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package scalasql.core
import scalasql.core.SqlStr.SqlStringSyntax
import scalasql.core.{Context, ExprsToSql}
import java.sql.ResultSet
* Typeclass to indicate that we are able to evaluate a query of type [[Q]] to
* return a result of type [[R]]. Involves two operations: flattening a structured
* query to a flat list of expressions via [[walkLabelsAndExprs]], and reading a JSON-ish
* tree-shaped blob back into a return value via [[valueReader]]
trait Queryable[-Q, R] {
* Whether this queryable value is executed using `java.sql.Statement.getGeneratedKeys`
* instead of `.executeQuery`.
def isGetGeneratedKeys(q: Q): Option[Queryable.Row[?, ?]]
* Whether this queryable value is executed using `java.sql.Statement.executeUpdate`
* instead of `.executeQuery`. Note that this needs to be known ahead of time, and
* cannot be discovered by just calling `.execute`, because some JDBC drivers do not
* properly handle updates in the `.execute` call
def isExecuteUpdate(q: Q): Boolean
* Returns a sequence of labels, each represented by a list of tokens, representing
* the expressions created by this queryable value. Used to add `AS foo_bar` labels
* to the generated queries, to aid in readability
def walkLabels(q: Q): Seq[List[String]]
* Returns a sequence of expressions created by this queryable value. Used to generate
* the column list `SELECT` clauses, both for nested and top level `SELECT`s
def walkExprs(q: Q): Seq[Expr[?]]
def walkLabelsAndExprs(q: Q): Queryable.Walked = walkLabels(q).zip(walkExprs(q))
* Whether this query expects a single row to be returned, if so we can assert on
* the number of rows and raise an error if 0 rows or 2+ rows are present
def isSingleRow(q: Q): Boolean
* Converts the given queryable value into a [[SqlStr]], that can then be executed
* by the underlying SQL JDBC interface
def renderSql(q: Q, ctx: Context): SqlStr
* Construct a Scala return value from the [[Queryable.ResultSetIterator]] representing
* the return value of this queryable value
def construct(q: Q, args: Queryable.ResultSetIterator): R
object Queryable {
type Walked = Seq[(List[String], Expr[?])]
class ResultSetIterator(r: ResultSet) {
var index = 0
var nulls = 0
var nonNulls = 0
def get[T](mt: TypeMapper[T]) = {
index += 1
val res = mt.get(r, index)
if (r.wasNull()) nulls += 1
else nonNulls += 1
* A [[Queryable]] that represents a part of a single database row. [[Queryable.Row]]s
* can be nested within other [[Queryable]]s, but [[Queryable]]s in general cannot. e.g.
* - `Select[Int]` is valid because `Select[Q]` takes a `Queryable.Row[Q]`, and
* there is a `Queryable.Row[Int]` available
* - `Select[Select[Int]]` is invalid because although there is a `Queryable[Select[Q]]`
* available, there is no `Queryable.Row[Select[Q]]`, as `Select[Q]` returns multiple rows
trait Row[Q, R] extends Queryable[Q, R] {
def isGetGeneratedKeys(q: Q): Option[Queryable.Row[?, ?]] = None
def isExecuteUpdate(q: Q): Boolean = false
def isSingleRow(q: Q): Boolean = true
def walkLabels(): Seq[List[String]]
def walkLabels(q: Q): Seq[List[String]] = walkLabels()
def renderSql(q: Q, ctx: Context): SqlStr = {
ExprsToSql.apply(this.walkLabelsAndExprs(q), ctx, sql"SELECT ")
def construct(q: Q, args: ResultSetIterator): R = construct(args)
def construct(args: ResultSetIterator): R
* Takes the Scala-value of type [[R]] and converts it into a database-value of type [[Q]],
* potentially representing multiple columns. Used for inserting Scala values into `INSERT`
* or `VALUES` clauses
def deconstruct(r: R): Q
object Row extends scalasql.core.generated.QueryableRow {
private[scalasql] class TupleNQueryable[Q, R <: scala.Product](
val walkLabels0: Seq[Seq[List[String]]],
val walkExprs0: Q => Seq[Seq[Expr[?]]],
construct0: ResultSetIterator => R,
deconstruct0: R => Q
) extends Queryable.Row[Q, R] {
def walkExprs(q: Q): Seq[Expr[?]] = {
.map { case (v, i) => (i.toString, v) }
.flatMap { case (prefix, vs0) => vs0 }
def walkLabels(): Seq[List[String]] = {
.map { case (v, i) => (i.toString, v) }
.flatMap { case (prefix, vs0) => { k => prefix +: k } }
def construct(args: ResultSetIterator) = construct0(args)
def deconstruct(r: R): Q = deconstruct0(r)
implicit def NullableQueryable[Q, R](
implicit qr: Queryable.Row[Q, R]
): Queryable.Row[JoinNullable[Q], Option[R]] = new Queryable.Row[JoinNullable[Q], Option[R]] {
def walkLabels() = qr.walkLabels()
def walkExprs(q: JoinNullable[Q]) = qr.walkExprs(q.get)
def construct(args: Queryable.ResultSetIterator): Option[R] = {
val startNonNulls = args.nonNulls
val res = qr.construct(args)
if (startNonNulls == args.nonNulls) None
else Option(res)
def deconstruct(r: Option[R]): JoinNullable[Q] = JoinNullable(qr.deconstruct(r.get))