calasql-core_3.0.1.5.source-code.Expr.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalasql.core
import scalasql.core.SqlStr.SqlStringSyntax
* A single "value" in your SQL query that can be mapped to and from
* a Scala value of a particular type [[T]]
trait Expr[T] extends SqlStr.Renderable {
private[scalasql] final def renderSql(ctx: Context): SqlStr = {
protected def renderToSql0(implicit ctx: Context): SqlStr
override def toString: String =
throw new Exception("Expr#toString is not defined. Use Expr#exprToString")
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = throw new Exception(
"Expr#equals is not defined. Use Expr#exprIdentity for your equality checks"
private lazy val exprIdentity: Expr.Identity = new Expr.Identity()
private def exprToString: String = super.toString
* Some syntax like `for` comprehensions likes to generate spurious `Expr(true)`
* clauses. We need to mark them as such so we can filter them out later during
* code generation
protected def exprIsLiteralTrue: Boolean = false
object Expr {
def isLiteralTrue[T](e: Expr[T]): Boolean = e.exprIsLiteralTrue
def toString[T](e: Expr[T]): String = e.exprToString
def identity[T](e: Expr[T]): Identity = e.exprIdentity
class Identity()
implicit def ExprQueryable[E[_] <: Expr[?], T](
implicit mt: TypeMapper[T]
): Queryable.Row[E[T], T] = new ExprQueryable[E, T]()
class ExprQueryable[E[_] <: Expr[?], T](
implicit tm: TypeMapper[T]
) extends Queryable.Row[E[T], T] {
def walkLabels(): Seq[List[String]] = Seq(Nil)
def walkExprs(q: E[T]): Seq[Expr[?]] = Seq(q)
override def construct(args: Queryable.ResultSetIterator): T = args.get(tm)
def deconstruct(r: T): E[T] = Expr[T] { implicit ctx: Context =>
def apply[T](f: Context => SqlStr): Expr[T] = new Simple[T](f)
implicit def optionalize[T](e: Expr[T]): Expr[Option[T]] = {
new Simple[Option[T]](e.renderToSql0(_))
class Simple[T](f: Context => SqlStr) extends Expr[T] {
def renderToSql0(implicit ctx: Context): SqlStr = f(ctx)
implicit def apply[T](
x: T
)(implicit conv: T => SqlStr.Interp): Expr[T] = {
def apply0[T](
x: T,
exprIsLiteralTrue0: Boolean = false
)(implicit conv: T => SqlStr.Interp): Expr[T] = new Expr[T] {
override def renderToSql0(implicit ctx: Context): SqlStr =
new SqlStr(Array("", ""), Array(conv(x)), false, Array.empty[Expr.Identity])
protected override def exprIsLiteralTrue = exprIsLiteralTrue0