.jspf` files that are not used." /> </check> <check name="JSPVarNameCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that values of attribute `var` follow naming conventions." /> </check> <check name="LocaleUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.LocaleUtil` should be used (instead of `java.util.Locale`)." /> </check> <check name="LogParametersCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the values of parameters passed to `_log.*` calls." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="ResourceBundleCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that there are no calls to `java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle`." /> </check> <check name="SetUtilMethodsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds cases of inefficient SetUtil operations." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="StringMethodsCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds cases of inefficient String operations." /> </check> <check name="SubstringCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds cases like `s.substring(1, s.length())` (use `s.substring(1)` instead)." /> </check> <!-- Module Source Checks --> <check name="JSPModuleIllegalImportsCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of `com.liferay.registry.Registry` or `com.liferay.util.ContentUtil`." /> </check> <check name="JSPOutputTaglibsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that value of `outputKey` follows naming conventions." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JSPServiceUtilCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of `*ServiceUtil` in `.jsp` files in modules." /> </check> <!-- Plugin Source Checks --> <check name="CompatClassImportsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that classes are imported from `compat` modules, when possible." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="JSSourceProcessor"> <check name="JSLodashDependencyCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds incorrect use of `AUI._`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JSStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="JSWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.js` files." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="LanguageKeysCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing language keys in ``." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="LDIFSourceProcessor"> <check name="LDIFEntryOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of entries and attributes in `.ldif` file." /> </check> <check name="LDIFWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="LFRBuildSourceProcessor"> <check name="LFRBuildContentCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds `.lfrbuild*` files that are not empty." /> <property name="nonemptyMarkerFileNames" value=".lfrbuild-lowest-major-version" /> <property name="nonemptyMarkerFileNames" value=".lfrbuild-packageinfo" /> </check> <check name="LFRBuildReadmeCheck"> <category name="Documentation" /> <description name="Checks that `.lfrbuild*` files are documented in a marker file." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="LibrarySourceProcessor"> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="LibraryVulnerabilitiesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the introduction of libraries and third party components with known vulnerabilities." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="ListSourceProcessor"> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="ListStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="MarkdownSourceProcessor"> <check name="MarkdownBreakingChangesAmendmentsFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks that breaking changes amendments should contain the schematized breaking changes in `BREAKING_CHANGES_AMENDMENTS.markdown` file." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="MarkdownEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="MarkdownFileExtensionCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds `markdown` files with `.md` extension (use `.markdown`)." /> </check> <check name="MarkdownSourceFormatterDocumentationCheck"> <category name="Documentation" /> <description name="Validates the header of Source Formatter documentation files." /> </check> <check name="MarkdownSourceFormatterReadmeCheck"> <category name="Documentation" /> <description name="Generates Source Formatter documentation index files." /> </check> <check name="MarkdownStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="MarkdownWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.markdown` files." /> <property name="allowLeadingSpaces" value="true" /> <property name="allowTrailingDoubleSpace" value="true" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="PackageinfoSourceProcessor"> <check name="PackageinfoBNDExportPackageCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds legacy `packageinfo` files." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="PoshiSourceProcessor"> <check name="PoshiAntCommandParametersOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts parameters in AntCommand call in Poshi Script files." /> </check> <check name="PoshiDependenciesFileLocationCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that dependencies files are located in the correct directory." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="PoshiImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in Poshi Script files." /> </check> <check name="PoshiIndentationCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds incorrect indentation in Poshi Script files." /> </check> <check name="PoshiPauseUsageCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds missing comment with JIRA project when using `Pause`." /> </check> <check name="PoshiPropertiesOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts the values of properties in `.testcase` file." /> </check> <check name="PoshiPropsUtilCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds cases where `PropsUtil.get` should be inlined." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="PoshiSmokeTestCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for missing and unnecessary `property ci.retries.disabled = true` in smoke test." /> </check> <check name="PoshiStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="PoshiVariableNameCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks variable names for correct use of `camelCase`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="PoshiWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="PropertiesSourceProcessor"> <check name="PropertiesArchivedModulesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds `test.batch.class.names.includes` property value pointing to archived modules in ``." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesCommentsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Validates comments in `.properties` files." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesDefinitionKeysCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts definition keys in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesDependenciesFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts the properties in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesDuplicateKeysCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Checks for duplicate property keys." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesEnvironmentVariablesCheck"> <category name="Documentation" /> <description name="Verifies that the environment property in the documentation matches the property name." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesFeatureFlagsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Generate feature flags in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesImportedFilesContentCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesLanguageKeysCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that there is no HTML markup in language keys." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesLanguageKeysContextCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks if the language keys include a word of context to indicate specific meaning." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="PropertiesLanguageKeysOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sort language keys in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesLanguageStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesLiferayPluginPackageFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesLiferayPluginPackageLiferayVersionsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Validates the version in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesLongLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds lines that are longer than the specified maximum line length." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesMultiLineValuesOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Verifies that property with multiple values is not on a single line." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesPortalFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `` or `portal-*.properties` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesPortletFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesSourceFormatterContentCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesSourceFormatterFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesUpgradeLiferayPluginPackageFileCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Performs several upgrade checks in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesUpgradeLiferayPluginPackageLiferayVersionsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Validates and upgrades the version in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.properties` files." /> <property name="allowDoubleSpace" value="true" /> <property name="allowLeadingSpaces" value="true" /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="PropertiesBuildIncludeDirsCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Verifies property value of `build.include.dirs` in ``." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesPlaywrightTestCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `` for Playwright test." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="PropertiesReleaseBuildCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Verifies that the information in `` matches the information in ``." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesServiceKeysCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds usage of legacy properties in ``." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesTestFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of properties in `` file." /> </check> <check name="PropertiesVerifyPropertiesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds usage of legacy properties in `` or ``." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="PythonSourceProcessor"> <check name="PythonClassesAndMethodsOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of classes and methods." /> </check> <check name="PythonImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.py` files." /> </check> <check name="PythonStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> <property name="maxLineLength" value="80" /> </check> <check name="PythonWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="SHSourceProcessor"> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="SoySourceProcessor"> <check name="SoyEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="SQLSourceProcessor"> <check name="SQLEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="SQLLongNamesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for table and column names that exceed 30 characters." /> </check> <check name="SQLStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="TFSourceProcessor"> <check name="TFBlockOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of blocks in `.tf` file." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="TLDSourceProcessor"> <check name="TLDElementOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of attributes in `.tld` file." /> </check> <check name="TLDStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="TLDTypeCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Ensures the fully qualified name is used for types in `.tld` file." /> </check> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> </check> <check name="XMLIndentationCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds incorrect indentation in `.xml` files." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="TSSourceProcessor"> <check name="WhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace." /> <property name="allowTrailingEmptyLines" value="true" /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="TSConfigFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing `` files." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="TXTSourceProcessor"> <check name="TXTEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="TXTStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="UpgradeSourceProcessor"> <check name="UpgradeBNDDeclarativeServicesCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Adds `-dsannotations-options: inherit` to `bnd.bnd` if it does not yet exist." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeBNDIncludeResourceCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Checks if the property value `-includeresource` or `Include-Resource` exists and removes it." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeCatchAllCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Performs replacements on Liferay's outdated code." /> <weight>2</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeCatchAllJavaImportsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `UpgradeCatchAllCheck.testjava` file." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeCatchAllJavaTermOrderCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Sorts javaterms in `UpgradeCatchAllCheck.testjava` file." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeCatchAllJSPImportsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `UpgradeCatchAllCheck.testjsp` file." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeGradleIncludeResourceCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replaces with `compileInclude` the configuration attribute for dependencies in `build.gradle` that are listed at `Include-Resource` property at `bnd.bnd` associated file." /> <weight>2</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaAssetEntryAssetCategoriesCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replaces methods referring to class `AssetEntryAssetCategory` in class `AssetCategoryLocalService` with equivalent methods in class `AssetEntryAssetCategoryRelLocalService`." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaBaseFragmentCollectionContributorExtendedClassesCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Adds FragmentCollectionKey to Component annotation in classes that extend `BaseFragmentCollectionContributor`" /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaBaseModelListenerCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Add parameter in the onAfterUpdate and onBeforeUpdate methods of the BaseModelListener class." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaBasePanelAppExtendedClassesCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace the setPortlet method with getPortlet." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Performs upgrade checks for `java` files." /> <weight>3</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaCommerceOrderValidatorCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace the parameter Int for BigDecimal of method validate of 'CommerceOrderValidator' interface." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaDDMFormValuesSerializerTrackerCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replaces the references of `DDMFormValuesSerializerTracker` class and also its methods usages." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaDisplayPageInfoItemCapabilityCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace all references of DisplayPageInfoItemCapability to InfoItemCapability" /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaFacetedSearcherCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replaces the references of the `Indexer indexer = FacetedSearcher.getInstance();` declaration and `` method call." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaFDSActionProviderCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Reorder parameters in the getDropdownItems method of the FDSDataProvider interface." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaFDSDataProviderCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Upgrade implementations of ClayDataSetDataProvider and CommerceDataSetDataProvider to FDSDataSetDataProvider" /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaFinderImplCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Add Component annotation to `*` file." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaGetFDSTableSchemaParameterCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Fill the new parameter of the method 'getFDSTableSchema' of 'FDSTableSchema'." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaGetFileMethodCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of method from 'getFile' to 'getFileAsStream', and include a method 'FileUtil.createTempFile'." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaGetLayoutDisplayPageObjectProviderCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace parameter type long by ItemInfoReference in the getLayoutDisplayPageObjectProvider method." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaGetLayoutDisplayPageProviderCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace getLayoutDisplayPageProvider by getLayoutDisplayPageProviderByClassName." /> <weight>2</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaLocalServiceImplCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Add Component annotation to `*` file." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaMultiVMPoolUtilCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replaces the references of the MultiVMPoolUtil class and also its methods usages." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaPortletIdMethodCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace the 'document.get(Field.PORTLET_ID)' by the new interface 'PortletProviderUtil.getPortletId'." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaPortletSharedSearchSettingsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replaces the Optional return type of the methods `getParameterValues` and `getPortletPreferences` of `PortletSharedSearchSettings` class." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaProductDTOConverterReferenceCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Updates references of `ProductDTOConverter` to `DTOConverter`" /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaSchedulerEntryImplConstructorCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace constructors that use the empty constructor of the SchedulerEntryImpl class." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaScreenContributorClassCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace class `PortalSettingsConfigurationScreenContributor` by `ConfigurationScreenWrapper` and create an inner class." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaServiceImplCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Add Component annotation to `*` file." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaServiceReferenceAnnotationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration to replace '@ServiceReference' by '@Reference'." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaSortFieldNameTranslatorCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Upgrade class that implements SortFieldNameTranslator." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJavaStorageTypeAwareCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code to delete StorageTypeAware interface." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeJSPFieldSetGroupCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code to remove 'fieldset-group' tag." /> </check> <check name="UpgradePortletFTLCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Include the CSS classes 'cadmin' and include for impression of 'right cadmin' in 'portlet.ftl' file." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeRejectedExecutionHandlerCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace Liferay's RejectedExecutionHandler with Java's RejectedExecutionHandler." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeSCSSMixinsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replace outdated mixins (e.g. media-query, respond-to, etc.)." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeSCSSNodeSassPatternsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of Dart Sass deprecated patterns (e.g., the division operation using the '/' character, the interpolation syntax, etc.)." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeSetResultsSetTotalMethodCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Replaces methods setResults and setTotal from SearchContainer with the method setResultsAndTotal only." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityCommentMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of comments from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityFileImportMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of file import from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityForeachMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of references to Foreach statement from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityIfStatementsMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of references to If statements from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityLiferayTaglibReferenceMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of references to specific Liferay taglib from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> <weight>1</weight> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityMacroDeclarationMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of references to Macro statement from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityMacroReferenceMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of references to a custom Macro statement from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityVariableReferenceMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of references to variables from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> <check name="UpgradeVelocityVariableSetMigrationCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Run code migration of set variables from a Velocity file to a Freemarker file with the syntax replacements." /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="XMLSourceProcessor"> <check name="XMLBuildFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `build.xml`." /> </check> <check name="XMLCDATACheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `CDATA` inside `xml`." /> </check> <check name="XMLCustomSQLOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of attributes in `custom-sql` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLCustomSQLStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style for `.xml` files in directory `custom-sql`." /> </check> <check name="XMLDDLStructuresFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of attributes in `-structures.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLDTDVersionCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the DTD version in `*.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLEchoMessageCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the echo message attributes in `*.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLFriendlyURLRoutesFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `*-routes.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLFSBExcludeFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of attributes in `fsb-exclude.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLHBMFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of imports in `*-hbm.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLImportsCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts and groups imports in `.xml` files." /> </check> <check name="XMLIndentationCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds incorrect indentation in `.xml` files." /> </check> <check name="XMLInstanceWrappersFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of instance-wrappers in `instance_wrappers.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLLog4jFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of categories in `*-log4j.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLLog4jLoggersCheck"> <category name="Miscellaneous" /> <description name="Checks the loggers defined in `*-log4j.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLLookAndFeelCompatibilityVersionCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Finds missing attribute `version` in `compatibility` element in `*--look-and-feel.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLLookAndFeelFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of attributes in `*--look-and-feel.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLModelHintsFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of attributes in `*-model-hints.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLPomFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of dependencies in `pom.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLPortletFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `portlet.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLPortletPreferencesFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in files in directory `resource-actions`." /> </check> <check name="XMLPoshiFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on poshi files." /> </check> <check name="XMLProjectElementCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks the project name in `.pom` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLResourceActionsFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in files in directory `resource-actions`." /> </check> <check name="XMLServiceEntityNameCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the `entity name` in `service.xml` does not equal the `package name`." /> </check> <check name="XMLServiceFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `service.xml` file." /> <property name="allowedIncorrectLastPublishDateEntities" value="CommerceCountry,CPDefinition,CPInstance,PollsQuestion,PollsVote" /> <property name="checkMVCCEnabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="XMLServiceFinderNameCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the `finder name` in `service.xml`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="XMLSolrSchemaFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in `portlet-preferences.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="XMLSuppressionsFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `source-formatter-suppressions.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLTagAttributesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on tag attributes." /> </check> <check name="XMLToggleFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in `.toggle` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLUpgradeCompatibilityVersionCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Checks and upgrades the compatibility version in `*.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLUpgradeDeclarativeServicesCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Sets dependency-injector to ds in `service.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLUpgradeDTDVersionCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Checks and upgrades the DTD version in `*.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLUpgradeRemovedDefinitionsCheck"> <category name="Upgrade" /> <description name="Finds removed XML definitions when upgrading." /> </check> <check name="XMLWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.xml` files." /> </check> <check name="XMLWorkflowDefinitionFileNameCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the file name of workflow definition files." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="XMLWorkflowDefinitionFileStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style in `*workflow-definition.xml` files." /> </check> <!-- Liferay Source Checks --> <check name="XMLCheckstyleFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `checkstyle.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="XMLIvyFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of dependencies in `ivy.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLServiceReferenceCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks for unused references in `service.xml` file." /> <property name="avoidReferences" value="false" /> </check> <check name="XMLSourcechecksFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `sourcechecks.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLSpringFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in `*-spring.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLStrutsConfigFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in `struts-config.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLTestIgnorableErrorLinesFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in `test-ignorable-error-lines.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLTilesDefsFileCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Checks the order of elements in `tiles-defs.xml` file." /> </check> <check name="XMLWebFileCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Performs several checks on `web.xml` file." /> </check> <!-- Module Source Checks --> <check name="XMLServiceAutoImportDefaultReferencesCheck"> <category name="Bug Prevention" /> <description name="Checks that the `auto-import-default-references` in `service.xml` does not equal `false`." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> <check name="XMLSpringExtenderServiceCheck"> <category name="Performance" /> <description name="Finds cases where Spring extender service is used as a dependency injection." /> <property name="enabled" value="false" /> </check> </source-processor> <source-processor name="YMLSourceProcessor"> <check name="YMLDefinitionOrderCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Sorts definitions alphabetically in `.yml` files." /> </check> <check name="YMLEmptyLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary empty lines." /> </check> <check name="YMLLongLinesCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds lines that are longer than the specified maximum line length." /> <property name="maxLineLength" value="120" /> </check> <check name="YMLStylingCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Applies rules to enforce consistency in code style." /> </check> <check name="YMLWhitespaceCheck"> <category name="Styling" /> <description name="Finds missing and unnecessary whitespace in `.yml` files." /> <property name="allowLeadingSpaces" value="true" /> </check> </source-processor> </source-formatter>
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