.scala-fortify_3. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2016-2024 Akka, Inc. All rights reserved.
* No information contained herein may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
* or by any means without the express written permission of Akka, Inc.
package com.lightbend.tools.fortify.plugin
class Twirl(content: String) {
/** If this Scala source contains a Twirl source map, return a Some of the template file path,
* else return None.
def originalPath: Option[String] =
// the remainder of the code is copy-and-pasted from TwirlCompiler.scala
// in playframework/twirl. it's simple code that rarely changes, so
// copy-and-paste seems okay to me, since the alternative is to put Twirl
// on the user's compile-time classpath, yuck to that.
lazy val meta: Map[String, String] = {
val Meta = """([A-Z]+): (.*)""".r
val UndefinedMeta = """([A-Z]+):""".r
Map.empty[String, String] ++ {
try {
content.split("-- GENERATED --")(1).trim.split('\n').map { m =>
m.trim match {
case Meta(key, value) => (key -> value)
case UndefinedMeta(key) => (key -> "")
case _ => ("UNDEFINED", "")
catch {
case _: Exception => Map.empty[String, String]
lazy val matrix: Seq[(Int, Int)] = {
for (pos <- meta("MATRIX").split('|').toSeq; c = pos.split("->"))
yield try {
Integer.parseInt(c(0)) -> Integer.parseInt(c(1))
catch {
case _: Exception => (0, 0) // Skip if MATRIX meta is corrupted
lazy val lines: Seq[(Int, Int)] = {
for (pos <- meta("LINES").split('|').toSeq; c = pos.split("->"))
yield try {
Integer.parseInt(c(0)) -> Integer.parseInt(c(1))
catch {
case _: Exception => (0, 0) // Skip if LINES meta is corrupted
def mapPosition(generatedPosition: Int): Int = {
matrix.indexWhere(p => p._1 > generatedPosition) match {
case 0 => 0
case i if i > 0 => {
val pos = matrix(i - 1)
pos._2 + (generatedPosition - pos._1)
case _ => {
val pos = matrix.takeRight(1)(0)
pos._2 + (generatedPosition - pos._1)
def mapLine(generatedLine: Int): Int = {
lines.indexWhere(p => p._1 > generatedLine) match {
case 0 => 0
case i if i > 0 => {
val line = lines(i - 1)
line._2 + (generatedLine - line._1)
case _ => {
val line = lines.takeRight(1)(0)
line._2 + (generatedLine - line._1)
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