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calasql-query_3.0.1.5.source-code.SimpleSelect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalasql.query
import scalasql.core.{
import scalasql.core.SqlStr.{Renderable, SqlStringSyntax}
import scalasql.renderer.JoinsToSql
* A `SELECT` query, with `FROM`/`JOIN`/`WHERE`/`GROUP BY`
* clauses, but without `ORDER BY`/`LIMIT`/`TAKE`/`UNION` clauses
class SimpleSelect[Q, R](
val expr: Q,
val exprPrefix: Option[Context => SqlStr],
val preserveAll: Boolean,
val from: Seq[Context.From],
val joins: Seq[Join],
val where: Seq[Expr[?]],
val groupBy0: Option[GroupBy]
)(implicit val qr: Queryable.Row[Q, R], protected val dialect: DialectTypeMappers)
extends Select[Q, R] {
protected def copy[Q, R](
expr: Q = this.expr,
exprPrefix: Option[Context => SqlStr] = this.exprPrefix,
preserveAll: Boolean = this.preserveAll,
from: Seq[Context.From] = this.from,
joins: Seq[Join] = this.joins,
where: Seq[Expr[?]] = this.where,
groupBy0: Option[GroupBy] = this.groupBy0
)(implicit qr: Queryable.Row[Q, R]) =
newSimpleSelect(expr, exprPrefix, preserveAll, from, joins, where, groupBy0)
def selectWithExprPrefix(preserveAll: Boolean, s: Context => SqlStr): Select[Q, R] =
this.copy(exprPrefix = Some(s), preserveAll = preserveAll)
def aggregateExpr[V: TypeMapper](
f: Q => Context => SqlStr
)(implicit qr2: Queryable.Row[Expr[V], V]): Expr[V] = {
Expr[V] { implicit outerCtx: Context =>
.copy(expr = Expr[V] { implicit ctx: Context =>
val newCtx = ctx.withFromNaming(outerCtx.fromNaming ++ ctx.fromNaming)
protected def selectToSimpleSelect() = this
def map[Q2, R2](f: Q => Q2)(implicit qr: Queryable.Row[Q2, R2]): SimpleSelect[Q2, R2] =
copy(expr = f(expr))
def flatMap[Q2, R2](
f: Q => FlatJoin.Rhs[Q2, R2]
)(implicit qr2: Queryable.Row[Q2, R2]): Select[Q2, R2] = {
def rec(
thing: FlatJoin.Rhs[Q2, R2],
joinOns: Seq[Join],
wheres: Seq[Expr[Boolean]]
): Select[Q2, R2] = thing match {
case other: FlatJoin.MapResult[Q, Q2, R, R2] =>
val otherJoin = Join(other.prefix, Seq(Join.From(other.from, other.on)))
joinCopy0(other.f, joinOns ++ Seq(otherJoin), other.where ++ wheres)
case other: FlatJoin.FlatMapResult[Q, Q2, R, R2] =>
val otherJoin = Join(other.prefix, Seq(Join.From(other.from, other.on)))
rec(other.f, joinOns ++ Seq(otherJoin), wheres ++ other.where)
rec(f(expr), Nil, Nil)
def filter(f: Q => Expr[Boolean]): Select[Q, R] = {
if (groupBy0.isEmpty) copy(where = where ++ Seq(f(expr)))
else copy(groupBy0 = => g.copy(having = g.having ++ Seq(f(expr)))))
def join0[Q2, R2, QF, RF](
prefix: String,
other: Joinable[Q2, R2],
on: Option[(Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean]]
implicit ja: JoinAppend[Q, Q2, QF, RF]
): Select[QF, RF] = { joinCopy(other, on, prefix)(ja.appendTuple(_, _))(ja.qr) }
protected def joinCopy0[Q3, R3](
newExpr: Q3,
newJoins: Seq[Join],
newWheres: Seq[Expr[Boolean]]
implicit jqr: Queryable.Row[Q3, R3]
): SimpleSelect[Q3, R3] = {
// If this doesn't have a `groupBy` yet, then we can simply append another join. Otherwise
// we have to wrap `this` in a subquery
if (groupBy0.isEmpty) {
expr = newExpr,
exprPrefix = exprPrefix,
joins = joins ++ newJoins,
where = where ++ newWheres
} else {
expr = newExpr,
joins = newJoins,
where = newWheres
def leftJoin[Q2, R2](other: Joinable[Q2, R2])(
on: (Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean]
)(implicit joinQr: Queryable.Row[Q2, R2]): Select[(Q, JoinNullable[Q2]), (R, Option[R2])] = {
joinCopy(other, Some(on), "LEFT JOIN")((e, o) => (e, JoinNullable(o)))
def rightJoin[Q2, R2](other: Joinable[Q2, R2])(
on: (Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean]
)(implicit joinQr: Queryable.Row[Q2, R2]): Select[(JoinNullable[Q], Q2), (Option[R], R2)] = {
joinCopy(other, Some(on), "RIGHT JOIN")((e, o) => (JoinNullable(e), o))
def outerJoin[Q2, R2](other: Joinable[Q2, R2])(on: (Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean])(
implicit joinQr: Queryable.Row[Q2, R2]
): Select[(JoinNullable[Q], JoinNullable[Q2]), (Option[R], Option[R2])] = {
joinCopy(other, Some(on), "FULL OUTER JOIN")((e, o) => (JoinNullable(e), JoinNullable(o)))
def aggregate[E, V](
f: Aggregatable.Proxy[Q] => E
)(implicit qr: Queryable.Row[E, V]): Aggregate[E, V] = {
val aggregateProxy = f(new Aggregatable.Proxy[Q](expr))
val copied = this.copy(expr = aggregateProxy)
new Aggregate[E, V](
implicit ctx => copied.renderSql(ctx),
r => Query.construct(copied, r).head,
def mapAggregate[Q2, R2](
f: (Q, Aggregatable.Proxy[Q]) => Q2
)(implicit qr: Queryable.Row[Q2, R2]): Select[Q2, R2] = {
val aggregateProxy = f(expr, new Aggregatable.Proxy[Q](expr))
this.copy(expr = aggregateProxy)
def groupBy[K, V, R1, R2](groupKey: Q => K)(
groupAggregate: Aggregatable.Proxy[Q] => V
)(implicit qrk: Queryable.Row[K, R1], qrv: Queryable.Row[V, R2]): Select[(K, V), (R1, R2)] = {
val groupKeyValue = groupKey(expr)
val Seq(groupKeyExpr) = qrk.walkExprs(groupKeyValue)
val newExpr = (groupKeyValue, groupAggregate(new Aggregatable.Proxy[Q](this.expr)))
// Weird hack to store the post-groupby `Select` as part of the `GroupBy`
// object, because `.flatMap` sometimes need us to roll back any subsequent
// `.map`s (???)
lazy val groupByOpt: Option[GroupBy] = Some(GroupBy(groupKeyExpr, () => res, Nil))
lazy val res =
if (groupBy0.isEmpty) this.copy(expr = newExpr, groupBy0 = groupByOpt)
expr = newExpr,
exprPrefix = exprPrefix,
from = Seq(this.subqueryRef),
joins = Nil,
where = Nil,
groupBy0 = groupByOpt
def sortBy(f: Q => Expr[?]): Select[Q, R] = {
newCompoundSelect(this, Nil, Seq(OrderBy(f(expr), None, None)), None, None)
def asc: Select[Q, R] = throw new Exception(".asc must follow .sortBy")
def desc: Select[Q, R] = throw new Exception(".desc must follow .sortBy")
def nullsFirst: Select[Q, R] = throw new Exception(".nullsFirst must follow .sortBy")
def nullsLast: Select[Q, R] = throw new Exception(".nullsLast must follow .sortBy")
def compound0(op: String, other: Select[Q, R]) = {
val op2 = CompoundSelect.Op(op, Select.toSimpleFrom(other))
newCompoundSelect(this, Seq(op2), Nil, None, None)
def drop(n: Int): Select[Q, R] = newCompoundSelect(this, Nil, Nil, None, Some(n))
def take(n: Int): Select[Q, R] = newCompoundSelect(this, Nil, Nil, Some(n), None)
protected def selectRenderer(prevContext: Context): SimpleSelect.Renderer[?, ?] =
new SimpleSelect.Renderer(this, prevContext)
protected def selectExprAliases(prevContext: Context) = {
ExprsToSql.selectColumnReferences(qr.walkLabelsAndExprs(expr), prevContext)
protected def joinCopy[Q2, R2, Q3, R3](
other: Joinable[Q2, R2],
on: Option[(Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean]],
joinPrefix: String
)(f: (Q, Q2) => Q3)(implicit jqr: Queryable.Row[Q3, R3]) = {
val (otherJoin, otherExpr) = joinInfo(joinPrefix, other, on)
joinCopy0(f(expr, otherExpr), otherJoin, Nil)(jqr)
override protected def queryConstruct(args: Queryable.ResultSetIterator): Seq[R] = {
object SimpleSelect {
def joinCopy[Q, R, Q2, R2, Q3, R3](
self: SimpleSelect[Q, R],
other: Joinable[Q2, R2],
on: Option[(Q, Q2) => Expr[Boolean]],
joinPrefix: String
)(f: (Q, Q2) => Q3)(implicit jqr: Queryable.Row[Q3, R3]) = {
self.joinCopy(other, on, joinPrefix)(f)
def getRenderer(s: SimpleSelect[?, ?], prevContext: Context): SimpleSelect.Renderer[?, ?] =
class Renderer[Q, R](query: SimpleSelect[Q, R], prevContext: Context)
extends SubqueryRef.Wrapped.Renderer {
lazy val flattenedExpr = query.qr.walkLabelsAndExprs(query.expr)
lazy val froms = query.from ++ query.joins.flatMap(
implicit lazy val context: Context = Context.compute(prevContext, froms, None)
lazy val joinOns = => SqlStr.flatten(Renderable.renderSql(t)))))
lazy val exprsStrs = {
ExprsToSql.selectColumnSql(flattenedExpr, context).map { case (k, v) =>
sql"$v AS ${SqlStr.raw(context.config.tableNameMapper(k))}"
lazy val filtersOpt = SqlStr.flatten(ExprsToSql.booleanExprs(sql" WHERE ", query.where))
lazy val groupByOpt = SqlStr.flatten(SqlStr.opt(query.groupBy0) { groupBy =>
val havingOpt = ExprsToSql.booleanExprs(sql" HAVING ", groupBy.having)
sql" GROUP BY ${groupBy.key}${havingOpt}"
def render(liveExprs0: LiveExprs) = {
val liveExprs = if (query.preserveAll) LiveExprs.none else liveExprs0
val exprStr = SqlStr.flatten(
SqlStr.join( {
case ((l, e), s) if liveExprs.isLive(Expr.identity(e)) => s
val innerLiveExprs = LiveExprs.some(
exprStr.referencedExprs.toSet ++
filtersOpt.referencedExprs ++
groupByOpt.referencedExprs ++
val (renderedFroms, joins) = JoinsToSql.renderLateralJoins(
lazy val exprPrefix = SqlStr.opt(query.exprPrefix) { p => p(context) + sql" " }
val tables = SqlStr
.join(, SqlStr.commaSep)
sql"SELECT " + exprPrefix + exprStr + sql" FROM " + tables + joins + filtersOpt + groupByOpt