.uniform.core_sjs1_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ltbs.uniform
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import simulacrum._
import cats.data.{NonEmptyList => NEL}
import collection.immutable.ListMap
/** Can be navigated like a tree. Has a `Value` at branches and
* leaves, and edges are labelled with `Key`.
@typeclass trait TreeLike[T] {
type Key
type Value
def listSubtrees(a: T): List[Key]
def appendWith(a: T, key: Key): T
/** Add an key to the start of each existing key, effectively
* creating a new tree with the existing tree as a single
* subtree */
def prefixWith(a: T, key: Key): T
def prefixWithMany(value: T, key: List[Key]): T = {
def inner(x: T, innerKey: List[Key]): T = innerKey match {
case Nil => x
case (k::ks) => inner(prefixWith(x, k), ks)
inner(value, key.reverse)
/** gives the subtree at a given key */
def subTree(a: T, key: Key): T
def subTreeOpt(a: T, key: Key): Option[T]
/** gives the subtree at a given key */
def /(a: T, key: Key): T = subTree(a,key)
def /?(a: T, key: Key): Option[T] = subTreeOpt(a,key)
def valueAt(a: T, key: Key): Option[Value] =
valueAtRoot(subTree(a, key))
def valueAtPath(a: T, key: List[Key]): Option[Value] = {
valueAtRoot(atPath(a, key))
def valueAtRoot(a: T): Option[Value]
/** returns 'true' if there is a subtree at the given key */
def definedAt(a: T, key: Key): Boolean =
valueAt(a, key).isDefined
/** returns 'true' if there is a subtree at the given path */
def definedAtPath(a: T, key: List[Key]): Boolean =
valueAtPath(a, key).isDefined
/** returns 'true' if there is a subtree at the given path */
def definedAtRoot(a: T): Boolean =
def isEmpty(a: T): Boolean = a == empty
def isNonEmpty(a: T): Boolean = !isEmpty(a)
/** a null-graph (no verticies/K0) */
def empty: T
/** create a tree with a single vertex (a singleton graph) */
def one(in: Value): T
/** gives the subtree at a given path */
def atPath(a: T, path: List[Key]): T = {
def inner(a1: T, path1: List[Key]): T = {
path1 match {
case Nil => a1
case (x::xs) => inner(subTree(a1,x), xs)
inner(a, path)
trait TreeLikeInstances {
class MapTree[K,V] extends TreeLike[Map[List[K],V]] {
type Key = K
type Value = V
type T = Map[List[K],V]
def listSubtrees(a: T): List[Key] = a.keys.collect{
case (h::_) => h
def subTree(a: T, key: Key): T =
a.collect { case (`key`::rem, v) =>
(rem, v)
def subTreeOpt(a: T, key: Key): Option[T] =
Some(subTree(a, key)).filter(_.nonEmpty)
val empty: Map[List[K],V] = Map.empty
def one(in: Value): T = Map(List.empty[Key] -> in)
def valueAtRoot(a: T): Option[Value] = a.get(List.empty[Key])
def appendWith(a: T, key: Key): T = a.map{ case (k,v) =>
(k :+ key) -> v
def prefixWith(a: T, key: Key): T = a.map{ case (k,v) =>
(key :: k) -> v
implicit object ErrorTree extends TreeLike[ErrorTree] {
type Key = String
type Value = NEL[ErrorMsg]
def listSubtrees(a: ErrorTree): List[Key] =
def subTree(a: ErrorTree, keyPath: String): ErrorTree = {
a.flatMap { case (allPaths, errs) =>
val refinedPaths = allPaths.collect {
case (`keyPath`::rem) => rem
NEL.fromList(refinedPaths) match {
case None => Nil
case Some(p) => List(p -> errs)
def subTreeOpt(a: ErrorTree, keyPath: String): Option[ErrorTree] =
if (a.definedAt(keyPath)) Some(subTree(a, keyPath)) else None
val empty: ErrorTree = ListMap.empty
def one(in: NEL[ErrorMsg]): ErrorTree = ListMap (
NEL.one(Nil) -> in
def oneErr(in: ErrorMsg): ErrorTree = ListMap (
NEL.one(Nil) -> NEL.one(in)
def valueAtRoot(a: ErrorTree): Option[NEL[ErrorMsg]] = a.get(NEL.one(Nil))
def simplified(a: ErrorTree): Map[InputPath, ErrorMsg] = a flatMap {
case (paths, errors) =>
errors.toList.map{ error =>
(paths.head, error)
def appendWith(a: ErrorTree, key: String): ErrorTree =
a.map{ case (k,v) =>
(k.map{_ :+ key}) -> v
def prefixWith(a: ErrorTree, key: String): ErrorTree =
a.map{ case (k,v) =>
(k.map{key :: _}) -> v