.uniform.core_sjs1_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ltbs.uniform
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import izumi.reflect.macrortti.LightTypeTag
import izumi.reflect.Tag
import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
import cats.~>
/** Maps a journey from its abstract form into a concrete one.
* Must target a specific higher kinded type (for example, WebMonad).
* When creating your own interpreter you may be better served by
* inheriting MonadInterpreter as this already has some of the wiring
trait Interpreter[F[_], INTERACTTC[_,_], ASKLISTTC[_]] {
protected def convertImpl[E[_], A](key: String, in: () => E[A], transformation: Converter[E, F, A]): F[A] =
transformation(key, in)
def interpretImpl[H <: Needs[_,_], T: Tag, A: Tag, E[_]](
program: Uniform[H, T, A],
interactMap: Map[(LightTypeTag, LightTypeTag), INTERACTTC[_,_]],
convertMap: Map[(LightTypeTag, LightTypeTag), Any], // effectively Map[(TagE, TagA), Converter[E,A,_]]. I hope to remove this field and have it handled directly in the macros
listAskMap: Map[LightTypeTag, ASKLISTTC[_]]
): F[A]
def transform[G[_]](f: F ~> G) = {
val that = this
new Interpreter[G, INTERACTTC, ASKLISTTC] {
def interpretImpl[H <: Needs[_,_], T: Tag, A: Tag, E[_]](
program: Uniform[H, T, A],
interactMap: Map[(LightTypeTag, LightTypeTag), INTERACTTC[_,_]],
convertMap: Map[(LightTypeTag, LightTypeTag), Any],
listAskMap: Map[LightTypeTag, ASKLISTTC[_]]
): G[A] = f(that.interpretImpl[H, T, A, E](program, interactMap, convertMap, listAskMap))
/** Convert the supplied abstract journey into the target type
* @param program - the uniform journey to be interpreted
* @return the journey in it's new interpreted representation
@silent("dead code")
def interpret[H <: Needs[_,_],T, A](
program: Uniform[H, T, A]
): F[A] = macro InterpreterMacros.interpreter_impl[H, A, INTERACTTC, ASKLISTTC, F, T]