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'use strict';

$(function () {
  // TODO(anuraag): Set debug information in server.
  var TTEXT_MIME_TYPE = 'application/x-thrift; protocol=TTEXT';
  var UNFRAMED_GRPC_JSON_TYPE = 'application/json; charset=utf-8; protocol=gRPC';

  var specification = {};
  var navTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#nav-template').html());
  var methodTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#method-template').html());
  var namedTypeTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#namedType-template').html());

  var methodContainer = $('#method');
  var namedTypeContainer = $('#namedType');

  var previousFragmentPath = null;

  $.getJSON('specification.json', function (data) {
    specification = processSpecification(data);


  $(window).on('hashchange', function () {

  function processSpecification(specification) {
    // See for the structure of 'specification'
    specification = indexSpecification(specification);
    specification = setSimpleNameAndPackageName(specification);
    specification = updateDocStrings(specification);
    specification = escapeDocStrings(specification);
    return specification;

  // Adds the indices that enables fast lookup.
  function indexSpecification(specification) {
    var process = function(e) {
      specification.indices.namedTypes[] = e;

    specification.indices = {}; = {};
    specification.indices.namedTypes = {}; {[] = e;

    return specification;

  // Sets the simple name and package name of a service or a named type.
  function setSimpleNameAndPackageName(specification) {
    var process = function(e) {
      e.simpleName = simpleName(;
      e.packageName = packageName(;
    return specification;

  // Sets the docstrings of service method parameters or struct fields from the '@param' tags.
  function updateDocStrings(specification) { {
      svc.methods.forEach(function(m) {
        var childDocStrings = parseParamDocStrings(m.docString);
        m.docString = removeParamDocStrings(m.docString);
        m.parameters.forEach(function(p) {
          if ( in childDocStrings) {
            p.docString = childDocStrings[];

    // TODO(trustin): Handle the docstrings of enum values.
    specification.enums.forEach(function(e) {
      e.docString = removeParamDocStrings(e.docString);


    return specification;

  function updateStructDocStrings(structs) {
    // TODO(trustin): Handle the docstrings of return values and exceptions.
    structs.forEach(function(s) {
      var childDocStrings = parseParamDocStrings(s.docString);
      s.docString = removeParamDocStrings(s.docString);
      s.fields.forEach(function(f) {
        if ( in childDocStrings) {
          f.docString = childDocStrings[];

  function simpleName(fullName) {
    var lastDotIdx = fullName.lastIndexOf('.');
    return lastDotIdx >= 0 ? fullName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1) : fullName;

  function packageName(fullName) {
    var lastDotIdx = fullName.lastIndexOf('.');
    return lastDotIdx >= 0 ? fullName.substring(0, lastDotIdx) : '';

  // FIXME(trustin): Get this done on the server side.
  function parseParamDocStrings(docString) {
    var parameters = {};
    if (docString != null) {
      var pattern = /@param\s+(\w+)[\s\.]+(({@|[^@])*)(?=(@[\w]+|$|\s))/gm;
      var match = pattern.exec(docString);
      while (match != null) {
        parameters[match[1]] = match[2];
        match = pattern.exec(docString);
    return parameters;

  function removeParamDocStrings(docString) {
    if (docString == null) {
      return null;
    return docString.replace(/@param .*[\n\r]*/mig, '');

  function escapeDocStrings(node) {
    if (node instanceof Array) {
      for (var idx in node) {
    } else if (node instanceof Object) {
      if (node.docString) {
        var docString = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(node.docString);
        docString = docString.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '
'); node.docString = new Handlebars.SafeString(docString); } for (var key in node) { escapeDocStrings(node[key]); } } return node; } function render(uri) { var fragmentUri = uri.fragment(true); var path = fragmentUri.pathname(); if (path == previousFragmentPath) { // Path hasn't changed so don't re-render (probably just updated link // for sharing debug requests). return; } previousFragmentPath = path; resetClasses(); var hashSplit = path.split('/'); var prefix = hashSplit[0]; var mapping = { 'function': function (serviceName, methodName) { // For backward compatibility renderMethod(serviceName, methodName); }, 'method': function (serviceName, methodName) { renderMethod(serviceName, methodName); }, 'namedType': function (typeName) { renderNamedType(typeName); } }; if (mapping[prefix]) { mapping[prefix].apply(this, hashSplit.slice(1)); } else { renderHome(); } } function resetClasses() { $('').removeClass('active'); $('.main .content').addClass('hidden'); $('').collapse('hide'); } function renderNav() { $('.sidebar').html(navTemplate({specification: specification})); } function renderHome() { $('#home').removeClass('hidden'); } function renderMethod(serviceName, methodName) { if (! { return; } var serviceInfo =[serviceName]; // Do a sequential search because we did not build an index for methods. var methodInfo = serviceInfo.methods.find(function(m) { return === methodName; }); if (methodInfo == undefined) { return; } processMethod(methodInfo); makeActive('nav-method-' + serviceName + '/' + methodName); // Get the elements for the HTTP headers and its stickiness before applying the template, // because they will be replaced when the template is applied. var oldDebugHttpHeadersText = methodContainer.find('.debug-http-headers'); var oldDebugHttpHeadersSticky = methodContainer.find('.debug-http-headers-sticky'); methodContainer.html(methodTemplate({ 'service': serviceInfo, 'method': methodInfo })); var debugHttpHeadersText = methodContainer.find('.debug-http-headers'); var debugHttpHeadersSticky = methodContainer.find('.debug-http-headers-sticky'); var debugText = methodContainer.find('.debug-textarea').val( Array.isArray(methodInfo.exampleRequests) ? methodInfo.exampleRequests[0] : ''); if (':checked')) { debugHttpHeadersSticky.prop('checked', true); debugHttpHeadersText.val(oldDebugHttpHeadersText.val()); } else { var exampleHttpHeaders = serviceInfo.exampleHttpHeaders; if (exampleHttpHeaders.length > 0) { // TODO(trustin): Allow choosing from the example list. debugHttpHeadersText.val(JSON.stringify(serviceInfo.exampleHttpHeaders[0], null, 2)); } else { debugHttpHeadersText.val(''); } } var debugResponse = methodContainer.find('.debug-response code'); // Sets 'debug-http-headers' section var collapser = methodContainer.find('.debug-http-headers-collapser'); var toggleCollapser = function() { collapser.toggleClass('opened');'toggle'); }; { toggleCollapser(); }); var submitDebugRequest = function () { var argsText; var httpHeadersText = ''; var httpHeaders = {}; // Validate arguments. try { var args = JSON.parse(debugText.val()); // Use the JSON parser for validation. if (typeof args !== 'object') { debugResponse.text("Arguments must be a JSON object.\nYou entered: " + typeof args); return false; } // Do not use the parsed JSON but just a minified one not to lose number precision. // See: argsText = JSON.minify(debugText.val()); } catch (e) { debugResponse.text("Failed to parse a JSON object in the arguments field:\n" + e); return false; } // Validate HTTP headers. try { if (debugHttpHeadersText.val()) { httpHeaders = JSON.parse(debugHttpHeadersText.val()); if (typeof httpHeaders !== 'object') { debugResponse.text("HTTP headers must be a JSON object.\nYou entered: " + typeof httpHeaders); return false; } httpHeadersText = JSON.minify(debugHttpHeadersText.val()); if (httpHeadersText === '{}') { httpHeadersText = ''; } } } catch (e) { debugResponse.text("Failed to parse a JSON object in the HTTP headers field:\n" + e); return false; } var method = methodInfo.debugFragment ? methodInfo.debugFragment + ':' + :; var request = methodInfo.debugMimeType === TTEXT_MIME_TYPE ? '{"method":"' + method + '","type":"CALL","args":' + argsText + '}' : argsText; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: methodInfo.debugPath, data: request, beforeSend: function (xhr) { Object.keys(httpHeaders).forEach(function (name) { var values = httpHeaders[name]; if (!Array.isArray(values)) { // Values is a single item, so set it directly. xhr.setRequestHeader(name, values); } else { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, values.join()); } }); }, contentType: methodInfo.debugMimeType, dataType: 'text', success: function (response) { var result = response.length > 0 ? response : "Request sent to one-way function"; debugResponse.text(result); hljs.highlightBlock(debugResponse.get(0)); // Set the URL with request var uri = URI(window.location.href); // NB: Reusing the fragment object returned by URI.fragment() will cause stack overflow. // Related issue: uri.fragment(true).removeSearch('http_headers'); uri.fragment(true).removeSearch('http_headers_sticky'); uri.fragment(true).setSearch('args', argsText); if (httpHeadersText.length > 0) { uri.fragment(true).setSearch('http_headers', httpHeadersText); if (':checked')) { uri.fragment(true).setSearch('http_headers_sticky'); } } window.location.href = uri.toString(); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { debugResponse.text(errorThrown); } }); return false; }; methodContainer.find('.debug-submit').on('click', submitDebugRequest); methodContainer.removeClass('hidden'); // Get the parameters ('args' and 'http_headers') from the current location. // Note that we do not use URI.js here to avoid parsing JSON. function getParameterByName(name) { var matches = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(?:=([^&]*)|&|$)').exec(window.location.href); if (matches) { if (matches[1]) { return decodeURIComponent(matches[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } else { return 'true'; } } return undefined; } var argsText = getParameterByName('args'); if (argsText) { try { JSON.parse(argsText); debugText.val(JSON.prettify(argsText)); } catch (e) { // Invalid JSON debugText.val(argsText); } var httpHeadersText = getParameterByName('http_headers'); if (httpHeadersText) { try { JSON.parse(httpHeadersText); debugHttpHeadersText.val(JSON.prettify(httpHeadersText)); } catch (e) { // Invalid JSON debugHttpHeadersText.val(debugHttpHeadersText); } } else { debugHttpHeadersText.val(''); // Remove the default value if set } debugHttpHeadersSticky.prop('checked', getParameterByName('http_headers_sticky') === 'true'); methodContainer.find('.debug-textarea').focus(); } // Open debug-http-headers section when a value is set if (debugHttpHeadersText.val()) { toggleCollapser(); } } function processMethod(methodInfo) { methodInfo.parameters.forEach(function(p) { p.typeSignatureHtml = getTypeSignatureHtml(p.typeSignature); }); methodInfo.returnTypeSignatureHtml = getTypeSignatureHtml(methodInfo.returnTypeSignature); methodInfo.exceptionTypeSignaturesHtml = []; methodInfo.exceptionTypeSignatures.forEach(function(e) { methodInfo.exceptionTypeSignaturesHtml.push(getTypeSignatureHtml(e)); }); methodInfo.endpoints.forEach(function(endpoint) { processPath(methodInfo, endpoint); }); } function processPath(methodInfo, endpointInfo) { var availableMimeTypes = endpointInfo.availableMimeTypes; for (var idx = 0; idx < availableMimeTypes.length; idx++) { var mimeType = availableMimeTypes[idx]; if ((mimeType === TTEXT_MIME_TYPE || mimeType === UNFRAMED_GRPC_JSON_TYPE) && methodInfo.debugPath == undefined) { methodInfo.debugPath = endpointInfo.path; methodInfo.debugMimeType = mimeType; if (mimeType === TTEXT_MIME_TYPE) { methodInfo.debugFormatLink = 'TText'; } else if (mimeType === UNFRAMED_GRPC_JSON_TYPE) { methodInfo.debugFormatLink = 'Protobuf'; } if (typeof endpointInfo.fragment === 'string') { methodInfo.debugFragment = endpointInfo.fragment; } else { methodInfo.debugFragment = ''; } } if (mimeType === endpointInfo.defaultMimeType) { availableMimeTypes[idx] = '' + mimeType + ''; } } } function getTypeSignatureHtml(typeSignature) { return escapeTag(typeSignature).replace( new RegExp('(?:\\w+\\.)+\\w+', 'g'), function (typeParamName) { if (!specification.indices.namedTypes.hasOwnProperty(typeParamName)) { return simpleName(typeParamName); } var typeParamInfo = specification.indices.namedTypes[typeParamName]; return '' + typeParamInfo.simpleName + ''; }); } function escapeTag(value) { return value.replace(//g, '>'); } function makeActive(id) { $(document.getElementById(id)).addClass('active'); } function escapeSelector(value) { return value.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/[/]/g, '\\/');; } function renderNamedType(typeName) { if (!specification.indices.namedTypes.hasOwnProperty(typeName)) { return; } var info = specification.indices.namedTypes[typeName]; if (info.hasOwnProperty('fields')) { info.fields.forEach(function(f) { f.typeSignatureHtml = getTypeSignatureHtml(f.typeSignature); }); } makeActive('nav-namedType-' + typeName); namedTypeContainer.html(namedTypeTemplate({'info': info})); namedTypeContainer.removeClass('hidden'); } });

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