.uniform.core_sjs1_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ltbs.uniform
import scala.language.higherKinds
import cats.~>
/** Provides a mechanism to convert between two higher kinded types.
* This is commonly used to interleave other types into an
* interpreted uniform journey (for example API calls returning a
* Future[A] could be mapped to WebMonad[Html, A] in an
* interpretation targetting WebMonad[Html, *]).
* If the journey contains convert(x: E[A]) then there must be an
* implicit Converter[E, F, A] in scope when interpreting to the F
* higher kinded type.
* The most general way is to use a natural transformation E ~> F
* (from all possible A convert E[A] to F[A]), which will be
* implicitly converted into an Converter as needed
* The intermediate form is to use a function from E[A] => F[A],
* which is specific to the type A, and could differ from E[B] =>
* F[B] in implementation. As with a natural transformation this will
* be converted as needed.
* The least general form is to extend Converter, this makes it
* possible to change the way the conversion is handled by key as
* well as by datatype.
* {{{
* implicit val converter = new Converter[List, Option, Int] {
* def apply(key: String, in: () => List[Int]): Option[Int] =
* key match {
* case "reverse" => in().lastOption
* case _ => in().headOption
* }
* }
* }}}
@annotation.implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit Converter[${E}, ${F}, ${A}], consider implementing an implicit ${E} ~> ${F} or ${E}[${A}] => ${F}[${A}] unless you need fine control.")
trait Converter[E[_], F[_], A] {
def apply(key: String, in: () => E[A]): F[A]
object Converter {
/** Create a very general converter from a natural transformation.
* {{{
* implicit def listToOpt: List ~> Option = ???
* def listToOpt1: Converter[List, Option, String] = implicitly
* def listToOpt2: Converter[List, Option, Int] = implicitly
* }}}
* @param natConv
* @return Converter
implicit def natTransformToConverter[E[_], F[_], A](implicit natConv: E ~> F): Converter[E, F, A] =
new Converter[E, F, A] {
override def apply(key: String, in: () => E[A]): F[A] = natConv(in())
/** Create a converter from a function targetting a specific type.
* {{{
* implicit def listToOpt: List[String] => Option[String] = ???
* def good: Converter[List, Option, String] = implicitly
* def bad: Converter[List, Option, Int] = implicitly // wont compile
* }}}
* @param natConv
* @return Converter
implicit def functionToConverter[E[_], F[_], A](implicit func: E[A] => F[A]): Converter[E, F, A] =
new Converter[E, F, A] {
override def apply(key: String, in: () => E[A]): F[A] = func(in())