.uniform.core_sjs1_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ltbs.uniform
import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
import scala.annotation.tailrec
class InterpreterMacros(val c: blackbox.Context) {
import c.universe._
* Turn a Needs[_] type into a (List[InteractTypes], List[(ConvFrom, ConvTo)], List[AskListType])
@silent("never used") // quasiquoting seems to produce lots of false warnings
def getNeeds[H <: Needs[_, _], INTERACTTC[_,_], ASKLISTTC[_]](
implicit ttn: c.WeakTypeTag[H],
ttInteractTc: WeakTypeTag[INTERACTTC[_,_]],
ttAskListTc: WeakTypeTag[ASKLISTTC[_]]
): (List[(Type, Type)], List[(Type, Type)], List[Type]) = {
val INTERACT: TypeSymbol = symbolOf[Needs.Interact[_,_]]
val CONV = symbolOf[Needs.Convert[Any,_]]
val ASKLIST = symbolOf[Needs.AskList[_]]
ttn.tpe match {
case _: ExistentialType => (Nil, Nil, Nil)
case TypeRef(_, INTERACT, List(inta, intb)) => ((inta,intb) :: Nil, Nil, Nil)
case TypeRef(_, CONV, List(convf, conva)) => (Nil, (convf, conva) :: Nil, Nil)
case TypeRef(_, ASKLIST, List(askl)) => (Nil, Nil, askl :: Nil)
case RefinedType(parents,_) =>
parents.foldLeft((List.empty[(Type,Type)], List.empty[(Type, Type)], List.empty[Type])){
case ((iacc, convacc, alacc), x) =>
x match {
case TypeRef(_, INTERACT, List(inta, intb)) => ((inta,intb) :: iacc, convacc, alacc)
case TypeRef(_, CONV, List(convf, conva)) => (iacc, (convf, conva):: convacc, alacc)
case TypeRef(_, ASKLIST, List(askl)) => (iacc, convacc, askl :: alacc)
case _ => (iacc, convacc, alacc)
case other =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"I don't know how to extract Needs from $other (${showRaw(other)})")
def implicitMaps(
fType: Type,
types: List[Type]
): Tree = {
def inner(types: List[Type], acc: Tree): Tree = types match {
case v::x =>
val resultingType = injectType(fType, v)
inner(x, q"(implicitly[izumi.reflect.Tag[$v]].tag, implicitly[$resultingType]) :: $acc")
case Nil => acc
val s = inner(types, q"Nil")
q"Map($s :_*)"
/** Given a unary type constructor and a proper type will apply that
* type to the constructor and return the result.
* e.g. injectType(Either[?, Int], String) == Either[String, Int]
def injectType(
higherKind: Type,
inject: Type
): Type = {
val (name: Symbol, newTypeParams: List[Type]) = higherKind match {
case PolyType(param :: Nil, TypeRef(_,_,allParams)) => (
allParams.map{ case TypeRef(_,`param`,_) => inject; case x => x }
case TypeRef(_,name,_) =>
(name, List(inject))
case bad =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$bad is not of kind * -> *")
def injectType2(
higherKind: Type,
injectOne: Type,
injectTwo: Type
): Type = {
val (name: Symbol, newTypeParams: List[Type]) = higherKind match {
case TypeRef(_,name,_) =>
(name, List(injectOne, injectTwo))
case PolyType(paramA :: paramB :: Nil, TypeRef(_,_,allParams)) => (
case TypeRef(_,`paramA`,_) => injectOne
case TypeRef(_,`paramB`,_) => injectTwo
case x => x
case bad =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$bad is not of kind * -> * -> *")
implicit class RichTree(t: Tree) {
def toType: Type =
c.typecheck(q"??? : $t").tpe
// exists only for testing injectType
def coldImplicit[A, TC[_]](
implicit tta: WeakTypeTag[A],
ttn: WeakTypeTag[TC[_]]
): Expr[TC[A]] = {
c.inferImplicitValue(injectType(ttn.tpe, tta.tpe), false)
// E[A] => F[A] // where F is interpreted type (perhaps WebMonad)
// Future[A] => WebMonad[A]
/** for {
* a <- convert(callApiOne()) // Future[Int]
* b <- convert(callApiTwo()) // IO[String]
* }
def getConvMap(fType : Type, eTypes: List[(Type, Type)]): Tree = {
val mapElems = eTypes.map{
case (e: Type, a: Type) =>
q"(implicitly[izumi.reflect.TagK[${e}]].tag, implicitly[izumi.reflect.Tag[${a}]].tag) -> ((implicitly[ltbs.uniform.Converter[$e, $fType, $a]]): Any)"
case (bad, _) =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$bad is not of kind * -> * (${showRaw(bad)})")
q"Map( ..$mapElems )"
def getInteractMap(fType : Type, eTypes: List[(Type, Type)]): Tree = {
val mapElems = eTypes.map{
case (t: Type, a: Type) =>
val key = q"(implicitly[izumi.reflect.Tag[${t}]].tag, implicitly[izumi.reflect.Tag[${a}]].tag)"
val faType = injectType2(fType, t, a)
val value = q"((implicitly[$faType]))"
q"$key -> $value"
case (bad, _) =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$bad is not of kind * -> * (${showRaw(bad)})")
q"Map( ..$mapElems )"
def interpreter_impl[H <: Needs[_, _], A, INTERACTTC[_,_], ASKLISTTC[_], F[_], T](
program: Expr[Uniform[H,T,A]]
implicit ttn: WeakTypeTag[H],
ttInteractTc: WeakTypeTag[INTERACTTC[_,_]],
ttAskListTc: WeakTypeTag[ASKLISTTC[_]],
fTypeTag: WeakTypeTag[F[_]]
): c.Expr[F[A]] = {
val (interactTypes, convTypes, listTypes) = getNeeds[H, INTERACTTC, ASKLISTTC]
val interactMap = getInteractMap(ttInteractTc.tpe, interactTypes)
val listMap = implicitMaps(ttAskListTc.tpe, listTypes)
val convMap = getConvMap(fTypeTag.tpe, convTypes)
val r = q"${c.prefix}.interpretImpl($program, $interactMap, $convMap, $listMap)"