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calasql-query_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalasql.query
import scalasql.core.{JoinNullable, Queryable, Expr, WithSqlExpr}
* Wrapper class with extension methods to add support for `JOIN LATERAL`, which
* allow for `JOIN` clauses to access the results of earlier `JOIN` and `FROM` clauses.
* Only supported by Postgres and MySql
class LateralJoinOps[C[_, _], Q, R](wrapped: JoinOps[C, Q, R] & Joinable[Q, R])(
implicit qr: Queryable.Row[Q, R]
) {
* Performs a `CROSS JOIN LATERAL`, similar to `CROSS JOIN` but allows the
* `JOIN` clause to access the results of earlier `JOIN` and `FROM` clauses.
* Only supported by Postgres and MySql
def crossJoinLateral[Q2, R2, QF, RF](other: Q => Joinable[Q2, R2])(
implicit ja: JoinAppend[Q, Q2, QF, RF]
): C[QF, RF] =
JoinOps.join0(wrapped, "CROSS JOIN LATERAL", other(WithSqlExpr.get(wrapped)), None)
* Performs a `JOIN LATERAL`, similar to `JOIN` but allows the
* `JOIN` clause to access the results of earlier `JOIN` and `FROM` clauses.
* Only supported by Postgres and MySql
def joinLateral[Q2, R2, QF, RF](other: Q => Joinable[Q2, R2])(on: (Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean])(
implicit ja: JoinAppend[Q, Q2, QF, RF]
): C[QF, RF] =
JoinOps.join0(wrapped, "JOIN LATERAL", other(WithSqlExpr.get(wrapped)), Some(on))
def leftJoinLateral[Q2, R2](other: Q => Joinable[Q2, R2])(
on: (Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean]
)(implicit joinQr: Queryable.Row[Q2, R2]): Select[(Q, JoinNullable[Q2]), (R, Option[R2])] = {
wrapped.asInstanceOf[SimpleSelect[Q, R]],
)((e, o) => (e, JoinNullable(o)))
* Version of `crossJoinLateral` meant for use in `for`-comprehensions
def crossJoinLateral[Q2, R2](): FlatJoin.Mapper[Q, Q2, R, R2] = {
val (from, expr) = Joinable.toFromExpr(wrapped)
new FlatJoin.Mapper[Q, Q2, R, R2]("CROSS JOIN LATERAL", from, expr, None, Nil)
* Version of `joinLateral` meant for use in `for`-comprehensions
def joinLateral[Q2, R2](on: Q => Expr[Boolean]): FlatJoin.Mapper[Q, Q2, R, R2] = {
val (from, expr) = Joinable.toFromExpr(wrapped)
new FlatJoin.Mapper[Q, Q2, R, R2]("JOIN LATERAL", from, expr, Some(on(expr)), Nil)
* Version of `leftJoinLateral` meant for use in `for`-comprehensions
def leftJoinLateral[Q2, R2](on: Q => Expr[Boolean]): FlatJoin.NullableMapper[Q, Q2, R, R2] = {
val (from, expr) = Joinable.toFromExpr(wrapped)
new FlatJoin.NullableMapper[Q, Q2, R, R2](